Zachary McClimans; transgender deals with “offended” workmate

| November 5, 2016

Zachary McClimans

Zachary McClimans, a Walmart employee in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was contemplating becoming a woman. He told some of his fellow employees about his decision. At least one of them was “offended” so McClimans decided that he’d change the unnamed employee’s mind by shooting him according to the Associated Press;

The suspect in a shooting at a Pennsylvania Wal-Mart store told police he opened fire on his co-worker because the employee was offended he was changing genders to female and had threatened him, police say.

Zachary McClimans, 22, of Sharon, told police he raised his concerns to management at the Hermitage store last week but “no decision had been made” regarding the other employee, police said in a criminal complaint Friday.

McClimans decided one “solution” to the problem was shooting his co-worker so McClimans took his grandfather’s .380-caliber pistol and drove to the store, the complaint said. Although McClimans originally planned to shoot the other employee outside the store, McClimans went in and shot him about 10:30 p.m. Thursday, the complaint said.

I guess folks aren’t allowed to be offended by the choices of others. If they can’t be convinced, and their employers won’t fire them, they must die.

The title of the article mentions a threat made by the victim of the shooting, but I can’t find any mention of a threat in the article.

The Sharon, Pennsylvania Herald hints at one;

According to the police criminal complaint, McClimans has worked at Walmart for seven months and told his co-workers that he is in the process of changing genders.

After his arrest, McClimans told police Hall was offended by his decision to become a woman, and Hall allegedly began threatening him.

The incident between the two was reported by McClimans to Walmart management, which began an investigation, court records state.

No decision was made by Walmart management as of last week about the status of McClimans’ alleged complaint, according to the court reports.

It seems to me that if there were credible threats involved, Walmart would have been motivated to make a move quickly.

But, acceptance of the protected classes is more important than safety.

Category: Society

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HT3 '83-'87

I figured that after seeing the headline the story had to originate in Florida…

Signed, Pleasantly surprised Tampa, FL


Well hell yes! that’s the lady like thing to do, just shoot the s.o.b. LOL 🙂



MSG Eric

Good one! I didn’t think of that but I haven’t had breakfast yet, my mind isn’t fully working right. lol

MSG Eric

“The title of the article mentions a threat made by the victim of the shooting, but I can’t find any mention of a threat in the article.”

There must’ve been a threat to his life though! He’s a transgender, they never hurt anyone for any reason. They are just defenseless innocent people who are always beaten down and attacked by others. He was just using self-defense, obviously!


Folks confused about their gender need professional help, not access to weapons.

Right, Ash Carter?

2/17 Air Cav

Along the lines of what I was thinking, that there is something seriously wrong with transgenders, you know the ones now so welcome in our military service. Every single on is a sick SOB.


Their suicide rate is extremely high, even *after* their “reassignment” surgery. I think it stands to reason that they are unhappy with themselves no matter what.


The psychological issues are preexisting before they attempt this reassignment nonsense. The fact that someone could claim to be a ‘woman trapped in a man’s body’ by definition is a delusional statement because their minds are denying with facts, which is pretty much the definition of delusional.

The Other Whitey

So where do you suppose the SJWs are gonna land on this one? The hate crime/workplace violence was committed by the wannabe-eunuch against a normal person. Their heads must be spinning, if not exploding.


Well, TOW, obviously the “victim” didn’t just go singing and dancing along with the drum circle, so he is evil and must be destroyed.


Concur, Graybeard. The SJW crowd just may take the view that the criminal bastard here was “persecuted and humiliated beyond his ability to cope” and “snapped” – so of course he’s blameless, and it’s the fault of the guy he shot who was “too mean to him”. Plus that “evil firearm”, of course.

Yeah, that’s pretty obviously bullsh!t. But it wouldn’t shock me to see the SJW crowd take the criminal’s side here on the grounds that they’re a “provoked victim”.


I don’t know what the mental illness defense is in Pennsylvania, but in some states, if that’s the ‘plea’, he’d still have to serve his sentence. And he won’t get to ‘transition’ while he’s there.
In regard to SJW howler monkeys, they’ve been kind of quiet on subjects like this lately. They’re busy stealing Trump campaign signs off of peoples’ lawns.

NR Pax

Part of the process when you decide you want to go through gender reassignment surgery is that you have to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation.

I think shooting a co-worker is one of those disqualifying things.

MSG Eric

Spending any time at all in a Wal-Mart should be disqualifying, employee or customer.


WalMart is the only place I can get Johnsonville Sausage at a reasonable price, so PFFFTTTT! to you.

Bill (a NIMBY/Banana)

76 years of age- still have not been in a walmart. I ain’t no purist-send the wife in fer booze and ammo (when available).

Hack Stone

Then there is the guy serving a life sentence for killing his wife, and a judge ordered the state to pay for his sex reassignment surgery.


The guy he shot probably just offered a sharp knife to help him out in the transistion LOL


That dude is one ugly woman.



Angry B

Its parents must be very proud.

Those eyebrows…SMH.