Active duty transgender service member gets reassignment surgery
Stars & Stripes reports that the Pentagon has announced that it has paid for gender reassignment surgery for an active duty servicemember.
Defense Department spokeswoman Dana White said the surgery was done Tuesday in a private hospital and was paid for by the military’s health coverage because the doctor deemed it was medically necessary.
”Military hospitals do not have the surgical expertise to perform this type of surgery, therefore it was conducted in a private hospital,” White said, adding that because this servicemember “had already begun a sex-reassignment course of treatment, and the treating doctor deemed this surgery medically necessary, a waiver was approved by the director of the Defense Health Agency.”
Army Maj. Dave Eastburn said that waivers are required and routinely approved for medical procedures that military facilities don’t have the expertise to perform.
So we’ve begun that trip down the slippery slope.
The President had told the Pentagon to cease paying for the treatments unless the servicemember’s health was in danger. Apparently, that was the case here. I’m not a doctor, but I can’t imagine how the presence of a male appendage can put someone’s health in danger. Especially if they were born with one.
So there’s one troop who can’t be deployed for an extended period of time. Sure hope that our enemies take that into account before staging their next attack – the fact that we’re going to fill the ranks with folks who we know will be non-deployable for most of their time in uniform.
Category: Big Pentagon
And I thought we had hit bottom already and were bouncing back.
If I’m reading this correctly, you’ll be able to reach for the bottom in a few months.
Google “dead cat bounce.” 😉
Here comes the Socialized Military Experiment. “Janey get your Hand Bag!” Thought the Oath went ..Honor and Defend. Not …Honor and Defund. Actually though, I’d have no problem if they require everyone who gets to vote serve 2 years. ala Starship Troopers. Service ensures citizenship. Robert Heinlein got that right.
Well…I’d create an alternate civil service program for disabled people who don’t make the cut for active duty service.
Insofar as the Pentagon paying for gender reassignment surgery, try this: If a TG servicemember wants the DoD to cover their surgery, they agree to serve a six year active duty contract. Not only that, but they have to rate an Honorable Discharge at the end of that contract. If that TG servicemember doesn’t keep up with their end of the deal, they owe the DoD the full cost of the surgery, unless they can prove their early discharge was of no fault of their own.
“Well…I’d create an alternate civil service program for disabled people who don’t make the cut for active duty service.”
Heinlein covered that in “Starship Troopers,” too.
Heinlen…lol, great idea unless you actually have read and support the US Constitution.
Just pointing something out. Wasn’t promoting or detracting.
I gotcha…I was just remembering some of the previous go rounds here regarding the concept. 🙂
True. But you gotta admit Heilein’s ideas have a dark attraction to them.
Actually, under the original Constitution, in order to have the right to vote, you had to own land (and be a white male) but the precedent is there to re-enact limitations or requirements for such.
There are not to many ideas of Heinleins that are necessarily contrary to the Constitution.
There’s a many reasons I didn’t stipulate the “original” constitution. Figured that was kinda obvious.
I guess you forgot about the draft.
Not at all.I guess you haven’t read the conditions for such a draft or noticed we aren’t actually conscripting anyone and haven’t for a significant period of time.
There are countries you can go to if you really want to live in such a caste system. Sucks to be you if you’re not in the caste you were hoping for, comrade.
My point being drafted or not drafted, volunteered or didn’t, NPQ’d or whatever…all are citizens with equal standing and opportunity.
Waste of time/resources that will in no way sustain or increase America’s ability to wage and win war. There’s no reason to create separate and eccentric rules to bring these individuals into the armed forces.
Let’s just organize specialized units. 1st Androgynous Infantry has an interesting ring to it.
Fewer tents, bathrooms, and showers needed since it’ll all be integrated. Or do they require private tents and individual bathrooms?
That just kinda sounds phobic.
Maybe it’s time to be like Game of Thrones and just hire the “Unsullied”
They could save money on bathrooms, no need for urinals.
Or, as MAJ Don Dickinson used to say anytime something came up that was patently stupid and/or a waste of time/energy/manpower:
“What’s that got to do with killing communists?”
Instead of solemnly walking among the graves of fallen troops, I can certainly envision Ashton Carter walking among rows of groggy service members in the recovery ward in the aftermath of their tranny reassignment surgeries as he beamed with pride and shook their hands and congratulated them on their bravery and wokeness…
Maybe Patton needs to tour the recovery ward…
Now there was a man who, if anyone could, would be able to slap a penis clean off a man.
Is this where Lars has been?
If not getting his chopped off he’s probably asking ” Are you gonna eat that?” after the dong is chopped off.
At least this person had the gumption to actually go through with it…unlike so many other TG poster children.
I wonder if its (statistically likely) eventual suicide will make the news.
I doubt it will make the news, as that does not fit The Narrative.
The fact that most TGs suffer from psychological disorders is not reported, because it does not fit what The Elites wish to be true.
I think you mean “The Elites” of the homosexual advocacy movement and their Demoncrat party enablers.
Make it a requirement that their SGLI has to make the Government its sole beneficiary so when they off themselves we recoup a small part of the unnecessary cost of their self mutilation.
That would be a punitive measure taken against someone that has done nothing whatsoever wrong.
Don’t worry trannies post op have hilarious suicide rates and I’m sure when this fruit loop kills themself the world will hear about it.
Slippery slope……more like me a greased pole
Oohh… there’s that word ‘nondeplyable’.
I ran into that word so many, many times, and then I found out much later that there were LOTS of women serving over in Vietnam who weren’t nurses or donut dollies.
“deemed it was medically necessary”
Psychiatry is what is medically necessary.
Heard this question on Andrew Klaven’s show:
If women are the same as men, how can people know if they are one sex or the other? There’s not supposed to be any difference, right?
Just saw this on Stars and Stripes:
“When [a USA Today report] says we are letting people in with serious mental health conditions, with bipolar disorder, that is not true.” So says Gen. Mark Milley, the Army’s chief of staff.
So self-mutilation, bipolar disorder, depression or drug or alcohol abuse is bad.
But believing that you are actually the opposite sex of the one you were born with and wanting a doctor to chop off your pecker or give you a hysterectomy and form you a johnson from what, I don’t know – hey, that’s OK!!
self mutilation isn’t a diagnosis it’s a behavior associated most often with borderline personality disorder.
I also read a source that mentions they were not just considering the personality disorders but also mood disorders.
I haven’t actually seen a policy document though.
Oh for crying out loud….
Another ill one enabled instead of treated, sad.
TAH’s Duty TG in 5,4,3…
Photos or it didn’t happen.
Just to get it out of the way,
“Dude, nice tits”
Or Indiana Jones “He chose…wisely”
Re the surgery in question…words fail me.
So NOW if this Servicething continues to serve, will he/she continue to “need” things like say, Facial Feminization Surgery, and what if this person suddenly needs a reversal like very many transsexuals have had done?
There are always follow on procedures and dedicated use of drugs to shift the hormonal axes which of course requires monitoring and follow up. Surgery aside, this is a physician induced endocrine disorder and carries with it all the possible side effects and risks.
And, of course, a large paycheck to the doctor who deemed the procedure “medically necessary”. From us, via Uncle Sugar.
I didn’t know they could reverse a whackadickectomy. Now I’m morbidly curious: do they keep your junk on ice just in case you change your mind later?
13 months…
I think I can
I think I can
I think I can
I think I can
Hang in there.
You are almost there. You are good.
8 more years for me.
At least we have a new CINC and a new SecDef.
You and me both (at least going terminal in 13 months).
Yo, US taxpayer, remember: “Bless Our Home, It’s Christmas Almost!”
Or just use the acronym.
And I have to fucking wait 4 months to see my eye doctor…nothing will ever change cunts taking care of cunts.
My heart just breaks for what this country is beoming.
The barrel chested freedom fighters we continue to train here at SWCS(A)would restore your faith.
America:Fukk Yeah!
Chicks with d*cks guys with t*ts, Somewhere a chain of command it about to relived for cause after the first hint of any incident involving the service member(sarc).
Well, here we fucking go.
“deemed it was medically necessary”
Well, if these assholes continually use the “ladies” and get the shit kicked out of them, it would be a medical necessity.
More than likely this case was set in motion during Obunghole’s administration.
I left the Army missing 5 teeth (from a bradley rollover 14 years before I retired) because the Army couldn’t find time between deployments to replace them and wouldn’t pay a private dentist to do the work. But this freak gets their surgery approved and paid for in record time.
It’s military surgery, the soldier will probably end up getting two buttholes.
One to use and one to share.
[…] Looking For The Political Hat: California Est Omnis Divisa In Partes Tres This Ain’t Hell: Active Duty Tranny Gets Reassignment Surgery, also, Fake Marine Tony Gambino Sentenced Weasel Zippers: Police Body Cameras Reportedly Can […]
We can’t fix your hearing, teeth or eyesight but we can cut your dick off turn it inside out and make you a girl…..Government must be in charge again.
I dunno, YMMV.
I got wisdom teeth removed..later 4 crowns for mostly cosmetic reasons, necessary surgeries, and they offered a cochlear implant, but I opted not to have it.
Yeah but can I get LASIK? Hell no.
“Sorry but we don’t do that for the National Guard. Even if you have been on active duty for the last 4 years. And we don’t care that you’ll be on active duty for another 18 months. It’s policy”
Had a bunch of guys here get LASIK…I didn’t need it.
For whoever you are doing this to yourself, if you’re changing from male to female and you’re on conjugated estrogens, I sincerely hope menopause is sheer hell for you.
And now, you’ll NEVER have children, no matter which way you swing that door. No kids. No grandkids. No NOTHIN’.
Facing a future where they die lonely, without friends or family.
That is staring into the void.
Announcing this shit is just some resist shitbirds giving the finger to the president, the secdef, and sane America. There is not only no legitimate health reason to do that surgery but also no legitimate reason to announce they did it.
Hopefully Mattis is on the hunt because the officers that made these decisions need to GTFO.
Hear fucking hear. They make it sound like his dick was about to go full terminator. “It’s become self aware! For the love ofNational Security cut it off!”
The soldier in question was Infantry and was awarded the CIB in 2003 during OPERATION ANACONDA.
Dare I say it? I’m gonna say it…. Um..
He had TWO operation Anacondas?
I don’t care if he was awarded a silver star in 2003. He/it is now an effing head case that needs medication and medical care for the rest of his/its life and we taxpayers will be on the hook for it. In addition, when it leaves the service, you can bet it will be claiming a full VA disability pension for the PTS of D, which in my opinion is self-inflicted.
So the doctor thought it was necessary? Couldn’t be the butcher needed an extra half a mil. this month could it? I don’t want one penny of my tax money to go to these queer/lesbian perverts that does not change their dna one iota!
Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. Too bad this poor soul didn’t get ADMIN SEP’d or medically released and get the psychological support needed. There are actually specialists that deal with this.
What is being withheld is the % of those who were surgically treated who have no relief of emotional depressive symptoms long term. No change is suicide before OR after the surgery. Many want their “junk back”. Sorry Charlie..ooops.. Sorry Charise.
CAPT Bones USN (ret)
Is it a mental disorder, or is it the result of a near-lifetime consumption of soy products, starting with soy infant formula.
I had forgotten about that, and the deleterious effects of soy phytoestrogens, and guess what has an annual sales of about $4.0 to $5.0 billion? Soy products.
Maybe these gender dysphoric people need to have their hormone levels checked against normal levels, to see if that’s the problem.
I think this is something that needs to be researched before any more stupid things are done.
I call bullshit. The DOD says they don’t have qualified medical personnel to perform the procedure subtractadicktomy.
Pretty much every Marine and soldier are issued bayonets and/or multi-tools.
Also, General Mattis has his knife hand, which he can use remotely. Just requires a phone call.
I didn’t read anyone suggesting that a woman might have been reassigned to “male” “gender.” Oh, wait, they told us it was a SOLDIER, right… might reach different conclusions if the subject had been in the FMF….
DOUG out
The number of men seeking TG surgery is higher than the number of women looking for it.
What an utter and complete waste of taxpayer money
It’s what our gubbment does best.