You say boy or girl, Airman, we’re gonna rip off a stripe…
That’s certainly the way it looks from this reported edict handed down by as some yet unnamed social justice warrior at high command level in the Air Force. According to this report from Fox News, the high flyers apparently think they’re still doing fruit loops for that clueless fool who sat in the command pilot’s seat for the past eight years.
Fox News says this:
The Air Force fears that words like boy, girl, colonial and blacklist might offend people, according to an email sent to Airmen at Joint Base San Antonio.
And the reality of that is that it might cost them a stripe, a demotion in rank and pay, for nothing more than an inept violation of political correctness.
The Trump administration has to get up to speed on liberal crap like this obvious holdover politically correct directive from whatever blue-suited twinkle-toes still survives and thrives in the upper atmospherics of Air Force command. Let’s toss his kind off the big plane and sans parachute is fine with this old Airborne soldier. It has to be tempting to the Trump administration to first go after all that loony lesbian, gay baloney that Ray (may his soul sink into and forever tremble in the muck of the darkest, coldest sediment of Earth’s deepest oceanic trench) Mabus inflicted upon our honorable Navy with his shameful naming of ships after queers who served without distinction, other than to survive as homosexuals in the hostile environment of a very virile and masculine United States Navy. But, as this directive should remind Trump’s folks, Obama’s social justice warriors still permeate the command ranks of all the services, a hard reality that calls for a purge of their unpractical kind.
General Mattis, we who populate the pages of military internet venues beg you to return our noble military to what it once was: a reasonable representation of a real America, a cross-section of small towns and big cities, rural and urban youth, young people whose political beliefs cover the entire American spectrum, and not a social experimentation program for the Democratic Party.
General Mattis, you must let your NCOs say boy, girl, and all those other politically correct banned words on their way to making responsible adults out of all those confused children liberalism has created. Please, please, rid us of these embedded social justice warriors who would weaken us as a nation with their social experimentation. Perhaps then we will once again become the warrior force, the fighting warrior force, which we have mustered for our nation’s every call to combat since forming into the clumsy ranks that defeated King George’s oh so politically correct forces and made this great nation possible.
Semper Fi!
Crossposted at American Thinker
Category: Air Force
The social experimentation in the military needs to stop… and the individual that sent out the e-mail needs to leave the service ASAP!
I’d love to know the name and rank of the individual that sent that out…
Me, too.
Now you know why its called the “Air Farce”!!
I don’t know the rank but here’s more complete coverage from JQP:
I have to0 agree with their response, the lack of response from the rest of the Senior NCOs and Officers on something so mindblastingly dumb speaks volumes.
Did that come as a tweet?
Remember the days before cellphones and PCs? Paperwork was king, but required signatures, multiple copies disbursed too multiple locations, and command level approval. Too easy to type in a prank and hit send all.
I don’t see,
Fuck you maggot, drop your ass and give me fifty you piece of shit. Your sister says hello dumbass, give me fifty more little bitch ass pussy. Go clean the shitter cocksucker and when you are finished give me fifty more you rat bastard should have been a blowjob.
“You can’t run an army without profanity; and it has to be eloquent profanity. An army without profanity couldn’t fight its way out of a piss-soaked paper bag.” –George S. Patton
Fucking a.
You GUYS missed the best bit of no-no nonsense I’ve ever seen.
#3. You People
To use this ist verboten? Since WHEN is PEOPLE an offensive word? Should we use MAMMALS instead?
Whoever wrote up that memo and broadcast it needs to spend some quality time with a few old school E-8 CPOSs and GySGTs and Army MSGs. That’s BEFORE they spend any time with me.
I am fed up with my tax money being wasted on these sniveling little pissed-in-their-panties afterthoughts who come up with this crap.
Last week when Trump met with a bunch of black community leaders, he said :”you people are doing a great job.”
He was attacked for using “you people” because it is somehow “racist.”
Apparently the insinuation is that “you people” means you are different from the rest of the group or whatever.
I don’t get it either.
Carver, I don’t get it either. My wife’s family is old West Texas ranching stock, the very same ones who were the vigilantes who lynched rustlers and sod busters. What’s left of them are still clannish as hell. One day I remarked on that trait and used the term, “You people,” during an argument with my father-in-law. He immediately bowed up and demanded to know just what the hell I meant by “You people”.
I still don’t understand what’s so offensive about the expression.
Next up on the list of “insensitive” and “offensive” phrases will be “y’all” or “ya’ll” (depending on your choice of spelling.)
I try very hard to understand positions with which I disagree. I figure that I can disagree and talk more intelligently with people if I understand what their point is.
But this?
I can’t even begin to wrap my head around this.
My own view is that the terms “all of you,” “y’all,” and “you people” all mean basically the same thing but can have a slightly different connotation in usage.
“Y’all” is a Southern expression used for both second-person plural and singular. “All of you” is second-person plural only, and although not usually offensive, can mark the speaker as a Yankee. The term “you people” can also be considered a Yankee expression, and might be offensive if used, for example, in the compound phrase, “What the fuck is wrong with you people?”
The offense taken might also be particularly true among those who haven’t quite gotten over Gettysburg…
I find “you folk” particularly offensive.
Perry, in Old Southese grammar, second person plural of “Y’all” is “All y’all”.
True, Poe.
y’all – 2nd person plural (inclusive or exclusive)
all y’all – 2nd person plural inclusive
y’all’s – 2nd person plural possessive
all y’all’s – 2nd person plural possessive inclusive
What do you mean “you people?”
Somebody at Lackland needs action figure therapy for zoomies:
Today’s Air Farce, the sensitive candyass service…
Well, I guess in the U.S. Air Farce it is “1984” and they are writing their own “Newspeak Dictionary.” George Orwell would be so proud were he alive. I guess Winston Smith is a General in the Pentagon now. God save the Republic from these unnamed bureaucrats wearing military uniforms. I know he has been in office for only about six weeks, but our new POTUS needs to make dismantling Ex-Commander 0’s progtard Deep State the highest priority.
Planes that can’t fly, no pilots to fly them, and the Air Force wonders what’s wrong.
In 1975 at Korat RTAFB Thailand, the sign in the 388TFW main briefing room said “The Mission of the USAF is to fly and fight and don’t you ever forget it.” Look how far the AF has gone!
Hmmm, there have been a number of news items about misbehavin’ st Langly, but i seem to recall they had more to do with the physical than the verbal.
Langly should be Lackland.
I truly hope that Gen Goldfein will bring back the adult Air Force I once knew. I don’t think I could ever bring myself to wear Blue again.
Here’s the response from LtGen Hines. Maybe a tiny bit of hope. . .
Or not. Comments say both the original email and the response are fake.
My fellow service members of the fairer service! I am now a parent of a child of indeterminate gender! I’ve bought you all new pacifiers as a non-gender conforming gift!
Sorry, I couldn’t go any further than that. Now, I must exert my masculinity by forcing another centimeter of beard growth while drinking a beer and getting orally pleased by my wife.
The correct terminology is “Twinkle toed cocksucker” whenever using that phrase in proper military jargon…
My apologies to Ex OS-2 for usurping his command authority…
I should be thanking you for picking up the slack for my failure to deliver in this thread. Thank you.
What the fuck was I thinking?
Thank you my friend.
Can someone help an old guy out? If its going to be “Zir” or “Zee” will it also be “Zeem” and “Zey” ? Are we changing things to “AirZee”, “InfantryZir”, or Yeozee?
Damn I am having a hard time keeping
Hmmmm I know or have known many folks who (including myself) who would be rendered speechless in the PC military of today. I recall a whole bunch of us in AIT hearing this particular series of comments echo down the hall in our Disney land barracks:
PVT: But Drill Sergeant, Im brown just like you…(reality had come to smack PVT M in the face, in the form of a 5’7′ x 5′ Drill from Puerto Rico)
DRILL SERGEANT: Son you are not brown, Im am not brown, we are GREEN Motherfukker, GREEN! Now push the floor until I get tired!
I suppose MoFo or A-hole could be substituted for Soldier, Trooper, Airman, Marine, Sailor. But I thought when used for full effect by a well trained and experienced NCO those terms were synonyms.
The SERVICE isn’t supposed to be easy! Nor should it be made to pander to some societal model of OHHHH DONT HURT THEIR FEELERS!
WTF? Over
PS: Regarding the Speechless thing; being an employee of the Great State of WA, we are subject to very similar SJW/PC BS. I do have a tendency to be ummm a bit direct in speech, I have been accused of using the Fbomb as punctuation, hence I would be speechless. Fortunately, I happen to work in a field office about 200 miles from the flagpole. 🙂 Hence I can speak.
Awright, “Unfuck this!” and “Put my boot up your ass!” are still okay!
Time to haul out Bill Shakespeare’s Compendium of Insults. I will attend to that some time this week, but before I do so, I will leave you with the following bit of insight into how to respond to PC bullshit.
Behold, the field in which I grow my fucks! Cast thine eyes upon it, and see that it is barren!
This is the first lesson. The second is like unto it.
Thou shalt not wander into my field of fucks, lest thou shouldst be mistaken for lunch. Whereupon, should I mistake thee for my lunch, thou art indeed the shingle for shit on a shingle.
The third and final lesson doth follow.
Thou shalt keep thy booger hook off the bang switch at all times if thou dost wish to live past the end of the day. Shouldst thou put thy booger hook on the bang switch, thou shouldst likewise endeavor to ensure that the target is the Enemy, and aim properly.
Here endeth the lesson for today.
“Damn Yankee” offends me.
JUST HOW MUCH shit-eating-cocksucking-pisspants-sonofabitchin’-mudda-fuckety-FUCK are we gonna have to keep putting up with this candy-assed twinkle-toed wussnoramus Sparkle Pony PC BULLSHIT in our Military? I hope that President Trump and SECDEF Mattis are going full throttle behind the scenes at ridding our Military of political correctness.