Derek Lamont Fowler; serial sex offender

| October 13, 2016

Derek Fowler

Bobo sends us a link to the story of Derek Lamont Fowler in San Bernadino, California. Recently, a 12-year-old girl awoke to his presence in her bedroom in the middle of the night. The girl banged on her wall to get her parents’ attention in the next room. Her mother entered the room and found Fowler naked pawing at her daughter.

Fowler began punching the girl’s father, but her sisters came to Dad’s rescue with a Taser and pepper-spray. So he’s back behind bars, but if his history with the judicial system tells us anything, it won’t be for long;

Fowler has a long criminal history. In 2010, he was convicted of sexual battery and twice convicted for failing to register as a sex offender.

He most recently was convicted of indecent exposure but had been released early on felony probation.

“This is a glaring example of the failure of the system,” said Lt. Mike Madden of the San Bernardino Police Department. “We have an individual who had multiple prior arrests and convictions. He was a registered sex offender.”

Police agencies were growing frustrated with the state’s prison realignment laws and early release programs for non-violent offenses.

If I’m not mistaken, sex offenders usually aren’t ever rehabilitated and they are most likely of all criminals to re-offend.

From the LA Times;

Derek Lamont Fowler, 30, of Los Angeles was charged Tuesday in connection with burglary and lewd and lascivious acts with a child, according to San Bernardino County Superior Court records.


He was convicted in August 2010 of sexual battery and sentenced to 40 days in jail. Fowler was ordered to serve three years’ probation. He was convicted twice of failing to register as a sex offender.

In June, Fowler pleaded no contest to an indecent exposure charge and was sentenced to 90 days in jail. He was ordered to serve three years’ probation.

Probation doesn’t seem to be working for him, the judge and the prosecutor need to come up with something a little more permanent.

Category: Crime

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I’m thinking anal cattle prod activated by an erection.


Use a 24,000 µf capacitor. That’ll get his attention.


He’ll shoot lightning out his ass


I think these court rooms need scaffolding right there handy and get rid of these warts on the ass of humanity..IMMEDIATELY IF NOT SOONER!


Judge Gladys Dykes instructions to here bailiff seem appropriate for this guy.

charles w

Except she should change it to bailiff, whack OFF his pee pee.


They should have beat him to death if they couldn’t shoot him.

Some sex offenders want to change, and with professional help do. I’ve known a few. I’ve also seen some who don’t think they need to change and would offend again if given the chance. The second group is who I have no trouble putting out of our misery.


I say beat him to death even they could shoot him!


Too bad that Dad didn’t put a couple of Federal .45 ACP 230gr JHP Hydra-Shoks into Derek’s brain housing group.

Problem solved; no repeat offenses.


There was a case some years ago where a father caught a guy he had hired to help on the farm trying to molest his young pre-teen daughter, and beat the perp to death.

The LEOs did not blame him.
No charges were ever filed because the DA felt that it was a justified defense of the man’s daughter.

Gotta love Texas.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This is the correct answer, appropriate ventilation with proper caliber sized holes tend to correct this problem permanently.

Killing this pile of crap is a service that should be performed sooner rather than later, before this turd kills someone.


Hell yeah!

Back in early 80s I was stationed at NAS Alameda. I remember a court case in SF similar to this one. Child sexual predator raped and killed a young child. Previous multiple convictions of a predatory nature.

(This was in the days before metal detectors in court houses & other places.)

The Mother of the child, on sentencing day wore a disguise and sat directly behind the perp. I don’t remember exactly what sentence the judge gave the guy, but 7-10 years comes to mind.

Mom stood up and put a .357 hollow point thru the brain group of this guy. Of course she was arrested, charged, tried and found guilty of murder. The citizenry went into a high voltage revolt. About 2 years or so later she was granted a full pardon.


And there we have the citizens’ veto of an out-of-control criminal justice system.

7-10 for the rape and murder of a child needed a citizens’ veto.

Not that I advocate gratuitous violence. And at least the mother waited for a guilty verdict.


I’m with you on that “gratuitous” violence. On the other hand I tend to look more favorably on some carefully planned and carried out violence with slimeballs such as these.


I remember seeing the clip on AFN in about 1983 or ’84of a guy whose son was kidnapped by his karate instructor, abused and sexually assaulted. When they were bringing the perp back through the Shreveport airport, a news crew was there. They happened to catch on film as the guy at a pay phone whipped around as the perp went by and plugged him in the ear – needless to say, the kid’s father. Believe I read he was no-billed by the grand jury. Want to say the names involved were something like Plauchet and Doucette?


Plauche and Doucet.

Guy did most of his community service cutting grass at church.


may not remember half my wife’s relatives’ names. and I remember theirs that closely…wow

The Other Whitey

Yet another problem that could be solved very easily with bullets.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO the vast majority of Pedophiles are better off dead and I’d prefer to see them hung in the public view, why waste ammo on them?


For sure! Rope is not only sustainable but renewable, too! It is produced from natural materials, gluten free, and contains no volatile organic compounds, safe and easy to use.

Hang’em high
Hang’em low
And hang some mo’


^^^^^ This ^^^^^

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

Handcuffed and
batting practice with a Louisville slugger on his head till he’s dead or cut his pecker off then duct tape it and stuffed in his mouth while he bleeds out..problem solved and 1 less maggot in society


He should be forced to suck prison cock for the rest of his life.


why should we support his sorry ass? That’s a huge waste of our tax dollars, if h can’t do something useful for society like road work he should be fertilizer. Society’s ultimate protection from recidivism.


So are you saying that allowing him to remain free to sexually assault people and help society by working on roads is better than sucking prison cock for the rest of his life?


Not free. Chain-gang.
BTW, imprisonment is still a legal form of slavery – if the bleeding hearts don’t mess it up with color tv an all…


Tattoo his forehead, “Crips Suck Cock” and turn him loose in the prison yard. Or, substitute Bloods for Crips.
It would be a self-solving problem.


I love the tattoo idea. I would even chip in for the cost of it.
I am sure the rival gang would take care of the removal.

A Proud Infidel®™

FUCK putting him in Protective Custody, leave him in General Pop among the Lifers and let them have their way.


He wouldn’t last a week. “Short Eyes” like him are at the bottom of the prison food chain.

A Proud Infidel®™

EXACTLY, problem solved.


Just one more second chance!

2/17 Air Cav

“This is a glaring example of the failure of the system.” There is nothing much wrong with the system at all, actually. Blaming “the system” and by that I suspect he means the criminal justice system is worthless but convenient. The system didn’t fail to sentence this child molester repeatedly as he should have been sentenced. One or more unnamed judges did. The sytem didn’t parole him. One or more unnamed parole commissioners did. And the last time I looked, the system didn’t cut deals with sex offenders: it’s the prosecutors who do that. The system is fine, if it’s not abused by its members. And while I’m at it, the citizenry gets blame too. Those who repeatedly overlook the candidates for judicial office or prosecutor and those who vote for assholes who will appoint some of these clowns get a round of applause, too.


Yes, but find a reliable source of information on a judge, DA, whatever up for [re]election.
Dang hard to do.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s true in part b/c some newspapers do not include the name of the judge in a story unless it’s about something a judge did in court or said in court that is outlandish. And arrest info is frequently included in newspapers’ local sections but rarely is sentencing info not so much. Despite all of that there is much a voter can learn about a judge with a little work. I’m not holding my breath. After all, there is only one Supreme Ct of the US and there are only a handful of Sup Ct justices but how many voters can name all of them? As for prosecutors, calling the local paper or emailing the paper and suggesting the paper ask the percentage of felony charge cases that are plea bargained is a good start. Again, everything takes some effort but much can be had. Of course, we are in the age of casting ballots from home and registration through DMV, the local library, and Lord knows where else. Lazy voters get screwed. The pols know it. That’s why so many 30 second commercials run. The idiot voters actually make decisions based on them!


What is wrong with the justice system is the liberal/communist chicken shyt cowardly judges!!


Poor Californians don’t get the same right to defend themselves. Pepper Spray????

Piece of fucking trash would be dead if he did that shit in Texas. Maybe not even with a gun….

45 minutes down the road from me


That’s the case I was thinking of, OM.

I feel sad for the father, who really tried to save the life of the perp (which tells me that the father values human life, which the perp did not).

But the truth is, every father in Texas was thinking “There, but for the grace of God, go I.”


Yes sir. I saw your post after I had posted this. I don’t know the guy but I heard he is extremely humble and nice.

I also heard that prior to “pulling the trash off of his daughter” he laid the initial haymaker to the temple and that alone was the death blow. Who knows. But I’m glad he killed the man.


Ol’ Poe has a solution that should please many here: Lock this turd up in a small cell with that other turd, Ray Mabus, and let Little Ray get a taste of what it’s like sharing tight quarters with sexual deviants.

Any votes?

Roger in Republic

It’s guys like this that are the reason I keep guns around the house, the barn, the shed, and all the cars.


A column in the last Shooting mag from the NRA talks about a guy who had guns all around, but not on him when the fertilizer hit the ventilator. They found him DRT in his boxers.
It took hours to find and catalog all the guns, but he didn’t have one with him.
I’ve thought of the problems I’d have getting to my long guns and getting them loaded in an emergency. If I lived in an area where there was a chance I really needed them, that would change. The one time we had (for just a few days) druggies in the area, we all had out firearms at hand – and called the SO several times so that the jerks decided they needed to take their operation elsewhere.

Roger in Republic

When I say around the house, I mean that I am closer to a gun right now than I am to the door of this room. And when I say guns, I mean enough guns to outfit a mid sized police force. And by outfit, I mean pistols, rifles, shotguns and SWAT weapons. Oh! Did I mention that they are all loaded? Well all but the .50.


Society outside of prison and inside the joint have a way of dealing with these inhuman low lifes.

For those who believe they have operated below the radar of detection, they should be worried. Researchers and criminal investigators are on the prowl for these miscreants of the highest order.

If one dabbles in this arena and or acts out in a henious way torwards a child, in the long run they get caught.

Like the subject above, I wish only the harshest of justice and a painful life in the worst prison available.


Concur….and might add henious to include conning a gullible public into donating money to a charity meant to help certain children….then sticking said money in your pocket and heading for the casino.


A deviant sexual predator should be de-horned right on the spot, his nutsack stuffed in his mouth and his head split vertically by several well-placed .44MAG rounds.
The latter mentioned prick, in my opinion anyhow, should have to complete his time on the planet being shamed and ridiculed.

Bill (a NIMBY/Banana)

If found guilty, Immediately kill these heinous bastards. The time is coming, soon, I think, when it will be necessary for each of us to pick the tribe we want to belong to. Those who select civility must eliminate those who remain primitive and who conflict with certain mores. There are too many people on this planet- conflicts will continue. Pick yer tribe.


I remember a soldier in the 82nd airborne raped and killed a little girl in Kosova in year 2000. They executed him fast.


He was sentenced to life in prison.

2/17 Air Cav

If ever someone deserves a slow and agonizing death it is that sick bastard, Frank J. Ronghi.

Just An Old Dog

His 2010 case that netted him only 40 days must have been a tit or butt grab.
In Cali you have to do 75% of your time minimum for sexual assault.
Sex offenders make up 15% of Ca state inmates. 23 out of the last 78 inmates killed in Ca were sex offenders, about 30%.


Sex offenders are a “broke” that don’t fix. Whatever is miswired in their head is only fixed by taking their brains out, looking at them and then dropping them on the floor.


Here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes I’ve seen many cases where (felony) charges of failing to register were dropped when they just fill out the form. “Oops, I forgot” is apparently a cromulent excuse. The criminal justice system really doesn’t hold people accountable any more until they violate it many times.


Nothing that happens to scum such as this gives me one second of insomnia.