Mabus defends decision to change Navy ratings titles
The Navy Times reports that Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus, Wednesday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C, defended his decision to change the job titles of Navy personnel claiming that the existing titles didn’t allow for folks to get jobs easily after the service. He said this about the title for “corpsmen”, the medical folks who followed Marines into combat;
One of the most cherished job titles going away is “corpsman,” but Mabus said change was necessary.
“It’s not a historic title,” he said. “It only came in after World War II. One of the problems people have been having transitioning out of the Navy is that while the Navy and Marines know what ‘corpsman’ means, not many other people do.”
That’s why the title is being changed to something more akin to ‘medic’ or medical technician,” Mabus said. Training those sailors to emergency medical technician or nursing standards will also help their job prospects in the civilian world.
So, I guess World War II isn’t historic enough. When Marine special forces units re-adopted the “Raider” title for their designation, World War II was historic enough.
A little closer to the truth;
Mabus said that dropping the job titles is meant to “quit segregating women,” who have been historically required to wear different uniforms than their male peers. Mabus has systematically set out to change that.
Mabus is just a social justice warrior who wanted to make a name for himself….that name is “Mud”.
Category: Navy
…dropping the job titles is meant to “quit segregating women,” …
I fucking knew it.
I’ve known several female Corpsmen, and none of them ever had a problem with their rate.
Somebody tell that moron to go pound sand up his butt sideways.
Mabus is a motherfucking, cocksucking, PC asshole. If Jones, Decatur, Perry, Dewey, Porter, Nimitz and Hasley were alive, they’d take his candy ass outside of the Puzzle Palace and flog him for being so fucking stupid.
Yeah, well, I ENJOY BEING A GIRL!!!
And just HOW am I segregated from men?
The only time I want to see men in skirts is at the Renaissance Faire or a Celtic Games festival.
He should have merely been a stain on the mattress.
What did firemen do to deserve that torture.
Waiting for ex-OS2 to deliver Mabus’ job title.
I’ll let ex-OS2 pronounce his job title. But I think his rating/rank abbreviation is clearly “PC AK SOB”.
It’s now official.
I am a retired Army NCO and even I know that Mabus is wrong. He is going to screw things up and then leave.
And say “Mission accomplished.”
One of the problems people have been having transitioning out of the Navy is that while the Navy and Marines know what ‘corpsman’ means, not many other people do.”
That’s the friggin’ problem. We making all these changes for people who don’t care or know squat about the military. They want to get rid of anything that has “man” in it, so the military can be more transgender fluid.
After I was discharged, I started college and went by the local St. Marys Hospital in Port Arthur, Texas to apply for a job. I had an interview with the Mother Superior and she hired me on the spot for the ER and ICU evening shifts. My name tag said my name and below it was CORPSMAN.
She knew what a Corpsman was!
But remember, our “president” doesn’t. He thinks it’s corpseman. This is all just to help the 0.01 percent of stupid people like him.
Would you want to work for someone in the medical field that DOESN’T know what a corpsman is?
I always thought it was fairly common knowledge what those rates meant. Even if I don’t know EXACTLY what an Aviation Electronics Mate does, I’ve a reasonable idea of his/her field.
Excuse me, but my niece was trained as by the Army as a surgical nurse and is now a trauma nurse. What is there to NOT understand about that?
The real reason is because the fuck-up-in-chief can’t pronounce it so we have to change it.
Didn’t 0bama mispronounce ‘Corpsman” during his 57 State tour?
Yes he did.
He repeatedly referred to U.S. Navy Corpsmen as “CORPSEmen”.
That’s because he was reading off of TOTUS and never bothered to learn enough about the military he is supposedly the ‘Commander-in-Chief’ of to know how to pronounce common titles. I wonder how he pronounced Colonel?
He learned that the Marines are quite good at holding umbrellas for him.
Must admit, I laughed my ass of when I saw this!
As for the topic in question, my thoughts have pretty much been said already.
-USMC 1995 to present
Well, it is overly obvious that Mabus is just as stupid a boot-licker as everyone else in this administration.
Ray Mabus – you are a class A certified, bonified, deep-fried self-righteous mindless idiot.
If you need help with those words – look it up in your Funk and Wagnels.
Funk and Wagnels… that’s good. I remember using one years ago in school (ask a kid now, and they would think you’re swearing at them).
I taught HS English – in an elite (for our area) private school – and the kids did not know how to use a dictionary.
They would Google a word, take the first “definition” and call it good, not realizing that there is more to it then that.
Definition 2b wound up on the vocabulary tests. A lot.
I was sent to the principal’s office my freshman year of HS for telling someone to “look it up in your Funk and Wagnall’s”. Principal thought it was funny as hell and sent me back to class.
This has everything to do with women and nothing to do with after service job hunting and Ray Mabus, the Shitbag, knows it, as did MCPON Stevens and others involved. They didn’t want a woman to say she had been a Hull Tech 3, instead of a Facilitates Engineer. Personally, I don’t know for sure what a Hull Tech does but I know it is mission important and those that do it are proud of their rate.
Mabus is a bag of dicks.
‘One of the most cherished job titles going away is “corpsman,” but Mabus said change was necessary. “It’s not a historic title,” he said. “It only came in after World War II. One of the problems people have been having transitioning out of the Navy is that while the Navy and Marines know what ‘corpsman’ means, not many other people do.”’ Huh? Corpsman is not a ‘historic title’? Really? Well, Ray, as usual you’re just about as wrong as you can be. Again. And once again I find it both disgusting and ridiculous that the SECNAV doesn’t know the history of the Naval Service (USN and USMC) that he is responsible for. So let’s get this straight. “Corpsman” is not a ‘historic title’. And the title “Corpsman” didn’t come into use until after WWII. OK, Ray. If you say so. But I guess that you should have checked first with General Neller, the current Commandant of the Marine Corps, before you came out with that latest little gem of dazzling Naval historical knowledge, because he’s apparently operating under the impression that U.S. Navy Corpsmen have been serving with U.S. Marines since 1898. R 131130Z JUN 16 ALMAR 018/16 MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC WASHINGTON DC DMCS// SUBJ/118TH BIRTHDAY U.S. NAVY HOSPITAL CORPSMAN// RMKS/1. On 17 June 2016, The U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsmen will celebrate their 118th birthday. 2. On behalf of all Marines, I extend our genuine and most heartfelt congratulations to the men and women of the U.S. Navy Hospital Corps upon the occasion of their 118th birthday. 3. Since 1898, Marines have enjoyed a fraternity with the Navy Hospital Corps. From the inception of the Hospital Corps to the present, your unwaivering commitment to our Marines continues to be recognized. Whether deployed or in garrison, you have proudly served alongside our Marines and provided world class care to them and their families across the globe. As our Corps continues to transform, the continued reliance upon “Doc” has never been more critical. As we prepare for challenges ahead, we take great comfort in knowing that our Corpsmen will continue to be at… Read more »
Then use your vote, Mick, to get these social justice obsessed Democrats like Mabus out of office.
And keep using it in every subsequent election until the Democrats get the message that like you, we are all fed up with this shit. Maybe then the Dems will purge these so-called “warriors” and the party will regain some sense of sanity. Right now, as Mabus clearly demonstrates, the Democrats are totally fucking nuts.
Vote Trump.
I ALWAYS vote.
Are you voting for Trump ?
If you are not, then all arguments are pointless.
We are a democracy and have this one chance to save America as founded.
So, Trump or Hitlary?
Let me see if I follow this WalMart smiley face. If a Veteran applies for a job, the prospective employee will list no training, no schooling, no job experience on his application. He will put something such as “Corpsman” on his application and nothing more. Additionally, the employer will not ask. Consequently, I guess, no Navy Veteran has ever gotten a job in the civilian world that was the same as or similar to his Navy job. Do I have that right? Also, nothing is traditional unless it has been around for some number of years, according to the talking point. Thus, one cannot say correctly that a tradition is lost because whatever it is hasn’t met the minimum number of years to qualify as tradition. What is that minimum number? It’s not 20. It’s not 30 or 40. It’s not 50, 60, or 70. What is the secret number? Anyone?
A few years back, I helped a friend of mine and fellow firefighter prepare for a promotional interview. She’s a former Marine corporal who used to load ordnance onto aircraft and supervise lower-ranking Marines doing the same. Turns out she was quite able to explain how that experience translates into supervising firefighters in the station and on the line, and the only suggestions I had to make were to dumb down her terminology a bit for the sake of interviewers who might not know what “EAS” means.
Result: she smoked it and will soon be looking at the next rung up the proverbial ladder.
What does handling live explosives and rocket fuel have to do with fighting fire? Nothing whatsoever. Leadership, management, and supervision skills she learned while doing it are a completely different story.
Fuck Mabus and his bullshit.
Good for her!
You do realize you are proving his point… You dumb down the titles, and people unfamiliar with the terminology can now see how the work is applicable.
Actually, no. Because the “dumbed down” terminology refers specifically to things like “EAS” vs “honorable discharge.” It had nothing to do with her job title, and she’s a (former) Marine, not Navy, anyway. The point being that, according to Mabus, she couldn’t possibly have learned anything as a Marine that would help her in her new civilian job unless she was Crash/Fire Rescue, which she wasn’t.
The fact is that hanging bombs on planes has not a damned thing to do with firefighting. But supervising a dozen other Marines doing it as a junior NCO (how many people in the civilian world know off the top of their head that corporals can be in charge of something?), training those other Marines, tracking their training and evaluating their performance, adhering to safety rules, and maintaining situational awareness in an extremely dangerous work environment are all things that translate directly into her current role. Her job title/MOS in the military had dick all to do with it, and Mabus’s “logic” doesn’t even reach apples/oranges.
Besides, as a Marine, she was simply “Corporal______.” Wouldn’t “Aviation Ordnanceman______” give you a better idea of what she did?
Nice try.
Actually, it DOES have something to do with firefighting. If a pile of 150-year-old Civil War cannonballs are found on a beach, they may or may not be chemically active, but they are still dangerous and a firefighter experience with ordinance would be the right person to call for something like that.
Likewise, since there was a recent explosion due to a gas leak at a townhouse group in the ‘burbs, a firefighter experienced with explosives would be the right person to call for handling something like that.
Think outside the box!
Actually, Ex, we’d call an LE bomb disposal team for that. Hey, wouldn’t that be the kind of civilian job that a Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician 3rd Class would make a great candidate for?
I got my job due to the fact I was a RadioMAN for crissakes! I’ve been a police dispatcher for 18 years. Mabus can go suck a fat long johnson.
Can someone name for me a single thing Mabus has done that made the Navy better? All I’ve seen him do is piss on traditions, blow off such paltry concerns as readiness, and insult theSailors and Marines he’s supposed to represent.
And all went according to 0bama’s plan…
He plans to make it better by running for the hills after the election.
He has tried to turn women into men.
Does that make the Navy better?
This helps explain the real fight:
A very clear statement of what is at stake, and what is going on.
Thank you for that, Graybeard. While I have had no doubts about the path I wished to follow in fiction, that article emphatically supports my choice to create stories about ORDINARY people whose biology is not questioned.
I have not yet been confronted by those who want to decide my biological makeup for me, but my impulse is to spit in their faces, should that ever happen.
Thanks, again.
Actually EX, he is trying to turn men into women. The ladies get to keep their ovaries, it’s the men who must give up their balls. Have you ever seen a more neutered bunch in your life? And that’s just the heteros, don’t get me started on the faggotories.
My male cat was neutered when he was a kitten. He’s still an alpha male and pack leader.
The only crapweasel who was born with no nuts in this entire mess is raymie maybe/maybe not.
He makes me sick. If he ever stops by the restaurant out on the highway, which is not too far from Great Lakes, and I’m there, I will ask the waitress to give me a slice of cream pie that I can push right into his face.
Colossal douchebag.
Hopefully someone reverses it in the future.
Apparently Vice Admiral Forrest Faison, the current Navy Surgeon General and Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery is also grossly misinformed about this whole ‘Corpsman is not a historic title’ thingy that ol’ Ray has conjured up. ‘A Message from the Navy Surgeon General: Hospital Corps 118th Birthday’ ‘On behalf of the Navy Medicine family, I would like to thank all of our hospital corpsmen and help them commemorate 118 years of excellence. Since their establishment in 1898, the Hospital Corps has grown exponentially from its first 25 apothecaries to the more than 30,000 corpsmen delivering world-class care to those entrusted to us across the globe. Today we celebrate the strength, bravery and resilience of our corpsmen that gallantly tend for America’s sons and daughters. No Marine has ever taken a hill and no Sailor has ever boarded a ship, a submarine or a plane without a “doc” by their side standing ready to heed the call “Corpsman Up!” at a moment’s notice. The corpsmen entrusted with the care of our Sailors and Marines today are the most highly-trained, highly-qualified force of medical professionals in Navy Medicine’s history. Since the original school for hospital corpsmen was established in 1902 in Portsmouth, Virginia to the current Navy Medicine Education and Training command based out of Fort Sam Houston, Texas, hospital corpsmen have played an integral role in contributing to the highest battlefield survival rate in the history of war. Our corpsmen comprise the largest rate in the Navy; they are the most decorated and some of the most versatile Sailors in the Navy. Twenty-two corpsmen have received the Medal of Honor, among many other awards. Since the end of World War I, 179 corpsmen have been awarded the Navy Cross. Since World War II, more than 1,600 hospital corpsmen have been awarded a Bronze Star, and 959 corpsmen have earned a Silver Star. 20 naval ships have been named in honor of corpsmen worldwide. This year, I had the honor of attending a ceremony at which the Silver Star was presented to one of our corpsmen, Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class… Read more »
I knew and worked with the Surgeon General years ago in Yokosuka. Always respected everyone in Medicine, regardless of what your job was.
Good person, good leader… the Navy needs more like him, now more than ever.
Nope, nothing historic there.
Here’s what Lieutenant General Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller, USMC, had to say about U.S. Navy Corpsmen:
“You guys are the Marine’s doctors; There’s no better in the business than a Navy Corpsman….”
Yup, nothing ‘historic’ to see here. All of you Sailors and Marines who still mistakenly want to hold on to your antiquated service culture, history, and traditions just move along now, and do as you’re told. After all, we know what’s best for you, whether you like it or not.
Chesty Puller would’ve bitchslapped Mabus, because he wouldn’t consider Ray worthy of a punch. Assuming Mabus didn’t spontaneously combust in the presence of such manliness, that is.
Puller would have to get in line behind me.
Puller was a Virginia Gentleman and would certainly have allowed you firsties.
I would love to see someone like LtGen “Brute” Krulak around today to deal with these idiots. Brute was one of the few people during the Vietnam War that told Johnson to shove it.
The book “Brute” covers it in much more detail.
Funny, I’ve never had a problem translating my military duties into civilian job equivalents.
Maybe he’s just full of shit? Yeah, I’ll go with option 2, Bob!
He is full of $h!t. People outside of the Navy and USMC might not know what a corpsman is, but I’m willing to bet that it would be tough to find people in the medical field who don’t know what a corpsman is. I’m also not sure how calling my former rate of MT2(SS) by my NEC of 3313 makes explaining the job attributes to a potential employer any easier. Besides, the Navy spent good money on a web site that explains it all by rate, anyway (
It is all about political correctness, and he needs to stop trying to BS his way out of it like the cheap politician that he is and own up to it.
But to be fair, most HR types are lazy as hell, and if you send in a resume/cover letter slathered in military jargon, NEC/MOS stuff, it usually is first to hit the round file.
I tell guys getting out to keep it simple, basic, and use the key words they’re looking for in order to get an interview. Once you get past HR to the folks you’ll hopefully end up working for, then you can expand and get into SOME of the military stuff.
It’s been my experience that a lot of retirees have a harder time than first-termers in getting a job for just that reason.
Okay, all I ever put on my resume in regard to what I did in the Navy was USNavy Photographer. If anyone wanted more than that, I gave more info during an interview.
There’s never any need to be complicated on an interview or a resume. It’s the keep it simple principle, nothing else. That, and spelling short things.
I think it’s fairly simple:
Bosun’s Mate: handles the boat, swabs the deck
Machinist’s Mate: runs the engines and whatnot
Gunner’s Mate: shoots things and blows shit up
Torpedoman: blows shit up underwater
Storekeeper: makes sure shit doesn’t get lost
Yeoman: handles paperwork for officers
Radioman: does radios
Sonarman: listens for subs
Hull Technician: plumber
Reactor Technician: Homer Simpson
I know there’s lots more rates, but the point is that it’s reasonably self-explanatory for anybody with a basic grasp of the English language.
Equipment Operator, Hum wonder what they do.
Construction Mechanic, another tough one.
Steel Worker, very vague
Signalman, any thoughts?
Air Traffic Controller, I got nothing.
Intelligence Specialist, fuck if I know.
Musician, I am stumped.
Aviation Electronics Technician?
Aviation Structural Mechanic?
I am so confused…
Sonar Technician?
Construction Electrician?
Missile Technician?
Pfft… those can mean anything.
All I know is there are Snipes, Deck Apes, Ops types, and Officers. What more do you need to run a navy?
“a basic grasp of the English language”- you nailed it Whitey. Public school education has dumbed the population.
And while we are talking about Secretary Smiley Face, let us not overlook the US Navy Distinguished Public Service Medal he presented in 2012 to that distinguished public servant and Vietnam War Veteran Richard Blumenthal. That was less than two years after Blumenthal was asked how he served in Vietnam when, after obtaining multiple draft deferments, he joined the Marine reserves and never left the states. Blumenthal said he misspoke–repeatedly.
‘I misspoke’ is the Ivy League code phrase for ‘I lied’.
“…for ‘I lied an there is nothing you can do about it, so sit down and shut up, sucker.”
I fixed it for you.
The throat punch isn’t very historic, but so many of us want to do it to him. Even if we’re not in the Navy.
The line forms to the left.
Our left or CockSucretary Mabels?
Good thinking. I’m primarily left-handed. Though I’m amphibious when it comes to throat punching Ray Maybe.
Behind me, it forms.
It’s throat punch Thursday!
Ray Mabus is a cock eater of monumental proportion.
Stop fucking lying you sack of shit and just tell the fucking truth once, you changed the ratings because you want to avoid having women do something different than men. Own your actions asshole and stand up for what you did and why you did it, and maybe someone, somewhere would respect your chickenshit ass…most likely not though because you are a complete asswipe.
He does not care for respect from those he does not respect.
He is a lapdog only wanting a pat on the head from his masters. A very small, useless lapdog.
You see Maubus knows better than hundreds of years of a system that was approved by hundreds of people. Right?
As a former Builder 2nd Class in the Navy Reserve, in addition to serving in the Army, I found Mabus’ decision fucking stupid on two levels; one there is the fact that he is destroying traditions to satisfy a progressive left agenda. the second in economic, how much will cost the Navy down the line to make changes to all sorts of things to conform to the new standards, especially in an era of tightened budgets. He is an idiot that has no real concern for the military capability of the Navy just a concern for his vision of diversity.
Hey, look at the brightside. We should be happy that so far no attempt has been made to replace the U.S. Navy’s warships with giant rubber ducks:
That’s the wrong image. You meant ‘giant rubber dicks’, didn’t you?
I did indeed unfortunately I couldn’t find a picture suitable for posting on a family orientated website such as TAH.
Thanks for clarifying Ex-PH2!
Uh… Littoral Combat Ship. ‘Nuff said.
Waiting for IDC SARC to roll in hot on this…
I’ve never had trouble explaining what a Navy “Information Systems Technician” did on a resume. Seems like it would be a lot harder to explain how a generic “Petty Officer Second Class” could help a business out. When I’m trying to meet the “minimum 10 years IT experience” holding a rate that literally spells it out seems pretty air-tight.
Mabus is explicitly made a plague casualty on “The Last Ship.” The editors cut the second half of that scene, in which there was much rejoicing.
“It’s not a historic title,” he said. “It only came in after World War II. One of the problems people have been having transitioning out of the Navy is that while the Navy and Marines know what ‘corpsman’ means, not many other people do.” When I tell someone I was/am/forever a Navy Corpsman, and their eyes glaze in confusion, I say ‘it’s the same as an Army Medic, only better and more advanced’. (Oh, crap, Chief, head for the bunker. Incoming in 3 – 2 – 1 … Boom.) (Back off, folks, it’s SARC. Really, it is. No, no, don’t hit me any more. I take it back. Nooooo!) The present day Hospital Corpsman rating (NEC8400 … a Corpsman fresh out of Hospital Corps School) was known variously as Pharmacist Mate and other monikers throughout its history. So WTF is his deal about ‘only after WW2’? Isn’t 70 years of honorable history being known as Corpsmen good enough of a track record? What is the cutoff? 100 years? This guy is a dolt. Who doesn’t know the meaning of ‘Corpsman’? I talk to groups, mostly civilians, and they know the meaning. And, really, who cares if they understand? Assuming they are capable of speech, they can ask. What are we talking about, 2% of the population? This turd sucker is a PC tool working his way into a corporate position paying millions. Just a PC whore. This is very saddening to me. I am a Navy Chief Hospital Corpsman. I have been for 32 years since selection and initiation. I continue to be such even though retired for 25 years. I address others in uniform by their rating and pay grade when possible. They appreciate it. I get a semi-woody when addressed as ‘Chief’ when showing my ID card for base entry or a hospital appointment. That’s how much it means to me. Chief Petty Officer: Initiated and served proudly and with distinction. I’m very proud of that accomplishment. I would love a repeat. And I’m a REAL CPO, not some bullshit imaginary honorary pretend chief (lower case c intentional,… Read more »
You’re an old bastard.
Amen, Chief…. and I’m a not-so-old bastard!
“Chief Petty Officer: Initiated and served proudly and with distinction. I’m very proud of that accomplishment. I would love a repeat.”
I was lucky enough to advance from E-1 to O-4.
Hands down, being a board selected and initiated CPO is the rank that I am most proud of.
I can see it now, when someone gets hit…
“Gender neutral medical technician UP!”
This must must keep the SWJWs up at night with this question. WHAT do we change Woman and Female to? Joe
WE don’t. Biology beats that dickless asshole and others like him, whether they like it or not.
You would think that the Navy would be pushing retention, not how can the Navy prepare you for a civilian job and make it easy to explain your Navy job.
Oh, didn’t you know? The Navy no longer wants long-term employees. It’s just a temp job for people who want college money and a place to get your gonads revised.
Well this is before Mabus. I used to be a Parachute Rigger, kind self explanotory right. Then they changed it to Aviation Survival Equipment Man. Kinda run out of breath getting it all out. Now they will have to change it again.
Parachute Rigger is as neutral as you can get. It is completely self-explanatory. There was never any need to change it, or anything else.
Im surprised Mabus didn’t changer it to “Parachute Regroe”
Well, if you say “aviation survival,” the first word I’m going to think of is “parachute.”
He really hates women. He hates us so much that he’s put us in the 13s with a zipper instead of the flap. The jumpers that sailor used to have the Philippino girls fit with a zipper now come with a zipper installed. If he could force women to stick a fake dick in their pants so there’s bulge there, he’d do it.
If I ever run into his mother, I’m going to ask why she didn’t just drop his ass off at a dog shelter after he was born. They have slots for night drops in cold weather.
Gaaaaaaahhh! He makes me want to puke right in his assholio face!
Oh, do I sound angry?
Tough shit.
The more I get to know Mabus, the more I want to send him a toaster to have in his bathtub. Anyone want to pitch in an extension cord? I wouldn’t even piss on his head if his ass was on fire and his head was a’ catchin’!o
If by chance someone pushed that top row of Chiclets back in his throat, he’d be calling for a corpsman pretty quick. Hopefully if one showed up, they would first catch him up on his inoculations and give him a finger wave before removing them via anal extraction.
Fuck you sideways with a pineapple Mabus; As an Army “Medic”, I took great pride in serving with my counterpart brothers and sisters in the Navy…The Corpsman.
They are “Corpsman” to those of us that understand, and they will still be “Corpsman” long after your slack jawed, banjo eye, goat humping, SJW, worthless pile of bilge shit is long gone and forgotten.
You wanted a “legacy”? You got it….but it wont be the one you will proudly display in your memoirs, you fucking toad sucking, brown nose pumping, Barry boot licking shit nugget..
Usually when people are as mentally maladjusted as raymie maybe is, they’re told to get professional help with their problem. But lest we forget, he works for someone who can’t even find his own dick without written instructions, can’t speak plain English (corps is pronounced c-o-r-e, moron), has never taken any responsibility for anything he’s ever done, and probably pees sitting down, too.
But as I said to Joe Williams up above, biology beats that dickless asshole and all the rest like IT, whether they like it or not.
That is reality. To deny it by pretending it can be manipulated into something else is denial of reality. Biology wins, every time.
I’m really starting to wonder if any of those THINGS in Washington are really human at all.
Succinctly put: it is all about control, power, prestige and money.
They want to be in control, have power over other human being (whom they see as sub-humans, no matter how they sugar-coat it) and find prestige from their “peers” and money to do whatever they damn well please.
One of my co-workers is having to fight it out with some of this ilk who gave his 14-yo son (who, to the best of his knowledge, has not been a problem in school) 3 days in-school suspension because of an instance of plagiarism on his school assignment. For a first-time offense? Give the kid a 0 on the paper, make him do-over for a max 70 grade, whatever.
The problems just getting through the road blocks that are the school secretaries have been bad. The Assistant Principle attitude is “too bad.”
Hope he escalates it.
Putting your kids in public school can be subjecting them to institutionalized child abuse.
Hey, if plagiarism was fine for the Vice President of the United States of America, I should think that the kid would have been okay. Seriously, nowadays, plagiarism is easy to nail. You take a couple of lines that seem too good, you put them into Google and you see what you get. No need for the super-sleuth software pkg.
Mabus has damaged the short, medium and long term capabilities of the USN in more ways than Yamamoto ever did.
Yamamoto turned the US Navy into a -carrier- navy in a few hours, by sinking most of the battleships and leaving us no other choice. His mission was to deal a knockout blow to our Navy. In a brutal and lethal way, he incentivized us to create the kind of Navy that could beat the IJN.
Mabus, on the other hand, is turning our Navy into something that will not have anything to do with fighting a war, because it both can’t and won’t. -He- will accomplish the mission Yamamoto set out to achieve, to the acclaim of a frightening number of Americans.
This will take decades to un-fuck. We need to start in January 2017, not 2021.
Had Yamamato conducted additional attacks, taking out our SRFs and oil storage facilities, it would possibly have lengthened the war by many months, possibly a year. He could have continued to attack with impunity for some additional time, but chose to withdraw. Ships would have to have been ported/repaired on the west coast. But, he feared reprisal and withdrew.
1000:1 Marines will still call them Corpsmen regardless of whatever title they end up with. Just as we in the Army still call them Medics when their actual title is Healthcare Specialist.
C’mon, Mabus for SECDEF everybody!
Hey Devtunm you had a slight typo…
Mabus for SUKDIK
there, I fixed it for you!
I was an Aviation Structural Mechanic (Hydraulics) 2nd Class Petty Officer…aka AMH2.
How in the fuckity fuck does that not translate? My job was listed right there! It transferred right over to A&P Mechanic…at least the Airframe portion. In fact in the 19 years since I have been out I have worked all but three years for a prominent Aerospace Company.
The only thing we needed was an NEC which would let the detailers (The people we went to for our next set of orders) know what we specialized in. In my case I held Airframe NEC’s for four different Aircraft (A-7E, F/A-18C, SH-3G, SH-60F), and Aerial Refueling Stores SF31-301)
This was nothing more than some fuckstick trying to leave some sort of legacy. I can only hope that if Trump is elected he’ll appoint a SECNAV that actually served in the USN/USMC and we can go back to being a fighting force instead of a pet project.
Can you imagine a 1MC (ship’s announcing system) announcement aboard a Carrier for “Petty Officer Smith report to the Quarterdeck” How many Petty Officer Smiths might there be in a crew compliment of 5,600+? At least when they would call us by our Rates…like AMH2 Smith or AE2 Smith…or even OS2 Smith we could at least narrow it down.
Please pardon my Army lack of Naval knowledge. I understand what a Cockswain does. Is it a separate rate or part of a larger rate? Also, are the men on a sub who “drive” it, called Cockswains?
Thank you and again, my apologies.
A Bosun’s Mate (Boatswain’s Mate) that steers a small craft is referred to as a Coxswain.
I believe a soldier that steers one of the many Army small craft are referred to as Coxswain as well.
But, I was Aviation…I am only going off what I remember from Boot Camp and my Basic Military Requirement (BMR) correspondence course.
Thank you Atkron and forgive my misspelling of Coxswain.
Doesn’t matter…thanks to Ray they probably refer to a Coxswain as a driver. Now that he’s turning it into the water army.
Well, at least we know now what happened to “Smiling Bob” of Enzyte Commercial fame.
He wears a necktie to hide the foreskin.
Oh, crap, how about a spew alert?
`The whole argument for gender less descriptions of jobs (Rates) was pointless in the first place. We had disclaimers in all training material and other documentation that said that the use of the word man was not considered to be gender specific.
This is back in the late eighties when I entered the Navy.
That fuckstick MCPON Stevens needs to tarred and feathered for even throwing this suggestion out there in the first place. I’m ashamed to say that cocksucker was even an Airframer (AM).