Of Deserters and Drama Queens

| July 3, 2008

Meet Corey Glass.


 This is Corey’s Story:

In 2002, I joined the Indiana National Guard. When I joined, I was told I would only be in combat if there were troops occupying the United States.

I signed up to defend people and do humanitarian work filling sandbags if there was a hurricane. I had no conception I would be deployed to fight on foreign shores.

Way to do your research.  If you are volunteering for something that is 8 years long, wouldn’t a certain amount of due diligence be advisable?  I mean come on people.  He did do his research on desertion though.

So anyway, on leave he runs away to Canada and becomes the cause celebre!  The Court there ruled he had to be sent packing, and so the  parliament voted in a non-binding resolution that he should be allowed to stay.  Meanwhile:

With no word yet from the federal government, neighbours, concerned citizens, residents of Toronto’s Parkdale community, and Iraq War resisters will hold a rally to stop the deportation of Corey Glass, 7 p.m., Thursday, July 3 at the May Robinson Building, 20 West Lodge (1 block east of Lansdowne, north of Queen W.)

All good and fine. Only one miniscule problem:

“He is not considered absent without leave. He is not considered a deserter,” Maj. Nathan Banks, a U.S. army spokesman, told ABC. “He is running for no reason. He is fully welcome in the United States. I cannot believe this is a big deal in Canada.”

How DARE the US Army rob the deserters of their poster child!  The gall of such people as Major Nathan Banks!

Meanwhile, we are on day 18 of Matthis Chiroux held hostage at the IVAW house.  No doubt law enforcement is failing to move because they are frightened of the statement of Kokesh:

Should any military or law enforcement personnel come here, to MY house, they will not be welcome, nor will they find removing him from the premises to be physically tenable.

That means his combat tour at IVAW house now exceeds that in Iraq and Afghanistan combined by a magnitude of 3.

 How we’ve managed to overcome the loss of a sole Army Journalist I think is truly a testament to how versatile we are as an Army.  I figured we would have caved by now and begged him:  “Help us Matthis Chiroux, you are our only hope.”

The force is strong in these two.  Must be the high Midi-chlorians level.

 This post brought to you by TSO: a welcome respite from the otherwise intellectually stimulating blogosphere.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Politics, Protests/Rallies

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Raoul Deming

You gotta be kidding me…

Raoul Deming

So he’s not AWOL, not a deserter.

Could it be that the Army is too embarassed to admit any tie to this loser?

Raoul Deming

When is IVAW going to start handing out “Eddie Slovik Awards” for Best Loser?


I signed up to defend people and do humanitarian work filling sandbags if there was a hurricane

How does one confuse the ‘peace’ corp with the Army corps?


I’m still trying to figure out why Adam Kokesh keeps sending out distress signals with his upside down American flags, after all, he is the baddest Uber Viking that ever lived.


“In 2002, I joined the Indiana National Guard. When I joined, I was told I would only be in combat if there were troops occupying the United States.

I signed up to defend people and do humanitarian work filling sandbags if there was a hurricane. I had no conception I would be deployed to fight on foreign shores.”

Maybe he should have joined the Peace Corps to fill sandbags. I get so sick of these kids who jion the Military and then go ” I didn’t know I would have to go to war!”
Good freaking Grief are you just stupid or is just the air in CanaDa.

TSO: You know what amuses me the most about that argument is that I was deployed with an infantry unit in the National Guard in 1997 to Bosnia. If anyone has a copy of the Army Times from January ’98, that is TSO on the cover. I didn’t fill any sandbags. Didn’t send any rounds downrange either, but I wasn’t there planting flowers.

Army Sergeant

Does anyone else besides me see a problem in the Army just saying, “Oh, okay, you’re AWOL. We’ll just discharge you and forget about it.”

That seems…like a fairly radical shift in their thinking. Is that the new answer to AWOLs? Just let them go, since they’re gone already?

Raoul Deming

“Is that the new answer to AWOLs? Just let them go, since they’re gone already?”

How should I know, poll your next IVAW chapter meeting…


“Does anyone else besides me see a problem in the Army just saying, “Oh, okay, you’re AWOL. We’ll just discharge you and forget about it.”

That seems…like a fairly radical shift in their thinking. Is that the new answer to AWOLs?”

For once Army Sgt I agree with you. They should just stand them up against a wall and shoot them. After they can have a court martial if the Army wants to.


In 1978 I joined the United States Navy. When I joined I was told that I would go to exotic places, meet beautiful women and uh…. have a good time. Instead I was sent to sea to DEFEND my country and the most exotic place I ever saw was Holy Loch Scotland. Wow! big surprise. Hasn’t anyone explained to these chowderheads that you do your OWN research when someone offers you a sweet deal? How stupid are these cretins? IMHO the Army is well rid of them.


Raoul, That needed a spew alert!!!

Even I had the smarts to ask the recruiter if we would ever go to war again. SSG St. Clair’s reply,
“Uncle Sam doesn’t want you signing on the dotted line if you think peace or freedom is a given. Turn around and start walking if you don’t hink you can hang.”
I was also told that I could pick three dream duty stations…nine out of ten times, you got the shittiest one outta three. Didn’t matter to me. I couldn’t wait to sign…The friends I made then, still have my back 22 years later.
Yeah, the guy is a tool. Frankly I wouldn’t want a tool to cause trouble in the ranks. He is a freaking wuss. If he didn’t know it’s on him. If he gave tow about this Country, he would have put up, shut up and ETS’ed. End of story, lesson learned. It’s not the way liberals think… they have to blame someone else, always.

Don Carl

I went through Basic Training with a National Guardsman whose recruiter had told him he would never have to (get this) touch a gun.
Apparently he thought he was joining the Salvation Army or something. The first day of Close Order Drill with rifles this dork was in tears at the thought of touching a rifle. The Drill Sergeants were torn between blind rage and hysterical laughter.
We did a lot of push ups for laughing that day, it was so totally worth it.
If this idiot believed he’d never see combat unless the US was invaded, he must be the one dumbest mofo (moron of the first order) on the planet.


“Does anyone else besides me see a problem in the Army just saying, “Oh, okay, you’re AWOL. We’ll just discharge you and forget about it.”

That seems…like a fairly radical shift in their thinking. Is that the new answer to AWOLs? Just let them go, since they’re gone already?”

Not being a smartypants, A/S but have you seen the price of fuel lately ??? I’d tend to think its more of an economics driven factor than anything else…..

Army Sergeant

Hah. “We’re too poor to drive down those crazy AWOL guys!”? Maybe, who knows? It’s definitely a little bit strange, though. If true, that may be why they’re not going against Matthis.

509th Bob

I suppose that those “evil” weapons (as opposed to sandbags) that he was trained with did *not* include a safety-razor?

Corey says: “I OBJECT to SHAVING!”
Drill Sergeant says: “Okay, little boy, it will be YEARS before you grow chin hair.”
Corey says: “I DESERTED! Somebody HAS to take NOTICE of my Specialness!”
Canadian Authorities say: “Get Lost, LOSER! Maybe the Americans will MAKE you shave!”
Corey says: “The Evil Bush-Hitlers will MAKE me shave! This is TORTURE! Even if they don’t MAKE me shave, EVERYONE will look at me and call me a LOSER! This is Discrimination! I’m a Loser! Nobody is allowed to call me a LOSER!”

American officials, taking “custody” of this ass-bag: “Welcome home, LOSER.”

Corey: “Waaahhhh!”


If this idiot believed he’d never see combat unless the US was invaded, he must be the one dumbest mofo (moron of the first order) on the planet.

Perhaps the AWOL status is the Army’s way to let this special individual go and be free while making sure to distance themselves with this ass-clown.

Who would want to be seen connected with this fool?


[…] the DC IVAW House on Princeton Place, when Matthis refused to deploy to Iraq in 2008. Here’s the post in which TSO quoted Adam Kokesh when he threatened police who might come looking for Matthis; Should any military or law […]


[…] correct. And I wonder how many of those 200 they claim deserted and absconded to Canada were like Corey Glass who went to Canada, applied for refugee status even though he’d been discharged from the Army […]


[…] inspiration was Corey Glass” explains Chrystal. Corey Glass went AWOL from the Indiana National Guard in 2006 and fled to Canada, unaware that he’d been […]