George Lane; phony Force Recon
Our partners at Military Phonies share their research on this George Frederick Lane fellow who claims to be a former member of the elite Marine Corps’ Force Recon unit in Vietnam on his Linked In profile. He also claims to be a Marine Corps officer;
He was indeed in Vietnam from December 1966 until February 1968, but he was assigned to a Military Police unit, the 1st Military Police Battalion in Da Nang. He was trained in Electronic Counter Measures. He also earned two Purple Heart Medals and a Navy Achievement Medal with a Valor device. It looks like he as shot in his legs twice.
His FOIA says that he left the service as a Sergeant, not an officer like he claims on his resume. He also wears a SEAL Trident in the top picture – there’s no SEAL training in his records, either.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
Another vet that took a shit all over his previous honorable service…
Request immediate re-attack.
Cleared hot.
(multiple secondaries; phony USN/USMC jump wings and SEAL Trident go flying)
The BB Stackers are busy today.
Finally a poser Other Than SEAL (OTS).
Oh, wait…
“He also wears a SEAL Trident in the top picture – there’s no SEAL training in his records, either.”
Never mind.
Seriously, this is getting boring. Posers need to step it up and start impersonating some other branches and jobs. Still holding my breath for the first phony 88M.
Fake nukes/submariners also seem to be pretty rare.
“Yeah, there I was, eating stawberry ice cream on the shitter at test depth….”
The guy just took a fat steaming smelly shit dump on his honorable war service and military career.
No use calling him names; I’ll just turn away and shake my head and wonder WHY ???
Honorable service that included a combat deployment to Vietnam yet that wasn’t enough for him. 🙄 Maybe he meant to say that he was a Farce Raccoon. 🙄
He also has two legitimate Purple Hearts and a legitimate Navy Achievement Medal with Combat “V”.
This kind of unnecessary embellishment bullshit is simply unfathomable. It’s also sickening.
— sigh —
Exactly. How many people stayed home during that war? How many people burned their draft cards or fled to Canada? How many people honorably served but never heard a shot fired in anger? This guy was legitimately wounded in combat at a time when it was really unpopular. But now, he has to take a shit on a NAM w/ V as if that’s nothing and he has to be some Raider to merit attention. Think of the fucking Joes that humped a ruck in combat and never got an award. That’s not enough? Fuck George Lane.
Whether they engaged in combat, were at the FOB doing support, or doing combat support, Vietnam Service speaks a lot for those who served later, to include War on Terror veterans. He had a lot to be proud for, no need to embellish. 🙄
Lots of spelling errors in his docs like the word Meddal etc.
Lots of assignments and re-assignments to Comm units.
He meant to say RE-COMM not RECON.
You guys got it all wrong again.
One has to ask “why?” although no good reason can be forthcoming.
Honorable service, but for some reason it was not enough?
Wha-da-mudda- FUCK, talk about shitting all over oneself!!!
You guys and your FOIs must be causing the powers that be to dive into the shallow gene pool for employees…. Sargent?
Like the one from a few weeks back where the FOIA paperwork verified that the veteran in question had attended “Airbourne” school.
Which I guess is where CIA assassins learn to jump?
Or more likely the FOIA section of the DOD records office is staffed with BSEP dropouts. 😉
Another fornicator of fido.
So did he just disappear for 2 weeks every year from 69 to 94? Because he was working for this company the ENTIRE time and they think he was in the reserves as an officer.
Syracuse was never called Syracuse State University. In fact, Syracuse is a private (UMC) not public University.
Geez, what a Dipshit.
Besides the claim of Force Recon on his LinkedIn account, he also claims Force Recon on another resume service:
Also claims Force Recon here:
Just baffling.
I mean, as disgusting as it is, there is some logic to a couldn’t-hack-it entry level separation, or a chaptered-out druggie assuming an invented “hero” biography to cover up his shameful past. There is even some logic in a never-served draft dodger or 4F who spent the war years servicing bums for chump change in fabricating a respectable past as a way of covering up a past that is in no way respectable.
Not saying it’s OK or even acceptable, just that it makes a kind of sense.
But for a legitimate combat vet with a better-than-average military career to make up a ridiculous story almost seems to reek of mental illness or serious self-esteem issues.
And BTW I don’t care what his MOS was, he got shot twice. Unless it was a jealous husband that shot him, he’s a combat vet. 😉
You have to wonder, did this guy not think his actual story was “sexy” enough that he had to embellish?
The saddest part of this, to me, is that I can go into the Navy SEAL section of any bookstore and find a hundred gripping tales of hard charging warriors duking it out with Charlie. Those stories have become so common that after a while, they all start to look the same (maybe because so many of these guys just plagiarize from each other?)
The more I read, the more interested I am about the OTHER stories – like maybe an Electronic Counter Measure guy in an MP battalion.
Sure, maybe Charlie Sheen isn’t going to star in a movie about his life but I’d still rather read that than another “there I was, knee deep in hand grenade pins” kind of story.
Seriously dude?
You have two fucking Purple Hearts, a NAM, and service in Vietnam.
George Lane, you had no reason whatsoever to embellish to the nth degree. Instead of being remembered for your actual sacrifices you’ll be forever known as a dumbass COCKSUCKER!
Everybody wants to be an effing SEAL, just not back when you had to do real SEAL stuff that was really difficult and might get you killed.
That tweed jacket though…
Maybe he should have worn corduroy, that was Helen Keller’s favorite color!
Why be a queef?
He has a record that posers claim. But it’s not enough, he somehow feels inadequate because he wasn’t high speed low drag RECON.
Why, George, WHY?
That Releasable Info form gets an A for neatness. The “Sargeant” in the rank block kinda makes it look phony, though.
Just be glad he didn’t try to pull off “Lootinint”
Who is in the lead today at the TAH starting gate??? Is he from Florida???
2 words…….YOU SUCK
Goddamn. What else could he want for his attention itch? To be a KIA?
You piece of fucking shit.
Just like Brian Culp combat deployments Breeden desert storm and OIF. But no…. he had to be a Somalia Ranger!!!
Breeden = between
Mr. Lane, you are an ass. An ass.
Grow the f–k up right now.
Kenny Rogers just called and he wants his beard back NOW!
What the actual fuck!?!…..
2 PH and a Valour award for very real Vietnam service, and that STILL wasnt enough?????
A bona fide hero in my books, atleast without the embellishment BS.