Kimberly Kitchen; phony lawyer

Andy 11M sends us a link to an Associated Press story about Kimberly Kitchen who pretended to be an estate planning lawyer for a decade with 30 clients.
Kitchen, 45, fooled BMZ Law, a Huntingdon firm, by forging a law license, bar exam results, an email showing she attended Duquesne University law school and a check for a state attorney registration fee, prosecutors said.
The James Creek resident handled estate planning for more than 30 clients despite never attending law school, and she even served as president of the county bar association for a time. She made partner at BMZ before the fraud was discovered.
“We think that she had no intent to defraud,” [Defense attorney Caroline Roberto ] said.
No intent to defraud – other than the fact that she forged a law license, bar exam results, even a check for registration with the bar. Nope, they can’t prove intent to defraud. According to Above the Law, she also claimed to have taught law at Columbia Law School.
Category: Legal
At least she didn’t falsely claim to have been a USN CPO and try to sue everyone including the Mayor and the Dog Catcher.
And, she didn’t claim to be a “Constitutional Scholar” and professor at a midwest, highly regarded(for a time) law school.
As big a phony as our clown in the white house and his boy Michael..both phony disbarred lawyers!
What does this got to do with the subject?? Nothing.
I’d hit it.
Twice! 😀
You guys would hit a brick wall if it had chinks in it.
Take your Brickophobia somewhere else, we don’t need that kind of negativity when we’re looking to hit it.
“In war, any hole is a trench” – The Greaseman
I’d give her a hard ten…..
Imagine that, a non lawyer actually doing a good job as a lawyer while we have a real lawyer who was never a CPO who couldn’t win a case against a fencepost.
Give her an opportunity to pass the bar and become a lawyer.
I don’t know if I’d use the term “real lawyer”.
Bet you she’s won a few cases in court… a Hell of a lot more than Dickless Danni-boi Bernastypants!
Danni’s still Hamilton Burger’s bitch!
Doubtful. Estate planning lawyers don’t spend much time in court and don’t “win” cases. They draft wills, trusts etc.
D’OH!! (facepalm)
How can highly educated intelligent people be so stoopid?
Is there such a thing as over educated (rhetorical question)?
Poser, period. She is also a phony blonde….
Are ya saying that her carpet don’t match her drapes?
Correct, she recently changed her hair color to brown citing, “Eddie told me he won’t come for boneyard visits if my carpet and drapes don’t match. Then he mumbled something about clashing with my prison blues blah blah blah….”
She can always assist Lori Benton and All-Points Logistics.
Or that other clown up there in Bethesda, MD.
Not sure if he is still residing within the limits of Bethesda. Per my post a few weeks back, corporate headquarters is now vacant. Curtains, furniture, car canopies and biodegradable Jaguars are all gone. On the positive side, the mailbox does now have a door. And that’s a good thing.
Maybe he’s in the Witness Protection Program? Or back in the Montgomery County Jail?
Or maybe the Witless Protection Program.
Or his wife left him…
For the 21 year old towel boy at the local country club…
Well, he has yet another command appearance at the Montgomery County Courthouse. That’s right, Psaul is being sued, again. Next court appearance is 08:00 on April 20 in Courtroom 401. Tailgate party will start about 04:00. I’ll bring the keg.
Will he fall, or will he dazzle everyone with his brilliance from his M17 haploid whatchamacallit?
The big question is… will he show up wearing his soiled spandex and be all liquored up?
Who’s the opposing party this time, Hack Stone?
Hey, you’re completely off the hook for the Philly cheesesteak. I found a place that sells the right kind of beef for that. I’m on it.
Confluence Corporation is suing for $8070.20. Pretty pathetic that a company claiming to earn billions of dollars can’t pay a bill for $8000. And someone has another company name, Federal Transaction Services Inc. No word on whether Elaine Ricci is running this company.
Empty house… just checked on the major realty sites and the house does not show as being on the market. Maybe the Missus got tired of his act and kicked him to the curb or into a detox facility?
That would mean he could be now living next to common people?
Oh, the shame.
How the mighty have fallen…
Did she teach constitutional law?
Bernath’s daughter? lol 👿
You know she’s not a real lawyer because she admitted to lying.
Thank you, I’ll be here all weekend.
“Hi, my name is Daniel Bernath, and I am a disbarred attorney.”
Admitting that you are a lying asshole poser is the first step in recovery.
But the question remains unanswered; does she know how to read a fuel gauge?
Bada Bing!
Any word on her PhotoShop skills? What is her position on Don Shipley? And most important, does she still have a homeowner’s insurance policy in effect?
Well, she did teach at Columbia after all. One of King Barry’s stomping grounds and the same place where Ahmadinejad went to profess how wonderful Iran is.
So, they’re probably sticking up for her because she’s one of the they.
Well, she’s semi-attractive (compared to other mugs that have graced the pages of TAH) so she’s probably safe from IDC SARC. …
I’m sure she voted for Obama twice and is a staunch supporter of Hillary, she is sorry that she got caught, so they will give her a pass. They can’t afford to pin a felony on her, they need all the votes they can get.
Yeah, well, that photo doesn’t much resemble a more recent one.
Even in the photo above, she’s big and has features that the sun brings out in the other one. She’s standing in a way that allows her to “hide” some of that above, in a shrunken photo. The white outer clothing that she’s wearing, in the news article, is also intended to give her a “slimmer” look. Lying all the way to the end. 🙄
Get this. She previously worked as a fund raiser at a local college. Oh, I’m sure that she was honest, never took cash, and made a careful accounting of funds raised. No. Really. I’m not smirking. Really.
She stands convicted. Sentencing is pending. The state AG had to prosecute and an outside judge had to be brought in. She upset the apple cart and will pay.
I am betting she stepped over someone deserving of being a partner at BMZ. That person that she stepped on/stepped over decided to dig into Mrs. Kitchen history.
It’s kind of odd that she should last so long. Her family and friends must have known she didn’t attend law school, let alone have a JD. I’m wondering what other skeletons are in her closet. The pre-sentencing investigation is underway so if there are more bones, they will be rattling soon. I see a book deal in her future.
Well, it is also kind of odd that a military poser will publicly spout, with family defending, claims of military derring-do when he has never left the confines of the county his entire life, yet there it is. I guess that as long as the money is coming in, everything is cool.
Seriously, though, how well did she do as an estate non-lawer? If she did well enough by her clients, really, all it shows is that YOU REALLY DON’T NEED A LAW DEGREE AND A LICENSE to do well.
It’s all about the state protecting its turf.
I am a Duquesne Law grad. No, seriously, guys. I have the cancelled checks showing I repaid loans.
kitchen..go back to it, make me a samich. a real life Saul Goodman,Jimmy McGill..oh wait he did pass the bar tho