Slats the narrow-assed SEAL

| April 22, 2012

Our buddy, Taco Bell sent us a link from his blog The SandGram to a phony SEAL he found on Don Shipley’s Facebook page;

Dude says he’s 33 years old, but he’s wearing the Kuwait Liberation Medal and the Saudi Arabia Defense Medal, so he must’ve joined when he was 12. Taco wonders what strings he had to pull for the age waiver.

He looks like he might have been a SEAL’s Q-tip once. What is it with the people in New Jersey, anyway?

Category: Phony soldiers

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Jesus, I’ve seen bigger tampons.


33? He looks like he’s 13. And, he’s from Jersey?

Buki Dobro

Little hard to tell in this picture, but it looks like he only gave himself Pistol and Rifle Marksmanship medals. Would think you would pretty much have to shoot Expert to even be considered for the Seals. Guess he was too busy working on that PhD to spend much time on the range.

Doug Sterner

He did award himself an SS and LOM. Also looks like he’s got a DFC (hard to read in photo).


The NEX must have had a sale on XL covers.


Hey! Well i’m transplanted from NY/MA and I’m fortunate to have been in the great states of MO, TX and HI as well courtesy of the Army.

Actually, 2 of my neighbors kids (and family friends) when i lived at my parents house on a cul de sac(near AT&T HQ) went into the Marines and many of their friends went as well, thank goodness a couple or so went into the Army.

I’ve found there are pockets here in Northern Jersey (many from middle class families) with strong military ties but at the same time there are many other communities here that while supportive of the Military don’t identify culturally with it and would rather see their kids do anything else.


Yeah, the trashbag on the window and the dirty mattress leaning against the wall don’t scream out “loser” or “I still live with my mother, and obviously love to play dress up.”

Somebody slap this sh*tstain…


I guess putting devices like a star or two on the NDSM is just too much work for such a brilliant mental midget.


Taco posted this ass wipe’s number, so I called it. It’s been disconnected.


Yat Yas 1833

Another one??? Why don’t they all just die?!?


And while the pic isn’t the biggest, I don’t see a GWOT award either. So just kind of curious how he’d be able to get all that fruit salad if he never went anywhere near a combat zone.

Ah well, maybe someone can ask him if they ever get to meet him.


these posing dick-eaters punishments ought to be performing the tasks they claim to have done. they wouldn’t last 5 minutes.


this guy’s listed on POWnetwork as Greg. he’s on this page, just scroll down to his name

Hack Stone

That photo may have been taken in the Honeymoon Suite of the Wally Johnson Motor Lodge on what used to be called Hill Street in Oceanside (As seen on COPS). Not that I have ever been there, just speculating.

Yat Yas 1833

Hack Tone, Hill St isn’t Hill St anymore? When did that happen? I was at Del Mar (21 area) in the ’70s.

Hack Stone

Yat Yas, they changed Hill Street to Pacific Highway back in the early 1990’s, if I recall correctly. They were trying to give a makeover to Oceanside. You know what they say, you can take the girl out of Court Street, but you can’t take those Marines pulling a train out of the girl.


Gunny Driveway, Steve Come at me Bro Jordan, this vaginal blood fart, what’s next? I am at point where, being a resident of NJ, I’ll feel obligated to carry my DD 214 with me whenever I am in my blues.

CI Roller Dude

What a chick magnet.

Cedo Alteram

#6 “I’ve found there are pockets here in Northern Jersey (many from middle class families) with strong military ties but at the same time there are many other communities here that while supportive of the Military don’t identify culturally with it and would rather see their kids do anything else.” Your describing by neck of North Jersey to a T. There are too many dumbass who don’t understand that though.

Yat Yas 1833

@16 Hack Stone, I reckon it’s time to take a road trip to show my grandkids where “Tata” served before everything is gone! Geese, back in the day there was the “Long Branch” and “Manuel’s Place” and who knows how many other dives and slop chutes!? Ah, the good old days.


Jonn, I commented this at Sandgram too, but after doing a little research a “Gregory Schaeffer”, age 35, Bayonne, NJ comes up in a people search. I think they had his name wrong, spelling it phonetically as he heard it on the phone. This seems to coincide with the info “Slats” gave on the phone, hope it’s of use in tracking him down.

Right Rev Mr. Wolf

By the looks of that room, the Mama-san was having her Duc-choi play a little dress-up…


I’m also gonna take another wild-assed guess here and say he can’t even SPELL Coronado, let alone tell anyone how to get to McP’s.


Let’s please cut this guy some slack ..

It must be very difficult being a Navy SEAL when you are smoking all day (cigs are an important part of any rigorous workout), have a thin body type and virtualy no muscle mass (physical strength is over-rated in Special Operations), while believing in no religion (or belief system for that matter), not wanting any type of relationship (with anyone), and studying all the time (a friggin’ PhD). Furthermore, this 33 year old LCDR he has accomplished much in his years of youth and most certainly will accomplish much more (as he has purchased a a cover that is about three sixes too big to accomodate his ever-expanding head). MORON!


LCDR Dr. Silver Star must need the bigger cover because he flexes his brain so much with his PhD in Bullshittery.

Valerie Conley

Come on Jonn — he has to be from North Jersey — it’s the NYC influence!! Most of my relatives are from Delaware and South Jersey — all of them legally joined the military, served admirably and never claimed to be what they weren’t — I just don’t understand people that do!

Tell TSO to be careful when you chat with him — Sharana is NOT the garden spot of Afghanistan — they can get sort of nasty down there — the insurgents that is. My prior unit was there and they had a few problems on a long term basis — RPGs, incoming fire, they just didn’t feel the love of being welcomed to the neighborhood, you know?


I was discharged in 1972 and since then I’ve encountered an never ending stream of pogues like this one. Every dirty hippie I ran into with a field jacket or a floppy was a “Nam Vet” who had “Flashbacks”. The best story was from some old hippie stoner who was living on a leaky abandoned boat. He told a story of how he became tired of the “unjust war” and how he successfully landed his F4 in a rice paddy and got high with dinks to whom he gave the aircraft for rice and water. He then made his escape into Cambodia where he lived as a village chief until he made his way home to the US in the late 70s and has since been hiding from the the military.

Just when you think you’ve heard it all, now we hear from a communist feather merchant from Kenya, disguised as an American politician claiming to be from Hawaii posing as Commander in Chief who thinks Ted Nugent is after him. Maybe the hippie was telling the truth!

Cedo Alteram

#26″Come on Jonn — he has to be from North Jersey — it’s the NYC influence!!” Then you no nothing of the North.

“Most of my relatives are from Delaware and South Jersey — all of them legally joined the military, served admirably and never claimed to be what they weren’t — I just don’t understand people that do!” Okay, shit smack nab between Philly and Atlantic city. Yeah no fuck-ups ever came from there.

Doug Sterner

Now he’s charged with raping a 15-year old girl:

Sure wish we had Stolen Valor Laws that could put guys like this out of circulation BEFORE there are more victims.


I’m just waiting for him to pull the PTSD card when they ask him why he’s a kiddy raper. At that point he deserves nothing more than a double tap.


[…] Doug Sterner sends us a link to New about this phony we posted more than a year ago; […]


[…] Doug Sterner and I pointed out to the ABC News crew and the St. Louis Tribune the other day, using Greg Schaffer as an example, we first reported on Schaffer in April, by June he had raped a 15-year-old girl. If […]


[…] may remember Slats the Narrow-assed SEAL if you’ve been around here since last year from this screen shot on a dating […]


[…] Chris sent us links to an article about Gregory Schaffer, who we nicknamed “Slats” when we first wrote about him last year. He was indicted for making child porn earlier this year. Now he’s been […]