Assailant shoots police officer, claims allegiance to Islamic State

| January 8, 2016

ISIS shooting

3E9 sends us a link to an article about Philadelphia police officer Jesse Hartnett who shot three times by an unnamed assailant. Miraculously, Officer Hartnett survived the encountered and managed to return fire and wound the assailant 3 times. The gun man fired 13 times.

The gunman has claimed that he owes his allegiance to the Islamic State;

The alleged assailant appeared to be targeting a police officer, Ross said. “He was trying to assassinate this police officer.”

James Clarke, Philadelphia police homicide captain, told CNN the suspect said to investigators: “I follow Allah. I pledge my allegiance to the Islamic State and that’s why I did what a did.”

The picture at the top of this page is from surveillance video, so yeah, it’s a miracle that the officer is still with us. Fox News says that the firearm was a stolen police weapon, stolen more than two years ago. That might make the President cry.

Category: Breaking News, Terror War

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Glad the Officer survived. Rest and recuperate Officer Hartnett.

Combat Historian

Latest update is that the perp’s firearm was a stolen police weapon; that should put a slight kink in the media anti-gun narrative…

John D. Serrano

The media will likely gloss over that inconvenient fact, like the murder in San Francisco involving an illegal alien and a federal agent’s stolen pistol. I would expect there to be a hue and cry for more gun control, SMDH.


13 rounds and still didn’t accomplish his objective? Definitely sounds like ISIS to me.

…too bad his dad’s aim wasn’t that terrible.


I see this Islamic issue as the new battle cry of anyone wanting to commit a crime, hoping the kinder, gentler government in office will not be as tough on them because of it.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Prayers for a speedy recovery for Officer Hartnett. As for the perp, hope he likes being Bubba, Thor, Julio and Mr. Tiny’s “love slave” for a long, long time…

Hack Stone

As long as it is an Islamic prison wedding ceremony. As to respect his religious views, give him the punishment an Islamic government would mete out to someone who tried to kill one of their police officers.


I saw Islamic wedding, and my first thought was “They have goats in prison?”

Old Nam Doc

And be careful when you kneel down 5 times a day for those prayers.


It’s okay. It’s all okay. In the press conference the government spokesman said that he wasn’t really Islamic because Islam is a religion of peace. I shit you not, the government official actually said that the guy wasn’t Islamic, because his practice of Islam wasn’t in line with Islam. It’s amazing that the government now declares their narrative to be what true Muslims are supposed to practice.

Pinto Nag

I work with a woman who talks that way: it isn’t Islam because Islam is a religion of peace. I had to look at her a moment and process that when she said that to me. Because it was at work, I had to run my first comment through a filter, and then said, “Okay, I can’t argue with that. What I will say is this: if they’re trying to kill me, their religion is not going to factor into my response to survive.”


I had a fairly heated discussion not too long ago similar to this. Forgive me for paraphrasing but it went something like this:

He: All you people blaming Islam and Muslims for this violence are SO wrong. Islam is a religion of peace! Christians have done far worse throughout history. Look at the crusades!

Me: But all of these people committing violence at home and abroad….these people are Muslims committing this violence in the name of Islam…

He: No, no, no. That’s not true.

Me: How so?

He: You see, because Islam is a religion of peace, all of those people whp do terrible things, none of those guys are real Muslims.

Me: ………?

He: I’m serious. It doesn’t matter if they think they are Muslim. The instant they commit a crime, they’re not a Muslim. There is no such thing as a Muslim murderer, or a Muslim thief.

Me: *massaging my temples* So are you going to stop banging on about the crusades then?

He: No! What do you mean?

Me: Well… wasn’t the Christians who did it. None of those Crusaders was a real Christian…….

It turns out that SJWs don’t appreciate their own flawed, messed-up logic being flung in their face. He got upset, said I was being absurd etc…..


Didn’t that asshole in San Bernardino have an argument where he maintained Islam is a religion of peace, right before he went and got his wife, to shoot and kill a bunch of people at a Christmas party, including the person who disagreed with him?

I think the whole incident is relevant on many levels.


That “government spokesman” is the new mayor of Philly. He also said there’s a need to get guns off the streets.

Yeah, me too.

Pinto Nag

F*cking animal. I hope he gets a needle…with draincleaner in it.

CC Senor

Kind of like this?

B Woodman

Why spend money on chemicals? Just inject about 10-20cc of air into the vein, let it hit the heart. . . . .


^^this, super cheap, hell it doesn’t even have to be a clean needle


I’m wondering when the wholesale shooting of Muslim/Middle Eastern looking people backlash in the U.S. or for that matter, elsewhere in the world, is going to start?
Seriously. It’s not like people are going to wait for the government to put them in internment camps like the did in WWII.


In the words of John McClane, slightly paraphrased, in Die hard, “welcome to the party, pals”.


I find it amazing that the officer was able to get out of his car, start to give chase, and shoot the goat fucker.


I hope the officer does heal completely and gets back to work soon.

If you’re going to commit a crime that like and you get caught, it’s quite stupid to make the claim that you’re with ISIS, isn’t it? Your name gets into one of those lists we all hear about.

I hope this imbecile gets the maximum for what he did.


If the following is true, then perhaps if the Law was enforced from his last go around – this might not have happened. Writing more rules just does not appear to work.


Sarcasm I hope…..The maximum for attempting a cold blooded assassination of a police officer by an Islamic Terrorist should be drowning to death in a vat of Bacon Grease while two naked porn stars hold up ring cards indicating the minutes he floats before going under


Religion of peace. (sarc)


No way was it from The Religion Of Peace. The Mayor said so


Yes Mr. President…I understand my funding depends on this Mr President….

“Folks this was not an act of Islam, Islam is the Religion of Peace”

A Proud Infidel®™

Oh so it WASN’T his religious fanaticism that drove him to do it? ALLAH PIGSHIT!!


According to Barry, Loretta et al, it can’t be Islamic terrorism because none of these goat pumpers are carrying an authentic al-Queda/ISIL/Daesh issued ID card.

19D2OR4 - Smitty

There is a video of it in the internet. The POS had the cop dead to rights firing as he advanced on the car.

With the lottery at an all time high, that officer should buy a ticket.


You ain’t joking. 13 shots and 3 in the arm? Please tell me a good citizen with a gun couldn’t have lit that jihadi ass up

B Woodman

We still don’t know the shooter’s motives. ..

I wish this was sarcasm.


Why screw around…Sentence and execute his carcass, in a hail of gunfire.

The Other Whitey

The fact that the shitbag used a stolen Police sidearm clearly indicates the dire need for more restrictive gun laws. Without the Gun Show Loophole, surely there would be no way to steal firearms from the cops!



Officer Hartnet, kick back and recover. Glad you made for shooter, may the boys in the kitchen put pork into every meal. May your prayer rug become a urinal and east become west, north and south. Your Quran become your toilet paper.


am sure this guy will love “Man love” Thursday in prison. he is going to get a real religious experience there for sure


Yep the perp will be the “goat” in prison!


Yes, a contagious brain worm that only cares about infecting new hosts. But then again, that could describe any religion…..


And these attacks put to rest the notion that we have to attack them over there so they won’t attack us over here….

John D. Serrano

Oceans aren’t much of a passive defense, given air travel and local radicalization.