Syrian bomber kills himself in police custody

The UK’s Daily Mail reports that Jaber Albakr, the Syrian arrested last weekend after an improvised explosive was found in his apartment and he went on the run until he was captured by fellow Syrian refugees, has killed himself while he was in the custody of German authorities;
An ISIS migrant who planned a bomb attack at an airport in Germany has taken his own life while in police custody, according to judicial sources.
It was not yet clear how he had killed himself, the German news website Spiegel reported.
So, I guess we’ll never know why he planned to bomb something in Germany. Another perplexing riddle.
The Daily Mail says that Germany accepted 800,000 Syrian refuges were last year and Jaber Albakr was one of them.
Category: Terror War
Happy ending?
Hey, maybe he was into that sort of thing, and Otto und Fritz* obliged him.
* I don’t imagine you’d find Bubba and Thor in a kraut jail, but I’m sure there are local equivalents.
Hung himself in his cell.
And Germans, neuveau French is that they are, gave already called this a “scandal” and are calling for an investigation.
Scandal? I call it the trash taking itself out.
just as a point of interest, the first prisoner to die at Dachau triggere an investigation – people weren’t supposed to die there in ’34.
This asshole’s demise should be regarded as an intelligence loss and maybe a gain in fertilizer/feed in an unnamed pigpen.
I say give him a hale and hearty, Fuck Him!!
I’m sure Shai’tan will. Repeatedly, and for eternity.
Not really. It appears he likely offed himself before German security agencies had a chance to give him a good, old-fashioned Stasi-esque interrogation. Any intel he might have provided is now almost certainly gone with him.
Dang. Another argument for interrogation being early and often until the source is depleted.
Agreed; someone took a bathroom break at the wrong time, I guess.
Sounds like the right time, if you ask me.
Yes! Aloha Snackbar!
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
More proof of what cowards these little bastards are.
Good riddance….
GOOD RIDDANCE to another goat-molesting fleabag! It’s only a pity that he offed himself before they could get any intel from him. ROT IN HELL, shitface!
The Bund did not want him talking
In the exact words of my German wife “Good!”
Sounds like it ended in a happy ending.
I hope he enjoys sucking goat cock for eternity.
Hmm. Wonder if the body is “in transit” somewhere?
He might actually be singing his heart out in the arms of Morpheus. (Or Pentothal-us, or whatever babble-juice they use these days.)
I read too much Kratman, perhaps? (Is the next one done yet, sir? Sir?)
“A State of Disobedience” is free in Baen’s Free Library, at the colonel’s request I’m told.
I have it, from years back. Am eagerly awaiting the next books in the ‘Carrera’ and ‘M-Day series’.
They would not have tortured his ass anyway. They probably have a treasure trove in his apartment, from cell phone and laptop/pc info to whatever he may have written down with good old pen and paper, to mail received and fingerprints left by visitors. All sorts of goodies to be had. The bonus is that he’s dead.
“Please accept this Laurel, and Hardy handshake.”
And now we’ll never know why. I wonder what could have caused him to build a bomb? What could have “inspired” him? We’ll just never know…. \sarc
Hope he choked on a dick.