The real story about that lack of Trump lawn signs

| October 13, 2016

Jay Michaels wrote recently [over] at American Thinker of the lack of Trump yard signs this election compared to the number of Mitt Romney signs back in 2012. Back then, in his solidly middle-class neighborhood of “cops, nurses, teachers, plumbers, electricians, landscapers, small business owners, and retirees,” there were Romney signs displayed on the lawns of twenty percent or so of the 130 homes. Now there are no Trump counterparts.

Michaels concludes that this lack of signage is indicative of less support for Trump, with a supportive theory that it may be a matter of marital political discordance, where wives are less inclined to vote for Trump because of the candidate’s boorish behavior toward women. However, a quick survey of the many comments following the article will quickly disabuse you of that as the primary cause for the lack of Trump signage. Far and away, the most frequently expressed reason for failure to publicly demonstrate a citizen’s loyalty and support for The Donald with signs or bumper stickers has nothing to do with domestic disagreement within the home, but rather with liberal Democrat lawlessness.

Comment after comment to Michael’s article reveals a reluctance to publicly declare one’s political stance for fear of signs of being stolen and homes and yards vandalized, or, especially in the case of bumper stickers, with one’s car being keyed by inspired members of that mob of supporters of free speech and inclusivity who support Hillary Clinton. Those comments came from wide swaths of this country and, quite sadly, represent a reality that this old man never thought he’d live to see: Americans afraid to publicly post their political loyalties for fear of retribution from disagreeable fellow citizens.

Born myself at the start of World War II, I’m a relentless reader of history and novels set in the years leading up to that war, primarily in Europe but in Asia as well. Because of the knowledge gained in my reading, I’ve always been dismissive of liberal claims that American conservatives were Nazis and fascists. The comparison is mostly in error, as those European movements were essentially leftist and socialist in nature – admittedly to the right of the Soviet-supported communist movement, but still well to the left of American conservatism. So I’m reluctant to resurrect that chestnut of an argument that my political opponents are Nazis, but I swear to you: if you know the history of those times, you can’t help but be aware of the similarities in the fanatic, intolerant behaviors between contemporary Democrat liberals and the fascist movements of those foreboding times.

Under the rubric of political correctness, promoted by the Democratic Party, we are witnessing a boa-like crushing constriction of the cherished, constitutionally certified concept of free speech. More and more we are told that language perfectly acceptable but a short time ago is now threatening to one or another segment of society that the Democrats have singled out for special linguistic and social protections. To anyone who has studied that period, this language-controlling behavior by Democrats is so parallel to that of those who fomented the deadly socialist movements of pre-WWII Europe that it easily justifies a comparison.

Stealing opposition political signs, vandalizing yards and homes, destroying the paint jobs of cars bearing disliked political messages – all of it conveys a clear message of political intolerance, long incubated by the Democratic Party and now come to full growth in this election year, that should demonstrate to all reading this that these free speech-crushing Democrats, like their European fascist predecessors, need to be crushed themselves.

One question: When was the last time you heard of anyone stealing Hillary signs? Of course, that lack could be the result of the inability to even find one.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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Unfortunately accurate.

BTW – if one is interested in seeing the mindset of an age, and if one is able to locate them, a set of encyclopedias from the 1930’s is very informative as to how the world looked in the lead-up to WWII.


Michaels is full of shyt! The only Trump signs I have seen were 6.00 ea or one place wanted 24.00 each! A neighbor has put some out and they have been vandalized by dumocrap union people imho, 5 times!! I tried to get some, but damned if I am going to pay for them, if our republican hdqtrs ever opens, and they have some, I will put them out and woe to the asshole that tries to uproot them!!

2/17 Air Cav

Recently, a University of VA engineering professor was invited by that school’s administration to take immediate leave. Why? Because he opined that the BLM is a racist organization. (I challenge anyone to argue that it isn’t.) What happened to academic freedom? What happened to different perspectives and divergent view points? It’s some frightening shit. Most everyone has taken to self censorship nowadays. Oppose gay marriage? Keep it to yourself if you know what’s good for you. Oppose abortion? You need to be locked away. Think the Supreme Court ought to have term limitations and be stripped of its power to declare laws unconstitutional or be restricted to doing so only if there is unanimity of vote? You are too sick for words. And so it goes. Up is down and down is up.

2/17 Air Cav

Oh, I nearly forgot. NEVER suggest that anything is amiss with a segment of our population that makes babies, kills an inordinate number of them, and those that aren’t killed have siblings, each with a different last name and all raised by two women on welfare, momma and grandma–cause the men folk just ain’t around.


In other words – “We are so screwed.”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

If you come into my yard to steal a sign be prepared to take a beating…or worse.

I know a lot of folks who are uncomfortable stating they are voting for Trump in mixed company…they don’t want their friends(?) belittling them for their choices…me I don’t much give a fuck about most people other than myself and my family so what most people think about me matters exactly jack shit to me. Don’t like me? Big fucking deal, join the club cuz you ain’t alone asshole.

So I don’t much care who knows or doesn’t know which candidate is getting my vote. But this horseshit about stifling speech and vandalizing property to do it isn’t funny, it isn’t legal, and it’s decidely un-fucking American….so if I catch you stealing my sign or anyone else’s sign be prepared for a confrontation.


I have yet to see a Canckles sign in coastal or mountains of North Carolina but lots of Trump signs. Sadly, I’m sure it is different in the Dim enclaves of Raleigh and Charlotte.


Saw some the other day, but not in anyone’s yard. They were the first ones I had seen so far and they were put out by intersections which is where party workers would place them.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Last weekend I spent some time on the back roads in Northern Virginia on my way to the Shenandoah Mountains. All I saw were Trump signs along the way.


I drive a truck in NC. I have seen exactly 2 Hillary signs. One in Louisburg and one in Youngsville half hidden under a bush. I have seen more Trump signs but still nothing like the last elections


Oh, neither hillary sign was in a yard


Here in the middle of the Mitten, west Michigan chapter, I have yet to see a single Hillary sign or bumper sticker. Not even on the yuppie-mobiles that still have Obama stickers on them.
I do see Trump signs, but then, the county I live in only has three democrats running for any office from State Representative down to county commissioner.

MSG Eric

This is because Hillary and the DNC don’t care HOW they win. They just want to win and anything that happens to make that happen is irrelevant.

Besides, it isn’t like the media is covering it anyway. Which is by design I’m sure.

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

In the area surrounding Greater Eglin AFB, Hillary signs are about 1 to the Hundred Trump signs. This area is very heavy active duty military, retired military, and just plain, good, Christian Conservatives. We are in the heart of the neighborhood of Proud Deplorable Redneck Patriots. And further, about 99% of us are armed and on the defense.
TRUMP that, Liberals!

Airdale (AW) USN ret.

That doesn’t make sense.


Traveling to and from both coasts frequently, I’m surprised at the very low number of signs for either candidate. One of my co-workers who lives in the West Virginia panhandle, reports that that his street is awash with Trumps signs. With the two Hispanic families having the largest and most prominent.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, I have less than a month to go. If that abomination Wide Load and all the evil she represents wins, I said I’m done and I will be. I am not excited about the prospect of a Trump victory. I am deathly concerned about a Wide Load victory. The Supreme Court will be lost, perhaps forever. The Congress has all but surrendered its balls and spine, deferring to the president as if he were a king. The institutional changes that have been effected will not be reversed. That was oBaMa’s aim and he has made good on it. So, what’s left? Nothing if Wide Load wins. Nothing at all. Screaming and hollering and pounding a keyboard is great therapy but to no avail when it comes to effecting change for the better. The world I spent much of my life in is gone and the funny thing is that the change was effected by members of my generation and some of the prior generation. We were given much and squandered it by losing much of what made the country the greatest on the face of the earth. Now we’re told we’re world citizens, that out traditions were false, our Founders mistaken, and that we owe more to those who deserve the least. No thanks.

2/17 Air Cav

I am still holding out hope that her expiration date will see the need to go here, there and everywhere to raise more money and secure more votes, that this will cause her to take another header or two or do that twitchy, shaky, palsy thing of hers for the cameras. Failing those things, I must say, I would like to see her reach her expiration date before election day. I do not see her as the opposition. I see her as the enemy.

2/17 Air Cav

What a mess. I want her the way Capone wanted Ness in Scarface.

The Other Whitey

I think you mean “The Untouchables,” Air Cav, but your point is taken and I concur.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeay, The Untouchables:


The only way that our Republic could have been preserved (or might yet be reborn) is for the people to understand and believe in the principles for which it was founded. Being a free man (I refuse to put it in any other, politically correct, way) is hard work. You may fail and that prospect is frightening. But you aren’t free unless you are free to fail, anything else is the road to serfdom. Besides, failure teaches valuable and necessary lessons-if you’re smart and humble enough to learn them.

That’s ultimately the key-a free people must be virtuous and courage is first among the virtues (it making all of the others possible). The left says something like “no, the government will make things easier for you” (while accumulating power for their own ends and enriching their friends and allies at the expense of the public). And the people have to understand that that is a trap and be virtuous enough to resist.

So Hillary will empower the federal government to do all sorts of things that it was never intended to do-and she will do so via the regulatory agencies, not Congress which is answerable to the people. And the people must either show their disfavor by electing representatives with the backbone to stand up to her, turning her out on her ear in the next election or forming a movement that would take a more dramatic stand against the usurpation of power by the “elites”. Otherwise we really are doomed, but I think there may still be life in the old Republic yet.

2/17 Air Cav

I still hold a sliver of hope. I had more but oBaMa took most of it away when the knuckleheads returned him to the White House to complete the transformation of Amerika.

Airdale (AW) USN ret.

What have he changed in America, nothing yet, but I hope someone will because it seems everyone wants to go back to the sixties for some reason and that was not a great America then as it is now.

2/17 Air Cav

If you are serious, election day is November 8th. Make sure you vote!


“…free people must be virtuous…” Like your guy Trump? How o earth do you square that?


I’ve seen many vehicles sporting a Hillary or Bernie sticker, and FUCK TRUMP! written on the window.

I’ve yet to see FUCK HILLARY! on a vehicle with a Trump sticker.

Stay classy, lefties.


“Stay classy” implies that they were so in the first place.


Forgot the “sarc” tag. Which is a very different thing than an IDC SARC tag…

2/17 Air Cav


The Other Whitey

Kristallnacht does indeed come to mind.

And just how far is “deplorables” from “untermensch?”


The “untermensch” were largely disarmed, we are not.



There’s an elderly Jewish lady with a number tattooed on her forearm here in my grid square who is still very active in current events and she is also VERY vocal.

Whenever some uber-liberal moron tries to bring up the latest ‘gun control’ advocacy nonsense, she abruptly, and loudly, cuts them off with: “People without guns get pushed into gas chambers by people who have guns”.

Another variation is: “People without guns go for one-way train rides”.


We need videos of her all over the social media.


It is the attitude of those calling other “deplorables” or “untermensch” which is the point. Cankles & Co consider those they disagree with to be sub-human. If sub-human, then they are “morally free” to take any action against them they choose, including extermination. And I fully believe that they are capable of trying to go there.
There were many Jews who voluntarily and willingly turned in their guns to show themselves “good citizens”. They disarmed themselves to show good-will.

I have seen enough of humans in action to know it is very, very hard for most people to oppose governmental authority until they clearly see the danger. The danger can be obvious, but unseen. I am afraid of that here and now.


Sadly, far, far too many people only consider the need to reign in government when they look up

and see the showerheads smoking.


Don’t forget, Billy Jeff Blow Job Clintoon calling Trump supporters “Standard Rednecks”. We’re already to the point of being the untermensch.

A Proud Infidel®™

I had never had my vehicle vandalized until the 2008 election season after I put a “McCain – Palin” sticker on it and my pickup was keyed by stank-ass “People of Tolerance”. FUCK LIBERALS, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.


Hillary’s just pissed because there was…so I heard…porn movies made about Sara Palin, while there’s no chance she’ll ever receive that honor.

The Other Whitey

There is exactly zero chance of me clicking that link.

The Other Whitey

It’s actually pretty damn funny!

It’s “The Damn Few,” if that helps.


liberal is incorrect terminology. These are not liberal people, they are more like left wing totalitarians. I just call them leftists.


From my observation, the hot mess at the top of the ticket goes both ways. I see about the same amount of hillary/trump stickers on cars around here, which is very few. I can’t remember seeing either in weeks. Compared to ’08/’12 where I’d see Obama stickers every time I got on the road. I’m talking about the SF bay area so the lack of Hillary stickers is glaring.

I saw my first Jill Stein sticker driving in this morning. My first thought, it reminds me of the BP Petro logo…oops

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

Believe it or not here in central NJ the sign I see the most of is “Hillary for prison”….


Heh-there was a short clip on YouTube the other day where someone shouted that at her at one of her rallies and she answered “Let’s make it happen!”




Nothing at all in the way of political signs in my area. Haven’t even seen billboards on the highways promoting one moron over another.

Maybe there’s enough ‘stuff’ on the news that people aren’t going to pitch in their hard-earned dollars to help anyone get elected to anything, including trash pickup on the highways.

There’s enough poison in the air this election year to scare a Borgia. The signs will appear the day before, and stay until the evening of, and then go away. And besides, if anyone tried to plant a sign on my front lawn without asking me, I’d take the snow shovel to him/her/the damned fool.

Roger in Republic

I have a simple reason for not displaying a trump sign. I really don’t want people and other folks driving past my home shooting into my house. I will show my support in the only place that matters, the polling booth.


Some errant asshole stole our Trump sign but, no takers on vandalizing the property. Of course, anyone attempting such will get a ride to county lockup.

Bill M

Here in the PNW, you don’t advertise your political persuasion if you support the Republican nominee. Surefire way to get your car keyed if you have a Trump sticker on your bumper (or a Romney sticker four years ago), etc. The oh so proper ‘liberals/progressives/socialists’ in these parts don’t seem to recognize that freedom of speech thing when it comes to bumper stickers (or lawn signs). Wonder why that is? They’re more like their close cousins, the fascists, when it comes to freedom of speech.


People lose their f*cking minds over politics, and especially elections.

I had my car keyed over a budget issue for a homeowner’s association. I watched both sides go nuts and employ all the dirty tricks they could think of, over a student-run organization in law school.

I would have thought both of those incidents too trivial to merit any kind of bad behavior.

However, this election is the way Hillary wants it.

It was part of the strategy of the DNC to encourage violence against Trump supporters, in order to embarrass Trump.

Wikileaks delivers: Left Planned to Stage Violence to Bring Down Trump
PowerPoint playbook on the messaging — slide number 6 — with the messaging theme number 1: Violence.

Hillary had both the power and the responsibility to put a stop to that. There is no way that happened without her approval.

And Hillary spent months planning on attacking Trump near the end of the campaign with charges of sexism.

Fact Check: Five Things to Know About Alicia Machado

4. The Clinton campaign has been coaching Machado for months to attack Trump. From the Washington Post:

Operatives in Brooklyn had been working with Machado since the summer. They had a video featuring her story ready to go. Cosmopolitan had a photo spread of her draped in an American flag – to go with a profile – in the can. Machado had also conducted an interview with The Guardian that was “apparently embargoed for post-debate release,” according to Vox. And the Clinton super PAC Priorities USA turned a digital ad to highlight the insults by early afternoon.

This is Hillary’s campaign, and Hillary’s character on display.


I’m so damned confused. When Slick Willy was getting Lewinskied in the oval office I was told that this was just a private matter (even though the BJ’er was a govt employee/intern and my company or Army would have canned my ass). Sex didn’t matter, it was how he did his job. And, he didn’t get hammered for the BJ’s, he got wrist slapped for lying about it. Oh and there was a cast of thousands line of “trailer park trash” who said he had raped them. They were liars said Wide Load.

So now we have Trump who said he could grab a pussy. He actually did: he shook hands with Obama. But now we have women from decades ago saying Trump did bad things. Where have they been?

Am I supposed to believe that a woman sat on a plane and let a guy who is rich and recognizable as God touch her without her filing a bazillion $ lawsuit decades ago? Carville said you could drag a dollar bill through a trailer park and get women to testify against Willy. Now the DNC has dragged a 10 through Georgetown.

I don’t want Donald as Pres and I damned sure dont want Wide Load/Willy. But, that’s the option. And, no, Johnson is not an option…that is a Cankles vote in absentia.

We, ladies and gentlemen, are …well, you know.


But now we have women from decades ago saying Trump did bad things. Where have they been?

Well, according to experts on sexual assault (or, if that’s too strong a term, feel free to choose a lesser one), it’s because after an already dehumanizing experience, they’re immediately treated as liars who are out to make a buck. And if someone is sitting on a plane with Mr. Trump, what evidence might they have if he came on to them? And he of course has an army of lawyers, too.

So, ultimately, random unknown person is up against an army of lawyers, someone with a bigger megaphone, public disbelief and branding as a liar, and a whole lot of questions about their character for, often, not having done much wrong. Look at Bill Cosby for an example that took a long time for people to come forward – and, seemingly, more do all the time.

And I’m not writing this as specifically anti-Trump – obviously, this sort of treatment is exactly what Hillary gave Bill’s accusers. The point is, simply, it’s not always that easy to accuse someone, without evidence, of really bad things when they’ve got the money, the connections and the power.

Just my two cents. I don’t like either candidate.


Good points. Well reasoned. Thanks.


Slick Willie was impeached by the Senate, but they were two votes short of an official impeachment that would have sent him packing.

He was, per Lewinski’s own testimony under oath, getting a blow job from her while he was on the phone.



The House does impeachment. The Senate holds trial (which fell far from the 2/3 votes necessary on either of the 2 charges to bounce Bubba out).


I love this video of a person getting what they deserved while trying to steal a Trump sign.


Laughed my ass off! That was wonderful!!!

OSC(SW) Retired

My yard sign is hiding from Trump so he can’t grab it by the pussy.



Guys, I want to ask – is this important? I don’t know how to evaluate it. It’s an email from Hillary to Podesta.


Yes, it is important. It shows clearly that at the time, she was well aware of what was going on and was willing to do what was necessary to stop Daesh. And who blocked that idea?

Now I think most would agree she’s too frail in health to do the job properly.


[…] Of Todd Akin This Ain’t Hell: 2LT Wyatt Koch And SPC Robert Shook Saving The World, also, The Real Story About That Lack Of Trump Lawn Signs Weasel Zippers: Podesta E-Mail – Great To Be Able To Feed Stories To Media Like Maggie […]

2/17 Air Cav

Every day when I arise, I turn on the puter and check the news, hoping to learn that Wide Load had a seizure, crapped herself on stage, or just died. It’s true. I despise her that much. I hope that she has a break-neck schedule from now until election day. The more she is on her feet and in public, the better the chance that I will receive the happy news I daily seek.


I’ve replaced my “Hillary For Prison 2016” bumper stickers several times. I bought several up front knowing they would be defaced. No major damage but I’m not certain I could detect new damage on my nearly 13 y/o car.


Here we are in the middle of the month and already I’m running a bit short on cash. So I see these women coming out from under rocks making all these decades-old sexual insinuations about something Trump supposedly did. Are they being paid for making such outrageous claims so near the election? If so, I’d like to get some of that cash. Years ago, Trump ran his hand across the shoe laces on a pair of the Rockports I wear. He may have even stuck his finger down in behind my heel, followed by the remark, “My, what big clodhoppers you have!”
Anyone who owns a newspaper and is willing to pay me $1,000,000 cash, I will grant an exclusive interview and tell even more. Such as, instead of DECK shoes, the comment was DICK shoes. Call me at 1-800-OLD-LIES if you got the cash and want the sordid details.