Third Appeal for Bergdahl Filed
Bowe’s lawyers are at it again, filing yet another appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces on the issue of President Trump’s undue command influence. The previous appeals were denied by lower courts because his remarks were made as a private citizen.
“Attorneys for accused Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl took their third shot Thursday at getting his case tossed, once again arguing that President Trump blew their client’s chance of a fair trial when he called the sergeant and former Taliban captive “a dirty, rotten traitor.”
In a 50-page appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, Bergdahl’s legal team argued that the “unprecedented circumstances” of then-candidate Trump calling Bergdahl a traitor and suggesting he should be executed create an “unlawful command influence.”
The term refers to a military legal concept in which someone in authority attempts to influence military judicial proceedings.”
Seems to me they’re grasping at straws, and this is the only argument the lawyers can make. Because Trump, “by not repudiating his earlier statements, President Trump brought them with him” And “They cannot be scrubbed from the record as if he had simply put on a clean shirt for the Inauguration,” Bergdahl’s team wrote.
Pretty weak. Perhaps if Bowe had not deserted his post and sought out the enemy during a time of conflict, endangering his fellow troops, none of this would be occurring. My personal feelings aside, Bowe is most likely to receive a Dishonorable Discharge, reduction in to rate to E-1, and do some hard time. Despite the efforts of his lawyers.
Category: Politics
Grasping at straws. It’s what they do.
What else are they going to do, but piss and moan and mealy mouth around like all good liberals! The punk is a traitor and should be taken out today and hung by the neck, to be honest, the a.h. parents should hang right next to him for poisoning his tiny little mind!imho
Hang ‘im high.
As one of my legal mentors once said, “they should have two chairs in our gas chamber, one for the condemned and the other for his defense attorney.” Of course he was just kidding. He was a retired Signal Corps CWO who went to law school, and later became a judge. But that sentiment has some appeal.
Well played, that last sentence.
That sentiment has LOTS OF APPEAL! lol
Fuck him with a chainsaw…
That’s got to hurt.
Better use a Carolina Reaper Covered Morning Star. Thats a better tool for the job
Firing squad.
Negative. A firing squad is a dignified, military execution.
This bastard deserves to hang like a common criminal – if found guilty, of course. He doesn’t deserve the dignity of a firing squad.
Isn’t hanging still a legal punishment for treason?
Rope is reusable, so it’s ecologically sound.
It should be. But the Supremes would prolly declare it “cruel and unusual punishment,” even though it has been used for over a thousand years as a legal means of execution. Utah used to have it as an option instead of the firing squad until they adopted lethal injection.
dropped in Chicago naked with a sign that reads “I hate (insert racist term here) but love pain”
I have to agree with Hondo. How about if we take a page from British regarding their execution technique for mutineers during the Sepoy Rebellion in the early 1850’s; the basic method was the prisoner upon being found guilty (you can only imagine how that must have gone) was tied to the muzzle of cannon, the cannon being preloaded with a stone shot of the appropriate caliber. Not a pretty way to go. I have also read where depending upon the religion of the sepoy in question; the shot was greased with cow fat for a hindu and pig fat for a muslim. Again, not pretty and having to arrive at the gates of your respective version of paradise with a defiled soul.
I think this ought to be a pretty good way to rid the country of this guy.
See, even then, they knew how to handle mooslimes!
Nah. Since he likes seeking out the enemy so much, just drop him off in the middle of Raqqa. See which comes first, making friends or end up on a video. I’m betting the latter.
Burn him at the stake.
Fine, let him go into pre trail Confinement until Trump leaves office in 2024
Army deserter in the open.
Bring it.
Cleared hot.
Mick with eyeballs on the target, and ex-OS2 bringing on the pain.
My day is complete.
This is getting old.
It is not even a proper call for fire procedure.
Lighten up General Yef.
OS2 this is JAOD, Fire for Effect Over
Fire for Effect Out.
Grid 2783 6433 Over
Grid 2783 6433 Out
Scumshit Deserter in open 3 Rounds Cocksucker, Over
Scumshit Deserter In open 3 Rounds Cocksucker out
Shot Over
Shot Out
Rounds Complete Over
Rounds Complete Out
Splash Over
Splash Out
Target Destroyed Over
Target Destroyed Out.
Perfect JAOD!
Insert a pineapple up his bum…….backwards.
“Fronds first”
Followed up with a 12″ Lex Steele dildo crammed up there until trial.
That’s being fired out of a cannon first.
Use him for a projectile in that new Navy Magnetic gun. Send him down range into a 50 to concrete block a 5400 miles per hour.
That’s 50 ton, not 50 to.
Firing squad for him and his AHole father too…
Yeah. That stupid muslim-lover father dude got me wishing I could blame the crimes of PFC Bergdahl on his retarded father.
Oh wait, I can.
Death by Bunga-Bunga.
After spending months with the Taliban and “Abdul the Large”?
That’s his nom de porn….his real name is Abdul Avaricious Sodomi…he’s out to fatwa every infidel bunghole he can find
Any resembalance to “Mr. Tiny” is purely coincidental.
Except for the unfortunate birthmark they both sport. Hmmmm…
Oh, he got that one already. For 5 years.
This is the third time they have tried the same defense… this is the best they got? Good thing he was raised in Idaho… cuz he’s gonna spend a l-o-o-n-g time in eastern Kansas.
His lawers are hoping the tried and true legal doctrine of “the third time is the charm” will succeed with this appeal.
Can he delay trial until after the elections?
Death by Boola Boola! I hope they burn this fucker at the steak with WP then pour water on him! Fuck this ass hamster, and I hate to degrade the poor hamster!
Lawyer is arguing that berghdal’s scum behavior trumps an inviduals free speech. What a class act.
I can almost see the argument.
“Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?”
But Trump was a private citizen when he made the comments, and has been silent on the issuse since the inaugaration.
Three strikes, he’s out.
“…Bowe is most likely to receive a Dishonorable Discharge, reduction in to rate to E-1, and do some hard time. Despite the efforts of his lawyers.”
IMHO it can’t come soon enough!
Just give him a dishonorable discharge and publish the date, time and location of his release from the Army. I am sure that there are enough good Vets that will take care of the trash.
But President Obama saying that “he served with honor and distinction” is not undue command influence? Just call it offsetting penalties and hold the court martial already. The way this is dragging out, the Army will have to promote him two more ranks before a verdict.
Difference is, current POTUS one is a conservative, the prior a socialist democrat…
Oh no, not Barry O… he would never use his pen and a phone to influence anyone.
When he said he “served with honor and distinction” I almost shat myself…
Bergdahl needs a big chicken dinner after a few months of hard labor… and I mean hard labor, not some pansy ass detail like painting rocks!
A jury made solely of E-9s would not be subject to undue command influence. They’re not going any higher. Just saying.
I say we just give him back to the Taliban and save the time, money and trouble of a CM. A HALO jump into a controlled province. Any volunteers to pack his chute?
Make that a HANO jump.
Should be shot.
But that ain’t going to happen
So I’ll self identify as a bat and take a swing at his head
Rot in hell