Sean Sorbie: As a Marine, Donald Trump Insults Me

| January 29, 2016

Sean Sorbie

The other day we talked about Paul Rieckhoff using Donald Trump’s political stunt for his own political stunt. Close on his heels, Jon Soltz of VoteVets did a “me, too” and refused Trump donations to his partisan organization before the money was offered (actully the money was raised through Trump’s foundation for veterans, and wasn’t offered to IAVA or VV anyway). Now this Sean Sorbie fellow, another clearly partisan Democrat from Florida (pictured above during his Wittgenfeld moment six years ago) writes that Donald Trump insults him, somehow, by raising 6 million dollars for veteran causes last night.

Veterans are facing real challenges and need serious solutions from America’s leaders, but what we’ve seen during this presidential campaign is Republican candidates using vets as political pawns to get media attention. It’s insulting.

Donald Trump, who criticized John McCain’s war record and tried to have veterans removed from outside his Fifth Avenue Trump Tower, is now putting on a media event that exploits vets for his own political interests, all because he doesn’t want to debate his Republican rivals on Fox News tonight.

He goes on to complain about what “Republicans” want to do to harm veterans – things like reforming the Veterans Affairs Department. Evil Republicans won’t destroy the economy by increasing the minimum wage and pricing veterans out of the job market. Evil Republicans want to do away with Obama Care which will somehow affect veterans badly. And finally, evil Republicans don’t like how Obama is dragging out the war against ISIS to last into the next presidency while Obama slashes defense spending to dangerously low levels. Then he lists the wonderful things that President Obama has done to uselessly throw taxpayer money at veterans’ issues without really making things better – perhaps making them worse.

Somehow, Trump, Cruz and Fiorina giving private money to veterans insults Mr Sorbie. I guess only public money doesn’t insult him. Personally, I think that these clearly partisan morons are insulting veterans if they think that we’re going to vote for candidates who aren’t giving veterans anything – even in terms of rhetoric. Can Sorbie, or Rieckhoff, or Soltz tell us any particulars about the plans for national defense of any of the Democrat candidates? How will Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton fix veterans’ issues like homelessness and health? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

So why are there partisan Democrat organizations so worried about Donald Trump’s money? Does Trump’s money somehow spend differently than other money?

Category: Politics

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Some vets need to quit acting like they speak for all vets.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

^^^This is the right answer^^^

If nothing else this proves once again that the term “vets” doesn’t mean one homogeneous group that shares a single world view or vision.

Shit if any of these people spent 15 minutes reading this site they might be shocked at the variety exhibited here on a regular basis.

Okay Sean, as a human you insult me, your stupid look on your mugshot puts you at odds with all of who served honorably and somehow managed to avoid jail time or arrest. Some of us are actually close to model citizens, well that might be pushing it but we pay our taxes we donate our money and we donate our time to a variety of causes so how about you go fuck yourself and let some folks who want to do some heavy lifting get the real work done.


It seems to me that most vets just go about working and taking care of their families and they don’t need anyone speaking for them the way these so called advocates do. When I first became a vet nobody gave a damn about us and I don’t feel extra special because I am a vet and I don’t need asshats like this professing to speak for me just because it’s popular to be a vet nowadays. My wife of 45 years cares and that’s all that matters in the long run. Sorry to ramble on. right on VOV & IDC SARC

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Ramble all you want bro, I never mind hearing the variety of opinions here.

Paul Davis



Another poor little brainwashed dumocrap…DNC sings and these squirrels whistle the tune!


I’m no big fan of either side when it comes to there track record on Vet issues. but obviously this jack-ass has issues when it comes to keeping it about us vets and keeping it non partisan talk about never getting shit done if you put a line in the sand and won’t compromise…


Of course they worry about private money being thrown around by politicians!! If it’s private money and beholden to no one, the puppeteers and string-pullers can’t dictate to and own the politicians…. that concept is anathema to the handlers and dealmakers is BOTH parties. They go beyond “an honest politician is one who stays bought” into “any politician who isn’t bought by us is just wrong”

Green Thumb

I wonder who “pimp-slapped” him?

MSG Eric

Probably a 12-year old kid. His tough look is the only tough thing about him apparently.


Green Thumb


Rent boy here was probably trying to take his lunch money.

MSG Eric

I have a couple Vet friends who are so pro-democrat it is ridiculous. They can argue with me, but the points I bring up about the Clinton years and the Obama years cannot be refuted by them.

I just don’t get why they are so die-hard for the democratic party.

It would be a lot easier to fight back if there weren’t some dumbass republican candidates who either sign things without reading them and/or act like the military is a piggy bank for social issues.

A Proud Infidel®™

Message to John Soltz:

BITCH, PLEASE! STFU and go sulk in the corner of whatever overpriced metrosexual coffee shop you hang out in, you’re living proof that shit can sprout limbs and walk and we’d rather you save your breath, you’ll need it to inflate your Date for tonight! If ignorance was bliss liberals would be the happiest people on Earth.

A Proud Infidel®™

CORRECTION: I should have addressed that to Reickoff, Sorbie and Soltz.

Ex-Garbage Gun Shooter

Yeah, what he said.


Yeah, it’s a cryin’ shame that private citizens are still allowed to financially support those causes they select individually to support. Who do they think they are anyway? Americans or something?

Next thing ya know, clowns like this will expect individual citizens be allowed to support PETA, the TIDES Foundation, and other causes as if it were their right to do it. Kinda like it already is.

The hypocrisy is disgusting.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Like I said the other day about this – Rieckhoff, Stolz and Sorbie would suck off the Barbed Cock of Satan if it got them money to fund their “causes” and turn a blind eye to supporting vets.

Fuck them and the horses they ride on….


Hey, Sean, you midget-brained twatwaffle – you DON’T speak for me.


Now that’s an insult.


I don’t want a return of the old dueling culture, but there was one thing to be said for it:

It gave people a reason not to squawk out constantly that they were being insulted, or “slapped in the face,” or what have you.

CB Senior

Being a BEE I have been around a lot of Gyrines, and I have never ever seen a sense of entitlement taught nor conveyed in a way shape of form to any Marine. Se where the fuck did this one get it from.


I’m no trump fan, I like cruz myself, but raising actual money that will help actual vets is hardly useing us as political pawns. These groups use the term vet for political gains and grand standing, and get upset when a political candidate actually does something for vets? Dumb ass extrordinaire right there

P.S. sorry I been gone awile. Missed you guys

OSC(SW) Retired

Please, raising that money to pander to the vet vote is exactly what Trump is doing. Trump doesn’t give a shit about veterans except for their votes and the votes that they command within the deeper GOP base.

Trump’s charitable foundation has given a grand whopping total of $57,000.00 to veteran causes up until now. And he hasn’t given a single penny from his personal income. So why the change (oh except for the not giving from personal income/wealth, he still hasn’t done that)? The change is that he is pandering for votes.

Jonn et. al. are correct that these other veteran “charities” should shut their cock holsters, because they are just doing exactly the same thing as Trump and making a political statement out of the issue. Making a personal statement of distaste for Trumps pandering is one thing, making a political statement in the name of your “charity” is quite another.


I quit getting worked up over “who gets credit for this” and “what’s their real motive” years ago.
In my job (Safety), it’s about taking care of folks. Period. I learned that being an NCO. If Trump or anyone else raises 6 million that’ll actually go to Vets and not some WWP CEO or the like, who cares? You don’t have to vote for him…


Yeah, and some Vets just need a hearty punch in the nose!

Oh …

Never mind …


already done, so it seems

JarHead Pat

As a former Marine, he insults me, what a tard.


As a veteran, this tool insults me by publicly whining, then presuming to speak for me. And I’m not a former Marine.

JarHead Pat

Looks like he is really high speed.


He sure likes selfies…geez


“Research at DNC”

That says everything I need to know.

Airdale (AW) USN

And Low drag!!

Silentium Est Aureum

As many people have said and witnessed, the VA (i.e., public money) doesn’t have a funding problem, it, like most other government agencies, has a bureaucracy problem.

That being said, politicians using veterans as l I ng as it suits their needs and electability? Yeah, shocked face here.

2/17 Air Cav

I agree with others here that these clowns do not represent us, as Veterans. If he wants to speak for his organization, that’s dandy. If he wants to speak for himself, fine. But when he starts spouting off about Veterans, as if we elected or appointed him our spokesman, he needs to put one thumb in his mouth and the other up his butt and walks in circles.


You forgot to mention that he should swap thumbs every hour for flavor.

2/17 Air Cav

Ewwwww. That’s disgusting. I like it.


As a USAF vet and a former Republican, I’m speaking only for my self: I didn’t leave the Republican Party, or left me. And the asshole arrogance displayed by Mr. Trump, Mr. Cruz, and Mr. Rubio only further distances us. And if Mr. Cruz thinks “carpet bombing until the sand glows” is well thought out foreign policy, he knows nothing about carpet bombing, nukes, or innocent children. In language a Marine can understand, F**k him!!


Correction: “I didn’t leave the Republican Party, it left me.”

I meant everything else the way I said it!


Well, my $.02 worth as a veteran streetsweeper is, this Sorbie critter along with the tag team of Rieckhoff & Soltz thinking any of them speak for me, seriously insults me. In fact, Sorbies egg donor shoulda swallowed. Just saying.