Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| December 3, 2024

Jan 20, 2025 can’t come soon enough

I made a meme to capture my joy at watching Trump’s brand of diplomacy:

Clown World

I have a lot of questions on this one

These people…

Hunter truly is the smartest guy Joe knows

The deportation program is gonna look like troop ships coming back from war

Like this photo from Operation Magic Carpet after WWII

1st Amendment? They’ve never heard of it

“Dr” Jill might be color blind

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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I miss the 45th President, the First Lady had real class and a sense of style! These clowns came from the wrong circus.

Or as the Polish say “Nie moj cyrk, nie moje malpy” (sorry keyboard doesn’t type umlauts or special Ls).


I don’t know if I’m more amused by the phrase or by the fact that I don’t speak a lick of Polish, BUT, I was able to read it out and then guess the translation correctly…maybe it’s some light phonetics?? (relatable to Polengrish?) 😀


Imma kinda sorta more concerned about hostages that took a stroll thru the Capitol Building than I am in the ME.

I’d be fine with chopping off the rapist’s penis…and the judge’s ability to judge cases. And while we’re chopping things off, work on the TG cop’s junk. He wants to be a woman? Make him one!

Another reason to not put political signs on your property/vehicles. A group of us locally gathered up two (2) truck loads of supplies for our Compatriots in South GA. We didn’t ask the political leanings of the folks we freely gave stuff to. I’m sure there were some folks with different political views than mine.

As full of sh*t that hunter is, he could make a lot of “art” work.

More illegal crooks in NYC than cops. Seems like the figure of 35K is the head count of NYPD.

Joisey…a real garden spot, eh?

Get the clowns out!


For some reason, your post and the above story/link, IT JUST HIT ME,,,

Part of the reason Hunter is SO Fd UP could be Jill and her influence/presence in his upbringing!

I mean, she has done such a great job looking out for her aging husband! SARC/OFF


Little Hunter didn’t get his ass beat when he was a kid…and it shows. Adulthood goes back to the common denominator of proper home training…that the majority of us here had (and give). In other joetator news we have this gem, blast from the Watergate Past



Hey Town ill-Council of Edison New Jersey,

Fuck you and (video below).

Signed, just a man who’d kick your smug little balls into you throat if you were dumb enough to pull that shit with me.

Last edited 2 months ago by Roh-Dog

A longer breakdown and stuff:

Skivvy Stacker

The police officers in Edison, NJ should have absolutely refused to enforce that ban on the display of American flags in an American sanctioned, Constitutionally protected, local government building. Doing so was a violation of their oaths, which are the same as the oaths WE took when we entered the Armed Forces, to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and DOMESTIC.
It seems to me that the town council have made themselves Domestic Enemies by their action. If I were to attend one of their meetings, I would be sure to wear MY flag on my arm. The only way they could get me to remove it would be to cut my arm off. And the only way they could get me to leave would be by shooting me.


I (personal opinion only), don’t get how the Germans, who are SO SMART, (science, mechanics, physics, etc.) keep finding the weirdest weirdos to be a part of their government, and why they are always left wing!

Yes Lars, the Nazis were the liberal party in Germany at the time!! We have had this conversation before and you have had enough time to open a history book by now!


[…] 0 / 0 / 1 Action News 5 […]

Skivvy Stacker

Okay, that just frosts me.
Why wasn’t I asked to participate????