Specter: Why I’ll eat the s*** sandwich

| February 9, 2009

Arlen Specter, one of the three weak-spined numbnuts in the Senate Republican caucus (the only one of three reputed to have actual balls) explains in the Washington Post this morning why he relishes the taste of that shit sandwich;

I am supporting the economic stimulus package for one simple reason: The country cannot afford not to take action.

The unemployment figures announced Friday, the latest earnings reports and the continuing crisis in banking make it clear that failure to act will leave the United States facing a far deeper crisis in three or six months. By then the cost of action will be much greater — or it may be too late.

Wave after wave of bad economic news has created its own psychology of fear and lowered expectations. As in the old Movietone News, the eyes and ears of the world are upon the United States.

So basically, Specter is making his decision based on his own emotions, not on any facts. You know, facts like the stimulus package will actually slow growth over the next 10 years, as projected by the CBO. Yeah, Specter and his fellow Democrats ignore that report. Why? Well, because this shit sandwich is the only thing on the menu;

“In politics,” John Kennedy used to say, “nobody gets everything, nobody gets nothing and everybody gets something.” My colleagues and I have tried to balance the concerns of both left and right with the need to act quickly for the sake of our country. The moderates’ compromise, which faces a cloture vote today, is the only bill with a reasonable chance of passage in the Senate.

So what if it’s not good for the country, not good for business, not good for working families – shut up and eat your shit sandwich. This is exactly why I quit sending money to the Senate Republicans – they can’t keep the girls in line. I guess I can keep my wallet shut a little longer.

Michelle Malkin has contact information to express your displeasure to the three ladies.

Category: Politics, Usual Suspects

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Can someone please explain how refurbishing an ATV park, or sending $50m to fund the NEA, or throwing $100m to ACORN even approaches the minimum of trying “balance the concerns of both left and right with the need to act quickly for the sake of our country.”. Last time I checked, a mere 7% of this POS bill was set aside for infrastructure projects, the ONLY thing I can imagine that might help slightly…where’s the other 93% of this effin’ thing going?


Sadly, no one expected anything but this from Specter.


He’s probably laying the groundwork for his run for the Presidency like the last “Maverick”.

Specter was given the leadership of the judicial committee – any doubts now as to the SCOTUS we are going to get? McConnell should pin back his ears by removing him from that committee altogther.

Never happen, and Spectre knows this.


Today I have decided to give the maximum amount allowed to whom ever runs against Specter in the primaries. I just sent his office a fax telling them he is a disgrace and my intentions to help fund his opponent.


Arlen Sphincter typifies the effing idiot mentality which will make him a perfect libtard, i.e., the ability to state with a straight face – like Obongo – that we must do something now, regardless of whether it is right or wrong… just for the sake of doing something.