Some Clintoon Email May Be “Too Damaging” to Release

| January 30, 2016

Well, we have yet another bit of “good news” about Ms. Clintoon’s “private email server” and its security issues.

Another batch of Clintoon “private” emails were scheduled to be publicly released by State this past Friday. However, that won’t be all of them.

Why? First, State says they recently uncovered a previously unknown stash of several thousand emails that need review. Second, the recent snowstorm on the East Coast also delayed the review process.

But it now also appears that the public may never see some number of emails stored on that unauthorized and poorly-secured privately-owned server.

Why not, you ask? It appears that the Intelligence Community has determined that some of those emails are potentially so damaging they cannot be publicly released at all – not even in redacted form. It rather goes without saying that information that sensitive and highly classified is never allowed to be stored on an unauthorized, poorly-secured, and privately-owned and operated email server.

Fox News published an article recently with more details concerning this latest development. It’s IMO certainly worth reading.

And remember: these emails were stored on a server that – per former SECDEF and CIA Director Gates – was likely accessed by Russian, Chinese, and Iranian intelligence.

At the risk of repeating myself: great. Just freaking great.

Someone really should do time for this. Serious time.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Crime

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I’d seriously love to see the expression on our Information Management Officer’s face if he said I need to turn over my official emails and I told him…there was nothing to see, so I erased the fekking hard drive. I mean, seriously? FFS

L. Taylor

Happens all the time. rating and reformatting drives is common. There are no issues with it. As long as the classification of the drive is maintained.


If it happens with the intent of hiding or destroying the data stored on the aforementioned hard drive, there’s a very serious problem.


LT…are you auditioning for a spokesperson job with the Hildabeast? Because that was a blatant obfuscation mixed with fallacy.

L. Taylor

No, I do not support Hillary. I think she is bought and paid for by the financial industry.

I am a Bernie supporter.

But I also think there is too much absolute bullshit in politics.

Tired of the bullshit.

I am sure she violated a few regs or protocols. Almost everyone that works with sensitive or classified information does at some point.


You don’t know me at all, LARS!

L. Taylor


A Proud Infidel®™

Does he work hard to be as dense as he is, or does it come to him naturally?


“I am a Bernie supporter”. Wow, now that’s a surprise. What are you counting on, retroactive free college?

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Nah, he wants all his needs taken care of the state and a lifetime supply of tofu Grape Nutz. Lars is one of those Free Shit Army types…


We should send him a bag of dicks.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, but given the crap you spout, I have zero doubt that you’d turn from a Bernie-head into a Hillaroid at the drop of a french fry you just cooked.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

He walks around Bezerkley with a sign that says,

“I’m Balls Deep 4 Bernie”

L. Taylor


not “rating”.


If your IMO was earning his pay, he wouldn’t have to ask you to turn over your e-mail. He’d already have it.


Yeah, I could say that too and wait for another great expression to form on his face. lol


They better hang that traitorous bitch! They are going to look like the worlds most corrupt, evil, lying, phony bas-ards that ever lived after what they did to petraus which was nothing compared to this bitch! They only want to hide them from U.S. because they condemn the bitch and obama, the rest of the worlds hackers ALREADY HAVE THEM DUH!!!


“The Greatest Woman in the World” has no need to take precautions we mere mortals must take to protect national security. Not sure just how her aura is supposed to protect anything, but it is obvious that she and her minions have no concern about anything so mundane as the lives of others.

Has there ever been an ego as large as hers?

Meanwhile, the lives and livelihoods of many remain at risk. Willful disregard for others is pure evil.


‘Has there ever been an ego as large as hers?’ Yes, the Trump ego is as large or larger.

I’m waiting for it to explode. Messy!

A Proud Infidel®™

Secret Service Agents regard being assigned to her detail as punishment, one saying “Hillary Clinton can make Richard Nixon look like Mahatma Ghandi.”


Here’s my “I’m shocked, Shocked!” look.

Actually, have a friend who worked on the ill-fated Prez. Helo program. He said they were all briefed that if Das Hildebeast was in the area wearing a skirt, too keep one’s eyes on the far horizon or be verbally attacked for ogling her cankles.

A Proud Infidel®™

Excuse me for having zero surprise about that.. I once heard an urban legend rumor that a Marine aboard Marine One once glanced at her ankles only to be greeted with a glare that would strip the armor off an M1 Abrams Tank and he had orders to go elsewhere before sunset with any record of him being assigned to the White House GONE.


The worst part of all of this is that you have to be a member of the military / national security sphere (or at least have sat through the uber-awesome Cyber Awareness Challenge) to see the implications of this.

The average American voter will see this as really not a big deal, just some convoluted rules about some emails and stuff. Sure, Ms. Clinton broke some administrative rules about which email to use, but nothing bad happened so really, what’s the big deal? Plus, shouldn’t a person of her position be able to go around the rules if they want / need to?

(note: these are all themes I’ve lifted out of a few conversations had with lefty-type folks)

It makes for good news fodder but in the end, she will walk away from this just like everything else the Clintons have been involved in. And God help us, she will most likely be the next CinC.


Would those same people be screaming bloody murder if someone lifted the ‘secure’ information from their bank accounts and credit cards? Or used their personal info to steal their identities?


Yes they would, but that affects them directly.

The other does too, they just don’t see it


No she won’t be! Not all the voters in the country are idiots and are not deceived by this evil bitch!

Hack Stone

If they do not pursue charges, you may as well do away with any SSO position. Given her blatant intentional disregard for what she is required to adhere to in her Non Disclosure Agreement, there is no way in hell that it would be fair to investigate anyone in the future that causes a data spill.

L Taylor

These emails were not classified at the time they were sent.

This is common in the DoS, USAID, and other non-intelligence agencies that work in international affairs.

My reports were not classified, according to doctrine, however, most became classified once they were received by the organizations to which I was reporting.

Hack Stone

Welcome back Lars. We missed you. So, how do you respond to the email where Hillary told her aide to strip the classification markings off of the document and email it to her? I am sure that you saw that article.


Way to go, Hack. Had to interject facts into Lars’ latest lesson to us all.

L. Taylor

Yeah, I just heard of this one on the news this morning when they showed a clip of Christie talking to supporters. He mentioned it.

If it is true it is absolutely wrong. However, the line she said in her email is “If they can’t, turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”

An Identifying heading is not a classification marking. It is being reported that she ordered him to remove classification markings but that is not what the email evidence shows she said. Identifying heading is the originating station.

I have been out of the loop and have had little to no cell or internet coverage so lost track of current events so have had little time to look into this. My information may not be complete on this right now.


“I have been out of the loop and have had little to no cell or internet coverage…”

Sadly, all good things come to an end, and like herpes, here you are.

A Proud Infidel®™

“All good things must come to an end.”
And alas, the drought of Larsie-poo’s bullshit has ended.

Climb to Glory

You’re such a partisan hack bitch. Clinton and her staff committed criminal acts regarding the handling of classified material. This is not even up for debate.

L. Taylor

Nonsense. It is up for debate. You have provided no evidence beyond conjecture and partisan hack bullshit.

I am not saying she didn’t. Only that we do not yet know what happened.

So far no information has been found that was classified at the time it was sent by her.

I suspect that ultimately she will be found to have mishandled information. Most people do at some point and she is having her handling of information over years closely investigated. But I have seen nothing yet that indicates she has mishandled classified information to a level that justifies criminal prosecution.

Climb to Glory

Her email was hacked by foreign adversaries And you’re the king of conjecture with no evidence by the way.


See? YOU and many others here know me, Lars flat-out doesn’t and it’s likely that he never will.

L. Taylor

He email being hacked does not make her culpable unless she knowingly used it for classified information.

The Other Whitey

Hey Larsie, how are those dicks tasting?

If it was LTC West in the hot seat, you wouldn’t be spouting the “no big deal, happens all the time” chickenshit, and you know it.


Here’s what’s NOT up for debate; she had a private server and used it for official business. This is in clear contravention of agency policy and Federal regulations, which the dumbass cunt had to sign when she took office. Any other conversation about this subject is academic as far as content and the breach of SAP. She. Broke. The. Law. Period.

L. Taylor

If she violated the law it was the Federal Records Act requiring agency information be maintained which was intended to allow freedom of information requests by the public.

Hardly the breach that you are acting it was.

Until she is found to have transferred or stored classified information on this server the most she will get is fined for violating the Federal Records Act.

Hack Stone

If the information was not classified, they would not be required to transmit it over a secure fax. The aide said that they were having problems with sending the document over the secure fax, that is when Hillary Clinton instructed him to strip the markings off of the document and send it to her over the unsecure network.

L. Taylor

Not exactly.

Secure faxes are used for unclassified but sensitive information as well. The markings she asked be removed may have been classification markings but her quoted words in the email do not say that. They say remove the header information.

At most she may have only ordered an opsec violation depending on the nature of the information.

We do not know it was classified.


Lars, son, hate to break this to you but you weren’t secretary of state. Maybe, just maybe, Hillary might have been operating at somewhat higher levels and communicating on matters a bit more critical to the national interest than you.

I wager if you come here trying to peddle excuses for Clinton’s flagrant and serial violations of security procedures at those very highest levels, you’re going to get your ass handed to you.

But then, what’s new…

L. Taylor

I was working at pretty high levels. The policies are the same for each category of information at all levels.

A private working with SCI has the same requirements as the president in handling the information, though a president is probably afforded a lot more latitude than the private in handling it.

This is the same for “sensitive but unclassified” information.

The DoS operates mostly in the unclassified realm. Most DoS employees do not even have classified systems on their desks.

It is an entirely different world than an intelligence agency.

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY LARS, It’s been proven that she was sending and receiving TS/SCI via a private server that had its equipment stored in a BATHROOM. HELLO CHILD, that’s fact and you can pout over it while having yet another $7 a-cup overpriced coffee with a foot-long name. Do you work at and practice being this dense, or does it come naturally to you?

L. Taylor

No, it has not been proven.

A Proud Infidel®™

Your mind is like an antique steel trap – permanently closed!! OH, and yes, I’d like extra ketchup with those fries!

Climb to Glory

His head is like Bernath’s fuel tank: empty.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

From the WAPO…

“The State Department on Friday said for the first time that “top secret” material had been sent through Hillary Clinton’s private computer server, and that it would not make public 22 of her emails because they contained highly classified information”

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Sorry NYT…got a rotten head cold right now.

Deal with it Lars… she was sending and receiving “materials” through that bathroom server… State was having a hard time facing the facts. And, some of those 22 e-mails were sent to POTUS.

L. Taylor

I know. But the information may not have been classified at the time it was sent.

This is common. Information (not intelligence) is collected and sent. It is regarded as unclassified until it is deemed classified by some classification authority. Usually at the point it is analyzed.

Intelligence is usually classified at the time it was actually collected because the classification is intended to protect the sources or methods.

Most State Department information is almost all open source or overtly collected and thus is not considered classified at the time it is collected or reported.

L. Taylor

Yes, and those elements would not have sent her classified information through unclassified systems and thus those emails would never have arrived on her unclassified server.

She would have had to use a secure classified system to access that information.


You don’t know me at all, LARS!

L. Taylor

Are you a cadre OC/T? Because I might know you.


You don’t know me.

The Other Whitey

Larsie still doesn’t get it, obviously. I can’t decide if that’s funny or sad.

L. Taylor

I get it now.

I rarely pay much attention to people’s screen names unless they have something substantive to say.

This guy doesn’t.

The Other Whitey

You get it now, eh? Congratu-fucking-lations, asshole. It only took you how many hours to figure out what everyone else recognized instantly? Yet you continue to insist that you’re the smartest one here…


TOW, it’s that ‘genes’ thingy. I once knew a gekko who insisted he was a velociraptor on his mother’s side. We all have our little daydreams, you see.

L. Taylor

We do not know she removed the classification or paragraph markings. The “smoking gun” email does not instruct her subordinate to do that.

So far I have yet to see any evidence that proves she did remove any classification markings.

If she did she will get prosecuted.


You don’t know me.

Hack Stone

When asked, she responded that she did not send nor receive any emails MARKED classified. Pay attention that she said marked classified, not that she did not send nor receive any email containing classified information. It’s true that the emails she received had no classification markings. But she sure as hell received classified information in those emails. And she was required, in accordance with the Non Disclosure Agreement that she signed to safeguard classified information and to report ANY ACCUDENTAL OR INTENTIONAL DATA SPILL, regardless of whether she was the originator or recipient of the misidentified information. It is obvious that Lars no longer has a clearance, since he cannot appreciate the extent of the damage that Queen Hillary has caused to National Security, let alone the time and money being spent by the State Department to screen all of these documents.


I’m in shock that we are still talking about this and she’s not facing any charges WTF !!!!
is the issue here….

L. Taylor

There has to be probably cause there is a crime for there to be charges.

Most of the reporting on conservative blogs is bullshit and conjecture.

L. Taylor

*probable cause.


You DON’T know me.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

But I know you, met you in a bar in the PI in 1987… you have a sister (Lotta Shit) and a Brother (Crazy Shit).


You FORGOT about my Stripper Cousin, she’s HOT SHIT.


They just need to write a new set of guidelines for Shrillary, order them installed immediately with an appropriate backdate. Simple.


Willful ignorance is the worst kind. El Stupido, masquerading as an ignorant troll, insists upon proving having no clue about the handling of classified/NTK info with every comment. Or having a clue about anything else, for that matter.

So why does anyone continue to feed it?


It’s all about the agenda and a “Go Team!” mentality, Hil’s their star and facts won’t change it…at least that’s my impression.

Ya can’t reason with stupid.


I’m not an intel guy, and my realm of investigations for clearance have centered around the medical aspects of one’s conduct in the matter of PRP. However, in 35 years of being around classified info to do my job (being read in and out ad infinitun and signing numerous documents over and over)I can certainly say I’ve seen guys get hammered for a lot less than what Clinton has apparently done.

She needs to be held accountable. (IMO)


…and if the punishment includes spankering her, I’m willing to do it. Just sayin.

Climb to Glory

Yep. She has jeopardized national security. Any other person who was this careless with classified intel would be in jail already.

L. Taylor

Bullshit. I have seen constant mishandling of classified information by all levels of staff during my years in service and deployments.


In fact, it is almost impossible to operate in a combat zone and maintain information the way regulations require it be maintained.


Ah yes, the War of the Watercloset. lol

Climb to Glory

A Marine Corps officer was recently shitcanned for sending a email to a buddy in country warning of an insider attack on coalition forces. Keep talking outta your ass. It’s what you do best.

L. Taylor

How is this relevant to what I said?

Was the information he had that indicated the insider attack classified?

Did he use an unclassified system to send it?

Enough said.

So far nothing has shown that she willfully or knowingly sent information that was classified at the time it was sent.

L. Taylor

I know the answers were “yes” and “yes”. That is my point.

That is why the guy was shitcanned,

How is that relevant to Clinton.

Climb to Glory

Jesus, reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

Joe Williams

Lars, send a redacted copy of DD-214 ? I do not believe you served. Prove it or shut up. Joe

L. Taylor

Fuck off, Joe. I served and if you can’t tell by my posts then I doubt you ever served. At least not in the last quarter century.

L. Taylor

That explains why he does not know shit about handling classified information on secure systems.

I suspected it was the case.

Joe Williams

Lars, you are claiming to or infering your were some kind of leadership role? Yet, youdo not come across as a Senior NCO or any officer that I was around? I mostly dealth with Pilots and senior NCOs of maintence section. The closest I came to secret stuff was inserting S/F and Force Recon. Joe


Commissar doesn’t know me.

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY LARS, does your ass get jealous of the volume of shit that comes out of your mouth?

L. Taylor

Your posts are still worthless, kid.

The Other Whitey

They’re better than yours, slapdick.

Hack Stone

Well, Hillary was not in a combat zone, excluding the time in the 1970’s that she walked into a Marine Corps recruiting office, the time she spent dodging snipers, or the time she spent throwing dishes at Bill Clinton while discussing his infidelities.

L. Taylor

I am just calling bullshit on those claiming that she would be hammered for what she did.

I call bullshit. Most state department communications are sensitive but unclassified.

Nobody has yet shown that she transferred classified information to an unclassified system and sent it.

Or ordered someone to do so.

The fact that the information that she sent was later deemed to be potentially harmful to the US if released does not make her culpable for the nature of the information at the time it was sent unless it had already been made classified or she readably should have known it came from classified sources.

I think she will get some consequences but most of what I am reading thus far is bullshit.


YOU DON’T KNOW ME o harebrained little child.


Translation: everybody does it, no big deal.

…So if “everybody” starts buying 14-year-old sex slaves, it would be ok, since everyone’s doing it, no?

Lars, you are such a brainless tool it’s pathetic.

P.S. Starting a pool on how long before he mentions a “witch-hunt.”

Climb to Glory

Care to retract that statement, you fucking hack.


” Second, the recent snowstorm on the East Coast also delayed the review process.”

What in the fuck? Like the weather has anything to do with reviewing files on electronic sources.


Well, it kinda does. The guy who was supposed to be reviewing the files got stuck in the neighborhood Starbucks. You certainly don’t expect him to walk across the street to work, his Birkenstocks won’t keep the snow off of his fresh pedicure.

Jonn Lilyea

The drama queen Federal Government in DC was closed for four days this last week.

2/17 Air Cav

Yes, that’s the official count but it was effectively closed on Friday as well, running the tally to five. Fridays are bad enough but a week ago there was the pending storm and the evening before thousands of commuters were screwed by an inch or so that fell on cold roads. Certainly, by noon, DC was closed. How did we ever survive it, five days w/o the government? “But you can’t close the government! It MUST remain open to perform its vital services for the people!” Yeah, my ass.

Hack Stone

Couldn’t they just go to Hillary’s house and review the emails there?

Silentium Est Aureum

Larsie, there are ops and information that many of us signed non-disclosure agreements that would get us sent to federal PMITA prison for discussing.

Don’t believe me? Ask guys like Jorge and Mustang Crippie.


AW1Ed can neither confirm nor deny the signing of non-disclosures statements during the course of de-briefings at locations best left unstated.

And Lars doesn’t know JACK SHIT.


THAT’S CORRECT, Commissar DOES NOT know me.

L. Taylor

I was intel and I served in SF and special operations as intel for half my career.

I have also signed non-disclosure agreements.

What relevance does that have to Clinton?

L. Taylor

The classified spill was detected during the investigation on her server use. There is no evidence she had been aware of the spill.

And in fact there is no evidence it was actually a spill.

All we know is that two emails SHOULD be marked classified.

It is unclear at this point whether the sender KNEW or SHOULD HAVE KNOWN the information was classified when they sent it.

It is very likely it was not classified at the time it was sent.

I suspect the “spill” was a agency employee summarizing information to her and that summary included information he/she received through a classified source, such as a briefing or a document he read and he carelessly included it in an unclassified email to her.

There is no evidence she failed to report a spill that she knew occurred.


I think it’s much more important and more pertinent to the argument to explain, LARS, why you’re defending that irresponsible bitch.

It was in her hands, in her possession, and she was more careless than a rollerboarding jihadi. So I think that you really DO owe everyone an explanation for YOUR defense of someone as sloppy and careless with secure material of ANY level as Clinton.

It almost implies that YOU got caught with YOUR pants down, toots. Explain yourself.


small correction, that is “beyond” TS… you’re talking TS codeword info. And there are no exceptions for whether it was marked as such at the time – anyone read on for compartmented access material is supposed to be aware enough to recognize material which could be classified or should be and isn’t – and treat it as such. (And fwiw, if someone saw info being mishandled and did not report it they are also if there were times when Lars saw material mishandled and did nothing, he would have been considered an accessory under the law.)


You never have known and likely never will know me, Commissar.

L. Taylor

She was using a private server for only UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION.

She had a secure system for classified.

In order for her to receive classified information on her insecure server one of three things would have happened:

1. Someone sending her classified information would have had to have taken it off a secure system and transferred it to an unsecure system to send it to her.

2. She would have had to transfer classified information from a secure system to an unclassified system and sent it to her own server.

3. The information had not been deemed classified at the time it was sent.

L. Taylor

The private server is an issue and I am sure she will be at least fined for that.

However, the State overwhelmingly communicates on unclassified systems. So it is a “continuing practice” for the entire agency.

If we were to audit every State email sent on unclassified networks we would likely find a massive number of emails that should have been classified “confidential” and a sizable that should have been classified “secret”. Even a handful that should have been classified higher.

This is a systemic problem with the agency.

That is why the IG and the FBI are focused on the agency practices and not just on Hillary.

For there to be criminal liability it has to be proven the sender knew the information was highly classified when it was sent or transferred on or to a unclassified system.

There is some circumstantial evidence that this happened. But as of yet I do not see anything reported that constitutes sufficient evidence for a criminal prosecution, other than violating the Federal Records act which rarely results in consequences beyond fines or dismissal.

L. Taylor

How do either of these stories make my post wrong?

OIF '06-'07-'08

Why does every one feed the Liberal? I know, he can make a nice chew toy,,,,,,but the taste is “bleeaach”.

L. Taylor

Maybe because there are hundreds of thousands of liberal veterans and currently serving service members and the fuck-stick anti-liberal attitude on this board is bullshit and alienates a huge percentage of veterans.

Particularly veterans of the last 15 years that have a very large percentage of liberals among their ranks.


Hundreds of thousands of liberal veterans?

Prove it, poodle.


Oh, Hondo, a girl can dream, can’t she? He could at least do his own homework once in a while, but that would be too hard.


Commissar DOES NOT know me.


Are you the famous Fox Adler?





Silentium Est Aureum

Hundreds of thousands? Out of tens of millions?

This does not constitue a huge percentage, Larsie.

And yeah, she’s guilty as sin. I’m just wondering why you still defend it.


I talk to many, many, many…a youge number of the young vets and they all say that Hillary is an obnoxious bitch and they have never met a liberal vet except for one asshole REMF that pontificated out his ass 24/7 and was the shit burner at the rear. There’s my sample of the young vet opinion. Just as statistically valid as yours.

Captain Kirk, (Starfleet)

Commissar, do you know the difference between your mother and The Prime Directive?

I’ve never violated The Prime Directive.

Green Thumb

I am just waiting for the visits to the porn sites to pop up in her emails.

Or maybe Bill’s.

Who knows.


Anthony gave Huma lessons on how to do a web presence I hear. I think it was Lars that said that.