Trump to do list item number 3 – replenish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Biden looted it in a bid to minimally lower gas prices and has yet to replenish it because the replacement didn’t meet test standards (which the original wasn’t tested for) and generated insufficient profit. They could buy it cheaper than it cost when they pulled it out, but not ENOUGH cheaaper. Respore the reserve.
Seems many of the Marine barracks going without repairs have become so because the Corps has been putting low- and mid-level NCOs in charge of the maintenance as an extra duty.
In a memo obtained by earlier this year, the Corps said that it was looking to take barracks management responsibilities away from more than 500 noncommissioned officers and give them to 115 government personnel and 232 contractors.
Before the initiative, those young Marines were often charged with fielding maintenance reports and working with public works officials to repair the barracks.
The services need to run their own installations, but also need to be aware of what works. Expecting a corporal or sergeant to deal with a civilian contractor crew, especially as an extra duty, is asking for trouble. I can see why, in the absence of trained installation folks, interim civilians may be needed – but they need to work a more effective system now, not just band-aid it. Remember a while back when Pendleton took a two week break so service members could do things like clean, repair mold, sheetrock repairs, etc? II
And in the shocker which will leave nobody shocked, the Congressional subcommittee investigating the origins of Covid says – it came from the Wuhan lab.
The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released its final 520-page report that stated “COVID-19 most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.”
In support of the “lab leak” theory, the report said the subcommittee learned that the virus had a biological characteristic that is not found in nature and that data showed all COVID-19 cases stemming from a single introduction to humans.
In the famous words of Ron Popiel, “But wait, there’s more!”:
The report also noted that China’s foremost SARS research lab is in Wuhan, “which has a history of conducting gain-of-function research at inadequate biosafety levels,” and that researchers at the lab “were sick with a COVID-like virus in the fall of 2019, months before COVID-19 was discovered at the wet market.”
And for the infamous rotten cherry on the excrement sundae:
The report also found that social distancing “was not based on science.”
“During closed door testimony, Dr. [Anthony] Fauci testified that the guidance, ‘sort of just appeared,’” the report states.
Seems some openly partisan judges have decided to rescind their previously filed retirements due to the election.
In mid-November, U.S. District Judge Algenon Marbley of Ohio informed President Biden of his intention to stay on the bench after Biden had failed to nominate a replacement for him.
Meanwhile, U.S. District Judge Max Cogburn of North Carolina, who was appointed by President Obama, has also withdrawn plans to retire, Reuters reported.
Only two District Court judges in history had rescinded their resignations before, one per the article in 2004 and 2009. Two at one swipe is unusual. And, there are two more sitting Circuit Court judges who have apparently made indications of doing the same. Senate leader Mitch McConnell is warning them:
McConnell threatened that “significant ethics complaints” would follow swiftly if any retiring judge reversed their decision to take senior status because Trump won.
“As I repeatedly warned the judiciary in other matters, if you play political games, expect political prizes. So let’s hope these judges do the right thing and enjoy their well-earned retirement and leave the politics to the political branches.” Fox News II
“If you play political games, expect political prizes” – almost sounds like a TAH fan.
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Hack Stone
2 months ago
Let the Federal Judges do a Ginsburg and die while on the bench. Then President Trump gets to nominate those who align with his radical political views, like not changing the gender of 8 year olds. And make sure that they are young enough to have long and distinguished careers.
Green Thumb
2 months ago
“Expecting a corporal or sergeant to deal with a civilian contractor crew.”
I had to back in my “three stripe Private days.”
Fucking sucked. Worse than dealing with old school Range Control cadre. They ain’t going to do shit unless they have to (after 14 forms with multiple signatures) and only then will move as molasses uphill, or, conversely, as slow as Phil Monkress to an honest claim.
Unless a Service Member is in the Engineer Corps, the only thing they should be doing in re of building maintaining is pointing out the deficiencies to qualified people. I personally think that giving this work to civilian contractors is just another avenue for graft.
How many of us said when the Chinese Communist Originated Virus Infecting Disease of 2019 first showed up that it was a deliberate biological attack on the world by our very own foreign and domestic enemies? And here we are.
Let’s give a whole new meaning to the term…”The Hanging Judge”.
Let the Federal Judges do a Ginsburg and die while on the bench. Then President Trump gets to nominate those who align with his radical political views, like not changing the gender of 8 year olds. And make sure that they are young enough to have long and distinguished careers.
“Expecting a corporal or sergeant to deal with a civilian contractor crew.”
I had to back in my “three stripe Private days.”
Fucking sucked. Worse than dealing with old school Range Control cadre. They ain’t going to do shit unless they have to (after 14 forms with multiple signatures) and only then will move as molasses uphill, or, conversely, as slow as Phil Monkress to an honest claim.
The price of gas went down like what, .02 cents?
The price of gas dropped more just by Trump being elected than it ever did due to Joe’s SPR clusterfuck.
Chicoms gearing up for another “wargame” surrounding Taiwan again after just doing one in October (two months ago)… hmm, before Jan 20th:
Unless a Service Member is in the Engineer Corps, the only thing they should be doing in re of building maintaining is pointing out the deficiencies to qualified people. I personally think that giving this work to civilian contractors is just another avenue for graft.
How many of us said when the Chinese Communist Originated Virus Infecting Disease of 2019 first showed up that it was a deliberate biological attack on the world by our very own foreign and domestic enemies? And here we are.
Let’s give a whole new meaning to the term…”The Hanging Judge”.