Some troops in Iraq to get beer for Superbowl [Jonn]

| January 7, 2009

The Stars and Stripes reports that members of Multi-National Division – Baghdad will get two beers in their dining facility, but the rest of the force won’t;

Units that fall under Multi-National Division–Baghdad will likely be the only troops enjoying a beer in Iraq during this year’s Super Bowl. Other divisions do not plan to allow their servicemembers to partake, officials have said in recent days.

MND–B has received permission to allow servicemembers to enjoy two beers in military dining facilities during the NFL title game, to be played Feb. 1 in Tampa, Fla. The Baghdad festivities will be a temporary exception to General Order No. 1, which bans the consumption of alcohol in Iraq, among other things.

But other divisions and commands say they are not following suit.

Um, maybe one beer for the combat forces who deserve the darn thing? It’s one stupid beer, for Pete’s sake. It’s not like they’re asking for a bottle of Jack Daniels a piece. You can imagine what my working title for this post was.

Category: Politics

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We(Americans) don’t get any beer here in Afghanistan either, but the other NATO forces get alcohol on a daily basis.

Congratulations on your nomination and selection as a finalist


I remember back in ’04 and ’05 the Marines in Al Asad were allowed to have 2 beers/Marine to celebrate both the USMC Birthday and Veterans’ Day – a little bit later than those dates, by 2 weeks, right after certain cleaning up operations were successfully completed… The Commanding Officer decided that the Marines were grown enough to handle 2 beers without any mayhem and foolishness… Oddly enough, he was right and no mayhem and foolishness ensued… There are liquor stores in Baghdad and some other Iraqi cities, so I believe, by this time, Gen Order #1 should be revised…


My Dad was a WWII Navy Veteran (USS Doyle) and they’d have occasional beach parties with 3.2 beer as a break from the mayhem/boredom of war. I agree, that our warriors over in Iraq deserve a break and a couple of beers!


Dang it! Give ’em all a beer would ya? Just ridiculous. I’d best stop here before I get myself in trouble over this one.

AW1 Tim


Ya got that right. I find it incredibly puritan that the very men and women that risked their lives for the freedoms of some 25 millions of others would be denied the right to have a cold one every now and then.

It’s bad enough that the morility police have started to restrict under-21 year old soldiers from having a beer on a GD American military base.

I fight this fight every year in my home state. I find it highly disingenuous that my state will allow ANY 18 year old to get a credit card, get married, buy a car, start a business, get a loan, have an abortion, be independent, buy a rifle or shotgun, go hunting, have a child, join the military, vote, or, in some cases run for office, start a business, and in every respect be treated as an adult before the law, yet will not allow them to have a beer.

‘eff that. If a young citizen is willing to raise their right hand and take the oath to offer their very life in defense of our constitution, then BY GOD they have the right to be treated as an equal, as an adult, in EVERY sense of the word.

Sorry to vent, but it’s one thing I feel strongly about. Either we believe in equality or we don’t. We start to put asterix’ behind certain things and before you know it, they disappear altogether.

Spc Steve

The problem is, two beers, even two beers in, say, 15 minutes, won’t do much than remind a Joe what he’s missing. The REMFs who will get a beer for the Superbowl might get a buzz, but any ground pounder worth his minerals won’t get much more than a memory of good times from two beers.


AW1 Tim posted:

eff that. If a young citizen is willing to raise their right hand and take the oath to offer their very life in defense of our constitution, then BY GOD they have the right to be treated as an equal, as an adult, in EVERY sense of the word.

I’m with you on this, brother! If a person is old enough to fight and possibly die for their country, they should be able to drink beer. When I came of age, the drinking age in New York state was 18. When I PCS’d to California, the drinking age there was 21. I was 19 when I got there and we couldn’t drink offbase, but we could still buy beer on base and although it was 3.2 beer, it was better than nothing.


AW1 Tim, I couldn’t agree more. I remember going thru this with my oldest son, when he came home from GW1. He was 20, a combat vet, and some bars wouldn’t serve him. Fortunately, when he and dad went out for a night, a couple of places did, and we couldn’t pay for anything.
Tankerbabe is totally right, give em all a beer, for Pete’s sake.

Winter Soldier

too easy i hope your bloggers are educated enough

Winter Soldier

jonnn still deleting posts what scares you about people reading that troops in 2003 were buying whiskey in a Muslim country? is it that most of them might have to re-educate themselves?

twice i have posted that we were offered bottles of Dewar’s whiskey outside of our front gate. while in our last weeks in Iraq in 2003.

why jonn are you deleting it?

Winter Soldier

not deleting it now why is that jonn did you lose it or are you trying to delete everything else thats factual on the world wide web?

Winter Soldier

by the way hows col sanders bitoch !

Winter Soldier

everything is still awaiting moderation jonn your so slow or retarded they wanna hear a fight and the truth so print it

Winter Soldier

jonn this is to u

since your other 2 bloggers with CIB’s cant handle your workload… approve the posts and stop deleting i think you know whats right and wrong. oh wait thats why im here. hmmm your bloggers must have the daily calorie intake of a camel in heat, to be salavating over the garbage you put out all by yourself.

too bad you were in the battle of norfolk, if you were by the way. since you havnt vet’ed yourself at all that i have ever seen other then a name on a old unit site which doesnt require a dd214 what so ever. even i can “be a member” and its supposed to be specific to your unit. lol

Jonn wrote: Um, nubnuts, IVAW has a copy of my DD214 since they expected more from the milbloggers at Winter Soldier than they did the “witnesses”.

Winter Soldier

delete delete delete thats all u know till u post the truth im compelled to barrage you with correct and factual info. from here on out buddy your gonna see nothing but probably from anyone responding to my articles cause your just gonna hold the moderation… that leads to only your discomfort since you still have to at least acknowledge my truth by simply not blogging it.

funny you put multiple videos of a felon like macbeth up. haha but are scared of this Marine huh?

u knw what ARMY means anyways Arnt Ready tobe Marines Yet!!!

The Sniper

Um, WS, I haven’t seen you posting any facts yet… just rhetoric and hearsay. As for the Arnt Ready tobe Marines Yet, where did the “to be” part go? Wouldn’t that make it ARTBMY? You also spelled “aren’t” incorrectly. Luckily your inability to read and write isn’t nearly as lethal for us Americans as your not being able to read a compass was for those Afghanis, eh?

Perhaps if you had learned to spell the Army might have taken you.

Winter Soldier

sniper have you ever held a rifle? in uniform, that even was considered a sniper system? or platform? no di ba dooo no you didnt probably

as for spelling please not all all of you can be this dumb?

verify facts? well gee didnt think to send you guys a postcard on my last trip to the vault of secrets and proof. lol maybe on day it will be clear when and if most of your bloggers make it to that age without assistance. ive seen your freeper line, how many flags does it take to equal democracy? better still how many of our flags does it take to make a democracy somewhere else?




Have at ’em sniper. I’m going to love this.

The Sniper

WS. Have you ever held a high school diploma? Have you ever held your mom’s crank in your hand? Have you ever gotten over when they filled your pro-mask with glue before they sent you into the gas chamber? no ba di bi yabba dabba do. What the hell is that crap supposed to mean?

I was in A-stan the same time you were you tool. I was probably riding down some of the same goat paths. I didn’t, however, kill the same civilians. In fact I couldn’t because you and your superior USMC land nav skills got there first. Maybe it wasn’t your fault, though… perhaps you thought your 240B was made out of plastic. I suppose you can’t be completely faulted though… I’m sure it would be a lot harder to shoot an accurate azimuth at something as small as a toddler.

As for whether or not I’ve held a rifle? A lot longer than you have hoss. A LOT longer. Long enough, in fact, to know that you should get it away from your compass before shooting an azimuth. Long enough to know that you leave yor GPS on while you’re rolling because it takes time to triangulate your pos… time that you don’t have when you need to call for fire. Oh, and long enough to actually be qualified to do so.

Oh, and long enough not to sit in front of an auditorium full of people blubbering and trying to convince people that my unit committed war crimes when it was just doing its job.

The Sniper

And one more thing… that inconvenient little “facts” thing? Yeah, we prefer them over fairy tales. Take that however you like.

By the way, when they made you be a “tunnel rat”, did they make you put on a sheep suit so it would be less traumatizing for all involved? You know what I mean. *wink*


WS= another IVAW troll. Gotta love those phonies and pseudo-tragic heroes who embellish their records, falsify documents, and concoct Beauchamp-style war stories.

Hey WS,

Go play with an IED.


Gawd, I just read one of the other comments from “Winter Soldier”:

“Winter Soldier Says:
January 8th, 2009 at 12:32 pm
delete delete delete thats all u know till u post the truth im compelled to barrage you with correct and factual info. from here on out buddy your gonna see nothing but probably from anyone responding to my articles cause your just gonna hold the moderation… that leads to only your discomfort since you still have to at least acknowledge my truth by simply not blogging it.

funny you put multiple videos of a felon like macbeth up. haha but are scared of this Marine huh?

u knw what ARMY means anyways Arnt Ready tobe Marines Yet!!!”

Dear Semper Stupid:

Don’t dishonor the United States Army by referring to yourself as “Soldier”, under any circumstances.

Your incoherent,insipid, ebonic-stricken rant (“U”,”2″)is indicative of someone who can’t quite master the language and probably expresses himself in ways that only involve certain parts of his anatomy.

You’re blustering simpleton who desperately needs to be beaten with a clue bat.

Sniper discussed your “land nav” skills. I’ll add to that: You can’t find your own ass with two hands, a map and a compass. If you ever do, you’ll find your head, too.



I’m sure glad that I’m on your good side! 🙂

The Sniper

What, no more comments?

Sorry Jane, I’m taking credit for this take down. You can have the assist if you like.


I come from a Marine family, this Wine Sipping Communist d***s*** is a disgrace to the name Marine. Him and Mister “I drink my own piss” Kokesh. They gave up the right to call themselves Marines when they started telling lies about their units. WS, wtf do you know about Sniper employment in the USMC? I am a Civil Affairs Soldier, but, due to my family history, I guarantee I know a lot more about that and USMC history than you do. STFU and go away. Better yet, move out and draw fire!”