Good News Over at the EPA.
President Trump’s appointment to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Scott Pruitt may be many things, but a believer in man caused global warming is not one of them.
‘Asked his views on the role of carbon dioxide, the heat-trapping gas produced by burning fossil fuels, in increasing global warming, Mr. Pruitt said on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” that “I think that measuring with precision human activity on the climate is something very challenging to do and there’s tremendous disagreement about the degree of impact, so, no, I would not agree that it’s a primary contributor to the global warming that we see.”’
The quote is from The New York Times, so the phrase “…heat-trapping gas produced by burning fossil fuels, in increasing global warming…” is a bit disingenuous, if unsurprising.
Also to the good, the EPA’s head of Environmental Justice just resigned. What, you didn’t know the EPA has a department, funded by tax dollars, that deals in environmental justice issues? Me neither. It was headed by a fellow named Mustafa Ali, who has resigned in response to upcoming EPA budget cuts, cuts on the order of 20% of the 15,000 current staff, and ¼ of it’s budget of $8 billion. I would say Mustafa saw the writing on the wall, and quit before they fired him.
Here’s a link to a remarkably unhelpful page about EJ 2020:
I’ll save you the pain. By 2020, the Environmental Justice Department of the EPA will:
- Improve on-the-ground results for overburdened communities through reduced impacts and enhanced benefits
- Institutionalize environmental justice integration in EPA decision-making
- Build robust partnerships with states, tribes and local governments
- Strengthen our ability to take action on environmental justice and cumulative impacts
- Better address complex national environmental justice issues.
Bill Shakespeare would call this Sound and Fury, but signifying nothing. And he’d be right. I call the budget cuts a pretty good start.
Read more at:
Category: Politics
When the cuts get to, oh, 50%, I’ll be impressed.
Get some, Donald
When he starts cutting back on the number of armed and dangerous agencies, turns the weaponry over to DoD, THEN I’ll be impressed…
Mustafa Ali, another six figure salary, buh-bye.
Mr. Trump, you promised so much Winning that I would get tired of Winning.
I am not tired yet. More Winning, please. 8 – )
Jerry Brown is going to need some quiet time with his toy trains when he hears about this…
“Goals: Work with partners to expand our positive impact within overburdened communities…”
Translation: Funnel millions of taxpayer dollars to Progressive Green Groups that in turn make million of dollars in donations to Democrat Candidates
You must have the latest edition of the Bureaucratese to English translation app, Jonp.
Environmental justice sounds as bullshit as social justice.
Bureaucratic Agency cuts, especially the EPA? MORE PLEASE, Mr. President!!
Notice the lack of comments?…
Because many of the readers of this board do not agree with your climate denier bullshit but don’t want to get in an argument or draw the ire of the alt-right morons on this board.
So they are just ignoring you.
Not really commie fuck. I bet you leave a fucking huge carbon footprint, hypocrite.
Check out the Daniel Wall thread, that’s where everyone has been. He is your poster boy.
Poodle here can’t be bothered with checking out anything, ex-OS2. That’s too much like work – or actual research. It’s beneath him.
There is nothing on this board the reading of which would count as research.
It has become more and more partisan and more and more alt-fact driven over time.
It is like some of the more hard-core regulars have decided to double down on their bullshit.
You guys have no idea how out of touch you are with most veterans at this point.
36.4% of military members have a favorable view of Obama. Another 12+% has a neutral view. That is nearly 50% of military service members…
Is that 50% represented here? No. Particularly not the 36.4% that view his legacy favorably. All you have here is constant whining about Obama, you have been doing it for 8 years, and seem to plan to continue to do it for the entire Trump administration as well, until another democrat is elected for you to whine about.
The official position of the DoD is that climate change is real, man-made pollution is contributing to it, and that it is a major emerging security threat in the 21st century.
SecDef Mattis thinks climate change is real, it is impacted by human pollution, and it is a national security threat.
75% of military members agree climate change is real.
54% of military members believe man-made pollution contributes to climate change.
Are they represented on this board? Barely. And when I have seen one post they attract a bunch of dumb-shit denier posts.
If you are a climate denier at this point you are a fucking moron. There is no excuse for that level of stupidity.
Here you, Poodlenuts. Every time you post something, this is what you say.
THAT dog is definitely what I see as the Canine equivalent of Babbles McButthead.
Want some fries with that commie?
You can contribute immediately by not supporting those meanie polluting pharmaceutical companies with all the prescriptions you take.
I mean seriously, have you seen the deadly chemicals that they spew into the air and the hazardous waste they dump?
You should be ashamed of yourself, hypocrite.
Actually, Poodle, you just proved my point. Along with proving you have poor reading comprehension skills. What I actually said, in plain black and white above, was that you couldn’t be bothered with checking out anything. I then opined that that was because it was too much like work – or research. Most 8th graders could read that sentence and understand the point. You didn’t. You’ve proven that fact (e.g., you don’t bother to check your facts before commenting) about yourself time and again here in your routinely half-assed, unsupported comments that have been easily proven BS with 5 minutes of fact-checking. You routinely wax ignorant (and are proven to be full of it afterwards) because you don’t bother to “check anything out” a priori. Personally, I think it’s because you’re just simply freaking lazy – or perhaps you think doing such “drudge work” is beneath you. Maybe you’re afraid that you’ll find something that contradicts your precious “Progressive” dogma. But it’s also possible that you’re either deliberately dissembling or are simply incapable of basic research. Your comment above is yet another example of how you routinely make assertions of fact without backing them up. You throw out numbers about what percentage of veterans view the now-former SCoaMF favorably – without citing your sources. Indeed, you do that almost all the time – and you virtually always refuse to back up your assertions with fact. It’s thus reasonable to question whether you actually have sources for your info 90+% of the time or whether you’re pulling them out of your 4th POC. Because of that longstanding pattern of behavior – plus the fact that you come across as a smug, conceited jackass with delusions of grandeur who could infuriate a lamp post within 30 seconds – I don’t take a damn thing you say as being fact based merely on your assertion that it’s true. (I’m reasonably sure I’m not the only one who feels that way, either.) You need to produce a verifiable, credible source before I’ll believe anything you say. You can start with a source for those… Read more »
Addendum: you also have poor logical reasoning skills, Poodle. The fact that 75% of people agree with something is hardly evidence that it’s true.
I’ll go out on a limb and say that probably 90+% of people in the early 1600s believed that the sun revolved around the Earth. In fact, that was considered “settled science” in the early 1600s – and the heliocentric theory was literally considered “heresy”.
It appears the majority erred then. I trust even someone as pig-headed and dense as you can see the parallel.
Hondo, if you recall that little article I cranked out on the nasty-assed attempt to turn simple disagreement into a prosecutable crime, the TRUTH about climate whatever is that it has rapidly become a scramble for cash, status and attention. Anyone who ‘disagrees’ is a pariah, not because there is anything wrong with disagreement. No, it is because someone who challenges the so-called consensus is a threat to the cash flow, the status, the attention, and possibly career longevity.
And that’s different from Galileo’s persecution how, precisely?
Mr. Galilei pissed off the Jesuits, insofar as I know, Mr. Taylor is not Catholic.
I knew Mr Galilei…you Sir are no Galilei
Okay, you two lost me. Hondo, there IS no difference. Politics pollute everything.
Dave Harding, Commissar, aka Poodledick the Piuperdink, is a pseudo-intellectual lazy fuck who wants people to do everything for him, including sit on his face, and is only interested in picking fights.
All of those comma’s have me confused.
Who sits on who’s face?
I like fights.
Is the face sitting part of makeup sex?
Isn’t it past your bedtime?
Sorry, I just got through watching the 100th B-17 Bomber Group’s missions.
I will revise:
To: Dave Hardin
Commissar, aka Poodledick the Piuperdink, is a pseudo-intellectual lazy fuck who wants people to do everything for him including sit on his face. He is only interested in picking fights. Like an ergot fungus, he shows up here to try to drive people nuts.
No, it is not yet past MY bedtime.
Ah, me gets it now. I have been surfing porn (no naked woman Marines involved) so the face sitting caught my attention.
I had no idea the poor man was suffering from ergotoxicosis. I suspected something a bit more acidic was involved.
People here are already nuts, he is just the Uber guy that gives them a lift from time to time.
“The official position of the DoD is that climate change is real, man-made pollution is contributing to it, and that it is a major emerging security threat in the 21st century”.
That’s left over from the Obama Regime, Poodle Dick. You get 0 points for trying.
If you enter “DOD Position Global Warming” on Bing, there are 1,080,000 hits, none on the first several pages dated any more recently than 2016. Same for a couple of other search terms.
The 2016 hit references a 2014 article, you know, when Obama ordered DoD to worry about global warming.
Ya know, I’ve never directly confronted you before, mostly because i felt it was feeding the trolls, but this morning i guess i’m feeling froggy, so here goes…No one is denying the climate dumbass! try proof reading just once in a while huh? and if you so fervently believe that human produced carbon dioxide is the cause of the current warming trend here’s a solution…SHUT YOUR FREAKIN YAP!that’ll reduce CO2 emissions dramatically! I might suggest you do so for long enough to make it permanent… you know, just to do your part…And of course, the progtards that the previous occupant put in charge at the pentagon believe this tripe.. that’s the problem dipshit! Now that the adults are back in charge, capability as a military officer, and not the ability to toe the party line will be a qualifier to inhabit that building, and idiots like you will be out on their ear, if we’re lucky! Instead of just believing the bullshit you ingest, try doing a little research about the earth… see, once upon a time, it was hot enough for dinosaurs… then it got really cold ( ever hear of the ice age?) then there was the little ice age ( the reason a Stratavarias violin sounds so good) and since then, the earth has been warming ..factor in solar activity, and you’ve got a much more plausible ( if less profit able) explanation for the current trend..just saying.
Hell Lars, according to you Zika is the major security threat to America. Hows that been working for you?
He leaves a massive carbon cloud every time he opens his stupid mouth, ex-OS2. The pollution level in his neighborhood would drop drastically if he just sewed his yap shut.
Obvious question: If the air is so dreadfully polluted, why is it that when the moon rises in the late afternoon, it is plainly visible in the sky if there are no clouds?
Answer: Because the atmosphere is only polluted in Poodledick the Piuperdink’s immediate area! He should be fined for just breathing.
In fact, the air is so UNPOLLUTED (except for the space he inhabits) that any solar-generated daytime heat rapidly radiates into space by sunset and the frackin’ air is cold enough to make a polar bear sit up and take notice.
Lars, I was very tempted to go into the dashboard and add to your post, but I’ll just use my new super powers for good. Mostly. At least for now.
First of all, I’ll maintain my personal requirement to not state anything on a post I wouldn’t say in public.
I asked Jonn if I could help with the board when he was ill, and he agreed. I was honored by the privilege, and with some gentle direction by DH I’ve attempted to post items of interest as I see them, without rancor and perhaps a little snark, as is my style. Odd, I only see you here throwing rocks and contributing little else. Did you offer to help Jonn? Didn’t think so.
Also, I don’t see a leader board anywhere near here, so a post count on anything I say is meaningless- there is no competition here. I post what I feel may be of interest and what is within the spirit of TAH. If I overstep those bounds I’m sure I’ll hear about it most ricky-tick.
Tellingly, you have not been banned or edited by anyone here, even though your opinions run counter to most. This is as it should be. Believe it or not, I do value your inputs and read them with interest, even though I disagree with about 98% of them.
So that’s about it, enjoy the rest of your weekend and keep the shiny side up.
AW1Ed out.
I appreciate your posts AW1Ed and your willingness to help out Jonn. I am sure I speak for most, Bravo Zulu my friend.
Same-same, ex, and thanks.
Just a comment to bump your count
I think Mr. Wall is living large with the highest comment count so far this year.
666 as of this posting…that might be a sign of some kind.
HERE HE GOES AGAIN, Babbles McButthead running his yap like an extra-obnoxious poodle coming over and shitting in its neighbor’s yard. He need to get used to the idea of forever working a Government job after (or IF he ever) he graduates because HE WILL NOT LAST anywhere in the private sector unless he has a rich Uncle that will never fire him regardless of his idiocy! ME? I’ve made it with flying colors in both and immnot afraid to work my ass off for an honest paycheck. Hey Babbles McButthead, you say you once worked at a McGunk franchise, do you have ANY OTHER experience in the private sector? Not to worry for you, they’re ALWAYS hiring!
You really need to stay on your meds.
Have you ever seen the pollution #libidiots leave when they go to a protest or love in or whatever the flavor of the day is?
Like the North Dakota pipeline protest, there were tons of trash left behind by them.
Human waste, tents, sleeping bags unfit to give to a homeless bum crackhead underneath your nearest bridge.
I’ve cleaned up after them in Madison WI and Milwaukee. They are the biggest pigs on the planet.
Please do not insult the porcine population by comparing this group of vagrant stumpsuckers to the hogs.
Hogs of all kinds are 1,000 times smarter than these lice-ridden, scabies-infested rodent’s asses, considerably cleaner by about 50 country miles, and they taste good, too.
There is a comment count means testing survey here at TAH?
Gawd Damn It !!!!
Nobody tells me shit around here. From now on I am only commenting on my own posts. Saying anything on another post would be like Trump voting for Hillary.
Your Egocentric tendencies are beginning to creep out again sweetheart.
Put a leash on your id, I will bring the collar…sexy thang.
When President Trump gets done we should be able to drown the whole federal bureaucracy in a single bathtub.
That would be nice.
Oh, Sweet Mother of Jesus, please make it so.
I bet Poodle doesn’t cut back on a single modern luxury in order to reduce his man made global warming footprint.
That bothers me about the global warming alarmist – they don’t actually live as if they believe it. They just vomit their bullshit all over everyone around them.
You mean like limousine/Lear Jet liberals like Al Gore Junior and Leonardo DiCrappio who travel in luxury to tell everyone else to eat bean sprouts and ride the bus?
Yes API! Exactly that.
Leonardass flying two time zones in his jet with his friends so he could party double the amount. No-Continental New Years party they called it.
I don’t care what he does as long as he shuts his clock holster about what “you and I” should do.