Weekend open thread

| March 24, 2017

March 24, 2017
Fire Mountain

Patience was key to get this photo of the Matterhorn in Switzerland at sunset. Your Shot photographer Sylvia Michel said, “The sun shined into the clouds like it would burn. After one minute it was all over.”

Chips ends us a link to the latest from the Duffle Blog; Veterans increasingly filing disability claims due to MRE exposure

Some 20 military veterans announced their intentions to protest at the headquarters of the VA later this week, in an effort to shine a light on what they believe has been a vastly-overlooked ailment for veterans who have transitioned to the civilian world.


In his claim to the VA, Darling wrote that the overexposure [to MREs] has led to debilitating symptoms which make it hard to enjoy interacting with other people due to having gas, as well as his having a hard time sitting for long periods of time.

Category: Open thread

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You are now required to read my article which precedes this as your penalty homework.



Well played, Ex-PH2!

What’s for chow tonight?


I’m making shrimp scampi over whole wheat pasta, garden salad, all served with a crisp white vino and crusty bread.

Ex? What’s on your menu?


Oh, nice! Son and I had the house to ourselves, so I picked up some sushi and potstickers while I was at the grocery store.


Ah! BBQ beans and smoked sausage, cole slaw, strawberries, and because it’s over 70F right now, ice tea with fresh lemon.


I’m going for an old classic this evening. Bologna and American cheese on white bread with Miracle Whip and some spicy brown mustard.

Gonna make a couple of ‘sammiches’, accompanied by ripple potato chips and kosher dill pickles, and wash it all down with ice cold Harp lager beer.

And then I’m going to watch ‘The Longest Day’ starring John Wayne.

A spectacular evening by any measure.


Ripple potato chips? Damn, I just drank their wine…

The Stranger

You just drank 40 year old cheap wine! Fred G. Sanford approves!

A Proud Infidel®™

Saint Patrick’s day wasn’t long ago, YOU COULD HAVE tipped a bottle of Wild Irish Rose instead!


Those MREs: does excessive consumption lead to the feeling that you’ve had too much chili and you need to stock up on Preparation H?


Ex, it’s more along the lines of excessive chili consumption and the need for Milk of Magnesia.


Or in some cases, excessive concrete consumption. At least for a while.


I hear that MREs are a sure cure for some diarrheas (not those of the mouth, unfortunately) and are considered field expedient medication for cases of giardia.

Silentium Est Aureum

Chili. 3 beans, sirloin and hamburg.

And don’t you dare brown the meat first.


Congrats Ex-PH2, well played.


Thank you!

I will abdicate the throne at midnight.


No way!

The throne is yours for the entire week. I expect nothing less than gloating, in-your-face name calling, excessive boasting and the use of cocksucker repeatedly.


I have a few things for ChipNASA to add to his Wall of Shame.

turd-sucking feces factory

putrid, rotting, whoreson whale’s carcass

terminal crotch infection

walking shart shooter

shit-sucking warthog’s asshole

If ChipNASA stops by, he can add those to his list.


I have stopped by and have noted same.

I’ll be adding them to the list shortly.





Ex, ya beat me by one stinkin’ minute!!!

Well done girl.



The Stranger

Top ten!

The Stranger



Still #3 in my heart!

Wilted Willy

I would have beat you, but I was tied up at the hospital! They always take so long!! All turned out well. Enjoy your throne for the week girl, you deserve all the accolades!


Glad the hospital visit turned out well, WW.

Wilted Willy

Thanks Graybeard!


Very late.
Working on a video.
Oh well.



Right back at you, ChipMASA.


Been there, done that … have BIG T-SHIRT!


If it’s from the Kitten Lady, I’ll take it.




Good for you! Top 10!

A Proud Infidel®™


First fart!




Top TEnthteen!

Hack Stone

If I did not make Top Twenty, you will be hearing from my attorney, Daniel Bernath, Esq. Just as soon as the county jail or mental institution will allow him access to a phone.


Daniel Bernath, Esq. isn’t always an attorney. But when he is, he’s disbarred.


This just in: per the State Bar of California, Daniel A. Bernath IS STILL DISBARRED!

If anyone is interested, the reason why may be found here.

Yo, Danni-boi:

Too bad, so sad
Sucks to be you
Received your due
Court said, “Screw You . . .
. . . and the horse you rode in on.”

comment image


I understand that Daniel Bernath is taking lessons from QuEeFeRs and Psul/Palmer of the Ballsack on “Proper Prison Etiquette” aka: “the joys of the Cockmeat Sammich”.

Hack Stone

Dullass: How are the other inmates treating you, Chief?

Bernath: Great! I am already signed up for the prison softball team.

Dullass: Really?

Bernath: Yeah. My cell mate told me that I will be catching and he will be pitching.


Dullass: How are the other inmates treating you, Chief?

Bernath: Great! I am already signed up for the prison football team.

Dullass: Really?

Bernath: Yeah. My cell mate told me that I start out at a tight end and them become a WIDE RECEIVER!




Eighteenth! 🙂



Frankie Cee

This week I have been sharing both Daniel A. Bernath’s latest filing, seeking an enlargement of something or other, and the video that should have been titled “RaNtInGs Of A lUnAtIc“, with friends, both through online sharing, and sitting with some using my laptop. Responses varied from, “WOW! They’re NUTS!” to “Who feeds, dresses, and cares for these drooling idiots?”, to “I hope they aren’t out on the street much.”.
In the case of Bernath claiming to be a “a 100% US Navy Combat Zone mentally disabled Veteran”, I wonder how he plans to document that statement. One cannot just say he is nuts, without having documented proof, in a court filing. Both of them are pitiable, and need help soon.


Need we ask how come he has time to go to Europe for six weeks, but can’t show up for a hearing?

Just An Old Dog

Thinking he is using this “Trip” as a grounds to ask for the Judge to reschedule that hearing in April.
I’m sure his lawyer is thoroughly regretting taking on this ass monkey as a client.
I hope he soaks the hell out of him on legal fees.


Old Dog, there is a Wobble in the Force that is Bernath.


I wonder if the ADA who is handling the case is aware of that? May want to disclose that at the April 17th court date….


It’s not a REAL trip. It’s only on paper.

Commissioner Wretched

Way to go, Ex!

As for me … 24th. Sigh. What a let-down from first a couple of weeks ago.

Ah, well … there’s always next week.


You’ll get there again. It’s okay to fall back in the pack, you know.

Silentium Est Aureum

And once again, other issues keep me from mashing the F5 key until it pops off to be first.

Is it spring yet?


Spring? It was yesterday, for a few hous. Now it’s winter again.

Silentium Est Aureum

Trade ya.


Not fucking first, bullshit.


I have demanded a refund on my Gold Plated F5 key.


Friday safety brief? If I knew how to imbed links here, Mat Best is at it again lol. Look him up on YouTube, “Art15 Safety Brief”


Avoid the Dependapotomus!


heard it this morning, and it’s a good thing I wasn’t drinking my coffee….that shit is hilarious!


Speaking of a safety brief, somebody might want to give Dave a heads up. Have you heard about this?

Dave Hardin was goose hunting up in the northern Minnesota woods when he leaned his shotgun against the corner of the blind to take a leak. As luck would have it, his favorite Lab, Ol’ Stay,* knocked the gun over causing it to discharge a considerable amount of #4 shot into Dave’s groin area.

Several hours later, lying in a Duluth hospital bed, he came to and there was his ER doctor, Dr. Sven, who said,

“Vell Dave, I got some goot noos and some bat noos. Da goot noos is dat you’re gonna be OK. Da damage vas local to your groin. Dere vas very little internal bleeding and I vas able to remove all da shot.”

“Well, what’s the bad news then?” asks Dave.

“Da bat noos is dat dere vas some pretty extensive shot damage done to your vienie. I’m gonna to haf to refer you to my sister, Lena.”

“Well, I guess that isn’t too bad,” says Dave. “Is your sister a plastic surgeon?”

“Not exactly,” Sven says. “She plays da flute in da Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra. And because all you haf now is dat damned Obamacare, she’s gonna teach you where to put your fingers so you don’t pee in your eye.”

*Dave has forever had problems getting this dog to follow him. When he says, “Here, Stay,” or “Heel, Stay,” that dumb dog just sits there. Dave loves that old dog though, so he’s not giving up on him. He figures someday he’ll learn.


That is classic! Poe, you keep me in stitches. Glad I didn’t have a mouthful of coffee when I read this. I guess the moral of this story is don’t name you gundog “Stay.”


your, dammit.

Silentium Est Aureum

And Charlie Sheen has AIDS!


Ex-PH2, question for you my lady.

If the spelling of “thread” in the heading is misspelled,
Weekend open tread
Jonn Lilyea | March 24, 2017

is “First” for anyone valid?? 😉


We should probably be glad it was overlooked. After all, Jonn provided us with two sources of amusement for the WOT, and being the Platoon Sergeant that he is, he may have dyspepsia. He did, after all, include a link to an article about over-consumption of MREs.


Geeez Ex, now you done made me go look uo that word only to find out it’s a high falootin’ way of saying “fart”.

I should have known that I guess, what with me living up here in cheese country and eating the “golden colored food” all these many years.

And what the hell are you doing with temps in the 70’s? Care to send some of that stuff up north of you to a brother in need?
Stuck with 42 today….but….no snow on the ground. 🙂


It is, in fact, 79F in the shade with a strong westerly blowing clouds toward the east. There is rain at the Mississippi River just waiting to cross and inundate us.

The temps tomorrow and onward will nosedive into the 40s and slowly return to 50s.

I’m looking forward to it.

Dennis - not chevy

These ELS heroes we’ve seen this week remind me of the time the Shirt was reaming me for being too tough on the Squadron sparkle pony. Our Commander, overhearing the chewing, ordered me to appear without delay in his commanding presence. Whilst I was standing at attention, trying hard not to get a cramp, he called the legal office. The telephone conversation didn’t last long on his end. He kept saying things like yes ma’am, and right away ma’am, and so forth. When he hung up the phone, he looked at me sheepishly and said the legal office wanted to know why sparkles hadn’t been discharged six months earlier for a pattern of misbehavior and breaches of good order and discipline.


> snort <


Oh, geez!

Sgt Fon

So it’s the end of March, I have the first duck eggs of the year in the incubator and just waiting for my geese to start laying so I can get a few of them in next. On 22 March I hit the ½ century mark, the big 50! and boy was I surprised how fast it actually got here. It seems like last month I was 19 and running around Olongapo chasing skirts and trying to avoid my future wife (unsuccessfully as you can guess after 25 years of marriage). and last week it seems like I was driving around Baghdad being a target for anyone who wanted to plant an IED on the road.
Now March seems to be the start of my year vs January for the rest of the world. I have to hatch my eggs out, look forward to kid goats and piglets and my yearly trek to Ft Benning from New York to register my Challenger SRT8 down there because she is just too damn pretty to put a front license plate on. While sipping on my 3d cup a coffee this AM and watching the snow still flurrying down around my house I realized how lucky I have been in my life and how great it is to be alive. I am really looking forward to my next 100 birthdays 😉 God Bless and have a great weekend!


Happy Birthday, Sgt Fon!

Enjoy all that you do and do all that you enjoy.

Follow these four bits of wisdom and you will have a hundred more birthdays.

1. Keep your stick on the ice.
2. Never step into something that you can’t wipe off.
3. Never eat anything bigger than you face.
4. If the women can’t find you handsome at least let them find you handy. (Red Green)


I would add,

-Don’t play cards with a man called “Doc.”

-Never eat at a diner named “Mom’s.”

-And never, ever drink anything that’s on fire.

Hack Stone

If Daniel Bernath offers you a ride in his airplane, decline.

If your boss asks you to go onto a military blog and attack veterans who exposed his false claims of being a Navy SEAL, just say no.

If for some reason you do agree to attack veterans on a military blog for exposing your boss for his false military claims, make sure that your mailbox has a door.


Happy Birthday Sgt Fon.
I spent my 50’th birthday in the ICU at the Milwaukee VA. It was one of the 3 times the VA saved my life and one of the most painful experiences I have had in my life.
I sincerely hope that you have a great one. A half century is a long time, but in the grand scheme of things it is simply a mile marker for one of our trips around the Sun.
Now is when family really starts getting important to you. Enjoy the ride.


Happy Birthday, SGT Fon, and many, many more to come.
A little advice:

Never name or make a pet of your food.

There’s more than one peanut butter & jelly sandwich in the world.

Kissin’ don’t last. Cookin’ do.

Nothing is better than a real fire with real hot dogs on sticks.

Commissioner Wretched

Many belated happy returns of the day, Sgt Fon!


Belated Happy Birthday to you, Sgt Fon…

Challenger SRT8 = SWEET! 🙂


Happy Birthday! Enjoy the day. And the week. Aw, shucks, go on ahead and enjoy the whole danged year!



The Stranger

Aaah yes, Avocado’s Number….damn, I want some guacamole!


I’m getting old and senile – I totally missed that joke on Avogadro’s number.


The operative term is guacaMole.

Hack Stone

Do I need to ask whether Phil Monkress will be working balls this weekend?


When *ISN’T* Phildo working Balls?

Oh and “Hi Psul!!!”

Kiss your Mom for me.


The question isn’t when, it is which dumpster it is behind.


Eleventieth, I think. I hate it when work interferes with life!


Well, by the count I’m probably over 50th…

Sad when work gets in the way of life.

All hail the First Lioness of TAH!


Thank you, Graybeard.

Just An Old Dog

LonGDoNgSluRrper41 had a court appearance yesterday. It didn’t go well for him, and its liable to get worse.

Frankie Cee

“Court Appearance”? In reference to…? I must have missed him being the Courtee.


? What fir this time?



Wilted Willy

That is the best news I have heard since Trump was elected as our President!


Singing and rejoicing in the streets!

Couldn’t be happening to a more deserving Courtee.

The Stranger

He’ll be a Courtee once he gets to the Slammer!


Wait! Cryer? How’d he manage to get himself into this mess?


You have not lived until you’ve had a few minutes about the Chippendale seal.


and here:



Oh, yeah, him. I remember him as the Chippendale “Seal”, but forgot his name. I knew the name sounded familiar, though.

Hack Stone

I just looked up Joseph Brian Cryer on the Maryland Case Judicial Search website, and wow! 35 entries. He seems to spend a lot of time in court facing people that want to get paid for the goods and services that he acquired. He is more than qualified to work for a proud woman owned business that sells software to the federal government. And he doesn’t pay his child support. Is that worthy of being disbarred by Chippendales?


Oh. My. Word.

Dreams do come true, don’t they?


I hope Maryland has a hanging judge, and he is assigned their cases.


How did that babbling, air polluting, bowl of dried up fertilizer Wittgenfeld get to Maryland?

The Stranger

Thumbing rides and blowing truckers is my guess…

Just An Old Dog

LonGDonGSLuRrPEr41 has hitched his star to BerdTurd’s wagon, as has Jon “Lumpy Baby Huey Lookin Fuck” Cryer.
Berdturd is the puppet master for them. Apparently in court Cryer, after witnessing Dullas’s being thoroughly owned by the Judge looked like he regreted getting involved in the mess.


I will wait for a full report.

Just An Old Dog

Apparently chasing people up the court house stairs with a go pro after you scream at them and throw bogus legal papers in their chest is frowned on.
The restraining order is just icing.
The State’s Attorney is looking to prosecute the “Dung-Heap Duo” of Dullass and Baby Huey.
Bernath used them as cannon fodder and gave them some phony legal shit they believed would win in court.
I guess they fell for that shit and lost their fucking minds.
They didn’t figure on their being security cameras in businesses close to the court house.


You are such a tease, Old Dog.

Just An Old Dog

That’s pretty much it in a nutshell. Dallas and Cryer decided to go after Diane after she had just left a resturaunt the court. Don was still inside. They were yelling at her and threw some of Berdbath’s BS legal papers at her. Then when D and D were going into the court Witless was all up in their face with a go pro camera.
After the RO hearing (which was issued) word had gotten to the city commissioner, whose office was in the same building. He asked to see Don and after getting the gist of what happened he asked them to come back today.
He heard enough and apparently turned has got The state attorney to press charges for assault.


That’s weapons-grade stupidity. I’ll have to go back and read up on Cryer (a thread linky would be appreciated), but as for Wittgenfeld, after seeing that video recently, I’m convinced he needs to be in a rubber room somewhere wearing a coat with extra-long sleeves that tie in back.

Just An Old Dog

Thanks! I remember reading about him, but didn’t connect the name. Some posers, when they get caught, try to scrub all traces of their lies, claim they were hacked or “misquoted”, etc. Others, like Cryer, Wittgenfeld, and Bernath, just double and triple down on the stoopid.


There are several links for Cryer, which I’ve posted.

One thing just leads to another.


Well, I hope that both of the ASS HAMSTERS enjoy what’s coming at them… BTJT’s WORLD FAMOUS COCKMEAT SAMMICH (Maryland-style)!

Buba's Lady LowRatPuke41 - Commeth

“He heard enough and apparently turned has got The state attorney to press charges for assault.”

Just had an orgasm. ohhhhhhh and gain…ohhhhhhh and again.


All of this is absolutely mind-boggling.

And also somewhat disconcerting.

Hack Stone

First charge against Cryer is harassment, and the other is second degree assault. And he committed the crimes on his 51st birthday. Charge sheet lists Cryer weighing in at a svelte 300 pounds.


Has anyone looked for booking photos for the two assclowns? What county were they arrested in?

Hack Stone

Thanks, Hack… he loves being charged with Second Degree Assault… especially if the victim is a woman (see post/link below).


300 pounds?!?!?!?????

So Mr. Chippendale ain’t so svelte no more?

Well, now I know what happened to those pounds I’ve lost.



OH shit… read the first post here:


“Cryer denied allegations that he had a criminal history, saying, “The criminal charges, that’s ludicrous.” However, court documents paint a different picture. Cryer, who reportedly lived in Annapolis before relocating to the resort four years ago, was taken to court on two separate incidents of domestic violence and a third time for a second-degree assault charge in Anne Arundel County in 2002. The alleged victims, his ex-wife and her new husband, in the cases were granted protective orders, which Cryer subsequently filed against the male victim. According to court documents, a protective order issued during a domestic violence case between Cryer and his ex-wife in August 2002 remains active. The misdemeanor assault charge carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in jail and/or a $25,000 fine.”

I hope this shit gets brought up in court… and Cryer get a long stretch in jail.


The commend from “lbo” is rather interesting, as well.


Here’s another bit of info. When Cryer was running for office in 2014, he apparently sent threatening e-mails to his competition.

He really is something special, isn’t he?


Damn… Cryer, QuEeFeRs and Danni-boi are perfect for each other and the local poundthemintheass jail. Cryer just doesn’t know when to stop doubling and tripling down on TEH STOOPID!



Or would that be Keyboard Kowards attempting to display Keyboard Kourage?

Everyone’s a real ‘Tough Guy’ these days when they’re sitting behind a keyboard in their parents’ basement…

Frankie Cee

Dumbest and Dumberest, taking a round for “The Aviator”. The dregs seek each other out, and mold together.

Silentium Est Aureum

Jessup would be too much to hope for, but I’ll keep pulling for them to have a little stay there as guests of the state of MD.

The Stranger

Oh, that’s hilarious!! Well done!



Is this a case of “When you have nothing to say?”

The Stranger

And the hits keep coming!






In other good news – it appears that Ryancare/RINOcare is off the table for now.

When will the professional politicians understand that when we say we want a full repeal, we do not mean “and replaced with something just as bad.”

We want Obamacare gone, it’s children exterminated, and it’s house burned.

/rant off


Except the ‘we’ in your case represents only around 40% of the country:


I’m all for a better bill if someone can propose one, but the Republicans have had seven years, the have the Senate, the House and the Presidency, and they still couldn’t come up with a bill that they could pass? That’s .. amusing and concerning.

I expect any future efforts to be less of a ‘full repeal’ and more of a ‘slightly change the details in ways that people like so we can have a popular health care bill owned by the Republican party’.

And if that sounds like I’m a partisan on this, I’ll reiterate I’m all for a better bill. It just seems there isn’t one right now, nor in the near term future.


“amusing and concerning”

Compared to blindly passing a bill they never read that is full of shit?

I think bringing it to light and arguing about it is part of the process we should actually see happening.

FFS it’s only March.


Compared to blindly passing a bill they never read that is full of shit?

I wasn’t on TAH when that shit went down, but that wasn’t even amusing, it was just downright stupid (and, yes, concerning).

I’m all for bringing ideas (and a bill) to light and discussing it – I want a better bill. But they drew a line in the sand, send no more discussions, then said, “Oops! We don’t have the votes.” and back-tracked. I’m glad because that’s what’s good for the country, but it’s also got to be a little embarrassing given how much time Republicans have had to get their shit together on this.

And the problem is, support for the ACA seems to be growing. Maybe that trend won’t continue as new ideas are debated, but the support for the AHCA was pretty abysmal. Left or Right, I want our politicians to do better than this.


The only reason “support for the ACA seems to be growing” is because the leftard media propagandists are reporting that. I admit some like it, like my neighbor who pays a premium of $49.00 per month for him and his self-employed wife because I suspect they misrepresent their incomes from their respective self-employed businesses. That is very easy to do since 0bamacare’s application system does nothing to verify incomes self reported by the applicants. So, many enrolled are cheating the system to get large portions of their premiums paid with our tax dollars. So, yes the FSA (Free Shit Army) not already on Medicaid prolly loves the law that gives them these ridiculously low premiums, especially if they have serious medical problems.


And a bill that many of the Congressmen who appear to have an interest in keeping their promises to those who voted for them said was a violation of those promises?

For the record:
Ted Cruz is one of my Senators.
Kevin Brady is my Representative.

I’m having to hammer Brady about being a RINO.

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again:
There is nothing that the Federal Government can do that private industry cannot do better other than those few functions enumerated in the Constitution of the United States of America.
The Feds have no business in the examination room or operating room. They only fark things up.


How’s this:
1 – Repeal howbadismycare in its entirety.
2 – Replace it with premium limits, deductible cost limits, and the option to use generics at lower cost.
3 – NO TERMINATION LANGUAGE. Period. That is a personal decision, and should NEVER be included in a health insurance policy.
4 – A clause that supplements Medicaid and Medicare, especially if Medicare Part B is excessively high.
5 – No refusal of prior conditions.
7 – Speedy payment to providers as well as speedy reimbursements to covered insureds.

If I’m in an auto accident, I’m covered for physical injuries by my policy. It’s considerably more affordable than Obamacare ever was and the deductible for all occurrences, all causes, is $500. It won’t, however, cover me for a hospital stay for pneumonia unless that is the result of an accident.

So why should that kind of coverage cost far less than Obamacare’s idiotic nonsense has cost people? I know it’s partly based on statistics and the risk pool, but it’s a reasonable question.

And why is it that people who have never worked in the insurance business think that insurance is some sort of bottomless well of money?

So why should anything prevent anyone from having coverage, and why should the middle class, who work the hardest, have to pay for someone else’s health insurance when they can barely afford their own as it is?

I’ve never seen anything as screwed up as that was from its very beginning, and look how many people lost their health insurance coverage, despite its meeting the ‘standards’ of Obamacare, whatever those were?


I forgot this part:
8) – Include a clause that gives the VA the option to bill Medicare/Medicaid for health care services for people who do not have service-connected issues. This might eliminate some of the fraud. Not saying it’s a perfect idea, but it might stop some of it and might result in fewer freebie-hunters like some we know getting bennies while others have to wait.


Premium limits AND no exclusion of pre-existing conditions?

Ain’t gonna happen. No company is going to offer health insurance under those conditions without either (a) the premium limits being sky-high, or (b) a HUGE government per capita subsidy.

The no exclusion of pre-existing condition provision is the main reason ObamaCare premiums have gone through the roof – and why so many insurers have said “Eff it” and left the market.


I know! That’s the whole point to what I said.
It used to be that you could buy cancer insurance, but no more. It’s been ‘covered’ under Obamacare, right? Well, yes, if you can afford Obamacare’s premiums, and too many people can’t.


I honestly don’t know enough of the details to say whether I agree or disagree with this,… but at first glance I see nothing wrong and plenty right. Some things, like gun inquiries, are just idiotic and definitely have no place in health care.

In my (again, inexperienced) view, it’s hard to tackle health care reform without also touching the ‘third rail’ of drug prices in the US. When some drugs are 10x-50x higher here than across the border, well, that’s a bit of a problem that needs solving too.

On thing I’ll defend with the ‘standards’ of Obamacare is that plenty of people had ‘insurance’ in name only – the details meant it would never apply to their condition, but they still paid for it. That doesn’t excuse the fact that by forcing things to be covered, costs drove up so high that people can’t afford the insurance, but that’s why health care is such a messy, horrible thing… and why we still don’t have a new bill.


LC – you bring up that the Republicans had seven years… how many of those years did they have a large enough majority to override a veto without “D’s” walking across the aisle? None – any override of an Obama veto would have needed some “D’s” to walk across the aisle.

I like Ex-PH2’s outline, with one addition. NO mandatory enrollment and get rid of the “penalty”. If you decide to go without insurance, it’s your decision and you pay the price for it. Don’t need some technocrat to tell you that you have to enroll “or else”.


I’ll answer that question, HMCS(FMF) ret: zero.


Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner to HONDO!!!


LC – you bring up that the Republicans had seven years… how many of those years did they have a large enough majority to override a veto without “D’s” walking across the aisle? None – any override of an Obama veto would have needed some “D’s” to walk across the aisle.

I wasn’t suggesting they could have overturned it earlier, I was just saying they should have had a health care plan of their own. That’s what I find pretty inexcusable. Congress is pretty good at complaining, but pretty bad at ideas.

In terms of principles, I also think the mandatory enrollment thing and penalty are crazy…. but I don’t know how we can reconcile not having them with not allowing insurers to ban pre-existing conditions. Otherwise, all someone would have to do is sign up for insurance the moment they have a problem, and drop it the moment they’re better.

Honest question – how would you balance that? Or would you just say there’s no need to cover pre-existing conditions?


Why not treat it like a cell phone contract? If you enroll, you’re locked in for 12/18/24 month period with payment via auto-pay. If you decide to opt out before the contract ends, you get a bill to pay the balance off.

Also, there shouldn’t be any limits on healthcare insurance going across state lines, like in the past. If you fins an insurer that offers something that meets you needs in Arizona, it should be good in Arkansas… shouldn’t have to get something in Arkansas that doesn’t meet your needs.


All I’m going to say is that HMOs worked quite well for everybody and covered just about everything, but for some reason they disappeared before Obamacare was even thought of. The premiums were reasonable, the coverage was good, the deductibles and co-payments were modest, and there didn’t seem to be an issue with them.
The real boondoggle in health insurance occurred some time before Obamacare was foisted on the unsuspecting public, and that had to do with people who bought health insurance companies and used them as piggy banks. That coincided with the housing bubble. It’s a very tangled web, and has never been completely cleared out. If it had been cleared away, we wouldn’t be in this pickle now.
The ONLY reason the democrats are hanging desperately onto howbadismycare is that if it’s gone, they will have nothing. N-O-T-H-I-N-G.
In reality, it should simply be repealed and replaced by what we used to have, and Medicaid needs to be better regulated.


HMO coverage did not disappear well before 0bamacare was conceived. I had HMO coverage through my employer until I retired in 2013. But I agree with the rest of your post.


“I wasn’t suggesting they could have overturned it earlier, I was just saying they should have had a health care plan of their own. That’s what I find pretty inexcusable. Congress is pretty good at complaining, but pretty bad at ideas.”

How many Democrats were lined up to assist fixing their bill that needed to be voted on before we could see it? A lot of the issues that have arisen, were well known and predicted to happen, yet it was crammed down our throats.

How many Senators or Congressmen have logged onto the Market Place last year and purchased coverage? How many will this year?

They threw a bunch of shit at the wall and now excoriate the Republicans for trying come up with a better solution.

All of those rat-bastards in Washington need to get their heads out of their asses.

I am sick and fucking tired of the finger pointing, they all need to get this shit fixed, not just the Republicans.


This is how things will go for the time being: in the short run, nothing will be done.
However, in the long run Obamacare will be repealed and tax reform will be passed.

This is from a financial forecaster with a good, long-term record of accuracy.

We’re just going to have to suck it up, Buttercup, like it or not.


A friend is coming by with some pricy single barrel bourbon this evening; my part is cigars and dinner. We’ll be having Lamb and White Bean Stew, made in my pressure cooker. Only takes an hour all told for that cooked all day flavor. Here’s the recipe I’m ignoring:

Pressure Cooker Lamb and White Bean Stew
(hat tip to Jacques Pepin)

4 shoulder lamb chops (about 2 pounds total), trimmed of fat*
1 1/2 cups (about 1/2 pound) dried white beans, such as navy or great northern, picked over and washed under cold running water
2 cups canned diced tomatoes (1 14 oz. can with liquid)
1 cup diced (1-inch) onions
1 cup diced (1-inch) trimmed and washed leek
2 tablespoons coarsely chopped garlic
1 sprig fresh thyme and 1 sprig fresh sage, or 1 teaspoon herbes de Provence
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
3 cups cold water

Put all the ingredients in a pressure cooker, cover tightly with the pressure-cooker lid, and cook over high heat until the gauge indicates that the stew is cooker on high pressure. Reduce the heat to low and cook the stew for 40 minutes.

Decompress the pressure cooker according to manufacturer’s instructions (I do mine in the sink so the steam is contained somewhat as it is emitted). Open the pressure cooker and let the stew rest for a few minutes until the fat rises to the surface. Spoon off and discard as much fat as possible and taste the stew for seasonings, adding more salt and pepper as needed. Serve hot.

Makes 6 servings.

*Cut off as much fat from the chops as possible–it doesn’t matter if the chop falls apart when ridding it of fat because it is going to fall apart when cooking anyway. If you don’t take off the fat, the stew will have a very strong (too strong in my opinion) lamb-mutton flavor.


No invite for me?


I made a metric ass-load, come on down!

Silentium Est Aureum

And yet, nobody knows the answer to the REALLY important qurstion, like:

Why did Cracker Barrel fire Brad’s wife?

Frankie Cee

Yep, a real mystery. They just up and fired an 11 year employee because it was her husband’s birthday.
I have asked, at several Facebook posts, what reason was given for firing her, and I either get crickets, or some so naive as to say, “Whatever, they didn’t have to do it on his birthday.”

Hack Stone

On Brad’s birthday, no less.

Frankie Cee

< Continuing with updates on STOLEN VALORIST KYLE CHRISTOPHER BARWAN, I have learned that there will be a “Status Conference” between prosecution and defense on April 14, 2017, and a “Pretrial Conference” on May 17, 2017, with a trial date to be set then, if he doesn’t plead guilty at the time. Dude has been in the county slammer since the January 25th, the day after he married one of his suckers. He must be getting callouses on his sphincter by now.