Another “I told you so”

| January 6, 2009

TSO sends an article from Stars and Stripes entitled “CBO eyes military retirees, vets for health cost cuts”, that repeats pretty much what I’ve been saying for months. If you think that veteran health care is going to get better under Obama, you’re painfully wrong;

A new report from the Congressional Budget Office shows why some military retirees and veterans could face higher out-of-pocket costs if the Obama administration and Congress take bold moves to reform the U.S. health system and to make federal health programs more efficient.

Among 115 “options” presented, though not endorsed, in the CBO report, several focus on raising Tricare out-of-pocket costs for retirees and one targets families.    Others would tighten access to VA hospitals and clinics, or raise VA health fees, for veterans with no service-connected conditions.

Working-age military retirees will find here some of those familiar cost-saving ideas endorsed by the Bush administration to raise Tricare fees, co-payments and deductibles for retirees under 62 and their spouses.

But other options are new and, if enacted into law, would raise health costs for Medicare-eligible military retirees and for active duty families.   One option suggests having the VA health system disenroll millions of users who have no service-related injuries or ailments.

In other words, veteran health care will get rolled back to the Clinton era. I’ve been making the indisputable point for years that Bush has improved veteran health care to highest level it’s ever achieved, but the anti-Bushbots pooh-poohed it. Now look what we’re getting.

Just a month ago, I warned that when Democrats cut government spending, it’s always means cutting manpower initiatives in the military. Last month, “friend of the soldiers” John Murtha talked about cutting reenlistment bonuses and now the Obama Administration will consider tinkering with our veteran care system (and not in a good way). All of you who only know the military under Bush are about to learn a hard lesson – you’ll come to regret your vote.

Category: Politics

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John, you are so right. I have a brother who’s worked at a VA Hospital in MN since the late 80’s. He was gushing shortly after Bush came into office because the changes were almost immediately obvious. Now people can really see how Democrats think of the military what with a Dem Pres and total Dem control of the House and Senate. I think it’s going to very ugly indeed.

Winter Soldier

hows capt sanders