Monday morning feel good stories
Mark kicks off our stories this morning with one from Albuquerque, New Mexico where a coin shop owner was confronted by three folks. A scuffle broke out and the shop owner ventilated one of the thieves. The trio took off, dropping off their wounded pal at the hospital where he was DOT (dead over there).
We’re a little light on real feel good stories today. stories where citizens defend themselves with their own legal weapons.
Folks seem excited about this story from Irving, Texas, though, where a police officer with a modern sporting rifle took out a fellow who was hiding behind his hostage. Christopher Michael Dew was DRT (dead right there) and the hostage was unharmed.
In Chicago, Illinois, officers were responding to a call about a home invasion. When they rolled up to the address, they encountered an armed Charles Smith who exchanged gunfire with the officers. He was DRT, too.
In Kansas City, Missouri, an unnamed man led police on a car chase with his stolen car. He rolled it into the Missouri River, leaping from it at the last minute and fired on pursuing officers. He was DRT, too.
In Saginaw, Michigan, two officers responded to a disturbance call and were getting their asses handed to them by a nut. Passers by tried to help the officers, but they were injured, too. Finally one of the officers ended the drama with a round from his service weapon and the mad man was DRT.
In Newark, New Jersey, a traffic stop went badly when the driver stepped from his vehicle and started firing a handgun at the officer. He was taken to the hospital where he’s expected to recover.
In New Mexico, Agustine Fransisco Carrillo-Ortiz pinned a state trooper against his vehicle with another vehicle. Three officers fired at him, but he ran away, only to be captured and hospitalized later.
Another driver in California led the Highway Patrol on short chase then pointed a weapon at the pursuing officers. He was taken to the hospital to recover for his long stint in the hoosegow.
Category: Feel Good Stories
First ever first, I do believe.
Second! Is it morning yet? Everything was white outside when I woke up.
Oh, yeah – the KC,MO thingy – a waster of a perfectly good car. I hope the waster enjoys his – oh, never mind.
I thought that was only for Weekend Open Threads.
Hmmm maybe, don’t know … maybe that’s why I was able to get first this morning LOL. I never really noticed which threads had it. Is there some rules on that somewhere?
Nah, you just have to hang around and read long enough to figure everything out. 🙂
I’ve been here over 5 years.
Oh, noes, the dead one in Saginaw
iswas Michael Brown. I wonder if his momma be out on the corner selling t-shirts wif his face on dem yet?Nut calls are the absolute worst, they don’t react to pain stimuli, and the times I used pepper spray, it seemed the nut wanted more, not less. Of course, it worked great on us. Not surprised this ended up with him dead.
WTF? When the hell are they going out straight jackets on the DRGs and drag them to a rubber room?
Assholes have more websites then a computer nerd and can’t set it up..just pictures and lies.. No posts, comments or contact info.