Manning to stay in the Army after release

MustangCryppie was the first to send us a link from USAToday which reports that the Army is obligated by law to keep Brad Manning, the traitor and spy, on the roles during his appeal of his conviction after he gets released from prison on his presidential-commuted sentence;
While Manning’s court-martial conviction remains under appeal, she will remain a private in the Army, said Dave Foster, an Army spokesman. As an active duty soldier, Manning will continue to receive health care and have access to commissaries and military exchanges, but she will not be paid.
“Pvt. Manning is statutorily entitled to medical care while on excess leave in an active duty status, pending final appellate review,” Foster said.
The Army refused to disclose the other terms of Manning’s release, six years before her eligibility for parole, citing privacy concerns. She had been sentenced to 35 years for releasing hundreds of thousands of secret documents to WikiLeaks. Manning appeared at court martial in the uniform of an enlisted man.
Like all soldiers, Manning will be assigned to an Army post but it is unclear where and to whom she will report.
Apparently there are classes of people who get a different kind of justice in this country than the rest of us.
Category: Army News
I can send Brad a sexual reassignment do it yourself kit…no problemo
1. Small Scissors, rusty, 1 pair OR One (1) Razor blade, Rusty.
2. Band-aid, Size Small, One Each.
3. Bactine, Small Bottle, One each.
4. Tourniquet, Cervical, Manila Hemp, 1 each.
Of course. WTF was I thinking?
You’ve not castrated many goats, have you?
May I offer a modification?
1. Scissors, rusty, 1 set
2. Cigarette lighter, Bic, disposable
No other tools required
Unfortunately, that may be part of his “health care package”. Thanks, Obama!
The only thing keeping me sane is this thought: what if he did not want to be a woman. Act like a sniveling bitch, we turn you into one.
What’s this ‘she’ and ‘her’ crap….IT is a he and if you don’t believe it, do a dna test. the IT will ALWAYS BE A HE/it!!!
Ugh! Stop with the “she” nonsense! He will never be a woman. Cutting your pecker off doesn’t make you a woman, it just makes you a dude without a pecker.
What he said
“There are no chicks with dicks! Only guys with tits!” – Ted
If it’s got a dick, IT AIN’T a Chick!”
And cutting your balls off doesn’t make you a woman, it makes you a eunuch. 🙄
This is not something that I take, or write lightly, but in my personal opinion Bradley Manning should find some last shred of honor and slit his own wrists. He is a traitorous dog. Mark my words, I guarantee he will be forever on the public dole, in one way or another, and blaming the US Army for his problems. It’s better for all if he just took the matter in hand and committed suicide.
Not gonna happen. The, as I call them, “Attempts to remain relevant” (attempted suicides) were just that, to remain relevant to followers of his twitter feed.
There will be too much popularity and too large a fan-base for Manning to do the “honorable” thing. I don’t think anyone can point to Manning being honorable at any point, so it isn’t something to be expected.
“Mark my words, I guarantee he will be forever on the public dole, in one way or another, and blaming the US Army for his problems.”
Roger that. His only hope is to be hired by the government civil service. Hey, that’s an idea. He could be a check in clerk at a VA clinic. Yeah, yeah, my luck, I’ll end up with him. Oh, he will probably be milked for all he’s worth by every fruitcake, feel good LGBT organization until he fulfills his usefulness. Then he goes under the bus with all the other worthless pieces of shit who have fulfilled their usefulness. Probably, though, there will be a lifetime of welfare, aid for this, aid for that, housing benefits, SNAP, free shit for life, etc.
So he has PX/Commissary benefits? Yeah, I can see him going to either place. I’m thinking he might experience a slip-and-fall if he hangs around REAL military personnel.
Some are a blight on humanity by their existence. IT falls into this category.
His only hope is to be hired by the government civil service.
hahahaha…bite me 🙂
“Oh, he will probably be milked for all he’s worth by every fruitcake, feel good LGBT organization”, not gonna make the obvious link. Oh hell, Brad would love to get ‘milked’.
I kinda doubt it. Remember Cindy Sheehag?
As soon as her 15 minutes were up, she was cast aside and forgotten, and so will this turd.
I’m not so sure, SEA.
I’ve got the feeling that this thing is going to be fêted for a considerable period of time by the Hollyweirdos and all of the other nutcases who are currently in vogue on the liberal left.
Before we know it, it’ll be appearing on all of the daytime TV talk shows such as ‘Ellen’, ‘Oprah’, ‘The View’, etc., where it’ll perch happily upon Caitlyn Jenner’s knee and all of the TV hosts and other guests will gush at it endlessly about its ‘courage’ and its ‘strength’.
And all of this gaudy celebratory fanfare will of course be followed by book and TV mini-series deals, commercial endorsements for feminine beauty products, and ultimately it will get its own afternoon TV talk show on MSNBC: ‘Chatting with Chelsea’.
The idiot who made the decision to take the death penalty “off the table” in Manning’s case did the nation a great disservice.
Screw this turncoat bastard – figuratively speaking, of course.
not sure it is totally off the table except officially. Not that he is going to be a mobile free-fire zone, but I’m not sure I would want to eat in the same establishment without some very stout walls between me and it.
Me, I think his dick delete should be done at VA – but I want the bitch who did my first knee to do him.
As I titled my email to Jonn with the link to this story, this is
This is all so he can get his gender “reassignment” surgery on the cheap. I’m sure the last thing he wants to be is in the Army.
And does anyone think that he will win his appeal? Well, I guess stranger things have happened. Like letting this traitorous fuck stay in our military!!!!
hopefully they’ll expedite the appeal and drag their feet with the evaluations, workup, preop, scheduling etc while he’s processed out.
I dunno. You think princess would trust the VA with that kind of surgery? I wonder what the wait time is…
“Like all soldiers, Manning will be assigned to an Army post but it is unclear where and to whom she will report.”
This guy is gonna be upset when Bradley, that is HE takes over his job:
If only I could get that job for my last few years….
The sad thing is, those jobs are still around aplenty after the “King Barry Reduction Plan” happened, but at the same time they cut thousands of personnel and positions that actually did shit.
Perhaps it will benefit from ACAP. Or bunk buddy with Bergturd.
The stupidity of the legal system in this country boggles the mind.
First Aaron Hernandez’s conviction overturned because he offed himself, now this.
The founding fathers would kick us in the nuts today if they saw all they worked for reduced to this.
I do not think these words mean what they think they mean.
So we get to support this self-serving asswipe for how many more years?
One can only hope that when he’s neutered, the veterinarian cuts the nuts and leaves the hot dog on the platter.
I’d like to imagine the following exit interview for Manning when he hits the gates at Leavenworth:
Warden: Bradley, you little psycho, now that we’re letting you go, we’ve got some good news and some bad news.
Manning: What’s the good news?
Warden: You’ll remain on active duty with full medical, PX and Commissary privileges pending your appeal.
Manning: Cool. What’s the bad news?
Warden: Your new assignment is FOB Mofo in Kissmyassistan…
Is Diego Garcia still the worst assignment in the military? Or would that be Adak, AK? Send this sniveling bit of used kleenex some place where he’s surrounded by miles and miles of nothing, and the wind howls like a banshee from October through June, and then July and August are pure hell on Earth.
Funny thing. My uncle was a Chaplain on Adak back in the 80s. I heard some fairly vague stories about it that were disconcerting.
I knew plenny of guys who begged to go to Adak. They were big sportsmen and I guess it’s great for fishin’ and huntin’.
Now, if you wanted to make a P-3 Flight Engineer break out in a cold sweat, all you had to do was whisper the phrase, “We’re gonna land in Adak” in their ear. Not much fun.
Shemya. It’s not the asshole of the world, but you can smell it from there. I spent a year there one weekend.
What made Shemya worse was when the Base Commander told us we could not trade whiskey for crabs from the occasional boat that made it out that far.
I do have to admit that Shemya had an AWESOME chow hall. Guess it helped keep the natives quiet.
There were guys on that rock who had been there for YEARS. They all had pictures on their desks of their Porsches and their paid off homes. Caught one guy rubbing the pic of his car with a dreamy look on his face. LOL.
In order to keep their thin hold on sanity, their company forced them to leave the island for 45 days each year. Some of the guys bitched about it too.
Oh, I’m just curious. What language did the crab fishermen speak?
Just askin’. Could have been Rooskie!
One night, a University of Alaska research vessel dropped anchor by the dock. Some of the crew snuck onto the island and were met by a friend of mine. He said he enjoyed a roll in the hay with one of the women. I chalked it up to another war story. The Base Commander would not have been amused.
Do you remember the big steel ball in front of the “big house”? I was convinced it kept Shemya from floating away. I tried to pull that plug and float that boat (Shemya is too small to be an island; it must be a boat)to a more suitable clime.
Minot ND.
I guess it’s perception. Minot is not far from any of the multitude of wildlife centers in North and South Dakota, including the Audubon Center near Lake Sakakewea at Washburn. I’d go there in a heartbeat, just for the migration route itself.
Spent most of my 22 1/2 years in the AF at Minot AFB. I volunteered to go there twice to get away from worse(IMHO)places. Met the wife there, got married to her there, raised the brood there. We’re still together after 33 years. Headed up there in a couple of weeks to see the changes since we retired in 1999.
Would like to visit some old commands. Bethesda, Long Beach, San Diego and Orlando are out of the question … far too many people and too much traffic. Not going back to Guam or Okinawa. But would like to see Millington and a few others. That would be neat. Wonder what became of the Navy Hospital in Millington? Probably a government health care facility of some type. Spent four years there. My best duty station but not my best tour of duty. There is a difference to me.
You read my thoughts! My brother was stationed in Adak. He brought back a pebble from the beach as a souvenir. It weighs over 10 lbs. (He’s a bit quirky).
On the down side, in a place like that, he/she could become quite popular.
I remember reading a story about some AF types leaving Thule- they were presented with a shoebox full of Thule dirt. When they said they would treasure it as a remembrance of their tour their, the presenter allegedly said “remembrance, hell – we figure if we give the place away long enough it will vanish and we can all go home.”
I only spent one day passing through Diego Garcia, but as I remember it, the beaches are way too beautiful to be the worst assignment. Remote, sure, but I can imagine far worse places to be. Yuma, for example….
It has improved greatly from the early days of Quonset huts and not much else.
I got airlifted there from USS America in the North Arabian Sea. While waiting to fly out to Japan, we had to work casuals. Nothing much to it. Show up for muster and do some BS work for about an hour, then disappear.
However, one of the guys who flew down with us was on “take it or lose it” leave. The powers that be still made him show up for casuals. The Chief didn’t give a shit. It was HIGH-larious!
There’s always McMurdo or Thule.
The worst assignment would be someplace, anyplace, where he’s not the center of attention at all times.
Don’t worry, I’m sure poodle dick will be along shortly to tell us that Bradley served his time and we’re all a bunch of haters.
DO YOU HAVE to conjure Babbles McButthead?
(Smoke clears.)
Hai guys!!!
What’s going on in this thread?!
Nice entrance. I give it a 9.4
But the Russian judge fucked him over and gave him a 8.2.
And he says we don’t need to fear the commies…(pfft.)
I don’t ‘hate’ him. I hate very few people. Let’s say I genuinely dislike him b/c I believe he is a traitorous whore and a waste of space. Oh, and oxygen. He’s using oxygen I might need one day. Maybe ‘genuine dislike’ is same same as hate. IDK
Okay, ask yourself this:
Would you waste the squirt of piss it would take to put him out if he was on fire?
Me, I’d call out, “WEENIE ROAST!!!”
Is there an MOS for IED Excavator trainee?
If he’s going to have to pay for his own gender reassignment surgery, I think crack whore in training is a much better option. Not that he’s ever going to go through with it. The transginger thing was just a ploy for sympathy, which worked.
In other news, crack whore is no longer listed as the worst job in the country. That honor now goes to assistant crack whore.–paraphrasing Norm MacDonald.
That’s OK. There are a lot of shitters that need to be cleaned in the military. With his tongue of course.
Scutwork is a good idea. Hopefully he’ll disobey an order, go AWOL or otherwise trip up and amass new charges.
Its the same as when a cop follows someone. They don’t have to do anything but wait and a driver will screw up and make a mistake that causes them to be pulled over.
Oh, yes! I used to do it all the time. The easiest one was the younguns who hung their graduation tassels from their rearview mirrors. “Obstruction of Windshield”.
Usually happens in about 4 blocks, according to one study done a long time ago.
So IT is on a scam for whatever IT can get, at least IT is held to the terms of ITS Sentence saying “Forfeiture of all pay” but IT gets benefits during the appeal. I wonder if IT is going to try to pull a Bernath and make it go on through endless extensions in an attempt to make taxpayers fund its “Snip & Tuck” operation? I can see the LGBTQwhatever crowd use it as a spokeswhatever and then jettison IT once they’re done like they did with Cindy Shehag.
Here you go Big Army. I’ll help you out with where to assign PVT Manning.
He’s a 35F Intell Analyst, right?
So the only logical assignment would be to the 741st MI Bn, Fort George G. Meade, MD.
I understand there is a First Sergeant at C Company who has a need for a permanent Charge of Quarters Runner and Troll Log Clerk.
I’m sure the girls would get along swimmingly….
HE is remaining on active duty until HIS appeal can be heard, in a no pay status. I am curious if they will just send HIM home, and just make HIM, check in… I cannot see them assigning HIM to an actual unit for duty.
On the bright side, at home HE won’t be on suicide watch 24/7… better luck next time.
That would be a “prudent” thing for the Army to do with him – send him home and have him check in by phone. Having IT on any military installation in uniform is probably something that any unit/post commander and SGTMAJ is probably dreading. The three-ringed circus that IT would generate around IT would drive any sensible leader crazy.
No 24/7 suicide watch anymore.
If he gets sent to a real unit he’ll be wishing they just left him in his cozy little cell at Leavenworth.
Prayers for the NCO who gets to be responsible for this little shitbag.
I would have believed that accepting the commutation would have carried an obligation to drop the appeals?
Manning won’t attempt to commit suicide after release. Plain and simple. The attempts to remain relevant will end.
As far as any surgery goes, I doubt that surgery will happen on the Army’s dime at this point. Especially with the new “command climate” for the military whereas, for example, our #1 priority is no longer climate change.
At the end of the day, that surgery won’t ever happen anyway. Manning used it for sympathy and it worked. There will be some excuse about “well I don’t feel I’m emotionally up to having surgery at this point, maybe in a few years.” or something similar. But at the end of the day, it was used to garner sympathy, which King Barry caved into.
Bergdahl didn’t get “sympathy” why? Oh, because he’s not transginger.
transginger – I like that word.
If I look it up, is it gonna tell me that I, as a man, can use the girls’ shitter?/smile
In an emergency, yes, you can, but you had freakin’ well better clean up after yourself, Claw. If we have to, so do you.
Or in schools these days, you’ll get your own special bathroom with a waterfall and music playing and nice lighting…
I think that was what Cartman was shooting for.
Waterfalls, music and lighting.
I thought “transginger” referred to those who like to dye their hair the color of carrots.
So – if I dye my beard carrot-red, I get to follow the pretty girls into the ladies’ room with legal protection?
Transginger, Graybeard, is a reference to those who adopt the tartan and full kit of a Highland Scots clan, don the kilt, the sporran, the sash, and the bonnet, and carry a claymore, the great two-handed sword wielded by Robert Roy McGregor in Scott’s famous epic ‘Rob Roy’. You may occasionally see a tranginger at a Renaissance Faire.
Unfortunately, in the movie, Liam Neeson could only handle a knightly sword, but he still sliced Tim Pigott.
Here’s what a real claymore looks like.
LOL. Good riposte.
What about a prison-related gender envy theory?
I mean, think about it. He goes in prison and he has to either toughen up or get passed around like a rag doll. He’s got to shank somebody in the shower or stab someone with a pencil and break it off in them to join a gang. That, or get passed around for turn-taking.
Another option is to make himself attractive and be a monogamous side kick bee-yotch to somebody that is the toughest guy on the cell block.
By declaring he wants to be a woman, he keeps himself in the spotlight and can now claim people are mistreating him due to his gender preference.
If I were to label this with one word, that would would be “survival.”
No major surprise. Service members often are put on appellate leave while waiting for a final review of their Court Martial sentence or administrative discharge board hearing.
Once they finish they simply mail them their final DD214 along with copies of the finding.
Cock Smoker gets one extremely tangible benefit, health care.
The health care has to be APPROVED to be billed though, its not like he can get his elective Lopmydikoffmy.
If he gets sick or in a accident he is covered though.
The case that comes to mind here is the one of the dog fucker Jared Otto Gimbl who has graced these pages with his asshattery.
He french killed a bat on appealate leave and now has VA coverage for some of his chicklets. Hes been trying to parlay that into full medical coverage and a 100% pension for the past couple of years,
Talk about a radioactive PV1. This is one lawsuit just looking to fall on someone. There is no way that any order, direction or tasking is not going to be met with shouts of discrimination.
No Win. Good luck to that NCO.
Speaking of lawsuits, one merely has to be creative to bring a suit nowadays.
This one is right up there as far as creativeness and should give Manning some inspiration.
“Like all soldiers, Manning will be assigned to an Army post but it is unclear where and to whom she will report.”
I could suggest a couple of places HE could go.
(And I agree with knocking off the “she” garbage. HE is still a man. Until/unless HE has the surgery to remove the junk, HE is a man. Well, biologically speaking, anyway. A real man doesn’t act like this individual does. End of discussion.)
He is biologically male, even if he has his “male parts” cut off. Down to the cellular level he is male, has been a male, and will be male until the day he dies.
Any other claim is part of the irrational nonsense that Heinlein referenced in his “Crazy Years”.
I stand corrected, Graybeard. HE it is, and HE it shall forever remain.
I’ve got a better thought about the appeal and the surgery. Rush the paperwork through, then pack it’s happy little ass up and send it over to a solidly ISIS controlled area for the gender surgery completion. Multiple problems solved!
As is always the case, all of us animals are equal, just some are more equal than the others.
Yeah, this is fucked up.
Again, if it is any consolation Chelsea Manning still has to go through life as Chelsea Manning.
It’s own kind of living hell.
True. A hell of his own choosing.
I’m confused. His sentence was commuted, but the conviction remains.
Part of the conviction is that he was reduced in rank to Private/E1, dishonorably discharged, and forfeited all pays and allowances.
Did that change with the commutation?
He hasn’t exhausted the appeals process for his conviction and can’t be separated until that is completed…guess he’s essentially on legal hold and thus still a soldier until that time.
One of our military JAGs can correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe he’ll be in a form of excess leave status called “appellate leave”.
He’ll get zero pay or allowances, but he still retains commissary/PX/medical until appeals are exhausted.
Yes, that was brought up and I’ve had experience with that process though rarely. This seemed as though it was something else like legal hold….but I know nothing about it specifically. The article’s phraseology was not specific one way or another. Could very well be appellate leave.
Right, and it’s a leave status, so he’s not going to be performing any military duties. Private Manning will just hang out at the house, or wherever, until his appeal is resolved.
He’ll probably “commit suicide” at that next post.
If he offs himself I’d MUCH rather he did it someplace Off Post, then there would be far less heartburn and paperwork for those in charge.
He won’t set foot on an Army base. He will be on appellate leave. He can pretty much go anywhere he pleases.
In the USMC shitbags on appellate leave were assigned on paper to HQ Marine Corps.
Maybe will pull a Gimbl and get tuned up by a baseball bat outside a burger Joint
Surprisingly, I’m indifferent to this. Don’t get me wrong, I am FURIOUS at his release, but being forced to stay in the Army for a bit? Whatever.
He doesn’t get paid, so commissary/PX privileges are probably moot, and I doubt they’re gonna rush him through tranny surgery while we’re still footing the bill. So I’m not worried he’s going to get a ton of benefits that he doesn’t deserve.
However, he does have to spend added amount of time in the company and supervision of the group of people that hates him the most. Even if his officers, NCOs and Joe’s are on strict orders to do nothing to convince him to suck-start a 12 gauge, sitting in a room with people who openly despise is pretty miserable. It’s better than letting him run off to start his next life as a motivational speaker for left-wing degenerates.
He’ll get on the interview circuit, at least until people get tired of hearing about him.
Rachel Maddow will be first to book him.
There is no advantage in the Army keeping him a day longer than necessary. And, as noted, there is plenty of potential downside to anyone who says/does anything to/about him that hurts his feelings. How would you like to be a squared away SGT or 1st LT one day and world famous the next b/c he says you spoke ill to/of him or ordered him to do something he didn’t want to do? I would tread softly … too much downside to Army and individual soldiers.
Oh, and screw you Manning. You are a disgrace.
He wont be assigned to a unit or base. He is only in the Army ” on paper” Physically he will be wherever he wants.
Appellate leave. Just waiting for his DD to be approved and mailed to his ass.
JAOD: Thanks for the info
Just remember, boys and girls, Big Army (or whatever service) has been around a lot longer than any of us, and they’ve got the art of fucking with a dirtbag’s life down pat.
I definitely see a ND in this jerk’s future, if he’s within striking distance of a rifle range!
Commission It and make It a HIMARS Pilot.
I’m not a shrink but my guess is that his last name is somehow behind his need to be she.
Just sayin.
Bad reporting. There’s no way Manning will physically be “assigned” to a base. His records will be kept at some HQ until his sentence is reviewed. Purely Administrative.
He will be out slapping peckers on appellate leave. Once his sentence is reviewed they will approve it and send him his Dishonorable and DD214 in the mail.
His sentence was commuted to time served, nothing at else was affected,
[…] On Comey’s Meeting With Trump The Political Hat: Mandatory Trans This Ain’t Hell: Manning To Stay In Army After Release From Prison, also, Last Tailgunner Retires Weasel Zippers: DNC Chair Admits Dems Have No Ideas But To Trash […]
All I can say is, after reading the Wikipedia entry on Manning– not sympathetic, but does use feminine pronouns– it’s amazing the kid wasn’t screened out prior to enlistment or medically discharged. There was a lifelong history of mental-emotional instability and several timepoints where it became obvious that this individual was simply unfit to serve. One biographer believes the data dump may have contributed to the Arab Spring. Can only hope there have been some serious lessons learned from all this.
You want an all volunteer military, you take what you can get. Even in the days of the draft recruiters sometimes fudged a bit.
Is manning still subject to all ucmj? Would manning pass a piss test?
Pass a piss test? I think he would if you used a steam roller to obtain the specimen in a toes to head fashion.
Depends on your definition of pass.