Ya just can’t make this stuff up [Jonn]

| December 18, 2008

Some of you may remember the clown that TSO wrote about back in July named Cory Glass.

He is a deserter from the Army who went to Canada and made a big stink and is now known as “The Poster Boy” of deserters. Well, TSO wrote that CBS discovered that he wasn’t being hunted by the US authorities;

Calling Glass the “poster boy of the war resisters movement,” the American news agency found Glass was discharged from the California National Guard Dec. 1, 2006 — four months after arriving in Canada.

“He is not considered absent without leave. He is not considered a deserter,” Maj. Nathan Banks, a U.S. army spokesman, told ABC. “He is running for no reason. He is fully welcome in the United States. I cannot believe this is a big deal in Canada.”

When the news organization reached Glass with the news, he was flabbergasted. “I had absolutely no idea that I had been discharged. This is insane. This is so weird. There are no warrants? No one is looking for me?”

So it would seem to a rational person that Glass would just return to the US since he’s not a fugitive – and since he’s not broken any laws. Wouldn’t it? Or maybe it’s just me. Regardless, Glass is still seeking asylum in Canada nearly six months later;

U.S. Iraq war resister Dean Walcott was told on December 3rd that he must leave Canada by January 6th or face deportation to the United States. The decision follows similar ones in the cases of war resisters Corey Glass, Jeremy Hinzman and family, Patrick Hart and family, and Matt Lowell.

If deported, Dean will face a court martial, jail time and a felony conviction, all because of his refusal to participate in the immoral and illegal war in Iraq. This decision goes against the expressed wishes of the Canadian Parliament which passed a motion on June 3rd calling on the government to allow war resisters to stay in Canada, and it goes against the will of Canadians who have consistently demonstrated in polls that they want war resisters to stay.

The Federal Court stayed the removal orders of Corey Glass, Jeremy Hinzman and Matt Lowell. The Hart family faces deportation January 15th and will be asking the Court for a similar stay.

Corey Glass has since been granted a new application to stay on Humanitarian & Compassionate grounds. Jeremy Hinzman’s appeal date for his negative decision has been set for February 10th 2009, and Matt Lowell is waiting to hear whether his appeal will be heard.

Here’s a screen shot of the report from one of those organizations to which I don’t link;

Ya hafta wonder what the Canadian courts are thinking. The guy is not a wanted criminal – the reason he went to Canada was to escape justice. He’s not going to be court martialed or go to jail or anything when he comes back.  So why is Canada even bothering with it? And why hasn’t the Left even mentioned that he’s not wanted anymore here?

Seein’s how I know his type, I know it’s one of two things. He has one of those sturdy Canadian women up there in Canada that he can’t trust and he doesn’t want to leave, or he likes the fact that everyone thinks he’s some kind of hero speaking truth to power and his ego couldn’t stand it if he was shipped south and had to become a regular peson.

Either way, he’s childish goofball. I wonder if he even went AWOL.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Liberals suck

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PSST! Jonn? *whispering* so Army Sergeant don’t hear……
Is this dude like fer real bro or is he on meth?



Well, how very brave of him. At least in the libs’ definition, anyway.

Clay Moore

Well – given Canada’s growing love of islam, honor killings and disease bearing perverts, and its ever increasing hatred of, and persecution of, free speech, heterosexuals, Christians, Jews and anti-communists, one must ask the musical question – what’s one MORE loser added to the mix that is now Canada? In fact, I will be most happy to kick in a few bucks to deport even more of our losers, cowards, gutless deserter wimps, whiney freaks and nancy-boys like this one, to their new happy home to the north. Anyone else want to toss in a couple of bucks?

AW1 Tim

Just another of the many little head lice building a nest in America’s hat 🙂