GI Jane meets Darnell Stephen Summers

| January 5, 2009

Our new commie buddy, Darnell Stephen Summer concluded that he was outwitted here, so he decided to try his hand at picking on girls with our friend GI Jane at The Foxhole. Jane sends;

When I opened my blog this morning, I was surprised to see a comment by none other than Darnell Stephen Summers who responded to my post:

The IVAW Adds Another ‘Esteemed’ Member

His comment, along with my response is at the above link.

You really have to read Summers’ comparison of Americans to the aliens in the movie “Independence Day”. And GI Jane characteristically trounces his hippie, hash-smoking ass.

Category: Politics

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Good job, GI Jane! That post of yours had all the facts and gave a good kick to Summers VVAW, commie ass behind! 😈



Thanks! I actually aimed the kick at another part of his anatomy. 😉

AW1 Tim

I truly despise the leftist apologists like Darnell. They come from a long line of weaselly little asshats, the kind who always volunteered to be hall monitors in school, who would rat out anyone, but then got all whiny-girl like when they got caught, and would try to blame it on someone else.

They can never man-up and accept responsibility, because they are self-made victims, never responsible for their own actions, always being picked on by “the man”.

Darnell is a perfect example of the sort of self-indulgent martinets who give buggery a bad name.

Probably doesn’t even inhale when he smokes hash.

F@ck him.


You couldn’t have slapped him around any better if you had taken him behind the chow hall for “remedial CQB drill”. Bravo Zulu.

Darnell Stephen Summers

What have I come across here? A coven of CIA wannabees? You people take the cake. Judging by the absence of any real traffic on these blogs and the lack of any meaningful dialogue between opposing views, that must certainly mean that you people are just happy talking among yourselves with the occasional unannounced visit only then disturbing your equilibrium. What an exercise in futility!!! This is just a martialing area for fools. Again, your arguments are ridiculous. Could it really be that you really believe all of that crap you’re spouting? Just to clarify one point, I’m not a pacifist but I believe in peace and I know what peace would and should look like. OK Philbrick, what’a all of this “Commie” nonsense, can’t you do better than that? Say you love Senator McCarthy and be done with it so people will know where you’re coming from. This is not a debate. I don’t debate with dunce-caps wearing scoundrels, but I’ll be glad to tell you what time it is. It’s amazing how you never, ever really say anything, so with that in mind, I view this as a learning experience. Whatever and whoever you are be alerted to the fact that I recognize how dangerous you and your ilk are and to what degree you pollute the minds of your impressionable prey. I’ll pop in, from time to time, just to keep you on your toes and to give you what you desparately desire: Attention. As for you people making any sense is concerned, you should just give up on that idea. Do yourself a favor and go back to school. Allow me this opportunity to share this quote with you: “He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool – shun him. He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child – teach him. He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep – wake him. He who knows, and knows that he knows, is a wise man – follow him.” You leave me no choice… Read more »


Good grief Darnell, what is it with leftists and their overly long speeches. Not only do you all love to hear yourselves speak, you love to read what you have written. Being a retired Gunny, I’ll keep it short and sweet, “Pound Sand.”

Darnell Stephen Summers

No need to be cryptic, just say what it is you want to say. You did want to say something coherent, didn’t you?

At ease.


Heh! I’ll gladly say something “coherent” to ya, Darnell….


Me thinks Jane dropped a whole shite load of artillery down around Darnell’s little world, Jonn…Hahaha!


No need to be cryptic, just say what it is you want to say. You did want to say something coherent, didn’t you?

How much ganja a week do you smoke?


You leave me no choice but, in the main, to shun you,

Oh… boo fucking hoo. Darnell is going to…. shun us. Oh how will I live? How will I bear the shame? How will I… oh… wait a minute… Who gives a good shite? You go ahead and “shun” us Darnell… that’ll show us. While your shunning us, use all that extra spare time your not typing War and Peace and try and remove your cranium from your fourth point of contact.

Darnell Stephen Summers

If I didn’t know better one would think that I posted my own name on this blog. You guys saw it necessary to discuss my activities and I think you know the reason why that is. Simply put, we got next to you in a way that is very uncomfortable and disconcerting for your gang. Let’s not lose sight of the significant fact.

Up until that time I din’t even know that you existed. You have a penchant for making a fool of yourselves. It’s amazing. My hat is off to you. Your ignorance has scaled new heights. Keep up the good work.

Jonn wrote: Thanks, Darnell. Don’t forget to vote for us at the Weblog Awards.


Another happy customer! When we scale the mountain of ignorance, we plant the flag for people like you Darnell that have supported us through thick and thin.


“Simply put, we got next to you in a way that is very uncomfortable and disconcerting for your gang.”

What? Are you frigging kidding? Uncomfortable? Disconcerting?


Your skull is still smarting from GI Jane’s *sfcsmac down* she laid on your worthless, commie carcas? Stay outta the kitchen Darnell if you can’t stand the heat.


Darnell Stephen Summers, as you’re an American in Germany, do you consider yourself (a) a domestic enemy of the United States. (b) a foreign enemy of the United States, or (c) a foreign and domestic enemy of the United States?


A+B+C = Citizen arrest


Too everyone:

I slapped Darnell upside the head on my blog again this morning.

@ Darnell:

Who are you trying to convince? Us or yourself?
So far, we’ve not seen any difference between the asinine “troof ta powa” crap you post on here and that of your IVAW comrades.

You know what peace is, Darnell? The freedom to pound away on your keyboard and regurgitate your ‘manifesto’ without fear of being dragged off to a gulag. For that, you can thank a Soldier. The ones serving honorably, that is.

Don’t count on too much success for your little campaign of sedition in the U.S. armed forces.


typo: To everyone.



You’ve already read Summers comment to me, but I’d like to post an excerpt here so the “This Ain’t Hell” folks can see for themselves that these VVAW/IVAW types are encouraging:

rochester_veteran wrote:

“Sounds like mutiny and treason to me.”

Darnell Stephen Summers replied:

My friend, I do in fact call on the troops to mutiny against tyranny and If that is treasonous then so be it. I’ve been advocating that before, during and after my time in the US Army. That’s no big secret. Report me.



I’ll add (again) that he shouldn’t count on much success for his little campaign of sedition in the U.S. armed forces; there’s too much resistence.


Boy, Darnell, you must have had just a huge shit-fit when the wall fell, and the Warsaw Pact dissolved. You remember them, the fun loving, peace loving people who crushed the revolts in Poland, Czechoslovakia and East Germany. It must have been so disappointing to someone like you to see communism fail yet again.
If you admit to treason, and strive someday, in your pathetic life, to be a man, fly back to New York, or DC, go to the US Attorney’s office and turn yourself in. Dare the government to put you on trial, so you can expose the vast,evil empire to all of us>

Darnell Stephen Summers

“Dare the government to put you on trial, so you can expose the vast,evil empire to all of us.”


I don’t have to dare them. The “government” has tried that with me on several occasions. I’ve been extradited from two different continents on the same trumped-up political charges(1968 & 1982). They failed miserably each time and in the process, as you noted, demonstrably exposed their vast evil empire.

Everytime you open your mouth you put your foot in it.

Jonn wrote: Yeah, I’m pretty sure the US government thinks you’re important enough to waste resources extraditing your vermin-infested ass back here.

Don’t forget to tell about the time your neighbor’s talking goldfish tried to get you to board his spaceship but you outwitted him.

Darnell Stephen Summers

Jonn wrote: “Yeah, I’m pretty sure the US government thinks you’re important enough to waste resources extraditing your vermin-infested ass back here.

Don’t forget to tell about the time your neighbor’s talking goldfish tried to get you to board his spaceship but you outwitted him.”

Well, Jonn you put your foot in your mouth once again where it belongs. I don’t know how important you have to be but that’s just what they did. Are you implying that that didn’t happen? Man, You sicker that I thought. Talking about delusions. Just go to the website and see for yourself. You won’t like what you see but that’s your problem. I don’t have to make things up. I’ll leave that to you and your buddies.

Jonn wrote: “I don’t have to make things up.” Written by a guy who buys his hair wholesale.

Darnell Stephen Summers

You really love chewing on your shoe.

Jonn wrote: See, I don’t know what that means. You’re drinking the bong water again, aren’t you?

Darnell Stephen Summers

This is for GI Jane & Co I don’t really know how you’ll respond to this post but I have a sickening hunch. You’re always trying to defend the US Military in the face of all its crimes against Humanity. I don’t want to diminish the serious nature of crimes that the US Government has perpetrated against other nations, but to me, one of the telling factors about how criminal and cynical the whole sad situation is, is the way they treat their own soldiers. It’s reprehensible and despicable. During my time in the US Army I saw things that very few people ever talk about or did anything about. The main reason being that they themselves took an active part in the crimes, they didn’t care or were afraid for their “careers”. Sexual Abuse, Racism, Homophobia & Sexism are endemic to the system, there is no way to get around that conclusion, that fact. Where were/are you on that question? Since the early 1950’s officially over 40’000 women either serving as soldiers or as designated dependents have been either beaten, raped and/or murdered by fellow soldiers, boyfriends and/or spouses. That is a startling statistic in and of itself. “Obviously, 9/11 didn’t hit close enough to your own back yard.”, you proclaimed in your last post, implying that I don’t care about the events of that day. You couldn’t be more off point and further from the truth. Well, I do care and I want those responsible to be brought to Justice and we might as well start with the White House. You don’t care about what is going on in your own ranks let alone the world. Who can really take you serious? As I have stated before, your arguments are childish, superficial and illogical. They just don’t hold water and that on a lot of fronts. Maybe the women in this report are lying in your confused mind but maybe, just maybe you’ll see the light and the error of your patriotic BS ways. It would be funny except for the fact that so many people have to… Read more »