Gunfire exchange between Border Patrol and suspected cartel members

| January 28, 2025 | 63 Comments

A gunfire exchange occurred between U.S. Border Patrol agents and suspected cartel members. It happened around 2 p.m. as a group of illegal aliens attempted to  cross the Rio Grande. Unfortunately for the illegal aliens, they did not make it across. Neither the Border Patrol nor the suspected cartel members were hit.

From Fox News:

President Trump recently designated Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.

The area where the gunfire exchange took place is near Fronton Island, also unofficially known as “Cartel Island” due to the criminal activity there. In an interview with Fox News Digital in 2023, Commissioner Dawn Buckingham said that she declared the land as Texas territory — even though it had not officially been before — to grant law enforcement the right to patrol there.

“One of the things that the General Land Office does is determine the center of a waterway,” Buckingham said at the time. “Everything that is the center of the Rio Grande and north, of course, the state of Texas and the United States territory.”

“The land just hadn’t been accurately declared as it was forming in the river. That’s why we had to step in and officially declare it Texas territory.”

Last week, a Fox News Digital exclusive found that a sharp drop in illegal immigrant encounters occurred in the first days of the Trump administration — 35% lower than the final three days of the Biden administration.

Additional Reading:

Margolis, A., & Melugin, B. (2025, January 27). Mexican cartels fire at Border Patrol agents as Trump ramps up enforcement: Officials. Fox News. Link.

Category: Illegal Immigrants

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Old tanker

I saw another you tube news video that said the cartels were also emplacing IEDs along the roadside in some areas.

There was nothing about either one of these situations in either the local San Antonio or national news on cbs. Plenty about the fires and how folks in Cali didn’t either have insurance or not enough insurance though.


Here it is on local San Antonio news posted yesterday.


If they pull that shit our troops and BP agents should just be ordered to shoot on sight — to kill.

Mexico may be owned by cartels and a failed nation — doesn’t mean we have to follow them or allow their garbage to spill over into our backyard.


Call me rude, but in a meme:
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Last edited 21 days ago by Anonymous

It pisses me off to see those protesting the new border and immigration policies, waving Mexican flags. If you want to BE here, I’d think that you’d want to wave an American flag! Waving the flag of their homeland tells me where their loyalty lies. Take your ass back there then!


This popped up on fizzlebook last week 🤬

Old tanker

A hiker was “strafed” by the cartel? Izzat saying the cartel has ground attack aircraft? I’m thinking the meme there is pretty sus as the kids say.


A few A10s loitering along the border ready to bring the damn damn down on the cartels would go a long way towards convincing them of the error of their ways.

The primary purpose of the US Military (should be!) is protecting OUR Country. We are being invaded, pure and simple. And not just by drug/people runners.


And here I expected you not suggest laying in a battery of 155s KoB…

Not that I don’t love me some BRRRRRRTTTTTTTT…


Don’t threaten me with a good time, Fyr. Much as I’d love to see batteries of 105s, 155s (Shoot and Scoot Paladins fapfapfapfapfapfapfap), 175s, and HEY while we’re at it…some 8 inch Howitzers (be still my beating heart), we’re looking at defending a pert near 2K mile border. Since the Chair Force wants to do away with the Wart Hawg (THE finest Close Air Support Aerial Artillery Platform EVAH), give the A10 to the Air Guards of the border states. They can just kinda fly a figure 8 racetrack pattern waiting on a call down from troops training in a relocated NTC (from Cali). I doubt if the cartels have any Air Superior fighter aircraft to threaten the Hawgs and they probably don’t have a lot of ManPads SAMs. Use the Gnrl Curtis LeMay Theory of “…kill enough of them and they quit fighting…” to send a message.


If St John Moses Browning built an airplane, it would be the A10.


I like the way you think sir!


While on night guard duty atop a hill in Viet of the Nam I could see the airborne “hosing” of the distant
terrain. I say “hosing” because that’s what it looked
like, a hose in the sky watering the terrain.
If only one round in five were a tracer then what I saw
was just a sample of the hell on the ground.
Some of the a/c were stationary (rotary wing) and
some were making passes. C130’s?.
Now that’s what I call border patrol.


I saw a similar light show in Somalia. A nice quiet night in Kismayo, heard a C-130 circling over town. A single green tracer goes floating up, and a big red curtain of fire comes down. Some of the best fireworks ever.


The good general (the 2nd youngest 4 star ever after US Grant) ended up in the dog houses of both JFK & LBJ. He was an anachronism. Flexible response & incrementalism was the order of the day. Wonder how that turned out? 🤔


A dense minefield with a few CIWS calibrated for 2 legged varmints


Cartel f*ckers?
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Would be badass if they had some Vietnam times Spads they could bring back into service..


You do not want to get into a running gun battle with CBP. They have a yuge ammo budget and they use every bit of it. Tons of range time. They do not miss.



Veritas Omnia Vincit

Seems like it might be time to fire up the drone program…

Nothing says stop fucking around like a few high order detonations on the cartel homesteads.


Attack drones like the MQ-9 armed with Hydra-70/FFAR pods… more shots than a couple of Hellfires.


Fun fact: The US Army UAS school is roughly 20 air miles from the border. Coincidence, or convenient stagng base? You be the judge.


Conveniently coincidencental.


doesn’t seem like it is that far. I thought it was more like 10.
And the Air Force has a few of the heavily armed ones that are just 90 (highway miles) further north.


One A10….alll it would take is ONE A-10. Just ONE.


TL Davis has a few thoughts on “defending” the border. Makes for an interesting 2 minute read.

Who was it said “A Nation that doesn’t defend its’ border is not a Nation.”?


Both Reagan…
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and Trump:


They don’t mention how far apart the skirmishers were but I’m guessing within the effective range of small arms.

Perhaps the US might offer a civilian bounty program for exterminating cartel members?

I have a couple of 30.06 and .308 rifles that are absolute tack drivers that are very suited for such hunting activities. If the bounty is good enough I might get a .22-250 to really reach out and touch someone.

As to discouraging climbers, burrowers, tunnelers and such, try some mercaptan grenades, mines or mortars. That stench ought to be an effective deterrent to lingering about.


Kinda like deer tags or various other species where a certain
anatomical sample is requested for “research” etc.


Fill the tunnels with acetylene, then strike a match… no more problem with that tunnel..

jeff LPH 3 63-66

That was done in Viet of the Nam blowing up the tunnels.


Yep. My dad was a combat engineer over there before / during / after Tet.. he’s the one about it


Knock off the relentless propaganda TheBigSig.

This has nothing to do with Trump. Gunfire from trafficking happens occasionally.

I can pull up instances covering every president in the last 3 decades.

Meanwhile you all are ignoring the Project 2025 funding freeze that is fucking over Veterans.


I think it’s because the former POTUS let the cartels have complete freedom of movement for the last 4 years and OUR new president has shut their asses down.

That’s not propaganda! That’s FACT!


Yes, not the current President, but our buddy:
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Last edited 21 days ago by Anonymous
Forest Bondurant

You wrote “I can pull up instances covering every president in the last 3 decades.”

Post the links to 3. (Prediction: You won’t because talking points is all you have.)

Project 2025 is in your imagination like the trains coming to get you to take you away.

You may resume fucking off.


Project 2025. Again. That’s from October’s talking points. Please do try to keep up, the election is over, Trump won resoundingly. He’s even going above and beyond to help your own failed state. You are free to enjoy your newfound prosperity.

No, I didn’t forget. You’re a fraud.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Really, Major Moonbat? We’ve had four years of an extremely corrupt administration handing criminals what they want, trying to turn the USA into a third world shithole much like Oakland is, and the Real People of Red State America have said “Oh, FUCK NO!”, so you just need to go back to sucking your thumb while hating life and yourself. Maybe you should take the advice of the late great Jonn Lilyea and go unfuck yourself?


You have my pity that the funding freeze is somehow damaging you. I haven’t heard complaints from other veterans, perhaps you could share their story instead of the usual drive-by?


Tell me you don’t know how funding works without telling me you don’t know how funding works.

The VA’s budget don’t have dick to do with this freeze. It’s in their account al-fucking-ready.

Also, you should thank President Trump for his service to this great country and our wonderful Vets. The best, believe him:


Skivvy Stacker

Knock off the relentless propaganda…”
Goes more properly in YOUR direction.
You’re repeating the same old propaganda about Trump from the past 8 years, none of which seems to have existed prior to 2015, and none of which won the election for Kamala Harris.
None of what you have to say will change our minds here, because none of what you have to say hasn’t been heard before over, and over, and over, and OVER again. And not a single bit of it has ever proven to be true. In fact, some of it is just re-treaded material I used to spout myself 30 years ago.


Any payments made directly to recipients are not affected by the freeze. What is affected are frivolous Berkeley research projects concerning snail darter mating habits and their affect on climate change.


Check the EO stopping HHS from funding child mutilation.

“I ain’t no ways tired…” of winning!


The Delta Smelt has had huge impacts on the environment in the greater Los Angeles area let me tell, Huge, the biggest in years.


Very true! Just not exactly in the anticipated manner.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

It’s been said that Major Moonbat transferred to Civil Affairs when they basically took anyone who was breathing and there was obviously an empty O4 slot someplace.


Look at this roomtemperature puddle of stale jizz, trying to whine a point to the rest of us adults around here when he has no fucking clue


Off topic. Saw on Fox News that SecDef Pete has ordered an administrative review of GEN Milley. Looks like a reduction in grade action is in the works. The SecDef has the authority to revoke Milley’s certificate of satisfactory service as a 4-star. Accepting a pardon is essentially admitting guilt. Stay tuned to this bat channel, folks.

Also, a second portrait of Milley was removed from the Pentagon hallway. This one I believe was his time as army chief of staff.


Milley’s clearance, security detail, etc. pulled– may get demoted in retirement (and possibly other stuff, I’d figure– NJP, perhaps?) too.

Last edited 21 days ago by Anonymous

Good. Fuck him.


Even Vindman didn’t like him. Doesn’t get much worse.


Knew I liked Pete. Thanks, you’ll see more on this.




He was not going to call the Chinese because he was a nice guy, check his bank accounts. Him and the big guy may have something in common.


I wanna see this play out.

Go ahead cartels, open fire on some Infantrymen. Marine or Army.

Look me in my eye sockets: do it.

Coming to a barrio near you.

Skivvy Stacker

I can guarantee…a Marine won’t miss.


The cartels are used to playing with the Mexican Army. They have no idea the total bloodbath they would face if say they were facing the 101st or 10th Mountain. It would be total annihilation.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Not just them, I’m sure there are plenty of 11B’s still in who would love to earn a CIB!

A Proud Infidel®️™️

I now support LGBT, Let’s Go, Border Troops!!!