Zinke questions ROE in Afghanistan

| January 8, 2016

Mick sends us a link to Virginian-Pilot which reports that Ryan Zinke, former Navy SEAL and current Congressman is questioning whether the rules of engagement under which the troops there labor are the cause of Army Staff Sergeant Matthew McClintock earlier this week;

Zinke, who said he has been in touch with Special Forces soldiers close to the operation, said that the quick-reaction force was delayed by hours along with close air support sent to help the beleaguered troops. Zinke said that an AC-130 gunship was deployed to support the special forces troops, but was not allowed to fire on the enemy because of concerns of collateral damage. Instead, he said, the aircraft was only allowed to fire into a field.

In light of these reports Zinke has called for a hearing for the Pentagon to explain the exact circumstances of what happened on the ground in Marja. “There is every indication,” he said, that air support and rescue efforts were “arbitrarily delayed.”

It wouldn’t be the first time. You might remember the story of Marine Corporal Dakota Myer’s and Army Captain William Swenson’s Medals of Honor. The pair recounted how their higher headquarters wouldn’t release air and indirect fire assets to the situation which brought about their gallant efforts to rescue the Americans trapped in the village of Ganjgal on September 8, 2009.

Category: Terror War

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That muzzie lovin’ phuqer in the White House prolly threw out a couple of snakbars when he heard that no muzzzies were hurt.

Jeez I hat that cacksucker.


With this administration, I assume it is until proven otherwise.

Pinto Nag

The ROEs need to change, that’s been obvious for a long time. If Congressman Zinke actually DOES something about this, he will rise in my estimation quite a bit. I’m not holding my breath, though.


The largest killer of American Service Members is this administrations ROE.


^^^^truth there

Joe Mama



There is nothing like some fucking pogue who has never, ever been in the field telling the operators the way it “REALLY” is.

Nothing viler than one of those political assholes.


Seriously? Does no one in the administration remember Vietnam? Do they not teach that part during college history classes? This entire fuck bowl has sounded more and more like Vietnam since 2009 when someone got elected. Disgusting, absolutely disgusting. God this pisses me off. Piecemeal military involvement at the whims of politicians and stupid ROEs equal dead American military; period. This administration is about as useful as a bag of concrete dicks.

B Woodman

(shhhh! careful. moochelle might hear you and want one)

Slick Goodlin

Why would any Troops of the most powerful nation on earth EVER have to be in a position where they would be beleaguered ??


Because this administration sends operators out in the middle of BFE into a very dangerous area with lots of enemies and virtually no conventional presence when things go tits up.

It doesn’t matter how well trained an operator is, if the fight numbers 1,000 to a “team,” the team will lose. This idea that SOF can “do it all and do it better” compared to conventional troops needs to die in a fire.


When i got to Iraq the first time in 2004 we fell under 1st CAV. ROE was pretty simple, if you felt threatened you could shoot. later in that tour 3ID replaced the CAV and came in with the FT Benning/TRADOC mentality.

Soon after they took command they pulled our ammo for the MK 19’s and M203’s, no frag or WP grenades and we had to request permission to fire the M-2 50 cal. we went from about 1 half hearted IED every month ( mostly strung together AA rounds and some semtex) to just abouut 1 every other day on my patrols. that was also about the time that we started getting hit with EFP’s too. I was lucky way to many were not.

your first thought after shooting someone trying to kill you should not be “Am i going to go to jail for doing this”

That’s my 2 cents worth


I, like a lot of others on here know that you fought with both of your hands tied behind you.
You and those that served over there have my undying respect for having to deal with the pussyboi and his kindergarten ROE’s.
I just couldn’t imagine that…
God bless all of you…
I can only hope that all those involved in writing & implementing those ROE’s are held to account by a judge that sits on a much higher bench that is available on this planet…
And I hope that they are the virgins those tango’s get and get drilled in the ass all day every day for the rest of eternity…
They damn sure earned it…

Green Thumb

Maybe Obummer should walk and mentor the next set of girls through Ranger School.

Green Thumb

And possibly the next set of USMC 0311 Basic.


And have that clown Mabus with him.

At this point folks, I would not even worry about ROE.

Maybe we should drop some leaflets to the enemy before we “roll” in that enforce the fact that we support the Chinese.

Who knows?

It at least would be a start….

Green Thumb

And make sure that we (Obummer, Mabus and Dempsey) explain the Geneva Conventions to the enemy and their obligation to uphold them.

If they do, we can give them a “C” device to recognize their “Compassion” and resolve in doing the right thing.

Political Shitbags.

Glad I am out.

I feel for the AD component still on the line.


Time to get out. Past time. 13 years is enough. If the Afghans can’t handle it by now, they never will be able to.