Khairuldeen Makhzoomi booted from Southwest flight
On April 6th, Khairuldeen Makhzoomi, an Iraqi refugee and senior at the University of California Berkeley, was removed from a Southwest Airlines flight. This past wekend, the story was about how he was booted merely because he was speaking in his native Arabic tongue and how the racist fear-mongers on the flight were frightened by that fact. He used the incident to demonstrate how he has been the target of hatred because of his swarthy looks. From an earlier Dallas News article;
“I said to him, ‘This is what Islamophobia got this country into,’ and that made him so angry. That is when he told me I could not go back on the plane.”
Zahra Billoo, executive director of the San Francisco Bay Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said there had been at least six cases of Muslims being pulled off flights so far this year. The conduct of Southwest Airlines was of particular concern, she said, after another Muslim passenger was removed from a flight in Chicago last week.
“We are concerned that Muslims are facing more and more scrutiny and baseless harassment when they are attempting to travel,” Billoo said.
Well, today we find out that the person who reported the youngster to the aircrew also spoke Arabic, and it was the content of the conversation, not the fact that it was in Arabic that concerned the passenger, according to the Dallas News;
One new detail revealed in the statement is that the woman who overheard Makhzoomi’s comments, which came during a phone conversation with his uncle, also spoke Arabic.
“It was the content of the passenger’s conversation, not the language used, that prompted the report leading to our investigation,” Southwest said in its statement. “Once the report was made, an Arabic-speaking Southwest Manager at LAX participated in the decision to request the passenger leave the aircraft and continue the conversation in the gate area.”
The statement from Southwest is at the second link.
Thanks to David for the links.
Category: Terror War
At one point did someone ask him, “Are you a Muslim?” I guess I missed that part. CAIR and this clown and many others just run with the anti-Islam business w/o ever touching upon the question of religion. It is always assumed. Now, it is certainly true that the overwhelming majority of MEs are Muslims of one or another flavor, but not all are.
Don’t land to put them off…do it midair!!
“senior at the University of California Berkeley”
Lars, is that you?
That made me laugh out loud.
CAIR = Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. Turning everything into some kind of racial issue for profit and headlines.
More than that.
Ironically, in more than one ‘islamic’/’muslim’ nation, CAIR is considered to be a front organization for terrorists.
I remember not long after 9/11 a gent by the name of Sami Al-Arian (sp?) who was a prof at a Florida university and talking head on TV quite a bit.
Until he was hauled into court regarding his support for terrorist organizations. Never heard much about him after that.
Yup, it came out he was recruiting for PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad). After some lengthy court proceedings, he was deported. He was a professor in Tampa and USF.
His curriculum vitae must not have been good enough to land him a job at Berkeley.
I wondered what happened to him. He showed up regularly on CNN. Then he was gone.
He was deported back to Turkey.
CAIR is also the org that’s working at militantizing the mooslime segments of our not-white-privileged communities and prison pops.
CAIR helps post ultra radical imams to the mosques in such AOs.
Posted by someone else on here. I love it.
“Open Season” by Stuck Mojo, an American rap metal band from Atlanta, Georgia.
/a what? who, now?
//your tastes and mileage may vary.
Yeah, that was me, who posted this a while ago, Chip.
So, yet another episode of Social Justice Outrage Theater turns out to be based on bullshit.
Color me shocked…
With apologies to the late Paul Harvey:
“And now you have . . . the rest of the story.”
Another Arabic speaker who overheard, understood and reported him.
Dan those racist Arabs… I mean Americans.
I mean, if someone didn’t understand any Arabic and heard a young male talking excitedly about the UN and Ban Ki-Moon and then saying inshallah a bunch of times, I can understand the concern. (Even if it’d be utterly asinine for a terrorist to discuss any plots publicly, but let’s grant that thankfully some are idiots.)
However, if someone does speak Arabic and the conversation was as stated, they’d have noted the past tense (since the meeting was before the flight), and the context of the conversation, and probably not raised the alarm.
I’d guess someone understood a few words, if that, and it’s a good cover for Southwest, so they’re running with it.
The guy was removed from the flight at LAX. Considering that nearly half of the US Arab-American population lives in California (2000 census, 48%), there’s a damn good chance that he was overheard by someone fluent in Arabic – or a native Arabic speaker.
Yes, nearly half of the US Arab-American population … of 308K people in a city of 18.68M people.
Having roughly 1.6% of people in an area speak your language still means it’s very unlikely someone will understand.
Minor correction to my own post:
I meant to say 308K is the 48% of the US Arab-American population in the LA area, not the total US Arab-American population.
In some neighborhoods it’s (much) more prevalent than others.
Lots of Farsi/Arabic speakers in Santa Monica, West LA, and Beverly Hills? You betcha! Huntington Park or Carson? Not so much.
That’s actually interesting. I don’t know LA much, and would have assumed simply from name recognition that Santa Monica and Beverly Hills were more affluent areas, and would’ve also assumed that means they’d be less likely to be home to Arab Americans.
I guess I’m wrong on at least one count there.
Quite a bit of $$$ left Iran with refugees when the Shah fell. Pretty sure the same has been true over the past 25 years or so from the Arab states in the Gulf, too.
Since at least 15 people would have been within earshot of his conversation (his row plus row ahead and row behind, assuming 3/2 seating on the plane) – and likely higher – a quick estimate is that the chances work out to somewhere around 3:1 against (give or take). That’s quick and dirty; I’d have to run the actual numbers for the binomial distribution (sample size 15, prob 0.016) to give you a more accurate estimate.
Plus, by only using Arab-Americans to calculate the 1.6% probability, you’re ignoring anyone of non-Arab ancestry who may have a working knowledge of Arabic. The actual probability will be higher – how much higher, dunno.
OCS classmate of mine in 1991. Blonde haired, blue eyed woman of German ancestry. She had a degree in Arabic studies, spoke fluent Arabic, and was married to an Egyptian. No one would have ever guessed.
I actually ran the numbers – you’d need 42 people within earshot, and listening, in order to have a 50% chance of one speaking Arabic, at least while using the 1.64% number.
Certainly true that the number would be slightly higher when you add in other speakers, but I’m guessing that’s a pretty small number.
Overall, my original point remains – if someone actually spoke the language, wouldn’t the understand via context that this person was not relaying a threat? It seems more likely that they either didn’t speak it but knew a few words (thus why they thought they heard ‘shahid’), or, a third option, they speak it but were far enough away they couldn’t hear clearly. In which case maybe their concern is more understandable.
Either way, before we malign the guy too much, he’s already said he isn’t going to sue. To me, that means he’s probably a more decent fellow than people are giving him credit for.
His being a decent guy is one possibility. Him not wanting anything more to be made public during discovery is another.
At this point, either could be the case. Without more info, there’s no way to assess which is more likely.
And, for what it’s worth: for x = 15, the probability of having at least one Arabic speaker within earshot (e.g., among those 15) is 21.967% – or greater than 1 chance in 5. That means that his being overheard by someone fluent in Arabic, while less than 50%, is eminently plausible. I certainly wouldn’t call roughly 22% “very unlikely”.
Make the numbers 2% and include 5 rows in a 3×3 aircraft configuration (6 seats per row, row of speaker plus 2 before and answer, making x=30), and you’re over 45.5%. Dunno about you, but there have been times on a plane where I could easily hear conversations in rows 2 ahead of or behind me.
The problem is you are working the problem backwards. How many people had a conversation in arabic that would have raised an alarm if it had been overheard by another person who speaks arabic, but wasn’t since there were none nearby? Assuming the odds you cite, it simply means that he was unlucky to be one of the few close to another, while many similar incidents happen where there isn’t another arabic speaker near so isn’t reported.
I was analyzing the plausibility of Southwest’s side of the story, not potential risk of missing such a conversation. From a risk management perspective, you have a point.
You guys are making my brain hurt and its only Wednesday.
All I was trying to say is, after an event has happened, trying to use the probability of such an event to validate it begs the point that is already has happened. It is result is often misleading, as I think is happening here. It is like throwing a die 10 times. Any possible sequence has about a 60 million to one chance, so after a person rolls 4-2-6-6-1-5-1-2-3-6, exclaiming that’s not right, the chance of doing that was 60 million to one, ignores the missed probabilities of all the possibilities that didn’t happen.
In this case, it is likely some people speaking arabic will be sitting near others that also speak arabic, even if for any specific occasion it is highly improbable. The fact it happened is still both possible, and likely to happen at times. The real question is how often does it happen compared to what the odds say it should, and that is a pretty hard number to calculate.
Don’t forget destination of the flight. Was it going to an Arabic speaking area? Was it going to the middle east? Dearborn Michigan?
That would logically have more Arabic speaking people onboard, compared to random population.
Eric, it’s Tuesday. Snap out of it.
It’s nice to make assumptions that fit into your world view.
I’ll assume that the plane had at least a few native Arabic speakers, and one overheard enough of the conversation to be alarmed. I’ll back that up with the report that one of the SWA managers was an Arabic speaker and could probably ascertain quickly the language proficiency of the complainant.
You’re paying a lot of money to go to a college that doesn’t bother teaching critical thinking.
There’s a decent probability of another Arabic speaker on the flight, yes, though it would be unlikely -possible, but unlikely- they’d be within earshot of this guy.
And I’m not a college student. Lars and I are different people.
Actually, it’s a fairly good chance – to a somewhat simplified approximation, somewhere around 1 in 4.
Southwest flies primarily 737s. Assuming a 737-700 model, that seats 143 as Southwest configures it. They’re 3×3 seating.
Among 143 passengers, a 1.64% chance of each being fluent in Arabic means that the chances of 3 or more Arabic speakers being on the plane is close to 42% (41.666+%). Assuming each can overhear 29 other passengers (their row plus 2 up and 2 back), that yields an overall percentage of around % 25.9% (41.66+% of having 3+ Arabic speakers on-board times 87/140 other passengers overheard).
The actual figures would be slightly smaller (overlapping overhead areas aren’t considered above, nor is seating at the ends of the passenger compartment). But the above is probably close enough to make my point.
In hindsight, I realize there’s a colloquial use of ‘good chance’ that is different from the more numerical way I use it — for me, a ‘good chance’ of something means the chances, literally, are good. Maybe in the 60-70% or better.
The math on there being a 42% chance of 3 or more speakers out of 143 passengers is certainly correct, but I think the actual figures would be considerably smaller (in contrast to your ‘slightly smaller’) due to not only the distribution of seating (and the implicit assumption that all the speakers aren’t related in some known way and sitting near each other), and the fact that these numbers account for all age groups, and I’m pretty sure we can reasonably say little kids aren’t going to be listening for ‘jihad’ or anything like that.
Finally, I also think the notion that one can hear conversations from the nearest 29 people to be .. unlikely? In my estimation, that number is considerably lower. I’m flying Friday and will try to eavesdrop as best I can and determine how close I can get to that, but in the hustle and bustle of people boarding and small-talk from people right next to me, I highly doubt I’ll get close to 29.
We can do the math on age distributions and seat distributions, too, but all in all, I think ‘unlikely but not impossible’ is a fair assessment.
I knew there had to be more to this story than originally reported. Southwest carries all kinds of people, day in and day out, without disturbance. They have no interest in hassling any of their passengers. Further, if it has been unfair, their own passengers would have let them know it.
No kid, it wasn’t because you were speaking Arabic. It’s because you study at Berkeley which means you were probably acting obnoxious.
“It was the content of the passenger’s conversation, not the language used….
That tells you all need to know…say stupid shit pay a stupid penalty…
Here’s a pro-tip asshole: If you don’t want people thinking you might be a potential terrorist don’t be speaking about stupid shit that someone nearby who can speak your language might find incriminating.
This racist fuck thought nobody near by could understand just based on how they looked so he said whatever stupid shit he wanted to say…and now when caught up in it he’s trying to turn it around to be about how he looks.
Fuck you and the camel you rode in on you racist prick. Fit in or don’t it’s up to you, but no matter what no one in America has to like you or respect. Tolerance means we just have to fucking tolerate your miserable presence. Get used to the bigs rookie or get the fuck out.
My ex spent three years in Germany. Excellent command of the language and its idioms. A male Hutterite walked past in Walmart a few years ago, made some disparaging comment in German. My ex gave him a rather sharp retort — in German. The look on the Hutterite’s face was priceless.
This is a nonsense PR spin. The woman did not speak arabic. She said she thought she heard him say “martyr”. Which is “Shahid”.
She either thought she heard “shahid” or thinks “insha’Allah’ means “martyr”.
Either way she does not speak Arabic. Because she would have known what the conversation was about or known more than having heard a single word.
She did not report that she heard or understood anything in the conversation but a single word.
And it is irrelevant that the Southwest employee involved in taking him off the plane spoke Arabic. He showed up after the report. And the entire “investigation” about the conversation was asking him why he used the word “martyr”. That is the ONLY WORD reported. No other content. That is the word the woman THOUGHT she heard that led to the report. The woman heard or understood nothing else and reported no other content.
Stop making excuses. If you were kicked off a plane for bullshit like this you would be pissed and you would have a right to be.
I am blown away at how fearful most of you are. It is pathological.
The xenophobia on this board floors me. Afraid of everything and everyone not like you. Everyone else is terrorists, communists, and “thugs”. Trying to destroy your way of life.
I assume this was posted for other to watch in anti-Lars solidarity.
You had to know I was not going to bother watching it.
You talk too much for not having anything to say. I figured the title was enough if you don’t like punk though.
You don’t know me, Commissar.
Taylor: your half-baked tantrum above was imminently predictable, and completely in-character.
Pray tell, Taylor: how do you know the above? Were you there to observe the incident personally? Are you a qualified Arabic linguist who is so competent you can assess an unknown individual’s fluency in Arabic by mere observation – and, I’d guess, without ever actually meeting them?
Or, perhaps, did you just discuss this with your buddies from Berkeley and conclude you knew what had occurred? Or maybe with the guy involved, and take his word as Gospel regarding what happened?
Do tell. I for one would love to hear how you “know what happened” here. Because unless you were there yourself, you obviously don’t know any more about what really happened than anyone else.
Your ignorant, xenophobic, bias is showing.
Maybe read the articles about the situation in question, not what ever strokes your confirmation bias the most.
I have, actually. Obviously you have not.
Not a tantrum. I feel perfectly calm.
I really do not think much of the fear mongering and xenophobia on the board.
I think is embarrassing that passive readers would get the impression veterans are so afraid so much stuff all the time.
not for you, for Hondo, sorry bub.
You two want a room?
Congratulations for once again failing to provide anything even remotely resembling an answer.
How long did it take you to develop those tap dancing skills?
I don’t read the responses much. i caught the first phrase and answered that.
Did not read further.
Yours was short. So I read most of it at a glance.
“I don’t read the responses much.”
You don’t read the responses much because you are proven wrong again and again in them.
Yeah, he doesn’t “read the responses much”, except to post long screeds pointing out how wrong everyone is, even though he didn’t “read the responses much”. What a maroon Larsie-poo is.
Situational awareness – Something that Lars and Khairuldeen don’t have.
NOR does Commissar have ANY common sense.
You don’t know me, Commissar.
Sounds like a rather accurate assessment of your comment above to me. Suit yourself.
I’m not ‘afraid’ Taylor, so much as I’m interested or concerned. Big difference, Sir. I fear very, very little.
Actually, I take some of that back.
Not the part about fearful nonsense. I stand by that. This board talks about their fears more than a Panic Disorder support group.
However, I learned through friends that the conversation was about a World Affairs Council event he attended and that he got to speak with the Secretary General at the council dinner. In detailing the experience with his family he discussed several current events that were topics at the conference. One of those current events was ISIS.
However, he never used the word “martyr”, and nothing he said was alarming or threatening if the person had woman heard or understood the conversation.
If the person knew Arabic they did not hear the conversation.
I do not know how many times I have discussed ISIS, terrorists, insurgents, the Taliban, and militants in public places. Hundreds at least. I have even used the word martyr in these conversations a few times. A few at airports or even in aircraft. I was never detained or questioned about these conversations.
Because people could understand the words I said in context. Because they understood the language I was speaking.
This woman could not understand what he said in context. So either she did not hear much of anything or she did not speak Arabic.
Precisely, although, good luck trying to appeal to logic when it’s a crowd that craves appeals to emotion and fear.
I forget. Was that bit about “appeals to emotion and fear” leftist talking point #9 or #10?
“I learned thru friends . . . “
So, in other words . . . you admit you’re dealing in unsubstantiated rumor and have no firsthand knowledge of what transpired. That’s what I thought.
But we’re supposed to accept it as fact because you’re Taylor the Infallible. You couldn’t possibly be wrong.
Yeah, right.
Sheesh. Did you ever stop to consider that (1) at least some of those “friends” may well have an agenda which might lead them to exaggerate the truth, or even outright lie; or (2) that they may themselves have been misled or otherwise “gotten it wrong”?
Don’t bother to answer – we already know you didn’t consider those possibilities. You’ve prejudged the situation, and thus won’t bother to ask questions that might disprove your preconceived conclusion.
So are you. You are dealing with a PR response with no information on the woman and no more than I know about it. In fact at least I have more direct awareness because it is a topic of discussion among friends a few who know him.
Still it is just his side of the story.
The blog post above is just the Southwest PR side of the story.
I do not know if he intends to sue. My guess is “no” because most Grad students at cal are overwhelmed with the bullshit they are dealing with already and it is likely not worth a thousand in damages in a petty lawsuit.
But it is possible we will know more if a lawsuit ever happens.
You do not know whether Makhzoomi intends to sue because you are too lazy to educate yourself. One of the linked articles om Jonn’s piece above – the first – indicates Makhzoomi has said he does not plan to file a lawsuit.
No, I don’t know with absolute certainly whether or not Makhzoomi is telling the truth; whether Southwest is; or if the truth is somewhere in between. I never claimed to. However, after considering what is known my assessment is that it’s the latter – and the fact that Makhzoomi is not pursuing legal action persuades me that “ground truth” is much closer to Southwest’s version than his.
I could be wrong. I don’t think I am, though.
Then again, I’m not the one claiming by implication to “know the score” on this one with certainty. That would be you, Taylor. That claim is bull. The plain truth is that if you were not there in person you don’t know with certainty what happened, either. Yet you have no problem telling everyone what happened.
Quit acting like you’re Omniscient, Taylor, and that you “know the score” here. You don’t. And last time I checked, God didn’t go on vacation and appoint you Acting.
I think it’s amazing how consistent the poodle can be.
‘I don’t read the responses much.’
‘I really do not think much….’
There’s absolutely no bias in what he says, is there? He had his mind made up before he ever posted a single word, because everyone here is obviously twisting in the wind over this, and HIS friends know more than anyone else, so THEY and HE are the ONLY ONES with the right to have an opinion about anything at all.
Of course, his dependence on news comes from his ‘friends’ and a biased media, whereas we don’t have any of those ‘friends’ and some of us, at least, do find media that only report what actually happened. But that still makes us all wrong, because the poodle has to paint all of us with the same brush.
What a twit you are, Poodle. You’re just repeating gossip, you know. Gossip is just that – GOSSIP – not facts. Your ‘friends’, if they even exist, already had the stuff skewed in their minds to support their own biased opinions.
But that doesn’t occur to you, does it? How does the sand taste where you are?
‘I really do not think much….’
DOES Commissar EVER think for himself at all? Methinks not. IMHO he just regurgitates whatever moonbat propaganda he gets from his UC Berserkely perfessers.
HEY API, YOU KNOW ME and Commissar doesn’t know me at all!!
I just don’t get how you know everything there is about the world. I’m floored, everytime you comment you chastise us stupid people, disparaging our racist undertones and re-educate us on what really is real. I just don’t get it, you always know more than the everyone else. Is that you God?
Back to twist up some more veterans for research Lars? 3 weeks now and you still haven’t answered the question.
Didn’t read any question you asked in the last month or so.
Sorry, my sense of purpose in life has nothing to do with paying attention to your needs.
No doubt about that, You’re not concerned about anything but Lars. I can tell you this, nothing I need in this world has anything to do with you.
The question was are you coming onto this board intentionally twisting up people for research for a project that you’re working on for your twisted social justice agenda?
Yes, Animal, yes, the poodle is definitely appearing here for the sole purpose of stirring the pot to piss people off. There is no other reason for him to appear after a prolonged absence. He looks for trigger words, and goes after the people who use them. He probably has a list of them, which he consults and uses in searches.
Did I miss anything on your method, Poodle? If not, please elaborate. You are too transparent for words.
Commissar, attention whore extraordinaire.
He actually believes some of his crap. For some reason his friends believe him to be a real life “007”. I can’t imagine where they would get that idea.
And just out of curiosity what EXACTLY is your purpose in life?
Animal, his only purpose in life is to find out how long it takes to annoy people.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that you disappear after this question gets asked Lars. You are what you scorn tough guy.
Animal…you should know that tried and true leftists are smarter than the average “others” who read and use facts to refute things. Lars is a self-involved pr*ck who would rather ignore questions and the truth since it does not suit his end-He is superior to us all and knows all. The readers at TAH like having someone to shitkick with words because clearly, Lars is not learning anything new while wearing his RCG’s and we have a need for truth around these parts. When you wear RCG’s like Lars, you also suffer from the TripleL syndrome…La-La-Land Syndrome. An example: BHO is Grrreat! He’s done right by us all…..cough, spit. You get the idea. 🙂
“I learned through friends”
In other words you heard it from members of your drum circle.
That’s it, case closed.
and you know no more than I do since you only know everything reported which is not much.
Yet you feel sure that his removal from the flight was justified.
“and you know no more than I do”
YOU are the one that claimed to know more than us in your original post. YOU claim that the person reporting him did not speak Arabic. YOU claim that it was because of one word.
“Yet you feel sure that his removal from the flight was justified.”
Please quote exactly what I said that indicated either way how I feel.
You don’t know me, Commissar.
Please be advised that after thoroughly processing the remarkably similar comments posted above from both ‘L. Taylor’ and ‘Joseph’, our TAH-issued Sock Puppet Detector has gone into a high-pitched warble.
L. Taylor = Joseph
And clearly neither one of them knows you.
Lars wouldn’t know shit if he stepped in it
HEY Commissar, just what class are you using your “TAH research” for?
I don’t know what class it’s for, but this is the 4th time I’ve asked him and the 4th time he stopped posting. If the other three hold true, he won’t be back for about a week.
Thou shalt not trust RUMORINT or Single Source Information.
And Muslims regularly lie to “infidels” because its not a bad thing for them to do, according to their good book.
You might be from Berkley, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t lie to you, or torture and kill you if it came to that. (Inshya Allah)
YOU KNOW ME, MSG Eric. Commissar doesn’t know me at all!
“The xenophobia on this board floors me.”
Taken right out of the Liberal playbook. “You don’t agree with everything I say so you are a racist”. Speaking of pathetic, you might want to look in a mirror sometime.
Free right of association…
Tolerance means I tolerate them and they tolerate me…nothing less, nothing more. It’s all the law promises.
I don’t like a lot of groups in this country, but that’s because I’m a miserable prick who finds most people annoying as fuck…I don’t like the Amish, I don’t like mormons much, I sure don’t like liberal pukes or right wing evangelicals who think they know what’s best for me, and mostly I don’t like fucking liars….and people in America tend to be mostly the latter…fucking liars at every level of the social strata…
Now I do like a lot of individuals…and I have a lot of friends who are individually interesting, but I was never a fan of “groups”…not much of a joiner myself so groups are something I’m naturally suspicious about when it comes to motivation.
Heinlein had a great quote about groups, I realize I’ve become on of the surly curmudgeons….
The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.
Not to get into semantics, but by “don’t like” do you mean you actively dislike or simply don’t like?
I can be somewhat of a curmudgeon myself, but in the long lists of people and groups I (actively) dislike, I’ve never thought to mention the Amish!
Fuck the Amish the prick bastards won’t join the military pledge the flag or acknowledge the debt they owe the US just to be allowed to be free here….Jehovah’s aren’t much different in my opinion…
I don’t actively dislike them, but regardless of what they do in their communities I’ve no respect for them because they do nothing to earn or defend their liberties except kneel and pray that someone like you or I will step up and keep them free…some are born warriors the Amish and Jehovahs and their ilk are born sheep. Thus they’ve no complaints if they get shorn from time to time.
That probably sounds far harsher than I actually mean it to sound…
You left out that they don’t pay taxes, either, VOV, unless that’s changed.
What I don’t get about the Amish is that they have no compunction about taking advantage of the marketplace. Amish goods cost a bundle. There’s also that technology thingy. The hardcore Amish are said to disdain technology in many things but, in actuality, they pick and choose what they will tolerate or use. Besides, even the most ardent among them are availing themselves of what was once the latest in technology. Were that not the case, they would be using rock shards to dig holes. Yeah, screw the Amish, too.
They wont use electricity butt they use the hell out an anything hooked to an air compressor.
Around here some of the Amish catch a ride to the Walmart, with a neighbor. Some show up at the non-Amish neighbors to “borrow” the cell phone.
We’ve got four or five Amish sawmills in the county, most run the saws with a PTO from a skid-mounted gas engine.
Well, they are good craftsmen, highly skilled, and the stuff they put together will last you a lifetime. I don’t begrudge them their pickiness in what they choose to use, but at the same time, we should not be disdaining the fact that they want to hang onto what works for them.
“I am blown away at how fearful most of you are. It is pathological.
The xenophobia on this board floors me. Afraid of everything and everyone not like you. Everyone else is terrorists, communists, and “thugs”. Trying to destroy your way of life.”
The same thing could be said about UC Berkley and its campus.
This fucking idiot is back. Spreading his intentionally goading words to get a response. It will work, as usual. And it seems he has a “friend” in joseph, or merely another account to post from.
You are not fooling anyone lars. You and your sycophant can go blow each other. No one is afraid of muslims. You should know this.
That grenade that supposedly landed next to you and didn’t explode, were you afraid? Unfortunately, that mother fucker didn’t go off.
Third one this month ‘kicked off’ an airplane. Get back to me when they are getting kicked off of Greyhound or Amtrack.
Well, that makes sense. It’s not like on 9/11 they drove a bus or a train into the Twin Towers.
/*taps head* “scary logic”
Let’s compare ridership numbers while you’re at it as well.
Hey Lars – news flash – the majority on this forum don’t “fear” anything, but we are ever vigilant.
And how about this – you’re in OUR fucking country, speak fucking ENGLISH.
Ditto: Read my post above. I ‘fear’ very, very little, and I’m thinking most on this blog, especially the veterans, have seen enough stuff that they, too, ‘fear’ very little. But, yes, I’m ‘concerned’ and ‘interested’ in many things. Fear? Not so much.
I really didn’t much care about this guy but now my interest is piqued. I suffered–truly suffered–a local news story in which the news chick said he was “kicked off the plane, literally.” That I would have liked to see. Everything this 26-yr old “student” says is gospel, including that the fellow passenger who reported him misinterpreted his closing words. He can’t possibly know that and did not give attribution to anyone else for that ‘knowledge.’ I guess he’s a mind reader. The reports say he called his uncle in Iraq b/c he was excited to tell him about attending the LA dinner featuring the Sec Gen of the UN. Right. He was so excited he waited nearly two weeks to make the call and then did so from an airliner. Fuck him. He was treated like an animal, he says. Fuck him. I would expect him to appreciate the difference between the barbarism of his native land, which took his father’s life, we are told, and what happened to him at the airport. He can’t study now, he says. Oh bullshit.
I believe he was at the dinner with the UN Secretary General the night before this flight, not two weeks prior.
You are correct, LC. I have to withdraw what I wrote. I got sloppy, mistaking the story date with the incident date.
What I see here is the Clock Boy, Mk II Mod III.
People are picking on me.
People are picking on me because of something I said.
People are picking on me because of something I said in a different language.
People are picking on me because of something I said in a different language that was Arabic.
People are picking on me because of something I said in a different language which was Arabic which I thought no one else would understand.
That’s pretty much how that goes.
Dude is just looking to get paid at this point and will probably say and do anything to do it.
The “insensitivity” displayed by the airline and fellow passengers cut very deep. However, I am sure his ethics and sense of moral acceptance, not to mention the near fatal damage caused by the ethnic “insult”, can be “healed” by a few bucks.
No more, no less.
Also, did he not catch the next flight out on another airline?
This thread reminded me of that time in my previous life I spent some intensive quality time learning to read, write and speak Arabic. I wasn’t the honor grad, but I seem to remember that “allahu akbar” roughly translates to “Gentlemen, watch your lanes”
Public service announcement: Just because you’re living in Dar Al Harb, don’t think there is safety in your foreign tongue. You just never know.
/S/ الكافر
Ditto for the intensive quality time doing the same thing for Persian Farsi. Made me long for the Morse code room.
Should’ve just claimed Southwest tossed him because he was fat.
Worked for Kevin Smith
Tough Tittie. After 9/11 all bets are off. A few months after 9/11 I had a TSA agent with dirty gloves select me for special screening at the gate…she opened up my EXPENSIVE eye shadow compact with a mirror…touched everything with her dirty gloves. I threw it out. Learned my lesson. Bring cheap or nearly empty makeup when traveling, expect it to be seized or ruined. Had my liquids thrown out. Learned not to bring them or chug them in the security line. Oodles of extra screening. Customs fun in many countries even though I followed the law. Had the Gatwick AA check in people lose their shit and detain about a dozen of us because one person made all the travel arrangements for thirty people and none of us could answer their questions. Travel agent person was already checked in and had to come back after going through security to answer the questions. Airline employees were just doing their jobs. This was BEFORE 9/11 but during the Lockerbie trials–Gatwick was tense. Then got damn near strip searched at Gatwick by a female even though as an blonde American female who was wearing comfortable clothing that hid nothing…had my carry on swabbed/chem tested and I got a pat down just shy of Beavis and Butthead full cavity search in public. Did I freak out? No. Do I look Arabic? No. The guys before and after me all had electronics/cell phones. I had nothing. Told my 80 year old mother to STFU on a plane when she said something that could have be taken the wrong way if overheard and gotten us removed from the plane. This guy got removed from the plane? Too bad. People of all types get screened closely. Stupid people get taken off planes…especially those who lack situational awareness. When I travel in ANY country I expect to have unusual encounters that seem unfair. I’ve had my share of crazy encounters on many trips. Once again, situational awareness. Saw a Muslim women going into a grocery store last week was covered head to toe; people were uneasy… Read more »
I think I like you clams.
I like her based on the name alone. A classic B.C. reference will get my attention.
Thank you Animal and NR Pax. The BC clam is symbolic for me and my interest in Stolen Valor.
On the news this evening, ISIS is planning to attack European beaches this summer, dressed as ice cream vendors. When enough people get close, they’ll set off suicide bombs.
Here’s a link to the news story in print:
Still think we’re such horrible people and we’re stereotyping people, Poodle?
How deep is the sand taste where your head is buried in it? How DOES it taste so far?
Won’t matter. People like him believe in multiculturalism at all costs as long as they don’t have to pay the price.
Yes, and they are SO shocked by it when these “multiculturals” turn out to be really, really bad people. The worst part is that when it’s done and cleaned up, and everyone has gone away, they go right back to thinking everything is just fine… just fine… nothing is wrong….
Funny thing. Even when coming back from R&R through airports, I’d have my bug out bag swabbed constantly and when I came home from Iraq. (Tan Blackhawk bag)
Every single time I’d give it to them I’d worry about the sensors going off. I carried grenades, ammo, thermites, etc., in that bag for two years. Sensors never went off one time in dozens of airport trips over the years.
Oh, but if I have two gulps of Pepsi in a 20oz bottle, they warm up the SWAT team just in case.
[…] Like No Other Candidate The Quinton Report: Pro-Choice Is NOT Pro-Liberty This Ain’t Hell: Khairuldeen Makhzoomi Booted From Southwest Airlines Flight Weasel Zippers: UC Berkeley Forced To Cut 500 Jobs After Minimum Wage Hike to $15 Megan McArdle: […]
I suppose if a black person had overheard Clem sitting in the seat behind him telling Roscoe about how he found out that R.E. Lee was his 19th cousin twice removed, and this same black person complained about not feeling safe, and Clem would have been asked to leave the plane – that would be different.
Whew-talk about a run-on sentence….
Or even if he just had a confederate flag trucker’s hat or belt.
Xenophobia is the fear of Xenos. Xenos are freaky but I fear them not, especially purple ones. For those of you who enjoy foreign farts, check out 2:12.
Speaking of cell phones, if you are a public cell-phone user, the rest of the world really and truly doesn’t want to hear your half of your conversation, especially if you speak loudly and rudely. For gosh sakes, go off by yourself to have your conversation, especially if you are in a place where the rest of us can’t escape you–such as an airplane, an elevator, or a check-out line at a store.
Perhaps if he had just read the Southwest Airlines “Contract of Carriage”:
6. Acceptance of Passengers
a. Refusal to Transport
General. Carrier may, in its sole discretion, refuse to transport, or may remove from an
aircraft at any point, any Passenger in any of the circumstances listed below. The fare
of any Passenger denied transportation or removed from Carrier’s aircraft en route under
the provisions of this Section will be refunded in accordance with Section 9. The sole
recourse of any Passenger refused transportation or removed en route will be the
recovery of the refund value of the unused portion of his Ticket……
(8) Comfort and Safety. Carrier may refuse to transport, or remove from the aircraft at any point, any Passenger in any of the circumstances listed below as may be necessary for the comfort or safety of such Passenger or other Passengers and crew members:
(i) Persons whose conduct is or has been known to be disorderly, abusive, offensive, threatening, intimidating, violent, or whose clothing is lewd, obscene, or patently offensive.
If other passengers felt that his actions were threatening or intimidating, he’s outta there…