Eric Fanning; the new Army Secretary

Yes, my inbox is chocked full of your emails about the Presidential nomination for John McHugh’s replacement as the Secretary of the Army. That nominee seems to be Eric Fanning whose only real qualifications to hold the job is that he knows how to find his new office. Well, that and he knows his way around the penis. From APF;
Fanning has been active in gay rights and served on the board of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, a group that aims to increase “the number of openly LGBT officials at all levels of government.”
He has held an array of different posts in Congress and at the Pentagon over the past 25 years, including as special assistant and chief of staff to Defense Secretary Ash Carter.
“Eric brings many years of proven experience and exceptional leadership to this new role,” Obama said in a statement.
Every article that I can find mentions his sexual deviancy as a check mark on his resume. In fact, the whole New York Times article is about how gay he is and how the Army needs a gay Secretary, and how happy the gay community is that he’s been nominated;
Gay rights groups hailed Mr. Fanning’s appointment.
“We are thrilled to see Eric Fanning nominated to lead the world’s greatest army,” said Ashley Broadway-Mack, the president of the American Military Partner Association, a support organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender military families. “History continues to be written and equality marches forward with the nomination of an openly gay man to serve in this significantly important role.”
The Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights organization, called Mr. Fanning “the perfect choice to lead the world’s best-trained, most dedicated and formidable army.”
I guess it doesn’t matter that he’s never served in the Army, like some of the other choices that were passed over. Somehow being gay makes him more qualified than say, Patrick Murphy, an actual Iraq War veteran. I’m not saying that Fanning’s qualifications are diminished by his deviancy, I’m saying there are many more qualified people for the job. Everyone is focused on his sexual preference for the penis, as if that will somehow win the war and save the lives of the troops. I’d like someone to explain that to me.
I’d also like CNN to explain this headline to me;

Category: Army News
Okay, I’m going to take the positive side of this. If the Secy/Army is a gay guy, no doubt his solution to mixed gender units will be to put gay men with straight women and lesbians with straight men.
That should put an end to the entire problem of sex in the military and the need for a SHARP program.
What?!? I was thinking creatively. Okay, I was giggling, too.
I kind of enjoy hanging out with lesbians. We get to hang out and talk about hot chicks. Your idea has merit.
My thoughts EXACTLY! LOL!
Except for when they beat you at arm wrestling…
Or keep bumming your Copehagen and always 3 finger a dip…
Hey, that actually might work…
Its too early in the morning. I ain’t got the words.
Just count all the others who have zero experience King Barry has put into positions over the years.
It makes you wonder if Barack likes the D’ himself with as much as he’s pro-gay people.
It’s really very simple. The American people showed (twice!) that you don’t need relevant experience even to be POTUS. So why should experience matter for any of the jobs below POTUS? Y’all have unrealistic expectations…
Gay, leftist, activist… I’m thinking it’s going to be like having Dan Savage in charge.
Army Strong and loves the Dong. At least he hasn’t said anything about whacking his little wiener off. I don’t know WTF is wrong with some of these people.
He probably always wanted to play Sexatary and likes to Head things.
Did you ever see a Twink get pissed? They can really pitch a hissy fit. He will be looking forward to all them big strong men falling out at formation.
Its time for the squeal “Brokeback Bureaucrats”.
I guess the SMA will call his weekly meeting with the SOTA “Over the Hump” day.
Never click on my links, I dont think you are ready to see the future.
Great Camo!! You’d never spot that twink in a lingerie store.
You’re on a roll this morning Dave. Well done.
Some of the best ones might put Jonn’s panties in a bind if I post them.
I guess you never know what is going in the rear echelon these days.
If leading by example is still in vogue, Jonn better be careful where he puts those cigars.
I can see a lot of changes in the pipe. Jonn better bone up.
No more 96 passes. He will only be giving ’68’ passes. He’ll do you and you will owe him one.
“…all them big strong men falling out at formation.”
Will you pleethe thtop it.
My thideth are hutting.
Wouldn’t SecNAV have been a better choice? (Sorry couldn’t help it.)
Ya hadda go there, didn’t ya?
It’s ok if you are underway, but it’s kind of queer if you are at the peer.
It’s only gay if you make eye contact or push back
Hey…watch your mouth! 😉
This bozo doesn’t even live in the same universe as normal folks. I’m talking about both POTUS and his new Army Secretary nominee.
He might be qualified, who knows, but the timing of this and what how Obummer is attempting to further his own personal agenda at the expense of the military cannot be overlooked.
If you fail at foreign policy, attempt to bolster domestic policy instead!
Yes, “diversity hires” can be competent. It’s just not the way to bet.
And the re-enlistment rate will drop, the kids going in will slow to a crawl and next will be libs calling for a draft.
Hide and watch…
I agree.
I can only imagine there will be a huge backlash in the rank and file.
They will not respect him.
First, I am a cynic.
Second, in case you didn’t notice there is going to be an election next year. The president, the House of Representatives, and one third of the Senate is up for election.
Third, is there any way for the Senate Republicans to object to this individual that won’t be used as ammunition against them in the fall?
Fourth, the Senate has confirmed this guy to be:
Deputy Under Secretary, Department of the Navy
Under Secretary of the Air Force
Fifth, he also worked as:
DOD, special assistant to SecDef, White House Liaison
Deputy Director, Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism
CBS News, Associate producer, Foreign and National Desks
White House, Associate director of Political Affairs
Like him or not, this guy has the work and political credentials to get confirmed now and he has been confirmed in the past. Objecting to him because he is gay serves those other people. Objecting to him at all allows those other people to accuse the objector of homophobia regardless of the actual reason.
Why is it that the democrats seem to be able to regularly exercise this sort of political judo and the republicans can’t do it? Why do we allow ourselves to keep the current Senate Majority Leader and Speaker? What dunderheads!
I object to him because he is Gay. I object to it because he makes a point of prancing his Gayness around. I object to him because a Twink that loves dick can not lead men.
One can not simply take it up the ass, profess it to the world, and effectively enhance our Combat Effectiveness.
He’s a Fag. No amount of social re-engineering is going to change that. I won’t attempt to take over the hairdressing profession, one who gargles with gonads should not be in charge of men.
I already reported myself, Jonn has turned into a porch monkey since the funding came through for the Estate Expansion.
He is probably too liquored up on cheap Scotch and Cigars to check the reported comments right now.
Well, at least you are honest.
I’m sure that you are one of the guys that runs around Spartan this and Spartan that not realizing that the Spartans were gays and pedophiles. Saying that a person’s sexual orientation determines what kind of leader or a warrior he is is fucking retarded. I have served with guys in SOF that were openly gay and no one doubted their leadership skills. Shit the military is full of officers and NCOS that are the biggest pervs in the world. I worked with a guy who liked being dressed up in a diaper and spanked yet he was a great Blackhawk pilot.
No one is saying he’s incompetent because he’s gay. I’m only concerned that the media thinks that’s his sole skill and that it qualifies him to do the job.
When one uses the word retarded in a derogatory way it instantly makes most people stop listening. Just FYI.
Retarded was once a perfectly good descriptor. The Libtard, PC’ers are the ones that gave it its current negative connotation. In fact, I date the PC movement from the demonization of the word and its replacement with Developmentaly Disabled.
It’s not the word ‘retarded’ per de, it’s the fact that people use it in a derogatory manner- for instance ‘libtard’.
Excuse me, Steve, but you apparently don’t know much about Sparta or Spartans. There were laws against pederasty and homosexuality in ancient Sparta.
Here’s a little reference for you:
‘No myth about Sparta is as persistent and controversial as the claim that pederasty and homosexuality dominated Spartan society. Even highly reputable historians such as Paul Cartledge subscribe to this theory. However, the evidence against it is, in my opinion, compelling.
Xenophon, the only historian with firsthand experience of the agoge (his sons attended it!), states explicitly: “… [Lycurgus] … laid down that in Sparta lovers should refrain from molesting boys, just as much as parents avoid having intercourse with their children or brothers with their sisters.” It is hard to find a more definitive statement than this, and from the most credible source. To dismiss this evidence simply because it does not suit preconceived ideas is arrogant.
Xenophon adds: “It does not surprise me, however, that some people do not believe this, since in many cities the laws do not oppose lusting after boys.” This is the crux of the matter. All of our written sources on Sparta come from these other cities, where pederasty was rampant. In short, the bulk of the written record on Sparta stems from men who could not imagine a world without it. But then, they also could not imagine women who were educated, physically fit, and economically powerful, who were not also licentious and lewd. Modern readers ought to recognize that pederasty is not inherent in society – particularly not in a society where women are well integrated.’
Here’s a link to that page. Read the part about Spartan laws.
I believe you meant ATHENS and the rest of Greece, not Sparta.
Depends on which historian you want to believe. My issue is how nobody is addressing the bigotry of the comments that I was replying. Go ahead and defend the comment that a gay guy can’t be a leader
So, what you’re saying is “I was totally wrong, but don’t pay any attention to that.”?
So, Steve, you’re disputing Xenophon’s report, when he was there? What kind of a nitwit are you?
There is nothing wrong with telling the truth. No matter how you cut it, MSM is abnormal and unhealthy. I invite you the CDC site that address this behavior:
So, whatever happened to an expectation that leaders were supposed set the best examples and not engage in bad behavior? It doesn’t matter who has engaged in this behavior historically. It is abnormal and unhealthy, we should have the courage to say so.
A man’s penchant to suck another man shouldn’t be a resume dot point.
Spartans? WTF are you talking about? I don’t care how your tap your feet in the shithouse stall next to me buddy.
I don’t care if you enjoy diapers and gerbils up your ass. If your a prostate princess more power to you.
But, if you get up in everybody’s face about how queer your ass is, don’t expect the rest of us to follow you anywhere.
Hell, I like midgets and have a fantasy to be with a woman that is deaf, dumb and owns a liquor store.
He is not just homosexual, he has to prance about it, he is a Fag, a Queer, a Twink, he craves the one eyed trouser worm. Nah, he is not the man for the job, probably not the man for much of anything come to think of it.
Later Pussy.
I object to this for several reasons:
1 – I worked with a LOT of gay PEOPLE when I was in prepress graphics production. All they cared about was earning a living. They worked hard and did not whine – EVER – about anything.
2 – The ‘in your face’ part – telling people right up front that they’re gay – appears to be more important to the people who do that than giving you their credentials or resumes. That means that they have a chip on their shoulder about what they are. They are NOT interested in presenting their work history first, which is far more important than their sex lives and other personal shit.
When the headlines read “Gay” Secretary of the Army nominated vs the same thing minus the word Gay, it kinda makes you wonder “why”? Why do they feel as if they have to use who you bang as part of a job announcement?
When was the last time we saw the headline “Heterosexual Man Nominated…” or “Single Woman Chosen…”?
That’s what I thought.
“That means that they have a chip on their shoulder …”
“The ‘in your face’ part”. And now the Army knows how Catholics feel with regards to the White House guest list for the Papal visit. The administration never passes on an opportunity to offend those it disagrees with.
At least the WH is consistent!
I am curious as to what the Congressional Black Caucasus has to say about this.
‘Is there any way for the Senate Republicans to object to this individual that won’t be used as ammunition against them in the fall?’
If the GOPers are remotely smart, they’ll let this thing go right on through and wait for it to backfire. Every administration chooses its own SecDef and Sec/Various branches, right?
This is a fart bubble in the cat box. Nothing else, and if you think it’s anything other than bodaprez thumbing his nose at the rest of us (see, I can do what I want to!) like the smarmy brat he is, you’re reading too much into it.
For the Under Secretary of the Air Force, Fanning was examined by the Senate Armed Services committee. Assuming that the same protocol will be followed for this nomination, the Chairman is John McCain. The committee includes Tom Cotton, Lindsay Graham, Joni Ernst, Ted Cruz, the ever popular Joe Manchin (sorry Jonn), and several others. One can wonder how the confirmation hearing will go?
The Republicans should thank the president for pointing out that Mr. Fanning is active in the gay community, congratulate the president on finding such a well-qualified gay person for such an important job, and then confirm him straightaway.
All those deputy slots don’t necessarily qualify him for the top spot. A lot of good staff sergeants never made SFC, for any number of reasons.
Agreed. On the other hand, if he had not served in deputy positions, I would wonder if he was qualified to do the job and if he knew anything about it. SSGs don’t always get promoted but we don’t put PFCs into the job either. The knife cuts both ways.
At least “Fanning joked that he wanted to dispel rumors that he would order all the planes painted pink.”
That’s because everyone knows that chartreuse is the in color this season. Line up the vehicles at the paint shops.
I thought it was mauve this season… or was it fuchsia?
Silly savage!!!
It’ll be fuchia for next season, for now, the army will be stuck with chartreuse.
The new uniforms will be mauve. And, in a sweeping move, Fanning has declared that PXs will only carry the new Rainbow Doritos. All other types of Doritos are being removed already.
The Army is more into earth-tones this time of year.
I was thinking more along the lines of a rainbow-colored hash/stripe on Class A’s.
It would bring new meaning to wearing your sexuality on your sleeve…..
Need some “culture”… SPEW ALERT!!!
So does soon-to-be Secretary Fanny (*OOP*, Fanning) have any other credentials other than being a big fanny-puffer activist and a media darling?
I reckon this changes the results of answering the question “Are you now or have you ever been a homosexual?”
1965: Answer: NO, Result: Accepted for induction.
2015: Answer: NO, Result: Refused Induction.
Homosexuality in the military progression through the years:
First forbidden, then ignored, then allowed, now it’s open. Next step is mandatory.
So glad I did my time back when it was forbidden.
End Rant.
Funny thing, though. I just looked at the DD Form 398 I filled out when I was inducted in February 1971 and no where does the question of sexual orientation appear.
“Are you now or ever have been a homosexual?” must have been a “Stripes” thing.
Here’s a true story:
I remember taking a draft physical in Oakland during the Summer of ’69. The drill, as you might recall, was that you stripped down to underwear and shoes-no-socks, and carrying a file folder, went from station to station where they checked your various body parts. At the time, one of the people going with the flow was a guy wearing black lace silk panties.
So… we’re at the part where we’re lined up in a room getting checked for a hernia or whatever, and this bored doctor tells the black-panty guy to bend over and cough. And the black-panty guy giggles like a little girl.
At that point, the exam sort of melted down with people literally rolling on the floor laughing.
Not sure what happened to him, but Mr. Victoria’s Secrets model wasn’t around after that…
During my physical we were lined up facing the walls and told to bend over and spread our cheeks. The doc came by and tapped us with a ruler if we passed muster, so to speak. At one point there was a loud smack of ruler striking flesh while the doc hollered “the other cheeks”.
our doctor told us to bend over, spread our cheeks and smile at the woman across the street. LOL, I’d forgotten all about that.
It was included in security clearance paperwork once upon a time though.
I do recall when Hack enlisted, his psychiatric examination consisted of three questions.
1. Have you ever engaged in homosexual behavior?
2. Have you ever been arrested for an alcohol related incident?
Have you ever taken any illegal narcotics?
As far as I can remember, way back in the day when Hack was on Recruiting Duty, there was a question on the enlistment form regarding homosexual activity. We had one recruit wuss out and refused to ship. When the other enlistees ask why he never shipped, I just said “He answered yes on Question XX (or whatever number it was).
One of those questions has been replaced: “Have you ever bought a meal at Chik-fil-a?
I was directly asked “Are you a homosexual?” when I first enlisted in ’91 before the Clinton Curse began.
In July 93 when I went to the recruiter, it was on his questionnaire. That was right after the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” non-resolution resolution came out.
The recruiter just scratched it out on the spot. They hadn’t updated the forms yet.
Yeah, well when I met Dr. Boris at the MEPS station in 1979, there was one question EVERYONE got during the netherlands portion of the examination … “So do you like women?”
Anyone who graduated the examination was expected to say YES!
That question isn’t asked on any enlistment document. The biggest change after the repeal was removing homosexual conduct from the “Restrictions on Personal Conduct in the Armed Forces” briefing at MEPS. Also, what makes you think one wouldn’t be able to enlist if he/she answered “no” to that question if it were asked?
It was on the form I filled out in the recruiters office in 1986. Followed by a question asking if I intended to become a homosexual.
Maybe then, but he mentioned 2015, and that’s what I was referring to.
I remember being asked if I had ever conducted a homosexual act. The next question was if I planned on it in the future. How is one supposed to answer the second question? “No, Ive never sucked dick before, but I like to keep my options open”?
As an army officer I really don’t care about his sexuality. But if the only thing you can say about his qualifications is that he’s gay and has been an office lackey his whole career I don’t like the idea of him making decisions for the army. Could Obama not have found a homosexual that has actually served his country? Clearly he had an agenda at play that did not include putting our soldiers first.
Personally I don’t give a rat’s ass about being gay, but they are using it the same way as the media did with Michael Sam so he could ge ta spot in the NFL.
I wonder how his past positions, no pun, as a Deputy to the Deputy Secretary of the Navy and Deputy Secretary of the Air Force make his so qualified for the Secretary of the Army. Other of course than knowing how not to get lost in the Pentagon hallway and knowing the right people.
He has served, just not in the military.
Don’t be so worried about his lack of military service, it’s not really a job requirement for SecArmy.
Service secretaries are Title 10 guys; they are on the institutional and business end of things. They implement the presidents’ policy for the service as well as work on budget and acquisition issues. The Service Chiefs (Milley, in the case of the Army) work for them and oversee the Organize, Train, and Equip end of Title Ten, which includes doctrine, training, capabilities development, etc.
What you Soldiers should be worried about is the fact that he came over from the Air Force by way of OSD, so he is probably an Aerospace Power advocate- in other words, probably the only thing closeted about him is that he buys in to Air Sea Battle, which is bad news for the Army.
What you Soldiers should be worried about is the fact that he came over from the Air Force by way of OSD, so he is probably an Aerospace Power advocate- in other words, probably the only thing closeted about him is that he buys in to Air Sea Battle, which is bad news for the Army.
While you are correct about the Title 10 authorities, they are very expansive. The SECARMY approves/Signs all the Army Regulations and issues the guidance for all promotion boards, so he does have a significant amount of power.
When will we simply put the best person for the job in office. Not saying this guy is or isn’t but what does one’s gender, sexual preference, ethnicity, or anything else have to do with their ability to do the job?
At the ground level you see Americans of all types working together. A black city council member, female cop, or a gay high school teacher are treated as equals and not placed on a pedestal or stomped underfoot. I guess national (and even state) media and politics have their crusade to support. If my next civilian boss is gay, why should I care? More importantly, why should I know? Bringing sexual orientation into the picture is the mark of a degenerate. I guess I’ll start advertising as a BDSM aficionado. 🙂
‘Bringing sexual orientation into the picture is the mark of a degenerate.’
It is also a giveaway that someone has a chip on his/her shoulder and is daring you to knock it off.
Years ago while on vacation in the Caribbean, my wife commented that almost everyone working in our small hotel seemed to be gay. I pointed out to her that if a hotel or restaurant manager was a gay male, he almost always hired and staffed with the same. Subsequent years of travel confirmed this for her.
Now I ask you, who’s been in charge for the past seven years while all these homosexuals have been getting hired and promoted?
I hate to break it to you but no one has been in charge. There is some guy living in the White House but he doesn’t want to be in charge of anything.
There’s a reason his n
(damned fingers) (try again)
There’s a reason BOdaPreezy’s nickname is “Boathouse Barry”.
And don’t even go into Moochelle and their relationship. . . .
As a future Drill Sergeant candidate, I’ve been practicing cadence and creating new ones. Professionalism deters me from attempting a new cadence on this subject, but I suspect that new lines could be added to “S&M Man”…
“This is my rifle, this is my gun…”
Don’t know how much he knows about rifles, but..?
No, that’s the old version.
The new version is as follows:
These are my fingers.
This is my thumb.
This is for sucking.
These are for fun.
(Pulling the trigger requires fingers, ergo, can be fun.)
If he was qualified for the job he would be the first one in this administration of racial/gender/sexual politics.
Fanning …sounds way too much like Manning.
I sence a gummint conspiracy.
“I’m not saying that Fanning’s qualifications are diminished by his deviancy…” Well, I am! He’s a know nothing, do nothing Obama lackey and nothing more. Period!
He’s going to do nothing more than further deteriorate our military fighting force to new lower than low levels of readiness and efficiency. No experience, nothing to bring to the job except perhaps, breaking in new interns in the Pentagon men’s rooms and turning the Army into a gay pride parade. Damn but if it ain’t going from bad to worse faster than I could imagine. Obama is so fucking proud of himself for further diminishing America at home and in the eyes of the world. His whole and sole purpose since he took office has been to reduce America’s greatness in every way possible. January 20th 2017 cannot come soon enough for me!
Upcoming election? check.
Nominate an absolutely unqualified, openly gay SecDef? Check.
Republicans either:
Engage in “rampant Neanderthal AQ/IS-like homophobia” (because why else would you object…)
Roll over and allow “JSTRM” to “run” the armed forces, probably “run into the ground”.
Either way, Dems rack up major, major points for their base, especially the “Left of Alpha Centauri” crowd.
Actually, this is a pretty shrewd move on s0meone’s part. If Congress actually balks, the next nominee will be an openly Lesbian or Trans (probably Y->X) with even -less- qualification for the actual job.
Result? Even more own-goal hilarity from the befuddled Rino-publicans.
Brilliant move, actually. Hat tip. Now if only s0meone was this adroit at bolloxing Vlad or the chief weird-beards of Persia.
In is not accurate to say he has no qualifications. Just that they are not particularly exceptional qualifications. And it should not matter if he is gay or not.
However, despite the fact that he has worked in government and think tanks on defense and military issues for decades, and served as the acting secretary of the Air force for the last two years; his qualifications overall are pretty thin.
But he is a politically connected career bureaucrat so not surprised that he was “tapped” for the position.
Well, I think I have the answer to all your problems, and the best part is, this person will not only put us back in the black, but I’am sure you’ll see no more gays wanting to join our ranks, ” I SAY, LET’S PUT Mr. Donald Trump into the WHITE HOUSE” then we’ll see just how long these gays hang around for their next paycheck
Oh, I forgot to add this to the end of my comment,
Chaplain please forgive me for this post in advance.
It is a sad fucking day for the United States Army and a sadder fucking day for the United States of America.
Anyone who voted for Obama should look in the mirror and ask themselves, WTF have I done?
Protected our country from a sociopath like Romney.
Empty fake, consumed with personal ambition, disdain for the middle class, contempt for the working class, an outright disregard for his fellow citizens. Compassionless. And a wife as malevolent as he is.
The guy was a piece of work and only the ignorance of the republican base can push guys like Romney, Walker, and Trump into convention for our highest office.
You really think Romney would have been worse than Obama? I agree, it is our own fault for the presidential candidates we put forth for the last two elections. I could live with Trump. Like Rubio and trying to host him for a dinner here in Arkansas. ABC, anyone but Clinton and/or Sanders.
Thank you. How brave of you for saving us, Mr. Political Economy Degree.
Make sure you pass around what you are smoking Lars.
Oh you were describing Romney.
Because that was a word for word description of Obama.
Except you left out racist.
There once was a secretary named Fanning
Who would go out at night for some man’ing
When once to dismay, when he wanted to play,
he found Army men too demanding!
To borrow from Jonn’s humorous observation regarding CNN’s headline, oBaMa has tapped a great many gays since he has been living in our White House. The count was over 250 and I believe that was a 2013 count.
Carnac the Magnificent: Golfing and tapping gays. Golfing and tapping gays. Name one thing oBaMa is very bad at doing and one thing he is very good at doing.
“I hate that c—s—ker.”
“Please leave his sexual preference out of this.”
It’s Obama’s just giving the Army the middle finger.
Who really knows if Fanning really wanted the job? He may have been sucked into taking it.
Dakota Fanning is more of a man than this guy.