NSA Surveillance Leaker Identified [COB6]

| December 17, 2008

Patterico has a great piece up on what should be done with this particular scumbag.

But, speaking as someone who believes the NSA surveillance program was probably illegal –but who recognizes that there are legitimate arguments to the contrary — I think he’s a criminal. And Isikoff’s story reinforces my view strongly. Because the article (together with other research I have done on Tamm, set forth below) shows him to be an anti-Bush partisan who didn’t even know the details of the program, but notified reporters in part because of an anti-Bush bias, and a disagreement with other actions by the Bush Administration, some of which were indisputably legal. Isikoff tells us:

Tamm concedes he was also motivated in part by his anger at other Bush-administration policies at the Justice Department, including its aggressive pursuit of death-penalty cases and the legal justifications for “enhanced” interrogation techniques that many believe are tantamount to torture.

So he was motivated to disclose a secret program in part because of a perfectly legal aggressive approach to the death penalty that he just happened to disagree with. Hmmm.

Uncle Jimbo, one of my partners in crime from Blackfive, also weighed in:

We now have the name of someone who almost certainly broke a number of laws to salve his own spineless conscience. I vote for flogging then hanging, but I’m a little touchy about national security.

As most of you know I am a very sensitive person and would certainly never condone hanging a US citizen for exercising his freedom of speech.

Stop laughing and work with me people.

The problem is that this wasn’t an act of free speech, it was nothing less than treason.

And treason pisses me off!

Tamm admits in the interview that he didn’t know what the program was all about and that he was upset that Isikoff didn’t run the story in time to undermine the President in the 2004 election.

What do you call it when a “whistle blower” has no idea what a program is but leaks it anyway to influence an election and undermine a Commander in Chief during a time of war? Treason. Fairly simple actually, simple treason.

Treason has always been a fairly big deal in our country. In fact, it is the only crime specifically outlined in the Constitution (Article 3, Section III).

Of course the penalty for treason is death (as it should be) and some states still allow Uncle Jimbo’s recommendation of hanging. Naturally, I view hanging as barbaric and so 18th century.

I was actually thinking more like the 15th century.

Specifically, a solution made famous by Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia. Remember his solution for treason (and even minor misdemeanors for that matter) was impaling.

For those of you unfamiliar with the art of impaling, please do an image search of the good Prince. You will quickly see why I think it would be so appropriate during this festive time of year.

Category: Politics

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Words are difficult to come by here. Tattoo him with a giant mockery of Mohammed and drop him into Taliban territory. Then make the editors and “reporters” who published the story watch, as their turn would be next.

“Hate” can’t describe my feeling for these scum.


This is the same guy who is on the cover of newsweek. I just sawt he title and got mad and refused to look further Newsweek is calling him a hero. I just call him a Traitor.


This POS really, really needs to meet up with Vlad. But, I’m thinking that’s too good for him. Again, the media treats someone who betrayed their country for his own squishy reasons as a hero. As for Newsweek, screw em, who reads them? Their circulation is as anemic as the NYT, LAT and WaPo. Hopefully they’ll take their place on the ash heap soon.
Maybe old Pinch Sulzberger can mortgage his building to stay alive a few more months, but who cares? His rag is irrelevant now. That’s what he gets for being a traitorous a**hole.


This guy moved from a small house in Kensignton to a big house in Potomac about the 2006 timeframe.

Follow the money…


Newsweek is calling this guy a hero?! Our country is doomed.


I believe we need to revist the Meade Method:

Tar, feather and place on mule facing the mule’s business end. Circle around DC several times. Retar, Refeather, Repeat.

General Meade did the same to a Philadelphia Inquirer reporter who crossed him.

AW1 Tim

Nope. As much as I like the tar & feathers bit, that needs to be reserved for certain politicians.

This guy needs to be hung from the nearest lamp post by his own intestines, and left there for awhile as an example to others.

Seize all of his personal possessions, his house, his car, his bank accounts, etc, and sell them. Give the money thus gained to a charity to support the families of wounded US Servicemen so they can stay close by and lend support to them while they recuperate.

Of this guys kids lose their college funds, their family home, are out in the cold, then too damned bad. Maybe others will think twice about doing crap like this.


People! People! This is the season when you should be compromising. Let Skye do her tar-n-feathers bit first. And then procede to flogging. And finally conclude with the grand impaling, supervised by COB6. And remember to be generous and save some of the extra tar-n-feathers for the staff at Newsweak (no, not a typo).


I say an Amen! to all the above. If we took care of all the traitors in this country, think of all the parking spaces that would available, especially around DC.
(having lived in CA for way too long a time, parking spaces are a special issue for me…)