Greg Allen, phony Marine pleads not guilty
Gregory Allen was in court yesterday, you might remember that our buddy, Dan Noyes, busted him last year on camera. He had claimed to be a Vietnam veteran Marine with two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star Medal, but the truth was that he spent eight months in the Navy;
In court yesterday, Allen entered a plea of “not guilty” according to ABC7;
The charging documents say Allen raised $23,000 by posing as a Marine veteran using fake medals, including two Purple Hearts and Bronze Star with “V” for valor.
In San Francisco federal court, he entered a not guilty plea.
“The not guilty plea is a denial that there’s been a violation of the offense. A not guilty plea can always be withdrawn and a guilty plea can be entered after reviewing the evidence,” Defense attorney Charles Dresow said.
Local veterans and the FBI are very interested in how this case fairs in court;
“The case is important to the FBI for a couple reasons. First, people were defrauded out of their money, but secondly Mr. Allen’s actions really cheapened the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform,” Special Agent Scott Schelble said.
Several veterans were in court on Friday to see Allen finally face the federal charge, a misdemeanor that carries a maximum year in prison and $100,000 fine.
“It was so flagrant just seeing him marching around like a peacock up there,” Navy Vietnam Veteran Gary Williams said.
There have been several court cases in the country that have been wending their way through the Stolen Valor route. Like Robert Guidi, Paul Tillson, and Michael Porter in New Jersey, Granville Spayberry in Texas, Christian Mock in West Virginia, Robert Brooks in Iowa among scores of others.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
This clown is going with the “Phildo” defense.
Sucks to be him.
Is that the “vanilla” Phildo defense or the Phildo defense with patented anal dilation and gorilla-fist action?
Can we then expect someone to spend the next three years in a futile attempt to intimidate us into submission? If so, I better start cranking out more song parodies, poems and career advice. Just a reminder, your local Home Depot has mailboxes WITH doors starting at $24.99.
Was and still is a…Shitbag!
John F. Kennedy was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal. Maybe a few of you youngsters remember the event .
But But But! He didn’t hurt nobody! He was a good guy!
I wonder how much of this is being delusional and how much is a outright lie.
I rarely mention to anyone that I am a retired soldier. I’m more concerned about the present and future.
If he eventually is convicted and appeals it all the way to the Ninth Circus, it’ll probably get thrown out. Sadly, the Ninth Circus doesn’t care.
Cocksucker. His prison peels should be stamped with “I SUCK COCK” on the front and “BATHROOM BARBIE” on the back. I hope the entire Ghetto Penthouse ass fucks him on day one.
You really need to let your feelings out, don’t sugarcoat it. Tell us how you really feel brother.
I apologize, people like this cocksucker really piss me off. Thank you for your service.
Me and Bubba break him in good before share him with cell block.
That will be the ONLY medal this cum swallowing fucker will ever wear, “Prison Wolf of the Year”.
Two things in his court appearance video caught my eye. First off, he suddenly became a mime when asked a question. Secondly, strange how someone with an over sized head and no neck finds an attorney to represent him…one with an over sized head and no neck! Every bit as obnoxious and ugly I might add. My hope is this phony gets what he deserves, right in the poop chute. Hell, he ought to be sentenced to prison for just looking so ugly! I’d like to kick him right in the teeth, but why should I improve his looks?
They can’t seem to go down with grace instead. To the end they need attention
I guess that’s why they call them attention whores
He pleads not guilty, but all the prosecutor has to do is show the picture of that shitbag with his unearned rack.
Damn, I wish I could be on that jury. Guilty, motherfucker!
Once a lying creepazoid, always a lying creepazoid.
I hope he dies from Agent Orange exposure…..but wait! That’s not possible, is it?
Anything else I could say wouldn’t be appropriate here.
KMIA, asshole!
Should be a felony.
Thing is, no matter what the outcome is on this the FBI and VA need to look at WHY he had a USMC emblem on his VA card.
His Navy service points to him being given an Entry Level Seperation due to a bad knee that was injured prior to enlistment. That means a zero finding and zero compensation.
Scum-bag probably forged evidence to get VA bennies. Totaly seperate ( and more serious) charge.
Right on the money J Dog. Any with bogus unearned benefits need be shown an automatic Off To Jail Card……with NO exception. How the hell are we supposed to have faith in a V A which overlooks these posers?
Wait, we’re talking about the same VA that lets senior officials off the hook on far more egregious offenses involving far larger sums of money. You really expect them to do any differently for these idiot posers? One of the reasons I don’t bother getting my VA card.
Congress needs to step up and make this kind of outright and obvious fraudulent behaviour a felony. I testified in an identity theft trial where the perp got 5 years in a federal lock-up, and will get to keep ‘felon’ forever.
This bad of shit, and those of his ilk deserves nothing less.
Dan Noyes deserves a hearty BRAVO ZULU for doggedly pursuing this low-life scum-sucking worthless piece of valor-stealing shit.
Well put, agreed.
This turd is definitely bringing his A-game for “The All-Points Logistics Man of the Year” award.
You guys helped out my posing POS brother last year! Do a search on David E Shrum, yet the VA and the FBI are still doing nothing to him and he is still getting his bogus PTSD pension every month. My brother Ken just found out he placed an order for 25K worth of stuff from Lowes? No doubt to do improvements to his Veterans fish pond he scammed 10K out of the MOPH in New Mexico! I want this A$$Hat in prison! Thank you all for your service!