That’ll Teach Him to Sleep on the Job!
One guy found out the hard way that sleeping on the job isn’t a good thing.
Seems that the other day, a Fedex employee was at work. He was working the graveyard shift. About 4AM he got really sleepy; he dozed off.
He woke up somewhat later – and discovered he had a rather serious problem.
You see, Memphis is Fedex’s air hub location; the guy worked for Fedex at the Memphis Airport. His job was loading Fedex cargo and packages onto aircraft.
The guy had dozed off on board one of Fedex’s aircraft, in the cargo bay, in Memphis. When the guy woke up, that Fedex plane was was now airborne – and en route to Lubbock, TX.
The aircrew discovered the stowaway during the flight, and alerted LE on arrival at Lubbock Airport. The guy was questioned and released.
No word on whether the guy has been fired by Fedex.
Fox News has an article with a few more details. It’s a hoot.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Pointless blather, Who knows, WTF?
OK-I actually have a former Joe who I served with in Kuwait/Iraq who works for FEDEX in Memphis and it would not surprise me at all if it is was him.
It wouldn’t be the first time something like that happened.
Wow; been there, but I’ve never done *that*.
A BUNCH of us Air Force Cargo Aerial Porters have all agreed…”There but for the grace of God, go I.” It seems to make the news about every 3 or 4 years.
And here….
and here….
and another…
I am surprised. My son, a Chair Force load master, says you aerial porters tend to be just a point or two above legally retarded. =P But hell he is Chair Force so I only really listen to him half the time and only believe half of what I hear.
That is impressive.
Well this is pretty stupid…reminds me of a camera operator at one of my first jobs after the military…he had set up a little area behind the camera back (huge through the wall camera) where he could doze off when it was slow…it was in the darkroom and he wasn’t noticeable back there…
One night the owner stops by and is just wandering through the shop…he asked where the operator was and I told him I thought he might be in the head (I did not know he was sleeping either)…I offered the owner a coffee and the owner didn’t want it so he went to toss the coffee in the trash can by the camera back in the darkroom. Needless to say he missed the can but managed to pop the top and have it land all over our sleeping beauty…he was terminated on the spot…he woke up swearing and asking what asshole threw liquid on him…
As someone who works a graveyard shift myself, I bet this fellow is new to the job. Eventually, one’s sleep patterns conform to the new shift, and all is good.
The guy was probably former Infantry.
Airborne Infantry. The roar of a jet engine is like an Ambien to those guys.
The soft drone of a nice diesel or gas engine still puts me to sleep…
Dude was probably out there looking for some flight line.
While drunk and looking for some nighttime entertainment.
He just needed a nap. I am sure it was raining.
We ain’t the brightest.
But we are the most dedicated.
“Castaway”, anyone? Let us know if he meets Tom Hanks.
It could have turned out worse. At least Daniel Bernath was not pilting the aircraft.
It could have turned out worse. At least Daniel Bernath was not piloting the aircraft.
Hack Stone Publishing regrets the error.
Word ^^^^^^
With the economy the way it is these days and the lack of customer service and understanding by many of the major airlines these days, this might be the new way to travel.