The hypocrisy of the peace movement

| January 25, 2009

Yeah, it’s a different world. Here’s my latest Code Pink email in which they brag that they had front row seats at the Inauguration last week instead of being plopped into jail for acting up like for the 2004 Inauguration.

Jon Ward at the Washington Times confirms their front row seats;

I asked if someone in Congress had given Medea her tickets. She just smiled and said, “We do have friends.”

Yeah, they do have friends. Jodie Evans, co-founder of Code Pink has bundled donations for Obama up to $100,000. But aren’t they primarily a “peace group”? I mean it’s in their name Code Pink 4 Peace, right? So where do they stand on the rocket attacks into Pakistan last week? Nuthin’. At least I’m not the only one to notice. The Environmental Republican writes what I’ve been saying for years;

So what can we surmise from this little investigation? How about the left-wing of this country is populated with hypocritical ideologues who not only hated Bush but had a severe dislike for America. Now that they have a leader who they feel a kinship with, well, it’s all good.

Update: I also failed to mention that the new Obama administration is acting with more secrecy than Bush ever did with regard to military matters:

But, hey, all of that crap we heard from them over the last few years was good for a few front row seats at the Inauguration. How many American soldiers’ lives did they trade for those seats? Do they care?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Code Pink

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So where do they stand on the rocket attacks into Pakistan last week? Nuthin’.

Not just this, but Code Pink, when they figure out (if they figure it out), should be livid that the EO on Guantanamo and Interrogations don’t really do anything of great significance. They’re “just words” to placate the Code Pink anti-Bush constituents and fabricate an image abroad that the new Administration is making an immediate radical shift in policy from the last 8 years. Axelrod in an article in the NYTimes even admits it, talking about giving “a sense” of change, and moving forward. It’s all smoke and mirrors. CJ at a Soldier’s Perspective took a look at the language in the executive orders. The one on Guantanamo closing has so much wiggle room and legal loopholes, that it provides President Obama an “out” for such a rash decision when it hasn’t been decided what to do with the detainees, yet. And the EO on Ensuring Lawful Interrogations basically just says the same thing as the previous EO 13440 did, signed by former President Bush in 2007, and which it just revoked. Rofl!

Under Bush’s stewardship, it was a “violation of everything we believe in” and of “who we are”. Under Obama, suddenly all those “radical” Bush policies seem more “realistic” and “practical” and “it’s complex”….

When will Code Pink realize that the honeymoon’s over?


And, they went on a hunger strike? Who would have known? i don’t recall any of the pinko’s being hospitalized for starvation and dehydration, or seeing funeral notices. Guess it was just street theater, after all.


A large portion of the anti war crowd of West Chester PA is MIA these days! I know it’s cold but those of us supporting the troops, have been able to brave the temperatures and weather, and have managed a decent showing despite.

I guess when it was “Bush’s War” it was wrong and immoral, now that it’s Obambi’s war, it’s all cool, man.

Or, as you point out, with all the secrecy in his administration, they don’t realize that the war is still going on. Shhhhhhhhhh…