Justin Allen Bennett Anderson; fake war-wounded

| May 3, 2017

Douglas sends us a link to the story of Justin Allen Bennett Anderson, a 33-year-old in Greencastle, Pennsylvania who tried to tell Magisterial District Judge Glenn Manns, an Army veteran himself, that he was 52 grand in arrears for child support payments because he’d been wounded in the war against terror.

During Anderson’s interactions with domestic relations, he supplied five military forms. One form dated from 2015 referred to Anderson as a retired staff sergeant. In the comments section of the form, it stated that Anderson had surgery to remove shrapnel resulting from his vehicle being hit by an explosive projectile in Iraq in 2005.


Domestic relations also gave investigators copies of other military paperwork, which showed Anderson was discharged with only an Army Service Ribbon, a bad conduct discharge and at the rank of Private.

Police spoke with Anderson on April 16, and he admitted to creating the documents, according to court documents. Anderson also admitted that he was not injured when he said he was.

Another rocket surgeon who thinks he’s the first one to try this shit. I’m told that the judge also has a son on active duty, so he’s probably not going to pussyfoot around with this liar.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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‘I’m told that the judge also has a son on active duty, so he’s probably not going to pussyfoot around with this liar.’



Anderson was discharged with only an Army Service Ribbon, a bad conduct discharge and at the rank of Private.

The Judge is a veteran with a child on active duty?

“had surgery to remove shrapnel resulting from his vehicle being hit by an explosive projectile in Iraq in 2005.”

He’s about to need surgery to remove a Judge’s size 12 boot from his rectum after he gets a nice and shiny, dry kiwi enema.


Judge’s son is on active duty? Hmm. Sounds like Justin here’s about to become real familar with this bit of early-1970 wisdom from a guy named Lennon:

Instant Karma gonna get you
Gonna knock you right on the head . . . .

Combat Historian

Turd needs some technical advice on fake forms from Forgin’ Frank Visconi…

Hack Stone

Does All Points Logistics have an office in Greenvastle, PA?

Combat Historian

Turd is probably the Records Manager for the APL Greencastle Regional Office…


Another great candidate for the Human Mine Detector Platoon.


What a moron
Enjoy your google fame

A Proud Infidel®™

Discharged as a PVT and not even an NDSM? Wow, what an outstanding pillar of his community, the scrotum-headed pus-nuts pickle-licking soon-to-be “Property” of Bubba, Thor and company.


But he has the highly coveted ASR, so there’s that. He’ll drift through life, making little to no contribution, getting government bennies to survive b/c he was too stupid to get an Honorable Discharge. As Jim Croce would say, he’s stuck in those carwash blues. He deserves an executive position. It ain’t that difficult, folks.


“Steadily depressin’ low down mind bendin’, workin’ at the car wash blues” !!!
Turd buffer…


Maybe a desert goat broke his heart. They’re known for such things yanno.

Wilted Willy

I hope the judge sends him to help out his son on active duty? I still say all of these stolen valor puss nuts should be forced to go do the duty they have claimed to have done, and to keep doing it until they do what they have claimed to have done. Especially the IED war wounds they have claimed? And so what if they don’t survive their supposed wounds?? Fuck You Ass Hamster!


I would hope that the judge channels one MGen Ayers, USMC at sentencing (read with heavy Brooklyn accent):


Bill M

What a pile of foul-smelling, brown, anal excretion!

May the judge visit appropriate judicial punishment on his posterior. After all, Bubba, Thor, Julio, Mr. Tiny need a new playmate.

The Old Maj

Stealing valor to try to get out of supporting your kid.

Dad of the year material right there.

Club Manager

Not being awarded the coveted NDSM says it all. Death by bunga-bunga.


Poetic justice. Hope you enjoy it when your cellmate rocks you with a TUNA SUB dickweed.

Stephen McCartney

Son on active duty ? What a load to carry for a child. It’s got to hurt.

Reminds me of the USN CAPT (circa 2002) that had a butt load of unearned combat medals (SS from “Nam”, BZ star Purple heart..etc)and was busted in a ceremony.Weird thing is he had another ‘butt load’ he DID earn. He went to the brig after court martial.
Sadly he had a LT son in the USN at the time.

I always felt sorry for that kid. CAPT Bones


The son on active duty referred to was the Judge’s son.

Green Thumb

BCD = Shitbag.

But, hey, its the PTSD.

Lets give him some benefits.