And You Thought Don Quixote Was Crazy?
I thought Hondo’s link to the article about Berkeley was a revelation of people who are completely out of touch with reality. It certainly demonstrates that those who are proposing ‘peace with ruffians’ parties have no idea what they’re dealing with. But they are, like their predecessors, off on their own clouds.
This article from WUWT is even further into the realm of disconnection from reality. The proposal itself is ludicrous, and the cost of the proposed program – building windmills to pump Arctic sea water onto Arctic ice to thicken it – is estimated to cost $500 billion. That is half a trillion dollars, people. Half a trillion big ones, and it’s your tax money we’re talking about.
The proposal is from a planetary scientist whose comparison of Enceladus, an iceball Saturnian moon with a possible ocean under it’s ice cover, to Earth is so off the wall silly, you just have to shake your head. Enceladus has no atmosphere to protect it from space. Earth does have an atmosphere. It’s why we exist here. Enceladus has geysers that have photographed by various satellite explorers, but he has yet to explain those geysers which are probably gushing because of water pressure, just like an oil well gusher.
Here’s the link. You really do have to read the proposal, in italics, to understand the drivel that is being proposed:
The sad part is that there are enough dimwits in Congress on both sides of the fence who may think Guam will tip over some day, and who will see this as another splendid idea, even though common sense tells you it is utter twaddle. However, since it’s only a proposal so far, don’t write to your Congress critters about it just yet. Keep an eye out for it. And if you talk to anyone about it, make sure you emphasize the cost of this idiotic idea.
Geezo Pete, even Don Quixote had more sense than this!
Category: "Teh Stoopid"
Your post is ridiculous and your source is a joke.
I climate change denier blog run by a college drop is a Shit source which explains why you have Shit notions about climate change.
Is that supposed to hurt my feelings, Piuperdink?
Do the world a favor. Go find some place else to pick a fight.
The proposal a costly and ridiculous project that will do nothing but waste tax money, just like YOU did when you were in the Army.
FOAD, Lars. Haven’t you figured out yet that nobody cares for your opinions, except as a source of comedy?
Why are you up so early, your hovel being fumigated again?
Up before 8 am? Must be those nasty nightmares he suffers about the rusty grenade he once saw while deployed.
See, here’s where Commissar always fails: he doesn’t read anything for comprehension. He just looks at the pictures and spouts off, and this time, I didn’t offer a picture.
He would do a great deal to reduce his own carbon footprint if he had his mouth sewn shut, stopped breathing fresh air and used ONLY a recycling rebreather, and went back to his room and pulled the covers over his head.
I’m concerned about his brain farts. They are larger and louder in number than they used to be.
The building commissar is probably redoing the room assignments again… instead of nine to a room, it’s now 13.
HERE you go again Babbles McButthead, running your stupid rock-headed fool yap about bullshit hypotheses that have been disproven nine ways to Sunday. Ever since the 1970s when I was a yard ape the hippie-headed eco-kooks have been screeching that we only have five to ten years left, I remember when I was an impressionable meathead in college in the late eighties and then they were saying that by 2000 at least half of the human race was going to be dead and half of all animal species would be extinct due to acid rain, deforestation, ozone depletion and of course, *YAWN*, climate change. Today we are still discovering new species of animals and in the US we now have more forested acreage than we did in the 1930s. You and your ilk truly need to wake up and STOP GLOBAL WHINING, get out of that shit-for-brained la-la-land you’ve quarantined yourself into and check out the real world!
And Bill Nye, the soviet spy science dude deep infiltrated to destroy our economy has how many degrees?
He claims a BS but that hasn’t been confirmed.
I’ll confirm he’s BS
Hau ab, Herr Kommissar.
There are what…6 logical fallacies in two sentences here?
Isn’t that a record?
Commissar finally found something he’s good at!
You ready to answer my question from a couple of days ago,
dipstickBerkeley-boi? Or are you incapable of thinking for yourself, and still waiting for the Progressive “Party-approved” answer to be provided to by your Party Superiors?What the fuck was that statement, Commissar? All pissed off because the “Hammer and Sickle Expresso Bar” couldn’t make your triple shot all soy decaf mocha this morning because they didn’t have free trade Colombian beans? Ran out of the Tofu Grape Nuts that you usually have? Couldn’t come up with any “empirical data”?
Go over and play with the KKKOS Kiddies… they’re more your speed.
Zampolit, when you rage-post, you really sound like a spazz.
Really? We should even care you have an opinion? Get back in your Mom’s basement before the roach patrol stomps you out.
Wait, I thought you left because you were tired of the drama here? That was a few days ago wasn’t it? Nope. It was like a year ago.
I am changing my climate.
Now I will be a Change Denier.
“Your post is ridiculous….” The post is on the money. It is the proposal that is foolhardy and ridiculous.
“and your source is a joke. ” The source is a Ph.D, a theoretical astrophysicist who teaches at Arizona State University who won the Nier Prize in 2003.
“I climate change denier blog run by a college drop is a Shit source which explains why you have Shit notions about climate change.” That has to be deciphered before I can rebut it.
Thanks, Commissar. Once again you have distinguished yourself. You are a fine representative of the UC Berkeley approach to reasoned discourse and discussion.
I think he’s been drinking moldy bong water again.
I hear he never flushes his toilet. And why should he when, as he sees it, there’s always a nutrient-rich meal and a flavored drink to be had? I understand it’s the cutting-edge approach to recycling among the intelligentsia at Berkeley.
Thanks so much for that image, Air Cav! [vomits uncontrollably]
Yeah, in the 1970s, we heading for an ice age. That didn’t happen, so the tune changed and we’ve been heading for a planet that is something on the order of Ceti Alpha Vi. Still hasn’t happened. There’s grass growing in the Sahara and snow falling and sticking in the Algerian and Moroccan dunes, and in Kuwait.
It’s EFFING WEATHER, people, and nothing else, but I DO want you to be aware of the lunatic proposals that are being presented to suck up your tax money for NOTHING.
The proposal is listed among the PhD’s publications. So, when Commissar refers to the “climate change denier blog” he is attacking the messenger. Makes sense. It’s the commie way.
“There’s grass growing in the Sahara”
The scientist speaking in the lecture on youtube I linked, addresses that.
Yours is..the superior…intellect.
End scene
I will avenge you with this rich Corinthian leather!
There’s not a chance he’ll just go away and stop embarrassing himself here. Hey, maybe today is the day that a bus puts him out of our misery. Here’s hoping.
Babbles McButthead is NOT absolutely worthless, human organs are worth a lot of money on the black market.
Instead of $500 million for windmills. Why not have people on welfare run a Chinese bucket brigade to toss water on them. Give them something to do besides “gang up” their own communities.
There you go! There is always a cheaper solution, isn’t there?
500 billion, with a B, would allow us to hire 100 times more Chinese for that brigade!
Why pay millions when we could pay…..Billions?
Let me make this clear. The proposal is to put windmills on buoys in the Arctic, attached to pumps that will use the wind energy to pump sea water onto Arctic ice. ON the surface, it seems sort of okay.
BUT: the Arctic is an ocean surrounded by land masses, and one of those land masses is Siberia. As we all know, Siberia is the source of a large portion of the bitterly cold air that we get in the winter in this continent. The Arctic is the location of the polar vortex, which conveys that bitterly cold Siberian into North America in the winter, straight across the north polar regions, and southwestward across Canada into the lower 48. And that’s in a normal winter.
Winter temps in Siberia are on average -85F to -90F. If you’re acclimated to it, you won’t die, but you won’t like it, either. When that cold air mass moves across the Arctic from Siberia, it freezes everything in its path. By the time it reaches us in the lower 48, it has been tempered somewhat, but in that region it stays cold.
If the proposed pumps are not checked on a daily basis, along with their windmill power drivers, they will clog and stay clogged, and become completely useless.
I’m summarizing this, but since I don’t know anyone who would be dumb enough to go check thousands of frozen, wind-driven water pumps scattered all over the Arctic Ocean, which freezes in the winter (didn’t I say that?) so that means that they sit there all winter and do N-O-T-H-I-N-G.
I’ve got a much better use for half a trillion dollars: repair this country’s infrastructure, all the decaying roads, bridges, and dams and stop wasting my time and tax money on this kind of nonsensical stuff.
How about a proof of concept thing? Put maybe 5-10 out there and see what actually happens, instead of telling us that a million monkeys on a million typewriters will eventually produce Shakespeare!
Between ice, saltwater corrosion, wind damage, and the general effects of extreme cold on manmade technology, I can give you a pretty good idea of how it’ll turn out. And I’ll only charge $50,000 for it! How’s that for a bargain?
Wind Turbines have lousy reliability in Kansas. In the Artic? Not likely to survive long at all.
The California desert fucks them up pretty good, and it’s a far less hostile environment than the North Pole!
Yeah, they have lousy reliability in Michigan, too. If it gets really windy, the wind farm over by St. Louis and Alma shuts down the turbines.
and WHAT about the Environmental Impact when onr of those things burns? they aren’t exactly repairable after that. Maybe that’s why elctricity from Coal-fired, gas-fired and nuclear power plants is SO much cheaper and reliable? NO machinery lasts without maintenance and someone has to climb up in each and every one of those windmills to keep them maintained.
I’ve some peers who do wind turbine work up on the North Slope of Alaska.
To hear them tell it, a wind turbine for anything other than an isolated landing strip in summer (Ala “Life Below Zero”) is about as useful as a football bat.
Let’s not forget about the multitudes of birds killed by wind turbines, likely more than DDT by now, this video only mentions Golden Eagle while many other Birds of prey are also killed by those inefficient tax money-funded boondoggles.
Oymyakon, Russia. Coldest inhabited place on earth. Apparently, there’s no record of temperatures rising above zero degrees F between December 1 and March 1. Ever. I thought growing up near Camp Ripley, MN was a bitch in the winter. Guess I was just a pusskin.
While we’re at it, how about if we pay to sail a huge iceberg to farmers in the desert in the middle east?
I remember reading about that when I was but a wee lad back in the 70’s.
Even then I thought it was bullshit.
It was all for Dulcinea, so Don Quixote at least had a good reason.
Poontang can be an excellent and valid reason for actions that would normally merit culling from the gene pool.
To re-use a quote I’ve used recently:
My corollary: “Or the magnitude, either.”
I found that talk interesting^^^^^
Fantastic discussion. Most especially since he actually provides references to his facts.
I find it odd that certain persons, no matter the question, always answer “Greater power to impose State control of the means of production”.
Also, they simply ignore that where the State largely controls the means of production, the environment tends to be really, really screwed up.
Also, they howl about “climate change”, but cannot explain why they prefer ice age to interglacial. If we do not change the climate, we go back into deep freeze. depe33nding on how long the current interglacial lasts, relative to recent others, we have a maximum expected warm of a few more thousand years. The “low” end of the probability curve is “way past due, right now”. (Like about a two sigma low, which is kinda like betting odds if you like somewhat risky bets.)
But what is not to like about an impending ice age for the left? It would:
– Exterminate about 50-90% of humanity. (Especially those pesky northern latitude types they wont admit hating because they are pale.)
– Wipe out industrial civilization in most locations not currently tropical.
– Create a 50-100 thousand year ice-age resource hyper-scarcity to -finally- justify Marxism for the survivors, and Power to the People, at least those few who hold the whip, anyway.
Humanity barely surviveed the last go-round with an ice age. In another thousand years or so, we may be celebrating the geniuses who traded 50 to 100 feet of lower elevations for -not- icecapping the planet for 50 to 100 millennia.
If someone’s answer to every question is “Greater power to impose State control of the means of production”, then “idiot” is an insufficient description of that person.
I beg to differ.
I think it’s far more likely that the people you term ‘elites’ will/would be the first to die off. They are incapable of doing anything for themselves and depend on others to provide food, clean clothing, clean living quarters, etc., for them.
They are not the kind of people who stock the pantry and freezer for three years ahead, or hunt for food and use the entire animal, skin, guts, bones and all, and waste none of it. Those ‘elites’ might have a store of fine wines, but they don’t know how to produce it. They may stuff themselves with cheese and bread, but they can’t make either of those foods.
Take away their luxuries, cooks, staff, fine clothing, and protected environments and they are toast. Trust me on that. And in addition, I do believe that if they presented themselves as ‘elitists’ they’d be hammered flat before they could end their first sentence.
As a multitude of “Peoples’ Democratic Republics” demonstrate, those self-appointed “elites” are rather good at seizing power from the unwary, and running their “grasshopper” despotisms into mass casualty land, they often go mostly last, as the example of Cambodia and North Korea show.
Once fully active, the Marxist infection is very, very hard to eradicate short of cautery. Sort of an economic cross between Kudzu and HIV.
I don’t know how to cure your pessimism, but not everyone will knuckle under.
Lol. I am an optimist.
But things are going to get a lot worse before we expunge the Marxist virus.
One factor to consider here in the US of A is that in order for the ‘elites’ to take over, the people have to be disarmed.
It is one of the first steps the elites take every stinkin’ time.
Which gives insight into the motives behind the gun-grabbers.
‘one of the first steps’ – Yes, and as long as we stay alert and pay attention, we can stop that erosion. There is no such thing as a tranquil state if you want to keep your freedom.
Ironically, the very means those people want to use to destroy us is the same means we can use to destroy them. The internet is the best weapon EVER!
(Raspy old voice)
There is another.
And if “money” becomes obsolete due to extreme conditions, they will become powerless. At that point, truly, only the strong will survive.
Most poor people who live with minimal luxury and especially those in the rural areas that live off the land, would flourish in an environment without currency value.
Paper money might lose its value, but you’d probably see something like the “Metro 2033” video games (good games, by the way, especially the Redux Edition) where ammunition becomes the currency of the realm.
Excellent game series!
Check out the books for an odd trip. Roadside Picnic too, Amazon recently released an unedited version with an afterword from the author dealing with Soviet censorship. The Stalker games too for that matter.
Of course, but how would you acquire that ammo that’s become currency? By giving someone dollars or yen to go get it and collect it?
And then, all those “evil” gun collectors who have thousands of rounds and dozens of firearms who know how to protect themselves, hunt, fish, live off the land, etc., would flourish. They’d most likely become the leaders who others flock to for help. (The iphone generation who google or siri everything wouldn’t be able to find them because the cell network would go to shit immediately.
I think it was in ‘Citizen of the Galaxy’ that the main character burned paper money after he recorded the serial numbers on the bills.
Barter is a valid form of trade.
Heinlein “Time Enough for Love” – The Tale of the Adoped Daughter.
Thanks, 11B!
I’ll post this question: if ammo became currency, it will dwindle if spent. What replaces it? Crossbow bolts and standard arrows are the only things I can come up with.
You’d be amazed how many folks do their own reloading.
Failing that, we’re back to muzzle loaders, and ar I understand where I live, there’s a shitload of those folks.
Every operator I had that popped high on his lead level (ZZP)was a home reloader.
Wear your lead filters kids. 🙂
Being one of those old guys who played with lead
as a childall my life, I wonder what my levels are like?Odd. Hygene issues? I have been reloading for over 25 years. The only time i was slightly elevated on a lead test, I was working in a circuit board factory, running the CNC drill presses that were drilling through soldered boards.
Wash your hands thoroughly after handling lead. Dont eat or drink or smoke with contaminated hands. This applies to range and reloading bench. (Note: primers are lead based, the residue is contaminated)
And -dont- run and dump your brass cleaner inside the residence. (Bigtime dust source!) Ditto, no casting slugs in the residence.
Wearing the suggested filter where exposed to dusts is just smart.
Those of us who have flint-lock muzzle-loaders, know how to cast bullets for them, and how to make blackpowder will rule again.
Crossbows and bolts are silent, swift and deadly, and bolts can be recycled endlessly.
deadfalls, snares, funnel traps, etc…do the work for ya.
Elites” like to look down on those who provide for them. Take electricity for instance, someone has to build and maintain the power grid as well as mine, load and transport the fuel (trucks and railroads). Their cars are assembled by Blue Collar people and those who work in the Petrochemical Sector provide them with the fuel and oil they need while those in Midwestern “Flyover Country” they sneer at provide them with their food.
Yeah, you want to see society (especially Western society) turn to warm runny shit inside a week?
Turn off the power, preferably via a solar storm like the Carrington Event. You’ll see shit go south REAL fast.
It would weed out the weak and ignorant quickly, would it not?
July 2011, a derecho blew through the northeastern part of my state and knocked out a transformer station in my area that served 650,000 people.
It was sheer boredom to wait for it to be restored, so I went to the store. Shut down until the power was restored. Went home, read a book, made iced tea, and waited. Was quite glad I have two old antique oil lamps, too.
A good read that, IMO, accurately portrays what life will be like after TSHTF is “Alas, Babylon” by Pat Frank. Written in the late 50s, it shows how life will be after a nuclear exchange. Not surprising what is of importance and what is not so highly valued.
Maybe they can give Solyndra some grant money to make this happen.
Solyndra? Seems to me I remember reading that the US Government’s “been there, done that, lost their shirt.”
Solyndra’s upper management sure didn’t lose their shirt. Taxpayers lost our shirt on that. They all left with fat salaries and moved on to other gummint grant projects to make 6/7 figures off of for their personal bank account from.
Yes, it was quite the boondoggle/pork fest.
When and where the taxpayers got porked harder than anyone else.
Yep. Just another of the previous
gang of dishonest idiots’Administration’s “Green” combo political payback/”skittles and unicorns” fantasies for which they billed the US taxpayer, feasibility be damned.Oh, come on! You guys are too mean! Solyndra was the photo op of the decade for the slacker crowd, the feelz-gooderz and the Sillygreens.
I thought it was a scam from the very beginning, but the carnie sell really worked on the dopes in the crowd, didn’t it?
Like I said, there are much better ways to spend a half trillion dollars in tax money, ways that provide real jobs and produce real results, as in repairing/rebuilding the infrastructure everywhere in this country.
Since the point of my article was lost on the very first commenter, who NEVER reads anything for content OR context, I think my work here is done. I’ll go have breakfast now.