Weekend Open Thread

| June 9, 2017

June 9, 2017

In Your Face

Your Shot photographer Shane Gross wanted to get up close and personal with Caribbean reef sharks. He knew the sharks shy away from people, so he got inventive. “I placed my camera on a rock where I know they frequent,” he says, “and used a remote trigger to click away as they came in and bumped my camera around.”

Category: Open thread

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What is the matter with you people???

It’s the WOT, fer Pete’s sake!

And no 2/17 AirCav to determine who is who on it. Bummer1


PH: You wouldn’t have had time to be first had you been making me my Friday sammich and performing other duties as prescribed. But noooo, you’re trolling TAH and ignoring your primary duties. This will be reflected in your next eval. You can kiss anything above 2.0 goodbye.


You want a sammich? There’s stuff in the fridge for it.

2.0? Hah! Working in other than my rate does not count as extra cred the way shooting practice does.

Club Manager

I’m going to jump in here because All’Y’all obviously need something meaningful to post about. Going back to the women Marine Lt. Col. Jennifer Grieves relief and divorce issue a few days back, can you envision the separation agreement. Lt. Col Grieves gets the red dildo. Her wife gets the blue dildo with the bumps. Lt. Col. Grieves gets the Playboy magazines. Her wife gets the Penthouse magazines. Lt. Col. Grieves gets the strap on. Her wife gets the pink handcuffs. What else troops?






May Bernasty be your copilot.



Dave Hardin

You are automatically disqualified from First, you should recuse yourself from getting the honor.

Unless you are now claiming to be a Libtard, in which case everyone gets to identify as First.



Why? Because I have boobs and you don’t?
I’m sorry, Dave. I can’t open the pod bay doors. I’m concerned that you’re compromising the mission.

Dave Hardin


Geezo Pete, would you WARN someone!! For pity’s sake, that is enough to scare the hair off a tarantula.


I think I just lost my lunch.


Now that’s funny!


Yes it is!!!!




I’m stealing that


IF that thing were blue and rotated horizontally 90 degrees, it would look like a female Air Force flight cap. When they first came out, I always pinned the fold of mine so it would look like the men’s flight caps and not spread apart. You can guess what we called the unpinned, spread-apart ones, but now it’s Air Force standard to wear them that way. Every time I see one, I cringe. God help them.

Wilted Willy

Congrats Ex!!! I wasn’t abusing my F5 key today, things are a little busy with work! Today is my 48th anniversary of starting work with Mountain Bell and my career as a phone man! I can’t believe it has been 48 years already! I pray that someday I can retire!!!


Retirement is a wunnafulla thing if you have something planned for it. I did and do, and I’m making use of it.

Hang in there. The good times are coming.

Wilted Willy

Thanks Ex, I am really looking forward to it, but I still have a 9 year old grandson to raise first! I am getting too old for this crap, I can’t keep up with him any more!!

Dennis - not chevy

What do you have a young relation sit on now that phone books have gone the way of the dodo bird?


We have a little booster seat that we use for our grands. Along with some wood highchairs that I believe were first used for one of my younger siblings, survived (with re-gluing) through our 3 kiddos and 7 grands to date.


Nah. . . Sears and Roebuck or Montgomery Ward catalogs.


Well, Grandpa, the kid needs chores to do to wear him out so that when suppertime comes, he’s so hungry he’ll be too tired to kick the chair he sits in.


WW: Congrats on the 48 year mark. I highly recommend retirement … it has a lot going for it. My first retirement, from the Navy, I was kinda lost, having lived a structured life for 23 years.
The second time, from the VA, I was happy as a lark getting out of that hell hole.
I now wish I had stayed in the Navy until forced out at gunpoint. I also wish I had never worked for the VA. What a corrupt organization. The only advantage from having worked for the VA is that I fully understand why it seems to continuously get bad press. It is hosed.
Anyhoo, congrats. Think you’ve put in enough time to cash in your chips?

Hack Stone

Are you a lineman for the county?


And do you drive the main road ???
Searching for the Sun in another overload ??????


Kinda sad that we recall the lyrics and Glen Campbell can’t.




I’ll share it with you, Sapper.

Commissioner Wretched




Top Ten!


Top 10


6th distinct poster. I’m back in the game!


We need a new Determinator to decide who is first.


We’re gonna miss 2/17 for sure.


Where did 2/17 go?


Ummmm, I wasn’t paying attention (again).
Where’d 2/17 go?


Twist & OC
I honestly know nothing more than that he bid us all a fond farewell last week.

He didn’t share details.


You want a new Determinator? Okay, I’ll step up to the plate and take a swing. You may not like it, but here goes:

Sapper3307 is the legitimate First. Those personnel with administrative access (ability to contribute posts) to TAH are not eligible to become the First on the WOT. They have an inside track to knowing when/what posts are on the roster to be published and therefore have an advantage that the rank and file dickweeds are not privy to.

By saying that and now with 2/17 AirCav being absent, I have recorded Sapper3307 into the Coveted Book of Firsts for this date.

This ruling is set in stone and does not have an appeal process. So it is written, so it shall be done.


😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛


Good call, Claw, and thanks for picking up the torch.

just some feller

A Proud Infidel®™

I once again lay claim to Honorary First.

Dave Hardin

A picture is worth…


…..and all of the King’s horses and all of the King’s men couldn’t put broke dick Comey together again.



I’d have some respect for him if he hadn’t dropped investigating the harridan.


Isn’t that what some washed-up pseudo-comedienne cried the other day?

Isn’t it odd what happens when these snowflakes and unprincipled politicians run up against the real world?


Like slamming into a brick wall, isn’t it?


Cathy had it broken off in her ass and STILL didn’t have the smarts to cut her losses. It was both humorous and like watching a train wreck to see her have a breakdown. Doesn’t she have a few people with the IQ of a rock to advise her to STFU? She actually said Trump ruined her life and career and blames him for the death threats being made against her? Please, Cathy, now you’re just a groveling, lowlife PoS. Previously you were just a groveling, lowlife PoS. Oh, wait. Same, Same. Well, bye.


It’s ‘GLPoS’ squared, Chief.


Here you go, from Ace of Spades… the fix was in from the start:



Is it not weird, that people who claim to abhor Clinton, (to have supported Bernie, say) are the ones moist loudly banging the drum for this bit of Clinton disinformation?

It seems odd that supposed “independent” political types so closely align their rhetoric with the Clinton talking points.








Should have hit F5…make that 25.


Late to the party again and I’ve already First!!!-ed myself into infamy anyway so I’ll not whore myself out.


Since every weekend can use a little extra ‘BRRRRRRRTTT!’, this was an interesting article about the first use of the A-10s (part of Operation Anaconda) in the GWOT back in 2002. Figured I’d share:



Good read. Thanks LC.


Thanks for posting. A little BRRRRTT in the afternoon is always welcome!



STILL get a partial woodie watching that beast. Sane minds have prevailed since it was recently announced by the bean counters that the A10 will remain in our arsenal.


fsckity fsck

John Giduck – the turd with a face!


Holy Crap I’m Hearrrrrr ! ! !
And in one piece
103 at casa skippy and it’s only 1017
Two more hours
I’m going to fry some eggs on my sidewalk
Anybody hungry


You know something?

I haven’t deployed the Wall of Insults®™ this week.
Huh….we must be off our feed or we didn’t have enough of a shitbag this week.
Oh well, there’s always next week.
/Milky Way?


I hope this makes you feel better.




Here you go, ChipNASA. It seems that the wannabean author Chris Ford has a slam-bam-screwyouSam legal problem called wire fraud, to the tune of $650K BIG ONES. I suggest you go for the gusto!



I lay claim the position of proxy provisional first… bytches!

Silentium Est Aureum

Last (so far) and don’t really care.
Once again playing the, “Hurry up and wait” game, although these days it pays a bit better than when I was in.


after having an unfortunately placed seam on the old dress slack let go, all the folks at work got their First View of my tighty-whitey clad voluminous ass for lunch. Several lost their appetites and I think at least two, their lunch.
Ah well…coulda been my pasty cheeks.


Just read this…thought it was interesting that the Navy is looking into it:


Combat Historian

As the PACOM GWOT Historian at Camp Smith, I wrote up a fairly detailed historical report of KITTY HAWK’s conversion from a conventional carrier into a SOF platform for the initial OEF campaign in late 2001.

They worked her up in record time at Yokosuka and she became a floating base for 160th SOAR while still having a small reduced air group for self-protection. Those were interesting times…


I like the idea of resurrecting the FFG-7s instead of building more of those LCS abominations.


It’s sad we have allowed our Navy to be in the condition we today find it. Yes, it’s still an awesome force of many ships, well equipped with the best Sailors to ever have sailed the seas. NOW we’re talking about pulling from the reserve and/or scrap heap ships to get us to where we need to be per President Trump and high ranking military brass. There’s an old adage which says “There’s never enough time or money to do it right but always enough time and money to do it over.” Maybe retiring certain ships early was ill advised.


They were in a heck of a hurry to carve up Enterprise (65). Guess that maybe wasn’t so smart….

Allowing the original Enterprise to be broken up for scrap was … asinine.




“First” from this computer…


Unless otherwise OBE, I plan to grill up some jalapeno poppers for the weekend.

ODAA will probably include mowing the lawn before we lose a grandkid in there if the rain holds off. The weeks of rain on the weekends have allowed the jungle we call a yard to flourish.

The Graybeard Compound is not in the running for any recognitions from the neighborhood garden society – for the 40th year in a row.


It’s now official: Jupiter has 69 moons.


Also, the news about another fading episode from Tabby’s Star is that it was watched by many telescopes, but those who watched still don’t know if it’s a giant alien megastructure or some kind of debris cloud, or what.


Just finished reading “Tigers in the Mud” by Otto Carius.

Good read. I recommend it.


Went for my passport interview.
Never had one before.
Guy thanked me for making his job easy.
I asked how so and he said “you were born here and your parents were born here. Don’t see that too often”


Really. I find that disturbing.


That kinda sounds like how I did a career in the Army instead of the Marines.

The Marines wouldn’t take me because my parents were legally married to each other, so I had to go Army.

Took me a while to get in the Army, though. The people in Chicago couldn’t understand how somebody could be born without having a hometown to be listed. They didn’t have a clue about just what a home birth at a “Care of General Delivery RFD” address entailed./smile


I think that was much more common during the WWII generation. A lot more people have never lived in an RFD area. Few (outside of possibly AT trekkers) know about General Delivery.


“…because my parents were legally married to each other…”

Ah, so you enlisted instead of getting a commission.


Hack Stone

What the hell is Rural Free Delivery? I was familiar with RFD from the lame sequel of The Andy Griffith Show, and whenever I looked up RFD, it said Rural Free Delivery, but never explained what it is. Can you enlighten this person who grew up in the suburbs?


It means you didn’t have to have a mailbox at the post office. The guy who ran the post office would drive around to the various RFD addresses, usually including a P.O. Box #, and put the mail in the mailbox, and sometimes the newspaper was included in that if the paper was mailed to you.

Hack Stone

So, it’s just like the mailman making a delivery to your home. What a concept. Have they ever considered doing that in urban areas? Of course, that begs the question, if your mailbox had no door, would they still deliver the government contracts for software sales to your “corporate headquarters”?

Silentium Est Aureum

When I lived in Bumfuqued, Idaho as a yute, we had party line phones and my mailing address was, “Rural Route 1”.

Perry Gaskill

I’m unclear on why the induction center would have a problem, Claw. Even if you were born in a private dwelling way out in the country, and your parents were getting mail at General Delivery, the birth itself for purposes of county records would be tied to a locale. Nowadays, and things haven’t changed all that much, even the smallest locale with remote rural residents usually falls under a census designated place with a name and corresponding zip code.

It’s not as if Baby Claw and Baby Scooby were suddenly beamed down from a command ship circling in Earth orbit.

What might have happened is that the mutton-heads at the Chicago induction center decided to yank your chain because they were bored and that’s how they rolled.


There really weren’t any problems, just a pretty good laugh when I put in the Place of Birth block “RR#1, Wheatfield, Indiana”

I didn’t see anything wrong with that, seeing as how that was the same entry my Father had put in the block when he was inducted in April 1941.

But you know the old joke. “Why were you born in a wheat field?” and you tell them that it was January in northern Indiana and the guide rope from the outhouse to the farmhouse was snowed over./smile


What? You have to have an interview to get a passport now?


You have to make an appointment first.

Frankie Cee

“Interview”? That must be something new. I have had a passport for over 40 years. No interview on the initial, nor on the renewals My Conceal Carry was more difficult to get than a passport.
Sidenote; Having no need to fly, I have only been into 6 other countries, all by boat, and the boats were all Sportfishers. The easiest to clear into, and out of, was Cuba, (took “Safe Haven” there, 14 times, as US private vessels are not allowed to go there, per US Gov). Cuba feels that since the US doesn’t recognize their sovereignty, that they won’t recognize the US’, and decline to stamp our passports. Most difficult to enter is the USA, on return. For Returns to the US, for the past 8 years, I have also had a “Passport Card”, for use when entering from land or sea. That saves a lot of time.

Frankie Cee

While we are out and about, enjoying the freedom afforded the law abiding American Citizen, Kyle Christopher Barwan, Stolen Valorist and general “useless asshole”, has been in the Polk County Florida, County Jail, courtesy of Sheriff, “No Slack” Grady Judd. Barwan’s only freedom has been that on odd numbered nights, he gets to choose whether to “bite the pillow”, or stretch his throat. Bubba is soooo kind to him.

Hack Stone

At least he can fulfill his lifelong dream of being a June Prison Bride. He has to be a homosexual (not that there’s anything wrong with that) that misses being plowed in the ass every night. Why else would he immediately violate the conditions of his release from jail and go back doing what got him arrested in the first place?


So Kyle Christopher Barwan, the fake and fraud is still enjoying the Bob-wire hotel
Just imagine if he could take all that energy go out and find a job and get a life instead
Of ripping people off with his Stolen Valor

Hack Stone

He doesn’t con these women in order to survive, he does it because he enjoys conning money out of women who can’t afford. I don’t anything about his victims, but I would bet my last MRE that a majority of them are in the lower socioeconomic class living paycheck to paycheck. He won’t stop. He can’t stop. It’s in his nature. That’s obvious by the way that he immediately returned to committing his frauds as soon as he was released last time. The next time he gets released, maybe some fine upstanding Florida citizens can take him out to the swamps and he can see the alligators up close. Real close.

Frankie Cee

“It’s in his nature”. Yes, it is. Kyle Barwan’s brother, who signs himself; Joshua Completely Blank Barwan, agrees, and said:
“He is an idiot.. That is true and he has messed up a bit and deserves everything he gets, but telling the one person who is most upset that he is this way, pry isn’t a smart thing to do. I wish he could change, but he cant and wont. Kills me its like this. You comimg to me excited about getting him locked up and super excited sounding, means you wanna try and pick a fight with me. If thats the case, ill be morr than happy to rock it on the pavement. My brother might be a little bitch, but im not! Ill surely bite a persons nose, ear, eyes, etc out if thats what i gotta do. I dont play fair and i dont lose! My drive is that of the hulk. I will destroy anyone that comes to me like you have done. Looking me up and telling the shit i knew way before anyone, isn’t very smart. I apologise for being agressive, but you rub off like you have asshole stamped across your forehead. Idk ypu and dont want to. Stay off my messages and do what you must, but understand i have your name and your whereabouts.”


So Kyle Christopher Barwan is a habitual Piece of 💩
Good Copy

Frankie Cee

Just so that the bunch of you don’t get the idea that I am “Superhuman” or anything Godly, above error, I offer this little detail of life with Frankie Cee:
“I really screwed myself up on Wednesday. I had to go to the pasture and get the 3 horses so the farrier could work on their hooves. He called when he was just a few minutes away, instead of an hour or so, as planned, and I was in sandals. Rather than take the time to put on closed shoes, I walked out, had one, and leading her, the 2nd one was following along, but the 3rd was still grazing. I was turned, calling to her, and not paying attention, and the horse that I was holding stood on my foot. I was smart enough not to pull out and rip it, but her weight on it busted at least the two toes next to my big toe, and probably a bone or two just behind them. Today one toe is really deep purple, and the other is pretty black and blue. I am a dummy. I know better than to be around them in sandals.”
“If yer gonna be stupid, ya gotta be tough.” I must be one of the toughest, baddest MoFo’s out there. Shit, that hurts.

A Proud Infidel®™

DAMN that hurts just thinking about it, I hope you heal up soon and well, Frankie!


Horses have a way of doing things like that…
they will find the stupid and punish it every time…
Speaking from my own experience…

A Proud Infidel®™

Joey is driving either a red pickup or a white van.


The steaks are on the grill. I say again, the steaks are on the grill.
That is all.


Is Sabrina still running with Joey?

A Proud Infidel®™

SREYWAL scramble code change to PDQ KP at Q hour Zulu plus seven and a half, Miller Time!

A Proud Infidel®™



Do you guys understand JFRCon, or do I have to spell it out for you?


Had appointments today at Navy Hospital and interacted with some junior HM. One was HM3 with 17 ribbons including CAR. The 17 do not include the multiples of Navy Achievement and Navy Commendation, of which he had six. Yes, six in just over four years. Said he was recently returned from Afghanistan. I asked his NEC. He’s an 8404, which is Corpsman with about 8 (?) weeks training to serve with Grunts. I went through Pendleton in 70. I asked his plans. He said in less than thirty days he would be a happy civilian. I asked why happy, and he said only thing in his future as an 8404 was another tour in Iraq or Afghanistan. I suggested he look into some other schools: X-Ray, Lab, Pharmacy, Nuclear Medicine, etc. Nope, he’s getting out. Troubles me to see those I consider to be potentially good Sailors get out. I know … it’s not for everyone, but there is STILL a lot to be said for making a career out of the Navy. I miss my collateral duties as Senior Enlisted Advisor (SEA Daddy) and Career Counselor. I don’t think, though, another hour or so with this Sailor would have altered his outcome. Something to think about.

Any know if HM Field Med School, NEC 8404 is still 8 weeks? Is it still given only at Pendleton?

Hack Stone

I was just glad that I had Marines that would serve their enlistment. Four, five or six years of Honorable Service is all that we can expect of them. Anything beyond that is a bounus for the service. I have seen some SNCO’s and officers take it as an insult to them and the Corps if a Marine decides to separate. Thank them for serving, give them a handshake and send them off, knowing that they are more mature career wise, financially and emotionally than when they entered.

Silentium Est Aureum

I hated that when I got out. I got the usual, “You’re going to struggle, the civilian world isn’t like the military,” spiel.

Throughout the process, my internal reaction was, “How the fuck would YOU know, asshole?”

And suffice to say, my success after the military is in large part due to my success while I was in, and on a much larger scale, a fact for which I am eternally grateful.

MSGT Richard Deiters USMC(Retired)

Don’t know about how long the Field Medic school is, But my Nephew went Navy and ended up as a Corpsman. When initial training was over he was assigned to Naval Hospital, Beuford, SC. Since the Majority of Patients are MARINES he had additional order to report to Camp Lejeune for the FMF Medic course. He ended up as a Respiratory Therapist. and got out. Then when the first Gulf War started he was recalled to duty and reassigned back to Beuford. All he did was go home shave, get a haircut, press a set of whites and shine his shoes and return to work on Monday. Later on when he returned to Ohio he decided to join the Reserves and the only unit he could find in need of an FMF Corpsman was Heavy Weapons Co. 3rd. Bn., 25 Marine Regiment. His unit was activated for a tour in Iraq in 2005. He has since moved on to a Navy reserve unit and made HMC.


I thought that all Army, Navy, and Air Force medics went through Ft Sam Houston now for their initial medic school, but I could be wrong.


No, Navy Corpsmen don’t go to Ft Sam…They go to Hospital Corps School initially and then if serving the Marines FMSS.

MARSOC Corpsmen (SARCs) they do Corps School and FMSS and a host of other schools for their NEC.

SEALS now send their people to Special Operations Combat Medic School (SOCM)and those folks don’t have to even be Corpsmen


“Is it still given only at Pendleton?”

No FMSS is at Pendleton and Camp Johnson (I went there)and as far as I know is currently 8 weeks in length.

Hack Stone

Following the success of being a corporate sponsor of The Fyre Festival, as the Director of Media Relations, I am issuing a press release that the proud woman owned business that I work for is a corporate sponsor at this weekend’s Capital Pride Parade in Washington DC. Be sure to come out and see our float, A Tribute To Spandex. Rumor has it that Elaine Ricci just may show up.

Silentium Est Aureum

Lemme guess. The Grand Marshall vehicle is going to be an old, rusty, oil-spewing Jaguar.

Hack Stone

Why, yes. Yes it is.

A Proud Infidel®™

Is that the parade whose governing body refused to allow a pro-Trump float?


Will Bradly Manning be riding the bike without a seat?

Green Thumb

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls.


Actor and Army veteran Adam West has died at 88.



John Robert Mallernee

I’m not sure where to post this.

Nationwide protests against Islamic law now happening.
