Netanyahu; Militant Islam Threatens Us All

| January 7, 2009

Never one to mince words, Benjamin Netanyahu, former and probably future Prime Minister of Israel writes in today’s Wall Street Journal that the whole non-terrorist world should back Israel’s attack of Hamas;

The international community may occasionally condemn Hamas for putting Palestinian civilians in harm’s way, but if it ultimately holds Israel responsible for the casualties that ensue, then Hamas and other terror organizations will employ this abominable tactic again and again.

That’s why they (Iran and it’s clients Hezbollah and Hamas) continue to depend on erratic firing of missiles into populated areas of Israel. Netanyahu continues on the subject of “disproportionate response”;

The charge that Israel is using disproportionate force is equally baseless. Does proportionality demand that Israel fire 6,000 rockets indiscriminately back at Gaza?

Can you imagine the uproar in the international community if israel employed that method? 6000 seems to be a larger number when Israel fire rockets, huh?

In the final paragraph, he uses the language of realists to frame the argument – the same language that the Left can’t oppose so they dismiss out-of-hand;

We fight to defend ourselves, but in so doing we are also fighting a fanatical ideology that seeks to reverse the course of history and throw the civilized world back into a new dark age. The struggle between militant Islam and modernity — whether fought in Afghanistan, Iraq, India or Gaza — will decide our common future. It is a battle we cannot afford to lose.

It’s not the language of fear mongering, it’s the language of reality. The Left’s problem is that they can’t recognize evil when it’s arrayed against a democracy – that’s why they mouth that idiotic phrase “one man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter” It gives them cover for their irrational hatred of freedom.

Category: Politics

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Can you imagine the uproar if a Jewish group decided to hold an advertising campaign to convince all Jews that they have a religious duty to kill every Muslim on the face of the earth?

That’s what Hamas has agreed to do.

Kill every Jew, re-conquer every square inch of land ever held by a “Muslim” regime, and start an advertising campaign to convince Muslims that they have a personal, religious duty to kill their neighbors.

Richard Romano

Netanyahu is a giant — and he’ll do the work that moral morons refuse to do…Hamas must be eliminated, no exceptions.


Benjamin Netanyahu said:

The charge that Israel is using disproportionate force is equally baseless. Does proportionality demand that Israel fire 6,000 rockets indiscriminately back at Gaza?

Bibi is spot-on! Nobody on the left objected to Hamas raining those rockets indiscriminately on Israeli civilians.

Finish the job, IDF and wipe out Hamas!


Jonn Said: Can you imagine the uproar in the international community if israel employed that method?

I have proposed before that Israel should have used an exactly proportional response all along. An eye for an eye, tit for tat, missile for missile, etc. Even homicide bombers could be dealt with similarly.

Maybe, just maybe, the bleeding hearts would have to face facts?

As it is Israeli is being led down a path by Hamas, et al.

Iran and their various surrogates could care less about public opinion. Has anyone seen a sign that THEY care about the deaths of there own people? Except to further their agenda.

Netanyahu is a great man, but his own words point out the weakness of the disproportionate response: [so long as]it ultimately holds Israel responsible for the casualties that ensue, then Hamas and other terror organizations will employ this abominable tactic again and again.