DC District Court of Appeals strikes down DC gun laws…again
The Hill reports that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, while upholding the city’s long gun registration, struck down some of the new laws that the District of Columbia wrote to mitigate the damage done by the Supreme Court to their attempts to take away gun rights of it’s citizens in 2008.
The court then struck down four requirements that force gun owners to bring the gun they’re registering with them, re-register a firearm every three years and pass a test on D.C. gun laws. The court also did away with a rule that prohibits gun owners from registering more than one pistol within a 30-day period.
“We agree with Heller that the District has not offered substantial evidence from which one could draw a reasonable conclusion that the challenged requirements will protect police officers; but we think the District has pointed to substantial evidence that some of the requirements — but not others — will promote public safety,” Judge Douglas Ginsburg wrote in the opinion of the court.
The District is proud of it’s gun control record, you know the one that has cost thousands of it’s citizens their lives over the past four decades. As of yesterday, the homicide rate in DC is 40% higher than it was last year, so they’re doing a bang-up job. The homicide closure rate for the Metro Police Department was only 70% last year, so the only justice citizens can find is in gun ownership, if the Nanny State will get out of their way.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
Another victory for you Gun Nutz. It is just a matter of time before one of the 6 people with a Concealed Carry Permit in DC starts using it to defend themselves.
You people are just promoting an escalation of the violence by making it easier for people to shoot others.
Wait until there are 12 or more people who are allowed to carry guns, this is going to get out of control.
“12 or more people”? In DC? Legally armed?
That’s crazytalk.
Then there are those inconvenient facts about firearm ownership in big cities.
That doesn’t happen moron.
None of the states that have concealed carry have turned into the wild, wild west with shootouts between permitted people.
Instead you stupid libs think that people not having the means to defend themselves is a good thing.
I can tell your life has never been saved by a gun.
Mine has, TWICE !!!
I think Dave Hardin was being sarcastic and making an ironic joke.
Who me? Nah, I would never do that. Sarcasm, its just a free service I offer.
Be sure to regularly update your Sarcasm Recognition Software.
Oh, they’ll just come up with more bullshit to slow roll the process. If there is one thing the DC “leadership” is, it’s imaginative.
Did the court strike the law that made the posession of one misfired shotgun shell, one .270 brass, receipts for ammunition, and gun cleaning kits in one’s home illegal?
I did notice that “The court also did away with a rule that prohibits gun owners from registering more than one pistol within a 30-day period.”
That’s good because it can be used against NJs’ 1 gun a month law, showing it to be unconstitutional.
*GASP!* DC’s Gun Laws being struck down in court? What’s next? This could lead to law-abiding people in DC being able to legally carry a concealed firearm and able to wound or kill a criminal, thus denying some POOR “victim of society” his piece of “redistributed wealth” OH, THE HORROR!!!
I’ll not be happy until the Feds declare the “good and substantial reason” requirement to carry concealed, unconstitutional.
When are people going to learn and wake up to the fact that gun control laws ONLY affect people who follow the law to begin with. Criminals don’t follow the law, that is kind of one of the things that make them criminals….
As of September 18th there have been 111 homicides in Washington DC this year. How many of those murders were committed by weapons registered under the DC laws? I think the answer is zero. In my opinion the city argued that laws that made it harder for someone to purchase a gun would help to reduce crime. But the people who bought the guns used in the crimes didn’t go through the legal process.
Everyone knows the joke about the drunk looking for his keys under the street light because the light is better. Making that light brighter doesn’t help the drunk because his keys are down the street in the dark. The City Council can keep turning up the light but nothing will change – the keys aren’t there. It doesn’t matter how hard they look at law abiding people – how hard they make it for law abiding people to purchase weapons – they aren’t the ones killing DC citizens. In effect they prevented law abiding people from possessing guns in DC and it made no difference because those people and their purchasing and possession do not cause the problem.
It seems to me that the only explanation for this conversation and legislative behavior is that half of the US population is below average. I am forced to concede that, based on what I see here, DC has at least it’s fair share.
Legalizing firearms is only half the battle.
It must also be legal for private citizens to use those firearms in combatting the criminal element.