Saturday morning feel good stories

| June 10, 2017

From Norfolk, Virginia;

The man said five to six guys walked up the stairs to the apartment and then kicked in the door to the apartment. But, he said, instead of scoring what they wanted, they got some “hot ones” – bullets.

This morning, residents of the building walked by bullet holes in the wall and on the ceiling above a stairway.

Police got multiple calls for shots heard at the Breezy Point Apartments in the 8600 block of Glen Myrtle Ave, and when they got there, they found a man suffering from an apparent gunshot wound. He died at the scene.

Wilted Willy sends a link to a story in Indianapolis, Indiana that Ex-PH2 will enjoy;

“I tried to call the police at first, but they put me on hold, and I said, ‘Well this ain’t going to work,’” [Cynthia Kootz] said. “Well, then the guy says, ‘Well I’m getting in whether anybody likes it or not,’ so I’m calling and trying to get a hold of the police department still had me on hold.”

Kootz said the man pushed open the screen window and reached for the door handle.

“[Ms. Kootz’ cat) Binky went after him, and I think Binky just bit him once then because Binky turned around and ran off,” she said. “Well, I thought he ran into the house.”

But Binky, who is declawed, didn’t go very far. Kootz said the man tried reaching for the door handle again.

“Well, next thing I knew Binky took off again, and this time he tore the guy’s hand and arm up,” he said. “This time he held onto that guy; all I seen was fur going up.”

Police arrived on scene and arrested 41-year-old Earl Scruggs.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee

Some residents are protected with a firearm and shoot and kill invaders. Others might use their attack cat to keep the bad ones away. Whatever works, I suppose.


Damned good Cat!! I would see he eats his favorite foods from now on!! lol

Hack Stone

His accomplice Lester Flatt was able to escape. Probably hiding out in a mansion in Beverly Hills.


Ernest Tubb had an alibi.

The Old Maj

Cat bites are nasty. Wonder if he will get an infection?

Jon The Mechanic

We can only hope.

The important thing is that the cat makes a full recovery and doesn’t require any treatment for biting unvaccinated vermin.


Lester Flatt could not be reached for comment.

John Robert Mallernee

This is not the first and/or only time this has happened.

I remember quite a few years ago (in the ‘Seventies?) when a burglar broke into an elderly lady’s house, and was driven away by the cat attacking him.

I think it might have been back East somewhere (i.e., I live “out West”, so that’s why I say, “back East”), maybe New York or Pennsylvania?

Does anyone else remember that incident, which was reported nationwide in the news?


There’s a book called “Homer’s Odyssey” a true story about a blind cat that was adopted by a woman who essentially saved his life.

One night her apartment was broken into and she woke up with the intruder in her bedroom. Well, Homer didn’t take to kindly to that and when the intruder spoke to tell the girl not to scream, he jumped at the guy’s face and went to town.

Yeah, cats can be pretty protective of their owners.


It has tasted blood…..


Good on Binky. He certainly deserves a bowl of kitty grass, some catnip and an appropriately elegant blanket.