Well now here’s an interesting development….[COB6]

| December 17, 2008

The Washington Times is reporting that a gentleman named William White is being pushed to the Obama camp to become the next Secretary of the Navy. Of course Mr. White has an exceptional qualification for such a high position.

Some top retired military leaders and some Democrats in Congress are backing William White, chief operating officer of the Intrepid Museum Foundation, to be the next secretary of the Navy – a move that would put the first openly gay person at the top of one of the services.

The secretary’s job is a civilian position, so it would not run afoul of the ban on gays serving in the military, but it would renew focus on the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy as President-elect Barack Obama prepares to take office.

I don’t personally give a damn what Mr. White does in the privacy of his home but to hire a guy to head an organization that he would be disallowed to serve in seems strange to me. He must be one seriously qualified Muldoon!

Fortunately The Intrepid Foundation has his biography posted:

White has been an active volunteer in many organizations. He served for eight years in the Point Lookout-Lido Volunteer Fire Department. He established Fordham University’s student-operated volunteer ambulance service. In 1991 he established a charitable organization, Operation Support, which in only three months raised $400,000 for the families of servicemen and servicewomen lost in the Persian Gulf War.

White worked in his family restaurant and real estate business, which has operated five successful establishments in Manhattan and Long Island. As Senior Manager of his family’s restaurant operation, he helped ensure this 30-year business remained a successful enterprise.

In 1991, following the success of Operation Support, White was asked by Mr. Zachary Fisher, a leading real estate developer and Founder of the Intrepid Museum Foundation in New York, to help raise funds for Intrepid, the world’s largest maritime museum. White formed a volunteer organization, the Intrepid Museum Society, in November 1991. This group hosted several receptions and benefit dinners aboard the decommissioned carrier, raising $500,000 in its first two years of operation.

Let’s review: Volunteer Fireman, Fund Raiser, Worked for mom and dad, Fund Raiser again.

You have got to be kidding me! There is absolutely nothing in this resume to qualify this guy to be Secretary of anything other than a fund raising organization or perhaps a Roman Bath House.

As if the president-elect isn’t enough evidence, I’ll say again that identity politics is a very dangerous thing.

What one generation tolerates, the next will embrace.

Category: Politics

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Go O's!

I don’t understand this move at all. He has even less experience than Gordon England. Hell, at least England worked for General Dynamics.


But Palin’s not qualified….they say.

Frankly Opinionated

The morons elected B. Hussein Obummer, but the rest of us will have to suffer him along with them. Bill”the Zipper”, and his mess didn’t show up until after the inauguration, but Obummer is shining bright already. We are Scrued! How long will it be before gayiety will be a perequisite for military service under the soon to come Department of Peace? A fag for sec’y of Navy, at 68, I have seen much but this takes the cake.
nuf sed


Fund raiser=community organizer? Maybe the Obamunist sees him as a kindred spirit.

Bob Bakian

Wow Frankly, “a fag for sec’y of Navy.” Just how does this affect you?


[…] came this, via the Washington Times through This Ain’t Hell: Some top retired military leaders and some Democrats in Congress are backing William White, chief […]

Bob Bakian

If he wasn’t gay would you still be attacking him like this? Does being gay have anything to do with his ability to lead?


Considering that Obama is the first “equal opportunity” President, it’s not surprising that he’s anxious to display his “inclusiveness” by appointing a gay community organizer as Secretary of the Navy.


I wonder who pissed themselves laughing first, Achmoonijihad? Putin? Dong Il? Hugo Crapez?

I can hear it now, “look comrade, the silly black president is putting sissy men in charge of the Navy”……” pass the vodka”…


Personally, I don’t care who he’s, um, being intimate with. From what’s known about him, I don’t see anything that suggests he’d be of benefit to the Navy. It’s not like the Fleet needs to raise money for anything….


I believe we need to revist the Meade Method:

Tar, feather and place on mule facing the mule’s business end. Circle around DC several times. Retar, Refeather, Repeat.

General Meade did the same to a Philadelphia Inquirer reporter who crossed him.


I think I’ll apply for the job. I have 14 years as a volunteer firefighter, eight years as an EMT and on top of that have 22 years of ‘non gay’ military service.
Actually since rumor has it that Hussein O is a switch hitter the man??? or whatever role he’s playing this week is a shoe in for the job.


I think Caroline Kennedy is in the running for Sec. of Defense.

Her dad was once CiC and commanded a PT boat.

AW1 Tim


Since the Diversity Bullies have entrenched themselves into the Navy like a bad case of athlete’s foot, this fellow will “fit right in” to his “new position”.

Seriously, the Diversity crew are now the new Commissars and have every command running around worrying about ethnic percentages rather than spending valuable time and resources on actual warfighting skills. The assclowns running the Navy seem bent on making an entire service of Rainbow Warriors instead of fighting men.

It is a sad state of affairs to report on, but it is absolutely true and until someone with cajones can take over and rid the Navy of it’s near-terminal case of diversityitis then the Navy will be the laughingstock of other fleets.


Y’all are just being silly! Little Willie will have every ship spanking clean and all outfitted with new window shades, pretty new deck chairs and shade umbrellas, probably lots of those little drink umbrellas, too. Just think of all the fabulous possibilities for decorating those cannon thingies!



Seriously, what they put in the end of the gun tube to keep out water is called a tampon.

richard wheeler

Scrappy How you know so much about switch hitting? Eh?A fan of Eddie Murray or The Mick?


In the navy, we sail the seven seas, In the navy…..

They do have the prettiest uniforms.


Remember that Lord Nelson once attributed the greatness of the Royal Navy to “rum, buggery, and the lash”. Does Mr. White like rum?

AW1 Tim

Sadly, it seems apparent that Mr. White is the sort that gives buggery a bad name… 🙂

The Navy is already in a state of uniformed dyslexia. There are new enlisted uniforms coming out that look not at all unlike something you’d see at a 1930’s German Party Rally. Additionally, they are introducing DCU’s with.. no sh!t.. blue and grey shades instead of actually combat cammo. What do they plan on doing, hiding in the ocean?

I loved my time in the Navy as well as my job, but to see how far it has fallen on the political stage is simply heartbreaking.

Our ship procurement system is so broken that it will take an honest-to-God miracle to be able to replace ships 1V1 as they come offline, or else a bucketload of cash to try and SLEP old vessels to last long enough to HAVE a replacement commissioned.

Mr. White will come aboard just in time to play the clown entertaining on the fantail of Titanic.


This makes perfect sense considering who our P-E is and how he feels about the military. I do believe the military scares the beejesus out of him, being all that he could never be. So, start with the Navy which is already treading deep PC waters and put in someone who has no military training and voila! The weak links start to add up.
And being a good “fund-raiser” is always music to a Dem’s ear.


This one is for Bob-

Looks like your P-E (I sure as hell didn’t vote for him) is putting bumperstickers into action. This one is an oldie but a goodie.

“Wouldn’t it be nice if we had bakesales for the Navy, and the schools got fully funded?”

It is obvious that the P-E read that once too often (most like from the back of Ayers car, since they are “just” neighbors and all) and instantly thought it was a good idea when he could put it into practice.

We are so screwed.


[…] Ain’t Hell covers reports concerning one person Democrats are pushing to be the next Secretary of the Navy. His qualification […]