Monday shocker

| January 27, 2025 | 34 Comments

The column I never thought I would write. No, not my resignation – until Ed tells me to pack my figurative stuff and hit the figurative bricks – well, takes away my login – I’m here until it ain’t fun any more. Nope, this is worse than that.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was right. There, I said it. She actually said something I (and I suspect most of you) can agree with.

Who would have thought? Little Sandy of the tombstone teeth and perennially neo-commie idiocy…is correct. Circle this month on the calendar, folks, after almost 6 years of her (2019 on) doing nothing but non-legislating and image-buffing…something approaching correct came out of her mouth.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) publicly denounced the stock trading activities of lawmakers, pointing out an apparent inconsistency among Democrats.

“There needs to be Democrats who walk the walk and talk the talk. There is an insane amount of hypocrisy, and the hypocrisy is what gets exploited to use the cynicism and wherever there’s a hypocritical window. For example, I think one of the most biggest examples of this is insider trading in Congress,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

“It’s so crazy. I mean, like, it’s the end of the thing. Like, people think that everyday people are stupid. I’m like, ‘Do you all really think that people don’t see this s***?’” Ocasio-Cortez added.

Stewart agreed with her, noting that the positions lawmakers hold on committees give them access to insider information that could potentially enhance their trading portfolios.

Potentially? Just a bit of soft-pedaling, there, Jon – for years we have watched thousandaires turn into millionaires within one or two terms. Even the ones like Bernie Sanders who preach poverty, fiscal restraint and for all I know abstinence have multiple houses to play with. Somehow I doubt the same can be said of me and thee, right?

“And then we’re supposed to act like money only corrupts Republicans?” Ocasio-Cortez said.

Both Ocasio-Cortez and Stewart took issue with the idea that the public is unaware of these practices. Their remarks come in the wake of increasing demands for a prohibition on lawmakers trading stocks.Benzinga

Don’t know what happened to our little donkey-toothed Sandy but for ONCE I can say I agree with her. I’m not holding my breath till it happens again.

Category: Congress sucks, Politics

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Even a broken clock is right twice a day. I’m sure we will have to wait a long time till she ‘s right again.


The broken clock lies the rest of the time.


A broken digital clock is never right… it’s blank. Kinda like AOC.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut.


I’m betting that face has met a lot of nut.


So, at politics, she sucks?


She didn’t mention San Fran Nan by name? She’s the poster child for insider trading…errrr her husband is, duh.

Follow Nan’s trading…

Her husband somehow out performs all the professional trader, fund managers, and Warren Buffet combined? His specialty is trades with companies that does business with the US Government.

Its seem funny on Joe’s way out the door he wants end insider trader with Nan earning $250M net worth in 40 years in office is like closing the barn door LONG after the horse ran out.

I used to think Sandy was pretty, but dumb.
Now, I realize she’s just pretty dumb.


Word! My “Financial Advisor” of my 401K $ asked me how I wanted my disbursements/investments to go when I got medically retired from Ma Bell. Told him since I couldn’t take the lump sum on Gold Krugerrand Coinage without a major tax bite that he should just invest in stocks that SanFranNan had invested in. He looked at me kinda funny and asked “Why?” Answered that anyone that could become a multi-millionaire on a Kongress Kritter’s pay just had to be the sharpest stock trader around.

I’ll leave the “I’d hit that” duties on Also Old Cotex to our very own IDC SARC! I’d wouldn’t hit that with spapos’ junk and Sparkle Mark L pushing.


Where the HELL is our very own IDC SARC????? He’s been mentioned … but never appears.

Same-same with MCPO USN RET …. ???

Are they gone forever, or just in stealth mode?


Wish I knew, rgr1480. SARC was spread real thin during the ChiCom Bat Flu and had alluded to a possible upcoming PCS. He may be on a seekrit squirrel mission or just busy hitting the ones that need hitting.

The Master Chief has shown up a time or 2 awhile back. He may be just enjoying his retirement in his very own Goat Locker, spoiling grand babies.

According to a convo that ‘Ed and I had in the past, the site gets a buncha hits from visitors, past, present, and future commenters, but those are not really tracked as to whom it might be.

I miss both of them, among others.


There is hope for her to wake up and smell the roses.
Is this part of the Trump effect?

RGR 4-78

No. This is a veiled punch at Nancy Pelosi, since Nan worked against AOC’s election to minority whip(?) or some committee appointment a month or so ago.




It’s “blind squirrel syndrome” with her.


Did she mention that she went from broke to being worth almost 30 million in 5 years? Probably only straight up bribes in her case.


Could be all that election money that somehow made it into “personal expenses” for the campaign.


I was also curious how she’s managed to increase her wealth, it wasn’t all that long ago that she couldn’t afford to live in DC. These congresscritters, they grow up so fast!

Hack Stone

She invested heavily in Franklin Mint Limited Edition Collectable Plates. They may go up in value, and surely will be treasured heirlooms to be passed down through the family.


Then there’s this-


What did he say …. I was … distracted.

( * )( * )


She looks like she may be surprised by someone trying to get to where one doesn’t belong. Maybe she’s surprised nobody is trying.


They are at the same time both nice and distracting. Unfortunately, with their size, the won’t stay in their original position as she ages. I`d still look at them, tho.


Bice Noobs.




….If somebody like AOC suddenly says, “for example , insider trading” , I would bet the house payment that somebody in Congress is about to be explaining THEIR insider trading.


I don’t see her proposing a bill banning all trading by congress while in term, and adding term limits to ensure they don’t figure a way around it!!
I think what you call this is (complaining without offering a solution) Whinning!


I see this as AOC being butthurt because she’s outside the circle of trust that makes stock trading so lucrative for members of Congress.


I can’t believe how unbelievably stupid she is. I know there are stupid people in politics (Pedo Joe and Heals Up to name a few and they might both be even more ignorant than her), but just how in the hell did this bimbo get voted in? Exactly what did they think this Chicklet-tooted barista could do for them?

Hack Stone

Have you seen the people who live in her district? You don’t have to go to some 3rd World shit hole to experience rampant crime, open drug markets, defecating on the sidewalks, a failing educational system, and total anarchy, it’s right here in America. Embrace the diversity.


Hack, I’m from Baltimore – need I say more?! LOL We are a shithole in our own right, but maybe it’s not as bad as the shithole she represents. Thankfully I live nowhere near our shithole and don’t venture near it unless absolutely necessary.

Hack Stone

For someone with a degree from one of the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in the country, you would think that she would be able to speak coherently without the superfluous use of the word “like”, but here we are.


Well as I told Commissar Dumbshit time and time again whenever he’d bring up UCB — no one is impressed with that anymore. It literally means nothing. The names are famous, the quality of education and the educators… meh.

And I have a feeling her issues with finding employment had nothing to do with the job market — she opened her cock garage during interviews and they knew they were dealing with a stone cold idiot.


Yeah, if there is one thing in this world that pisses me off its an unlocked footlocker and the excessive use of the word “like”. I’m sure the bimbo does not write like she speaks when communicating to her peers, so why use the word when communicating to anyone else? She needs to grow the fuck up.


Did you say AOC enjoys an occasional “shocker”?

Forest Bondurant

She’s only mad because she’s not bright enough to figure out how the system works for other politicians and not for her, so naturally she’s calling for insider trading to be illegal for politicians.

She’s not able to grift or game the system so nobody else should be able to.