Gregory Schaffer; guilty

| October 23, 2017

another fake-seal

Someone sent us a link to the news that Gregory John Schaffer has finally been convicted. We first wrote about him in 2012, he was indicted for sex with a minor and for making child pornography in 2013. According to the Hudson County, New Jersey View, he was convicted in a trial lasting three days last week. The jury deliberated for an hour and a half;

In 2010, Schaffer sexually abused a 12-year-old girl in a tow-truck office in Union City, and video recorded the abuse without her knowledge. He later stored the video recording on a laptop computer found by law enforcement in his office in Jersey City, according to court documents.

Schaffer also backed-up the video recording to another electronic storage device found in his office.

Around the same time, Schaffer also sexually abused a 14-year-old girl in a hotel room and video recorded the abuse without her knowledge. Schaffer again stored the video recording on the same laptop computer and electronic storage device that law enforcement found in his office, officials said.

Law enforcement also found additional sexually explicit videos and images of minors on Schaffer’s laptop computer and electronic storage device, authorities said.

He used his fake SEAL persona to lure the young girls into doing his bidding. According to the article, he also pretended to be a talent scout, producer and swim instructor, among other professions, on dating websites and social media. It only took them four years from his indictment to his trial. The wheels of justice.

Category: Politics

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Key throw septic tank/volcano/ocean.
Rot, daily, big jail man make you his “little girl”
Repeat. Enjoy.
/no I’m not having a stroke.

Combat Historian

Not a SEAL, but most definitely a raping pedophile. May he enjoy being continually raped by Bubba and Julio and Thor and Mr. Tiny in return…


Hopefully he will put his “Swim Instructor” talents to use by demonstrating the proper method of “Dork Snorkeling”.

jim h

they may be slow, but at least they haven’t ground to a halt….yet. fuck this guy.

now, the image is grainy, though I think ive seen it before. it appears in addition to the standard SS/BSM/PH/SEAL stuff, it appears he is wearing campaign trash for Gulf I, Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and what appears to be a nvay expy medal (navy types help me out with that?). even counting back to 2012 when the story broke, im looking at his picture and wondering…is he even old enough for all of that?

finally, I’d like to immediately motion for one of Chip’s famous WOIs. anyone else?


Well seeing as how the WOI didn’t exist for Gregy’s past posts, ….



I’ll second.




That’s 2 “Seconds” so I’ll take IDC SARC’s post as an “AYE” vote, and with that, we’ve met the conditions of TAH’s Robert’s Rules, Hey GREG, 1. Learn to breathe through the nose 2. before you go to jail, understand what “air tight” means and prepare for it. 3. GRAB YOUR ANKLES, WE’RE GOING IN DRY!!!! Wall of Insults®™ (aka, “This Ain’t Hell” Thesaurus) FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!! TACTICAL NUCLEAR ROUND OUT!!!! DANGER CLOSE!!!! MOPP LEVEL 4!!! TAKE COVER!!!!! Gregory John “Jail Johnny-On-The-Spot” Schaffer , NOT a SEAL, ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed or proven, but in some people’s opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobo’s crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, “Fowl” mouthed Chicken Fucking Chickenfucker, moral equivalent of pond scum, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS A WALKING TURD, inflamed, “Towel boy” in a gay bath house, Ambulatory verbal dissembling anus, gaping ass fungus nugget, Cambodian cunt sauce, Poopy Headed ball working asshole, Soup Sandwich, Poster-child for abortion, Swallowing Spooge Sampler, Klootviool, should be ass raped and tea-bagged, at the same time, by a Rabid Rhinoceros, shit tonguing, munching wanktoaster, cock gobbling Pigfucker, lientery steatorrhea, sperm burping, Sloshing bucket of Hippo Diarrhea, tit, Sharmouta, sniveling, codpiece licking toilet seat sniffer, lying bucket of Chihuahua shit, taintpimple, Pillow bitin pickle smoocher, Bowl of ass soup, Festering fuckwart on a sewer rat’s ass, needle dick bug fucker, Drongo, Satan even said about you, “Boy is this guy a DICK!, Sparklepony, Toilet weasel, worthless, Vice Admiral of the Narrow Seas, Blows winos behind bus stops for a nickel and gives change, jejeongsin-iya?, whore-hopping, Soppspiste Pitbulkukkforhud, stench-ridden, shiftless, monkey-buggerer, More worthless than rubber lips on a woodpecker or tits on a boar hog, moldy bowl of ratshit, would wear Richard Simmons’ used jockstrap as a facemask, useless bag of monkey fuck, dickbutt, rectum circling colon goblin, Asshole casserole, Vafanculo, People like you are the reason God doesn’t talk to us anymore, gonorrheatic urethral cliff diver, smeerlap, fud, rancid floor buffer wax spreader, both of your Grandmothers should have had… Read more »




You should add that he shouldn’t be around small dogs as well.


I’ll third it, but make it nasty, ChipNASA.



his awards displayed in order:

silver star
legion of merit
distinguished flying cross
bronze star
purple heart
air medal
joint service achievement medal
combat action ribbon
navy unit citation
meritorious unit commendation
navy expeditionary medal
national defense service medal
southwest asia service medal
Kosovo campaign medal
Afghanistan campaign medal
Iraq campaign medal
global war on terrorism service medal
sea service deployment ribbon
Kuwait liberation medal (Kuwait)
Kuwait liberation medal (Saudi arabia)
rifle marksman
pistol marksman

Although they are in the correct order of precedence, I wont even get started as to what else is wrong with all that (air medal missing a required device, AFG and IRQ missing devices, etc..)


[Jonn, the 2nd to last comment in that 2013 thread is clearly spam. No report buttons for threads back that far. Just FYI.]

Brown Neck Gaitor

Looks like he has been in the clink since 2012 when he was charged with rape of a 15 year old. He was convicted of that in 2014 to 300 months (25 years).

During that trial the govt was able to show edited versions of 4 (four) videos he had in his possession of previous assaults. So it looks these were two of the 4 videos they found.

Each production conviction has a MIN 15 year/$250k price tag on that (times 2)
The possession conviction has a max 10 year/$250k sentence to add for giggles.

By my count, I am thinking 52 years minimum (25 original-3 served+30 just for the production) before he will be polishing the trident for another go round.


I peg it at 60 years + 10 for good measure.

And these THINGS don’t care who gets hurt by what they do.

He wants to play seal, huh? Well, shark alley off the coast of South Africa is a good place to try that out on him.

Brown Neck Gaitor

Agreed PH2.

Thankfully the 15 yo told her boyfriend and started the process that got this scumbag off the streets.

It is very probable that these are not the only 3 victims. His crimes got more violent as he went along so I would propose that the videos were not the start of it, just the next step in his pathology.


New Jersey treats these sick bastards as if pedophilia is a disease that can be cured. He will be sent to the Adult Diagnostic Treatment Center where he will be coddled by civilian treatment staff members. This pedo perp will soon by filing lawsuits from his “treatment center” cell because his toilet paper is damp all on the taxpayers dime.

Brown Neck Gaitor

Disagree, REMF.

All 3 convictions are Federal. NJ gets no role in this.

He enticed the 15 yo to cross state lines. And the Feds found the videos.



Correct-a-mundo. Federal crime, prosecuted by our friends in the FBI. 🙂


Yup my bad. Fed charges not State

A Proud Infidel®™

I say either weld his cell door shut as the key is ground into dust OR just “accidentally” leave him alone among some lifers, pedophiles are better off dead.


Why waste cell space? Those gators gotta eat too. (Normally I don’t buckshot post a thread, but kiddy fiddlers just make my blood boil!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

While in lockup, remember this ode-Bend your knees and touch your toes, and I’ll show you where the wild goose goes.


Treat him to a sex-change operation, sans anesthesia or antiseptic.

Don’t even use a sharp object, rip it off of him, pour on some salt to aid clotting, then weld him in a solitary cell.


I think caulterizing with a blow torch will help clotting better.


[…] Jonn Lilyea wrote about Schaffer’s conviction Monday at the popular veterans’ blog This Ain’t Hell, which has followed the phony SEAL’s plight since he was initially outed as a […]


Someone better get the lemon Carolina creeper lube ready because bubba has a new cactus condom he wants to try.


Genpop. Immediate.


I wonder when the ACLU or someone like them will start suing states with the argument that putting pedos in gen pop is unconstitutional due to cruel and unusual punishment.

After all, NO TV is unconstitutional, apparently.


Hoping that what he experiences as an inmate is just a taste of what he’ll be experiencing in HELL when he dies…


I’d be willing to provide .45 caliber therapy for this individual. I have a cure guarantee and zero percent recidivism rate. Only one session required.

E-6 type, 1 ea

He’s not worth of a .45 round. 9mm at best, but a good ole .22lr would be about all I’d want to spend.

Roger in republic

I can handload .45 rounds for about 10 cents a round. .22’s are almost that much today. I would donate a box of .45’s if you can talk your local prison into using them on the pedo population.


I’ll donate a box of 265gn .455 DEWC handloads to the cause! Guaranteed to pop paedo heads 😉

Is this the start of a ‘Bullet Drive for kiddie fiddlers’? I hope so


I’m still waiting for the news on the Lolita Express and their clients/customers/pedophiles names come out in the regular news.
Why won’t our AG Sessions start looking into these things ???
Everybody wants this puke to get fucked, which I wholeheartedely agree with, but I really want to know more and more about those politicians, actors, CEO’s etc. and the actions they took against the young boys and girls.
These fucks literally make me sick to my stomach…
There is no punishment that is painful enough for these asswipes from my point of view…

E-6 type, 1 ea

I almost Googled that at work, haha. Probably not a good idea!


Don’t be surprised if sometime in the not too distant future the Democrats run the guy for public office. It’s a perfect match.


Schaffer/Weinstein in 2024?

Just An Old Dog

You can Wiener will be right behind them.


Attention in the prison. Now set Circle W on inmate Schaffer. I say again, Now set Circle W on inmate Schaffer.

For you landlubbers, Circle W aka Circle William, is a damage control posture. These are fittings that are normally open but are secured for protection in CBR attack. Fittings that are marked with this classification are those that provide ventilation opening to the outside of the ship.


This individual should be given the boats.


If only the triple max on Crematoria were a real prison.

+5 points to first person to get the reference.


“…You dig up a doctor, and you pay him 20 menthol Kools to do a surgical shine job on your eyeballs…”


Same series, wrong movie.

But I like the way you think.


Glad this POS is off the Street and not harming anyone else