New York law maker proposed blue states becoming a Canadian province

Donald Trump posted this image after trolling Justin Trudeau about Canada’s becoming an American state with Trudeau serving as its governor. (Truth Social)
State Senator Liz Krueger, Democrat, advanced a “continency plan” back in September in case of Donald Trump’s victory. Krueger anticipated that this scenario would lead to many Democrats crossing illegally into Canada. Given her assumed number of people “escaping” into Canada, she felt that there would be too many for them to enter “undetected.” Instead of this scenario, Krueger proposed that New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont combine to form Canada’s southeast province. She felt that the progressive Democrats in these states would fit right in.
From Blaze Media:
In September, Krueger told City & State New York that were Trump to win the election, she “would suggest to Canada that instead of us all trying to illegally cross the border at night without them noticing, which is pretty hard because there’s a lot of us, that they should instead agree to let us be the southeast province, a new province of Canada.”
“I offered, even though I hadn’t gotten agreement from other states yet, that I thought New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, would combine and be a great new province as the southeast province of Canada,” said Krueger. “Basically everybody in these states are progressive Democrats.”
Apparently, the Democrat who swore an oath to “support the Constitution of the United States” would be more than happy to trade the U.S. Constitution for Canada’s highly flexible Charter of Rights and Freedoms and sell out millions of proud Americans.
Trump secured 44.1% (3,484,124) of the votes in New York; 41.9% (739,317) of the votes in Connecticut; 36.5% (1,234,961) of the votes in Massachusetts; and 32.6% (119,393) of the votes in Vermont.
“We would fit in pretty well with the political philosophy of at least most of the Canadian elected officials,” said Krueger.
The Democratic lawmaker is apparently unaware that Pierre Poilievre, the populist leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, is poised to crush Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party and the socialist New Democrat Party in the upcoming election. The Conservative Party has outperformed both of the Canadian leftist parties combined in recent polls.
Additional Reading:
MacKinnon, J. (2024, November 29). Democratic lawmaker proposes northern states join Canada because she can’t handle Trump win. Blaze Media. Link.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", 2024 Election, Democrats
All you parasites that want to leave the US? Get packing…and take all of the illegal parasites with you. I doubt very seriously that the other folks in New York want to be part of Canada.
During my OTR Trucking days, I made many a run to upstate NY where it was very much Red State America, and the vast majority of the folks there really wanted to completely divorce themselves from NYC. Come to think of it, the vast majority of the State of Illinois also wants to do the same with Chicago/Cook County!
What a fuckin shitbird the lizzard is, and like I keep saying on this site, this shit can’t get any better, I love it.
Sounds like an insurrection to Hack. How will they be able to stand up to the F-15’s that Donald Trump will have at his disposal once Joe Biden cedes power?
Absolute act of insurrection
Quite a few people, with whom I talk, speak of Canadian health care and how it makes the want to move there. I wonder if these same folks have read this from the Canadian Government web page, “In most cases, public health insurance won’t cover prescription medication. Many Canadians have other insurance coverage that pays for part of the cost of their prescriptions.”
In addition, all government owned and run monopoly healthcare systems have terribly long wait times for important, sometimes life-saving medical treatments, such as cancer surgery and radiation. Thus, many wealthy Canadians come here for prompt treatment, despite having to pay out of pocket for it.
The left doesn’t look at that reality when they advocate government ran/controlled health care.
Yes. Many Canadians have additional insurance through their work or purchase it privately. There is much more that isn’t covered by government Healthcare. Dental is a recent addition. Coverage is based on a family income sliding scale. Physiotherapy/Occupational therapy isn’t covered either. This is odd, considering the Government’s vested interest in you returning to work after an injury or illness.
Just look at the amount of Canadians in any hospital near our Border with them!
Many of our medical school grads fly South for greener pastures.
That’s why we have to import so many from the Third World.
Look at the GP listings for most Canadian towns and cities.
It reads like a Karachi/Hong Kong phone book.
In the 90s, we got a shyte load of AfrikaanerAnglo South African doctors. They were fleeing the impending descent into dystopian Hell, African – Occupied South Africa would become.
How is NYC gonna connect to Canada through 400 miles of red upstate NY State?
They can take I-95 up thru CT, RI, MA, NH and Maine all the
way to the end at the border crossing in Houlton.
The long waiting lines never developed and there are more
vehicles heading south than north.
Gavin Newsome can build them a high-speed rail system. What could go wrong?
Man the left lives in a world of pure dilusion and awful fan fiction.
To paraphrase Generation Kill — “can you believe these retards are actually in charge of people?”
They’re too arrogant/narcissistic to see that they’re delusional, disconnected from reality, etc. In their minds, they think that they’re “knowledgeable” with a “good grasp on reality”. They think that we’re the ones that are delusional.
Delusional? I thought we were in a cult. I can’t keep up anymore.
Didn’t you get the memo?? It was garbage last I heard.
But in this place, dickweeds. Forever and ever.
“I offered, even though I hadn’t gotten agreement from other states yet, that I thought New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, would combine and be a great new province as the southeast province of Canada,”
I’m not a constitutional lawer, but that sounds a wee bit insurrectiony and kinda seditious.
Can we charge them an exit tax like what California imposes on people fleeing their state because of the high crime and high taxes?
I’d rather make these secessionists fight their way out of the country. If they want to be Canadian, there’s a big beautiful port of entry, due north. They’re just not taking the real estate with them.
And Canada can charge them a congestion tax for increasing, well, congestion in any town they cho. That’s on top of the GST, VAT and any other stupid tax they can dream up.
I think some southern states tried that back in the 1860’s, as IIRC, it did not turn out successfully for them.
KoB is spoiling for a rematch. No, let me rephrase that. He never accepted the surrender.
“Lee mighta had to surrender, but I sure as hell didn’t have to.” Marse Robert hisownself stated afterwards that if he had of known how despotic Reconstruction would be, he’d had chosen to die with his sword in his hand @ Appomattox Court House “…adventurous abroad and despotic at home…” And here we are. I can go less than 10 miles from Fire Base Magnolia and still see the evidence of destruction left by the war criminal ‘Cump. FOB Hawkins Hill is located in what was once a thriving city of 800+ structures that after 4 days of the Right Wing passing thru, there were only 43 left. There’s 18 original structures now.
We’re not out of the woods yet. We, The People, must continue to…Prepare…and be ready to understand that Trump can only help stave off the destruction of these States United from our domestic enemies. My family has served since before The French & Indian Wars…and have people serving now. I’ve had the Black Flag raised for awhile now, the knives are sharpened, and all that is left to do is the spitting on of hands and the slitting of throats. What happened to Trump, P’Nut, and Fred can happen to any of us. Can you say “Waco”? “Ruby Ridge”? I knew you could.
KoB, I hope you realize that the civil war was between the Republican North and the Democratic South.
The Democrat Party ran the Confederacy. The Republican Party was the abolitionist party. And Lincoln was the first Republican president. Not Republican has ever owned a slave.
Kinda sorta true, Slow Joe, but you left out a lot. There were a LOT more Democrats in the North than in the South at that point in time and Mary Todd Lincoln and Julia Dent Grant (among others) owned slaves. Lincoln’s name was not even put on the 1860 Southern Ballot. By having four (4) Democrat candidates the vote was split so badly that Lincoln barely won the election. Most Southerners (my ancestors included) did NOT own slaves, and in their mind they were defending their State from an oppressive, invading army. We’ve had an inversion, if you will, of the political parties since then. The Democrats, especially Southern Democrats were for a small weaker Federal Government, and the Republicans (mostly started by abolitionists) were for a strong central government. Not the case now, huh. The slavery issue didn’t really become a “Cause” for the war until politically necessary to keep European governments more neutral. Mass riots in northern cities over the draft and mass desertions from BOTH armies occurred when the “Proclamation” was issued in ’63. The South provided 80% of the Federal Revenue prior to 1860 and only got about 20% of that spent on “Federal Projects” such as infrastructure, roads, bridges, rail lines, etc.
If you want, I can provide a link to factual books that teach the history of the WBTS that’s not taught in public schools.
D or R they are all equally worthless to me since 1963. I’ve said for years that if there were ever another WBTS it would be the majority of the 50 states against Washington DC. Do I want that? NO! I still remember the stories from Grandma, that lived thru the last one.
As much respect as I have for you, Good Sir, you don’t want to get into a pissing contest with me on this subject. With nearly 70 years of study you’re outgunned.
Next time…We Ride Together! No more Brother Wars.
Look at the positive outcome of this were to come to fruition, the number of Democrat Senators and Representatives would decrease significantly. And all of the GI’s at Fort Drum would not rate foreign duty pay.
“And all of the GI’s at Fort Drum would rate foreign duty pay.”
As usual, Hack Stone Publishing regrets the error.
So what happens to the United States Military Academy, is that going to be part of Canada, too?
Well at least Resistance 2.0 is being open about it. It took a century for historians to reveal that during the War of 1812 Massachusetts governor Caleb Strong had initiated the Hartford Convention and then attempted to negiotiate a separate peace through an emissary that he sent to Sir John Sherbrooke and Admiral Griffith in Canada.
Some background for those not familiar with this. Odd how these same states thought it was OK to force Southern States back into the Union when the Southerns wanted to leave.,so%20disproportionately%20harmful%20to%20New
As much as the Hartford Convention could have lead to an earlier start date for the War for Southern Independence, the (even back then) North Eastern liberals wanted the whole USA to rejoin the Crown Colonies. Citizens from the South were fighting the war in New York State while some New York State farmers were selling goods to His Majesty’s soldiers. Samuel Wilson, a meat packer from Troy, New York was an important exception. The goods he supplied to the US forces were stamped US; soldiers were heard to ask what the US stamp on the boxes and crates meant. The answer was Uncle Sam.
Has anybody heard from any Canadians and how they feel about it? I remember hearing from customers I delivered to in Ontario about Quebec and the disdain some of them had towards Quebec. Would new Yorkers be welcomed or talked about like the French that live north of the border. And if the do manage to join Canada, they should be required to take their portion of the national debt with them.
Canadians are only subjects, not citizens. Their opinion does not count with their government.
Liz Krueger = Fat dumb democrat bitch
Please stop listing her good points.
Here in the US, you have freedom; to include the freedom to leave this country and go to whichever country you consider to be Utopia. We’re not restraining you: go, leave, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Now, the problem with Freddy’s daughter’s proposition is that there are many people in those states who are proud to be American–both Democrat and Republican. Those four states have a long and storied history as part of the Union, and trying to secede them to Canada would be, let’s just say, problematic. I much prefer Trump’s supposed offer to Trudeau to make Canada the 51st state. Imagine the joy that hunters would get from having the wild expanses of Canada open for big game season.
The Dems like giving things away, so why not end foreign aid to Ukraine and divert those funds to resettling those unpatriotic persons who wish to live elsewhere? I mean, some funds can still go to Ukraine… send the Anti-America/Pro-Ukraine types to that country so they can live out their dreams in a country free from Trump.
I want reparations from all the lefties for not leaving as promised and continuing to suck off our system.
So, when some rednecks driving pickup trucks in Idaho want to secede from America, the FBI infiltrates their group with informants, then launch SWAT raids on them, but when Democrat politicians want to secede from America we hear crickets. Does Hack Stone have that right?
Actually… there are some pickup driving rednecks in Oregon and Washington that want to secede to Idaho.
Hey, I resemble that statement!
Looking at a photo of this Democrat State Senator, I’m sure Liz Krueger shows up on the Richter scale when she walks. Have at it Liz, don’t take any states with you, just gather all of your like-minded idiots and simply leave. Just go to Canada and leave the rest of us alone.
As liberal as parts of Canada are. My bet is these liberals in the eastern states are even too liberal for Canada. They should rethink where to go. My suggestion would be N Korea.
She is SO UGLY she could make shit scream and run away just by looking at it!
I would gladly welcome The Don replacing that commie pu$$¥f@rt Turdeau.
If we could retain our Healthcare (it’s flawed, but I’m still glad I have it) AND have 1A and more importantly, 2A rights.
I would gladly welcome The Don replacing that commie pu$$¥f@rt Turdeau.
If we could retain our Healthcare (it’s flawed, but I’m still glad I have it) AND have 1A and most importantly, 2A rights.
Plus she obviously isn’t familiar with federal law, specifically Texas v White.
Meh. But she doesn’t get out much because like a lot of other blue states, once you get out of the cities, the rest of the state is pretty red, with good reason.
The issue of secession was settled back in 1865. Perhaps the dem politician feels it is a natural political concept to split the country apart because they lost. I think she didn’t pay much attention in school. I also think that attempting to subvert the government constitutes insurrection and probably treason as well.
There are a lot of morons proposing a lot of moronic things after November 5th…
I give it as much weight as it deserves, most of it about the weight of Helium….