Yer Latest Clintoon Email Fiasco Update

| January 31, 2016

The other day I mentioned that we’d likely never see some of Clintoon’s so-called “private” email.  Well, the New York Times reported yesterday that that is indeed the case.

It appears we’ll never see as many as 40 of them, and possibly even more.

We won’t see at least 22 because they are “too classified to be made public”, even in redacted form.  Another 18 were emails between Clintoon and her boss, the POTUS – and are being withheld under the “longstanding practice of presidential communications for future release”.  We might or might not ever see those.

Plus, there are more emails awaiting review.  Who knows how many of them will end up being “too sensitive” to release publicly?

State also for the first time publicly admitted that information classified Top Secret had indeed been sent to and stored on Clintoon’s private server.  I guess they finally ran out of ways to deny reality – whether the reasons for denial were plausible or not.

I’m thinking Clintoon should brush up on the US Code, AKA Federal law – starting with 18 USC 793(f), and continuing with 18 USC 4 and 18 USC 371.  Looks to me like at least two of those three sections of Federal law might be of interest to her and her close associates.  Hell, all 3 might be in play.

And I’m also thinking their lawyers might all have an interest in becoming really familiar with them, too.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Crime

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This wretched mess has become an parody of a cheesy infomercial: “….But wait! There’s more!…


I guess its ok as all the hackers in the world have read the bitches emails, so they will get back to us eventually! The FBI doesn’t have a hair in their collective asses if they don’t hang that traitorous bitch!

HMCS(FMF) ret.

And our resident Intel Officer/SJW runs in to comment on this in…5…4…3…2…1…


Nearly everyone here knows me, Lars never has and likely never will. 😀

Hack Stone

Don’t worry, Lars has everything covered. He is well versed in security procedures, having been entrusted with the secret combination of seven herbs and spices given to him by Colonel Sanders.

The Other Whitey

He can share a bag of dicks with Hildabeast.


Cankles seems to prefer fresh fish…

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Walks around Bezerkly with a sign, “Ballz Deep 4 Bernie”.

Hack Stone
HMCS(FMF) ret.

Hillary is above the law… that’s why she didn’t have an IG while at State. Her minions (minus Huma) will get thrown under the bus for this. Can’t let this scandal darken the doorstep of Cankles the Omnipotent!


And… nothing will happen to her. There are still people that want her to be the commander in chief- despite the fact that she’s done stuff that would get any SPC booted.

NR Pax

Exactly. Now that President Boyfriend is on his way out, folks want President Grandma in no matter what.


So, after the country went black, we are not only going back, but also going lesbian?

E-6 type, 1 ea

I just read that Soros donated $6 Million to her campaign. If that doesn’t speak volumes, I don’t know what does.


And the other day it came out that he is also a heavy investor in Remington and some of the ammo companies… proving as always that the only thing he is in it for is himself.


I don’t get it. The right has plenty of political clout in the House and the Senate. Why isn’t Clinton being prosecuted? Is it because she knows too much and everyone is too scared of their own skeletons? Or are they all in cahoots, left and right. Or what?

Paul B Davis

Because the Executive Branch is responsible for bringing the charges – not the Legislative branch. In other words the politicized Justice Department of Obama.


Because the indictment has to be done by a U.S. Attorney, and they work for Loretta Lynch. I don’t think she would indict a ham sandwich, unless it was a right-leaning ham sandwich. And, Loretta takes her orders from Duh Won.


Thanks Paul and Up. We’ll see how it pans out.


Assuming she was convicted within the next year, Barry would just pardon her.


The Jane Fonda of this era, I can see the unrivaled cakes now.


*urinal ( dumb spell correct)


And, I thought you were going for unrivaled cankles. 😉


That’s what I thought too.

Either work though.


Me too!

Perry Gaskill

Here’s a sobering thought that’ll ruin your second breakfast beer: If Hillary is allowed to skate on this stuff, what’s to stop a sharp lawyer from getting Bradley “I enjoy being a girl” Manning out of the slammer? Not to mention Eddie Snowden going back to the pole dancer in Hawaii instead of freezing his ‘nads off in Moscow…


Nothing to stop them. But it isn’t needed. Obama, upon his exit from office, I have little doubt would pardon Manning, the girl-man, as well as Snowden.


I think Berghdal has the chance at an Obama pardon.


Go ahead.

Maybe we’ll see justice done in the same way as Dahmer (sp?)

Bill M

Sparks — ixnay. Don’t give that clown any ideas.

L. Taylor

55,000 emails.

Fewer than 100 being prevented from release and another 1200 or so under consideration.

I am surprised they are releasing as many as they are.

The 40 or so that is highly classified is more than enough for a criminal charge, if she knowingly transmitted classified information.

Thus far, however, there is no evidence she sent information that was regarded as classified at the time it was sent.

Time will tell, and she will get fined, but I still do not see a smoking gun of her transmitting classified information or intentionally transferring it from a classified system to an unclassified system.

Hack Stone

I don’t have time to find a more in-depth article for you, but what do you say about this?


Anyone who has had a NIPR account knows that receiving classified information on an unsecure system and not reporting it is just as illegal as sending it. It’s right there in the annually required cyber awareness training.

The “since it wasn’t marked so she couldn’t have known that it was classified” argument isn’t going to fly, either. Anyone who has ever seen TS level imagery, such as the kind reported to have been found on her system, knows what the difference between the TS stuff and Google Earth is. The same thing goes for anything that is SAP. There is no way that you could open that stuff outside of a SCIF and not piss yourself if you were an honest person.

She’s been breaking laws since she graduated from law school. This time it might have finally caught up with her.


Is this the part where we remind everyone that simply using a private server for Federal business is verbotten? Or that President Boyfriend appears to have sent the Smartest Woman Alive official emails using her private address? Or the strange absence of an agency IG during her tenure as Secretary of State?

Peter the Bubblehead

Hate to point this out, but the paper she signed when she became SoS says she can’t “knowingly or unknowing transmit classified material.” Ignorance is not an excuse in this case, and she is just as guilty as if she knew (which we all know she did). It’s the same form I signed to get my security clearance in both the military AND my current job, and I have no doubt I would be sitting in prison for 20 or more years if I did 1-100th of what Clinton has done.


You don’t know me, Lars.


A now retired general got probation for letting his mistress see classified material.

Is it really possible to think anything will happen to Hillary?
