Did the NYPD force the FBI to act on Weiner?

| November 5, 2016

According to a Breitbart article discussing the reasons for the FBI’s renewed interest in the Clinton scandals, that move came at the insistence of the New York Police Department, who were the LEOs who claimed first possession and had first access to pervert Anthony Weiner’s laptop. The source for Breitbart was Erik Prince, former Navy SEAL and founder/former CEO of Blackwater, who says he has sources within the NYPD who have assured him that the Democrat pedophile’s computer contains an ambitious prosecutor’s dream’s worth of evidence of criminality against many Democrat politicians in Congress – and also, of course, the Clintons and their immediate entourage.

According to Prince, as quoted by Breitbart:

“They found State Department emails. They found a lot of other really damning criminal information, including money laundering, including the fact that Hillary went to this sex island with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Clinton went there more than 20 times. Hillary Clinton went there at least six times,” he said.

“The amount of garbage that they found in these emails, of criminal activity by Hillary, by her immediate circle, and even by other Democratic members of Congress was so disgusting they gave it to the FBI, and they said, ‘We’re going to go public with this if you don’t reopen the investigation and you don’t do the right thing with timely indictments,'” Prince explained.

Note that word disgusting and consider that those who are disgusted are members of NYPD, some of the most hardened dicks in the world, investigators who have seen every form of human perversion and criminality the mind can imagine. And they were disgusted by what that computer contains about the Clintons and their cronies.

Breitbart goes on:

“There is all kinds of criminal culpability through all the emails they’ve seen of that 650,000, including money laundering, underage sex, pay-for-play, and, of course, plenty of proof of inappropriate handling, sending/receiving of classified information, up to SAP level Special Access Programs,” he stated.

“So the plot thickens. NYPD was pushing because, as an article quoted one of the chiefs – that’s the level just below commissioner – he said as a parent, as a father with daughters, he could not let that level of evil continue,” Prince said.

“That level of evil”? That a chief of the NYPD uses the descriptive evil rather than criminal should speak worlds as to just what the Clinton’s really are – lawless and immoral predators, as so many of us have been insisting for years. But according to Prince, his NYPD sources say they have faced nothing but obstruction from the federal Justice Department, which is easy to believe when you consider that sources within the FBI have been saying the same thing.

And that, folks, is reason enough to vote against this evil criminal enterprise the Clintons have constructed. If Hillary gains control of the Justice Department, all her evildoing and criminality will be swept under the rug of history. We must follow the example of the NYPD and not let that happen.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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Until the NYPD comes out and announces arrests etc. in this, I am putting it in the tin foil hat, crazier than bat shit folder.

It just sounds too far out there, even for the Clintons.

Your move, NYPD.

Bubblehead Ray



What? That’s totally believable (well, part of it is anyway).


Has Dave Hardin been playing with photoshop again?




This explains much.

SSG Wendell Thayne

And that is the truth. Facts talk bullshit walks….If it is true I really need to see action taken before making a judgement call. That sounds pretty far out there, even for Clintons….maybe…

Whiskey Tango

I didn’t really mean to put my real name out there…but oh well, there it is…

Hack Stone

Don’t worry, we will get you into the Johovah’s Witness Protection Program ASAP. Your new identity will be Elaine Ricci, a pedigreed K Street lobbyist who graduated from one of the top five (unspecified) colleges in the country, and president of a proud woman owned company selling software to the federal government.

Bill M

Well, all righty then.


Nothing is “too far out for the clintons! NOTHING” As for the blockage by the injustice dept…its time for an impeachment proceeding, then a trial, then ‘LYNCH’ the Lynch! imho

Dave Hardin

Sex Island? Anyone have GPS coordinates? If I was poor little Tony and married to that bitch, who knows where I would have put my wiener.

The article seems a bit “out there”, but anything is possible with these people.

Jonn might be getting a bit troglodytic from saying in the bunker too much. I am not sure but maybe there is something askew with his feng shui since the bunker renovation.


Here ya go, Dave.

26.1118° N, 97.1681° W



Epstein’s Pedophile Island:


Yes, I know it’s Wiki, but it’s quick.


Sex Island? I think maybe they’re talking about Fire Island there on the Long Island Sound.

Years ago I heard it was the place to go to if you wanted to drag your wiener in the sand at a national seashore.



AW1Ed nailed it.

2/17 Air Cav

Years ago, Fire Island was NY’s summertime queer mecca. No need for that any longer. It’s an open city.



(Note-any episode of Archer is also a pretty good analog for how espionage would be conducted under a new Clinton administration)


Where’s Glorious Allready in all this? Where’s her outrage? All I hear is crickets….


2/17 Air Cav

“…investigators who have seen every form of human perversion and criminality the mind can imagine.” Well, not quite every. Looks like Dave is heading over that way.

2/17 Air Cav

IDC SARC just called, Dave. He wants to know if you’re taking the NJ Tpk. If so, he asks that you pick him up on the Jersey side of the GW Bridge. Thanks.

Dave Hardin

Always room on the boat for a brother in search of a piece…or peace whichever applies.


A Separate Piece


Thought that would be “Whirled Peas”


NYPD will leak copy’s of all hard drives if the FBI doesn’t do its job time.

2/17 Air Cav

Here’s what I think happened. No need for tinfoil hats. The NYPD did its thing regarding the Weiner Perversion investigation and, pursuant to warrant, took and examined gis electronics. On one or more they found State Department emails and, after a brief “Holy Shit!” discussion, contacted the FBI. at this point, the FBI was totally screwed b/c the emails (the seizure) were now on a list and the word had gotten well around as to what was found. Consequently, the FBI got on the Lynch hotline and the decision was made to announce a new round of investigation. It will be unnecessarily protracted as Lynch/Comey/White House/Wide Load Surrogate figure out how to deal with this in the long term. The End.


Until I see an indictment I call BS on Prince’s whole story

Trust me I pray it’s true

But like the majority of the BS “reported” this campaign by “anonymous sources” I feel this revelation will just turn out to be nothing but BS


I’ve dealt with Prince personally and wouldn’t consider him the most credible source.


This was my first thought when I read this article.

I haven’t met Prince himself, but i have to deal with quite a few of his surrogates, and they were all shitbags and liers, one step away from valor thieves for the shit they talked and the shit they claimed, while completely disregarding US troops and our rules and regulations.

I would love to see Hitlary pay for her crimes, but this story is just not that credible to me untill I see evidence.

Silentium Est Aureum

Taking down the Clintons? Color me skeptical. And don’t get my hopes up. People have been trying for 25 years and still have nothing.


Or been paid off had a accident or somehow shot themselfs from behind


When it’s over with this will turn out to be one of the most corrupt administrations ever the issue
Is will they ever nail these S.O.B.s remains to be seen, Bill is a fruit loop Hillary is a close second
I wonder how many people on the right are involved in this probably not as many as I thought in the beginning

Perry Gaskill

Somebody needs to ‘splain this to those of us on the short bus.

The most simple explanation is that the NYPD found evidence on Weiner’s laptop, knew it was going to slop over into federal jurisdiction, and called in the FBI. This put Comey between a rock and a hard place. Since a possibility existed that what was on the laptop might show either intent to mishandle classified material, or obstruction in the prior part of the email investigation, a decision was made to open it again. The timing of the announcement was going to suck no matter what.

An additional irony, for those who might have missed it, is that Blackwater has apparently been a contributor to the Clinton Foundation.

Weiner’s pervy stuff is also a distraction. Every time I read the words “Sex Island” there’s this mental image of Herve Villechaizze yelling “The plane, Boss, the plane.”


“The plane, Boss, the plane.”

I’m assuming that was his safe word in this scenario.


Very plausible, Perry. Perhaps one of the detectives at the NYPD brought up some of Ant’ney’s stuff on the laptop and, lo and behold, there were emails about ______________(fill in the blank), all of which are classified. Or something that had a header with the words Top Secret sitting there, staring back at him. So he called the FEEBS.
And, seeing this, Comey decided the shit storm now would be less than it would be if he’d sat on it until after the election.


Two words even “better” than that example, PT: “Lolita Express”.


Make those qualifying statements first, Poetrooper.

I don’t know what to think about any of this. I can’t sort out what is gossip and rumor, and what is real, hard evidence. Someone sent me a video of a YouTuber news channel that says Anonymous has gotten its hands on a video of Bill Clinton forcing himself on a 13-year-old girl.

If so, why hasn’t he been busted?

Well, look how long it took to put Dennis Hastert, the former Speaker of the House, in jail, but not for what he did to his students when he coached wrestling teams in high school. It was for the hush money he’d been withdrawing from his bank account, which got the attention of the IRS. The statute of limitations ran out on the other stuff.

My point is that we can all be as indignant as we like, but if that one detail is not in place – the statute of limitations – there may no be much more that can be done about it than public disgracing.


Hahaha, great punch line.




The Clinton investigation is now connected to a massive child trafficking and pedophile sex ring operating within Washington, D.C. Over the next few days, and this November 5th, we will be referencing evidence and exposing the Clinton foundations for multiple incidences of child trafficking and sex scandals.

End Snip.

The body of the post is brief explanations of the allegations and links to supporting info.

I tried to copy/paste it all here but it exceeded comment length allowances.

This is just the opening salvo, if I understand what’s going on.


Good Lord-what a complete and utter shitshow. Just imagine for a moment that every allegation we have heard about the Clintons (or even a small fraction of them) is true-what happens next? A former President and his wife (former Senator and Secretary of State, and the nominee of a major party for the Presidency) will face charges for a wide variety of crimes with potential sentences sending them away for the rest of their lives.

A significant portion of the country would never believe it. They would be convinced that the whole thing was a politically motivated witch hunt (they believe this now) and no amount of evidence would sway them (some of the evidence would be classified and other parts would be kept from the public due to the nature of the crimes, so they would never see parts of the evidence). This is despite the fact that there is more than enough evidence of their blatant criminality to have sent any other person away for good.

And yet, what is the alternative? The Clintons flout the law with impunity-that cannot be allowed to continue-and if Hillary does manage to get elected she will be the most compromised and corrupt individual to ever hold the office and she will doubtlessly use the power of the state to enrich herself and her cabal and punish her enemies.

How did we ever get to this point?


“How did we ever get to this point?”

Most of us have made a virtue out of being asleep on watch for decades.

This is all on us.


Most of “us” (the subset “us” being those who read right leaning blogs) have been wide awake through all of this. How the rest of the country got into this mess is a different story.


And yet, we have self limited our response to sitting and whining about it all until it’s too late to fix the problems without turning our streets into blood rivers.

Btw, I know I’m as guilty as anyone else in this.

But understand and don’t even try to deny this. It’s only gotten this bad BECAUSE the enemy knew, for a fact, that we wouldn’t do a damn thing.


What, exactly, were we supposed to do? Most of us spoke out against the left for years, donated money and helped to elevate the supposedly onservative party to the highest levels of power.

We got Medicare part D.

BTW Grimmmy, I remember you from Tim Blair’s old blog, 10 years ago (I’m pretty sure you are that same guy-I had a different screen name there). In the interim I have been trying to fight the good fight, but politics is downstream from culture. That’s from Andrew Breitbart, who also tried to fight . But breaking through the left’s stranglehold on our nation is easier said than done. The only voices I hear loudly making the case against the left are those in the right-leaning media and a few Republican politicians. They’re fighting the good fight, but they are hugely outnumbered.


This mess started long before blogs of any sort existed. Reading stuff has nothing to do with it. Failing to neutralize the lefties is how we got here. That should have been done decades ago.

Thanks so-called greatest generation for raising a bunch of spoiled brats who raised a bunch of misfits (many of them physically defective) who spawned even less functional brats.


Again, who else exactly is in the fight? Or even notices that there is a fight? If you’re not reading or listening to the right-leaning media you’re probably not even aware of what the left is up to. I have talked about the Frankfurt school on these pages before and how the rot they let loose on our society has spread through so many of our institutions. The left is relentless in its pursuit of power. Generational politics doesn’t explain it (frankly I think that whole business is pretty silly anyway), and without a clear strategy I don’t know how we can effectively oppose the left.


At this stage, there may be no effective way to oppose the left. Their agenda has for all practical purposes been implemented. The only way things will change is if large numbers of the useful idiots realize that the left’s agenda is not in their best interests and that they have been lied to by the left.

Some of us will go down fighting as best we are able. We’ve been doing it for decades already and are not likely to alter our values and priorities now.


“The only way things will change is if large numbers of the useful idiots realize that the left’s agenda is not in their best interests and that they have been lied to by the left.”

From your lips to God’s ears. Still, the left lusts for power. They are convinced that they can bring about utopia if only they can acquire enough power so that they can force others to conform to their vision. They are undeterred by past failures (“we are the ones we’ve been waiting for”) and absolutely certain of their own righteousness. C.S. Lewis warned us about them when he talked about “…a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims…”. They are the greatest threat to our Constitutional order we have ever seen..


I’d like to remind you that when Slick Willie was being impeached, the details of what Monica Lewinski did were published in the newspapers. They were quite graphic, somewhere along the lines of hard-core pron, and not the kind of thing you’d expect to be published in the media.

Unless something is specifically classified, as a government document would be, there’s no bar to publication of it. It might just gross out enough people to bring that pair of slimeballs to earth. One can hope, right?


The present business involves allegations of sex with underage girls. If, say, pictures exist there is no way they see the light of day, not through legal channels. In any event the hardcore progs would just claim they were forgeries.

Lewinsky was a grown woman, anything said about her-even explicit details-were within legal bounds.


Oh, I understand that – all of it. But you know as well as I do that at some point, the arrogance in people like this fails them, and they no longer have protection of any kind.

But why does it have to take so long? That is the question.

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

While there were those in the press that reported Lewinsky’s situation, they were already showing their liberal colors. Today, they have a liberal flag waving high overhead, and would do nothing of the sort. I don’t understand how their advertisers stay with them, when they could quadruple their readership by reporting rather than manufacturing the news. They are so in bed with the Democrats that they just can’t bring themselves to do honest journalism.


At some point, this all has to implode, you know. It’s like a gigantic cesspit of some kind, getting overloaded to the breaking point.


We got here because the people who fall for bread and circuses are louder and more demanding than the people who have better sense.


I can’t disagree even a little bit with that.


panem et circenses


If it ain’t a mess, it’ll do until the real mess gets here…