Justice Ketanji Jackson: Banning transgender procedures akin to banning interracial marriage

| December 5, 2024

The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing a case involving a Tennessee law banning transgender procedures for kids. The outcome of this case will impact other states who have taken action to ban transgender procedures for kids. These actions include banning men from female sports despite being transgender women. Justice Kentanji Jackson’s questioning indicates that she may call for striking the Tennessee law down.  Her statements attempt to find similarities between banning transgender procedures for kids and banning interracial marriage.

From PJ Media:

She attempted to draw a parallel between banning transgender procedures for minors and banning interracial marriage during the oral arguments. Her premise was nothing short of baffling. She started by saying, “Being drawn by the statute that was sort of like the starting point, the question was whether it was discriminatory because it applied to both races and it wasn’t necessarily invidious or whatever,” before trailing off in a haze of confusion.

Her argument only got more tangled as she continued, “But you know, as I read … the case here, the court starts off by saying that Virginia is now one of 16 states which prohibit and punish marriages on the basis of racial classifications.” She clearly wanted to invoke the history of racial discrimination, but the connection to the current case was tenuous, to say the least.

Then, the real leap in logic came: “And when you look at the structure of that law, it looks in terms of you can’t do something that is inconsistent with your own characteristics. It’s sort of the same thing.” The idea that prohibiting minors from receiving irreversible barbaric gender surgeries and hormones could be compared to a law prohibiting interracial marriage is, quite frankly, laughable. Jackson’s comparison seemed to rest on an assertion that both laws were somehow grounded in “inconsistency” with one’s “characteristics.”

Of course, this is the same person who infamously declared during her confirmation hearings that she couldn’t define what a woman is because “I’m not a biologist.”

Then, without missing a beat, she tried to pivot: “So it’s interesting to me that we now have this different argument, and I wonder whether Virginia could have gotten away with what they did here by just making a classification argument the way that Tennessee is in this case.” At this point, even she seemed to realize how far-fetched the analogy was.

Additional Reading:

Margolis, M. (2024, December 4). Justice Ketanji Jackson Makes a Fool of Herself During Oral Arguments. PJ Media. Link.

Category: Democrats, SJW Idiocy, Society

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” Justice, Please…”

Last edited 2 months ago by ChipNASA
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Holy shiite!
Is there any way to biologically look inside her head to see if she has a brain?

Shine a flashlight in one ear. Then check for light in the other.


It’s expensive…

I believe there is evidence that the Mayan’s performed brain surgery. We could try their techniques – cut the skull open and look.
I mean, if the Native Americans did it, it’s gotta be good, right?

Damn, it’s The Boys from Brazil meets Species— somebody spliced DNA from AOC with that from another dumb person and let it grow!
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Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

The claims these surgeries are not happening is a flat-out lie. Incontrovertible facts. More than 13,000, with Vanderbilt near the top of the leader board of hospitals performing these surgeries. Which is why this Tennessee case is before the Supreme Court.


Last edited 2 months ago by OAM

“Paging Drs Mengele, Clauberg, & Schumann, paging Drs Josef Mengele, Carl Clauberg & Horst Schumann, white courtesy telephone, please…”


Paging Dr Ishii , Paging Dr Shiro Ishii.
How that shyte stain make it out of the Tokyo Trials without a neck stretchin’ …. is criminal.
Immunity from prosecution in exchange for full disclosure of his ‘ research ‘


How in the actual phuque did this skrunt become a SCOTUS Judge? Oh…wait…Didn’t Earn It!…Never mind.

Sadly she may be in that position for years and years to come.


I say we pull the fucking gloves off and we can all be Justices Supreme, cuz at this point the brain deficit at 1 First Street NE is threatening to become a singularity of we todd ed ness that’ll draw all human computation power to itself.

But we’d have to resolve the existential question at the core of this divergent timeline: what is the definition of ‘is’? (right, Billy Clintoon?)

Lord help us.


Prepare…to become The Mysterious Ways…that His Wonders are worked.


Talk about false equivalencies. Or in the language of my tribe:

That’s as wrong as two boys fooking.


…on the church lawn on Easter Sunday.


Senate Hearing Room already occupied?


Another story that went by the wayside. I hope somebody releases the names of the guilty parties, and those that knew it was going on.


Most people knew that she(Jackson) didn’t know diddly about anything outside her own little mind. How can she offer an opinion on anything female when she doesn’t know what a woman is?


She can’t define what a woman is. So how can she define what kinda surgery a child should get to be a man or a woman. She should recuse herself.


Yes, she is not a psychiatrist or a surgeon, either.


Both those stupid scrunts should never have been appointed to the Court. They have the legal analytic skills of a high school dropout. But what would one expect from a corrupt judge who said she couldn’t give a definition of “woman” because she is “not a biologist.”


As a high school dropout myself, I resent that insult. Personally, I have known quite a few high school, and even college, graduates who have few, if any, analytic skills of any sort, legal or otherwise. And, if your life is as dull as mine, you will find on Youtube any number of lawyers, even judges, who cannot form a coherent sentence much less a legal analysis.
I would remind you that the current legal, governmental, and economic system, wondrous as it is in this best of all possible worlds, was built by highly credentialed and educated folks, not high school dropouts.

So there.


Maybe he should have worded it to say, “your average High school dropout?”

Forest Bondurant

Articles I’ve read about KBJ describe her this way:

“…she’s remarkably unintelligent.”

“It’s astonishing how ignorant she is.”

“…profoundly stupid…”

“She’s an intellectual lability for the leftist cause.”

“…village idiot who won’t shut up.”


And the proggy D-rats made her a federal judge before Gropey appointed her to the SCT.



Green Thumb



They need to use the 25th amendment to take her off the Supreme Court.

Lurker Curt

I would like to propose that we absolutely shit-can the phrase “trans woman”. It’s a woman or it isn’t, full stop. I’m so tired of this horse shit…

Wrench Turner

How about Victor/Victoria?

“… a man pretending to be a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman …”

A Proud Infidel®™

Every time she speaks it confirms IMO that she was a DEI quota all the way through college and everywhere since, Biden’s handlers made him nominate her because they knew she’d be a rubber stamp to the left’s agenda!


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Skivvy Stacker

Bad mixed metaphor.
Kind of like the song from the 90s that asked;
“How do you talk to an Angel?”
I mean trying to talk to one is like “Trying to catch a falling star…” You know, the way a conversation is like a star falling and you want to talk to it…ya know?