Elizabeth Warren calls for taking steps to limit the use of active-duty troops against Americans

| December 3, 2024

In response to Donald Trump’s statements about how he would use the U.S. Military domestically, Senator Elizabeth Warrren urged Joe Biden and Lloyd Austin to action. Warren is calling for steps to be taken to limit the use of active-duty military personnel against Americans. Together with Richard Blumenthal, Warren called on a policy directive defining the  Federal Insurrection Act to apply to narrow cases.

From WGBH:

Warren and Blumenthal also suggested that the policy directive specify that presidents should consult with Congress “to the maximum extent practicable” before deploying the military under the Insurrection Act, and convey that any military domestically deployed are bound by the Standing Rules for the Use of Force “and cannot violate the writ of habeas corpus, federal law, or where applicable, federal or state law.”

As the letter notes, Trump has repeatedly spoken of using the military for domestic purposes, including securing the border and quashing protests. He also said prior to winning reelection that he would be a dictator on his first day in office but not afterward, and has described his political opponents as the “enemy within.”

Warren and Blumenthal argue that the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Trump v. United States — which found that presidents enjoy broad immunity from criminal prosecution for the commission of official acts — make it especially important to limit Trump’s future use of the Insurrection Act.

“If unaddressed, any ambiguity on the lawful use of military force, coupled with President-elect Trump’s demonstrated intent to utilize the military in such dangerous and unprecedented ways, may prove to be devastating,” they wrote.

Asked if Trump could simply reverse any policy directive created by Biden, Warren told GBH News: “No policy fight is ever one and done. This action would set up a future warning alarm and force the next Trump Administration to justify any expansion of the military’s role against its fellow citizens.”

Additional Reading:

Reilly, A. (2024, December 2). Warren urges Biden to limit Trump’s ability to use US military against Americans. WGBH. Link.

Category: Donald Trump, Military issues

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Slow Joe

Do you want illegals to self-deport in mass?
Threaten use of the military.
It is not 3D chess.


Vaya con queso, pendejos– GTFO or it’s like you got treated in the old country!


Democrats’ wet dream versus “racist” opponents.

E. Conboy

With numbers of felons entering our country having housing, food, employment, it may be necessary. What if they decide to set up camp in your front yard? Who you gonna call? Prepare and defend.


First and foremost: Da Nang Dick should shut the fuck up, always. Nobody wants to hear your ‘Nam stories rat-face.

Next, the amount pearl clutching and panty twisting by the Dems is laughable. They think the 82nd Airborne is going to parachute in to round up a bunch melon pickers? You might more than the local po-po to route out Tren de Aragua & MS-13 that Biden Regime let set up shop. I certainly think we should use our military might against the cartels at the southern border. They never know when to stop with the scare tactics.


Yet again I find myself apologizing for my fellow CT inhabitants and their curse foisted upon the Republic, Dick(he) Blew-them-all.

Also see: Chris ‘Never had a real job’ MuhmuhMurphy.


Jim Himes… another real nice guy.

His campaign manager told a group of college kids going door to door on his behalf in Bridgeport “I don’t give a shit what you do or how you do it — just get these fucking idiots to vote Democrat.”

CT is full of winners… Ned Lamont is another pompous idiot prick.


King Ned is only in this for the title and what ever gifts he can bestow upon his fellow travelers.

I’m glad to see the water run out’v the harbor and to be able to watch these idiots shouting gleefully that’ve more beach to party on due to their piety and demanding the waves retreat ‘for the greater good’, not knowing what’s to come next.

This place is d.o.n.e.

Damn fine show, this.


The Housatonic River Valley is the red valley. Trump signs everywhere, even waving over boats all along the river year round.


My summation for CT’s ills, jumping over the cat lady and gimmedat armies’ votes ain’t going to happen until the red ink drowns all the good idea fairies.

I’ll be here to tell’m toldaso.

E. Conboy

A model of integrity!

A Proud Infidel®™

I bet that “Hanoi Jane” Fonda has spent far more time in Vietnam than “da Nang Dick” Blumenthal ever has!


I loved when Trump trolled him. He landed in Vietnam for his meeting with the little fat bastard from North Korea and one of the first things he said was, “I’ve already spent more time in Vietnam than Dick Blumenthal!”



Outtake from Giap’s last interview with a historian or so I’m told:
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Mark L.

I certainly think we should use our military might against the cartels at the southern border. They never know when to stop with the scare tactics.

Glad to see some people here aren’t anti-war pussies. So tired of Republicans suddenly become the anti-war hippies I used to kick in the face back in 1973.


Let Signal handle it.
Once they lose the free WiFi they will leave on their own.


Yup. While the world peacefully sleeps, Signal is quietly running the show with the assistance of the E4 Mafia. In theory.


E4, 25 Series (formerly 31 series, etc.) Soldiers are absolutely scary! Mostly covert outlaws, but many times they are completely overt too!


Retired 25W, 24 years. I admit nothing. Call my lawer.


Will an MMBJ jam WiFi?


Meghan Markle Blow Job?


Mobile Multi-Band Jammer. A lot of leadership didn’t like them because they blocked pretty much everything.


Yeah, we used to have occasional issues with the WARLOCK type jammers. We had an SHF line of sight system near the gate on Balad, it’d get jammed for about 30 seconds if an incoming convoy hadn’t shut down the system. Completely swamped the receiver if it was within about 20m.


If her big concern is with active duty troops then offer bounty to those prior serve volunteers who are still willing to serve America.


Well, let me see said the blind man…illegals are NOT American Citizens, soooo…Trump would not be using the military against American Citizens.

The primary purpose of the American Military is supposed to be to defend the US. We had all kinds of troops along the borders of the ETO back yonder. To me, the masses of illegal invaders made up of parasites, gang bangers, and druggies are as dangerous to our security as Ivan ever was.

RGR 4-78

Don’t forget the foreign government operatives that have freely crossed illegally into the U.S. over the last 3+ years.


But I was told that is a alt-right, ray-siss, consurracy theory that only demagogue-worshiping, Faux News watchers believe!

I got the things to perpetuate normalcy for those I love, so let it all do what it aught’a.


Yes, the CCP has allowed over 30K of their citizens to illegally cross our borders in the past two years. Almost all are military age males.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Gun Bunny,
Was thinking the same.
Illegals are NOT American Citizens
Soooo…..what’s the problem, Liz? Afraid of losing your gardener and housemaid?


These goofballs will sing a different tune when TdA “migrants” carjack them.

Hack Stone

I doubt she did.

Forest Bondurant

Just more proof that FJB is an imbecilic moron.


The proof is practically falling from the trees and clogging the gutters like this past autumn’s leaves. Even Mr Magoo can see it.

Democrats, Rinos and their enablers are busy trying to sweep all this under the rug. They’re gonna need more brooms and a bigger rug.

I wonder how long before it looks like a bachelor’s pad, with crap piled up everywhere and under covers just before company comes over.


I remember about 23 years ago when fully outfitted troops were all over the place airports, government buildings etc etc etc. We had AH1C cobras flying along the coast of So Cal fully armed. We had black helicopters landing at the small airport behind us, no identifiers on them. Demoncrats were not squawking then. This is an actual invasion by armed foreign nationals. Warren can STFU.


Wasn’t the national guard used to help keep Martha’s vineyard secure from uninvited guests?

Prior Service (RET)

Because ARNG operates under title 32, not title 10, they actually can legally enforce the law. It’s the title 10 thing which prevents active duty from enforcing laws without the insurrection act being enacted.


Can they be temporarily “reassigned” by executive order? It seems to be the go to way for getting things done without Congressional approval since at least obummer.

Prior Service (RET)

I might have to dig into the doctrine. Wouldn’t want to give a false answer.


I’m just spit balling here. Other shady stuff has been foisted on an incredulous populace recently.

E. Conboy

Oooooh dear, no? That would constitute misuse of govmint resources.
Who’d do thaaaaat?


Bottom line is, these people to be deported are not Americans, they are invaders.


Technically, as they are non-uniformed combatants, they are conducting subterfuge and other espionage-related activities.

Deportation is too good for the active ones.

Directly harm a citizen, meet the nearest sturdy tree branch.


Is it wrong that I’d like to see Elizabeth Warren as chief (can I say that?) of the Bureau of Indian Affairs?

E. Conboy

So would I!


I’m guessing the real Indians would not be too thrilled with that.
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“Iron Eyes” Cody was Italian.


Just like Chief Jay Strongbow (last name Scarpa).

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Guido Supreme! Fuggetaboutit!


Chief Iron Eyes of the Watza-matta-yoo Tribe


Go Democrats!
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A couple of things – the way I see it,,,
1. We have it already:
It’s called the Posse Comitatus Act.

2. Illegal migrants, immigrants, aliens, criminals, etc. ain’t American Citizens.


Lizzie’s intent is to narrow the focus to MAGA types and conservatives. Everyone else is off-limits.

Prior Service (RET)

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again.

Rotate armor, infantry and reconnaissance battalions into battle positions along the border and conduct live fire training. That’ll stop the influx.

Start conducting live fire cordon and search, and search and attack operations in an urban environment, and that’ll trigger an outflow.

Then drop a study on gender proficiency in a live fire training environment and readjust physical standards appropriately. (Implied task: abide by the blindingly obvious results of said study.)

E. Conboy

Even Radar wearing his new high heels could lead that ‘drill’.


Ummm…. Radar?


We know she meant (mint?) “Cpl Klinger” but in her defense, Radar did put height enhancers in his boots one time…and being a Mother, she’s gonna talk up the little kids.


Fauxcahontas! Hey how are ya? Hey how are ya?

A Proud Infidel®™

MILLIONS of illegal aliens from multiple countries are on US Soil thanks to the incompetence and malfeasance of the Biden/Harris administration as well as their general nincompoopery. AS TO Lieawatha, what is she so uptight about, maybe she also wants a pardon from “Uncle Joe”? How many years has she been part of the inner establishment so far?

Last edited 1 month ago by A Proud Infidel®™

I agree wholeheartedly, but want to emphasize the “malfeasance” part!!

Hack Stone

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is not waiting until January 20 to set things right. Instead of Joe Biden’s “Don’t Doctrine”, Trump is laying down the rules to be followed under his “FAFO Doctrine”. And if he does have to exercise his authority as Commander in Chief, the only diversity that our enemies will see coming is the diversity of tactical strike teams with over the horizon missile support.



As posted earlier on here:
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New for the Party of (the) “D”,, they’re looking at AOC to run for the top spot in 2028!!

Just WOW!!!


She has better tits and bottom than either of the Willie girls. I’m pretty sure that Bill would hit, if his doctor clears him for another shot. If not, Hillary would show her a good time and Bill can watch.


She is the epitome of the Crazy/Hot look!!


All looks and no brain! Perfect candidate for demoncrat president. Kamala must have been a practice run. Now they know they need some one who knows even less and doesn’t mind talking about it.


More on her upcoming


Pulling this out one more time.
Insert Warren / Custer jokes here.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Herr Biden was the one that came out on using US Army troops to suppress American citizens. Mrs Joseph Goebbels is now turning it around to say that President Trump wants to use the Army to suppress American Citizens