Brandon Garrison; that victimless stolen valor crime

| September 5, 2015

Brandon Garrison

We wrote about Brandon Garrison back in July. He was a fobbit in Afghanistan who hardly ever left his airconditioned office in the Korengal Valley back in 2007, but he played the wounded hero when he returned from that deployment. Even telling a Gold Star mother about the last minutes of her son’s life even though he was no where near the scene of his death. Stars & Stripes writes the long version of Garrison’s lies;

The TV news camera panned up the length of Garrison as he stood leaning on a cane in February 2015 near his home in the Kansas City area. A local nonprofit had rushed an Austrian Shepherd service dog named Taz to the disabled veteran’s side for emergency support to help him cope with his war injuries and the recent death of his father, who was also his caretaker.

The donation was part of the local outpouring for the young veteran. In 2014, Garrison stood in front of a crowd of 50,000 gathered for a Memorial Day celebration at Kansas City’s Union Station to accept the keys to a donated home. It was given through a program to house veterans called Roofs for Troops run by the nonprofit Nehemiah Community Reinvestment Fund, which did not return requests for comment.

He was handed a big paper key as a symbol of the community’s support for his military service.

“Remembering all the people who have lost their lives,” Garrison said at the time when asked by a local news crew what the day meant to him.

The dog, house and attention came as Garrison began speaking publicly about his PTSD and the raft of ailments he suffered following his return from Afghanistan, including TBI that caused bouts of vertigo.

It was the people who were there in the Korengal who busted Garrison for his lies, his supervisor, the folks who were actually with Chris Wilson when he died. They got tired of seeing Garrison in the media, on HBO specials, gathering up free stuff and attention that real combats had earned for him while he inventoried auto parts.

There was also the long friendship that Garrison had with Ilka Halliday, Chris Wilson’s mother who Garrison had approached with his story of holding Wilson in his arms when Wilson died. She came on TAH back in July and told us how Garrison lies have affected her. I just don’t have the words. But, you should read the whole S&S article – they did a good job of demonstrating how hunting these valor thieves isn’t just “exposing the latest fake Marine at the mall” as a renowned novelist told me just last night. It’s certainly not the victimless crime that the Supreme Court called it.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Weekend Warrior in Texas

How can he sleep at night? I am troubled by shit I did when I was four years old. I guess some people know no shame. Is it their upbrining? My Grandparents, Great-grandparents and God parents would line up behind my parents to bust my butt for telling lies and acting a fool. Damn Germans. I sure learned about shame though.


Some people need to line up behind this wart on the ass of humanity and give him some REAL injuries!


That scumbag needs to be brought up on charges.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Another GOOGLE pimp slap for Brandon “Stolen Valor Blue Falcon” Garrison…

May he rot in Hell for the lies and pain he has told!


According to Stars and Stripes this buttnugget gets 70% disability from the VA. As near as I can tell that’s more than $1500 a month, plus the free house and the other support he has been given since he came home. Who says shitbirdery doesn’t pay?


He needs to go to jail for fraud for this shit…
What a sleazy puke fuck this asshole is. To do that to a Gold Star Mother is beyond the pale as a human being and no amount of shame could ever be enough…


Why isn’t his benefits reduced and why no charges? So, he gets away with lying. Isn’t he the shit that told a soldiers mom her son died in his arms. Got a dog and house? Please BUDDHA give me the strength not to be a murderer by putting two in the face of every lying Poser??

Just an Old Dog

He got away with it. Unless he presented forged documents to the VA there isn’t shit that can be done. All the right shit came out on the labs and the shrink figured he’s fucked in the head.
Another shit bag that gamed the system. He’s keeping it all and laughing all the way to the bank the 1st of the month.
But there is always Karma. The Putty-Dough faced cocksucker looks too fucking stupid to live off of 22 K a year,, He’s going to get into deby,, take a mortgage out and lose the house. mark my words. And when he whines for help the Veteran Groups are going to tell him to fuck himself.

MSG Eric

If he is single with no dependents, at 70% he would get $1334.71 a month (tax free). It didn’t mention if he had a wife or kids, though there’s more money for that.

I’m guessing he used this story to stack up on the PTSD rating which is why his rating is so high. The VA might want to do a review of his case with this story being out in the open….


A comment posted on the July thread says he married in May 2015, and the girl he married has a four year old child.

Based on that, if he was drawing a 70% single rate, it’s an assumption that he has since refiled to start drawing a with dependents rate.


Claw 131. I think he is getting way more them that. 70 percent is one condition and not all 53 !!!!!

MSG Eric

Gotcha, then its 1530.71 then. Though it is strange how they determine what ratings and percentages are.

I still say they need to review this case because if this story is the basis for his high rating, then he has some ‘splainin’ to do.


68W. the article also said something about 10 percent on top of 70 for PTSD. because he would not state all conditions, but they said he was being tracked for 53 !!!!
I’m confused !!!!!!

MSG Eric

He “might” have multiple claims to request disability for. However, even if your “total” rating is 300%, they will determine a “combined” rating for you and that is your determined percentage.

So, he might very well have 530% “total” rating, but they aren’t going to pay him for it all. Only what they deem his combined rating for what he’s capable or incapable of doing.

Granted, the disability rating system is confusing. Even doc’s at the VA don’t fully understand how it works and why. (i.e., 80% rating is 1551.48 for a “single” Veteran, but 100% is 2906.83, which is about 45% more than 1551.48)


I’ve been through it. 🙂
it’s now called the IDES ??
Army rates you and the VA he may have gone through the Legacy, witch was before IDES. It’s the new system that is supposed to be more fair. because the old one you would have the Army Rating 0 on PTS and the VA 50 percent and so on. I had 10 conditions that rated me 100 percent Army / VA Plus CRSC And P&T and Dumb Ass me was Fighting to stay in the army to the end. I hired Docs out of my pocket to see it my way and the Army Still Retired Me. it’s a really Sore Issue With me, I would give all of my medical issues to any POS if I could have the old me back. and I know for a fact about 16 other guys like me from my MEDVAC Co. that I was in that would do the same in a Heart Beat. I’ve seen Shit Bags like this Turd When I Was moved to a WTU in Arizona. that where Playing the GodDamn System and it pissed me off. I was a Tac-Ops NCOIC for a Big area in Iraq and it was my Business to Now, the Who, What, When, and Where I had to do Briefings every week to every other week. plus many other things. so to my suprise the BS war story’s when I was shipped back to CONUS. PISSED ME OFF… 🙁


I apologize… for the Rant… but Shit Flakes like this Jack Ass PISS ME OFF.
there are so many people out here that will Help You now days and all you have to be is yourself. why is it so hard to be yourself ????
this shit flake needs a can of whoop ass. for what he did to the Gold Star mom. and then another for trashing his service and shaming his brothers and sisters in arms

MSG Eric

Glad to see the therapy is paying off Skippy.

I feel your pain though, there are those in Mother Army who think they know what’s best, but just end up screwing certain people and elevating dirtbags.


I lose track of my Meds sometimes so I cut them in half the head shrink I think is crazier then me LMAO ,


Disgusting, all the way around.

Mike Kozlowski

…Just read the S&S article. I am trying to wrap my head around what this bastard did to Chris Wilson’s family, but I can’t. He is, simply and directly put, a monster.



There are no words. But there should be. “Base” comes close. Why hasn’t Paul Kersey solved this problem?


H/T for the Kersey reference. Some night, when this assnugget and everyone else is out of that house, it’d be a shame if something happened to it. And, his vehicle.


Definitely a strong contender for a #1 seed. SMH

A Proud Infidel®™

I see him making The Fecal Four at the very least!


One of the worst pieces of shit it has been my misfortune to learn of. Tell you war story lies if you will, like many have and do. But to insinuate your life of lies into the grief and sorrow born by a Gold Star mother goes beyond the pale of just a phony in my book. I can only hope this community comes to their senses with this truth of Garrison and kicks him out of the house he never deserved and takes the dog he never needed. Also I hope the VA prosecutes him for fraud. All that is still far less than he will ever deserve. He deserves Leavenworth and that would just be a start.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ditto, Sparks. His con games for free stuff are bad enough, but what he did to that Gold Star mother is his guaranteed ticket to hell! I noticed that he “spoke” someplace in Kansas City, I hope that’s where he lives, big town, lots of places and ways for him to “have an accident”, just sayin’…


Sparks. I agree on almost all that you have said. the one item that I agree with in the story is he is BAT SHIT CRAZY and that’s all


Where This SHIT BAG Crossed the line in a Total Way was Screwing over a
Blue Star Mom !!! ……. WTF ! !
it goes over the TOP ! ! !
and to think he use to be a soldier. he no longer gets to claim any of that thanks to being a £€{|~~^% ..

Green Thumb


The Gold Star Mother angle is fucking low.

Dude has to be borderline sociopathic to do that sort of thing.

Similar to some of the posers showing up at funerals and comforting widows, families, etc.

A Proud Infidel®™

I concur, doing what he did to a GSM is sub-Dutch Rudder Gang low!

Climb to Glory

Agree. This dude is King Turd of Mount Shitmore. Fucking lowlife.


A free house? You know, the whole feel-good crowd is beginning to give me a headache. They do these things, they get all sorts of balloon/photo event reported and photographs for the local news, and then they are shown to have been conned, what happens?

I could use new front steps, two new commodes, a new furnace/air conditioner and a new kitchen, but that kind of thing just isn’t grandiose enough for them. No balloons, no service dogs, no paper keys to the house I don’t need.

If it weren’t so sickening to see a slime like Garrison get away with this kind of thing, it would be funny. It just is not funny.

A Proud Infidel®™

Even more sickening is what I read about Garrison wanting a different dog because he said that Austrian Shepherd was “scaring people”. According to the article, that outfit hurriedly moved Heaven and Earth to get him that first dog (I’ve heard that well-bred Austrian Shepherds aren’t cheap or easy to come by) and he wants something else handed to him. On the bright side, word of his con games is getting out more and more every day…


And what happens if he does finally get held up to the light of day, which is the entire purpose of SV investigation?

Does the house get returned to the feel-good people? Does the service dog go to someone who needs it? Is his VADC reduced to an appropriate amount, which I think is most likely $00? Does he face federal charges for defrauding people?

I want to see that happen. I want to see this jerk in a jumpsuit made of orange vinyl (hot, sweaty and sticks to your skin) getting out of a paddywagon, face dripping tears.

Those things could have gone to someone who needed them. This is beyond disgusting.

A Proud Infidel®™

I concur about him being herded around in a plastic orange jumpsuit in the summer heat. THAT or the same with him in MOPP4! 😀 And yes, just the thought of how many real Wounded Vets who really do need the help that Brandon Garrison (GH!)has conned good people out of…


I’ve Said this before and I’m saying it again WHY LIE ?????


Don’t get. Why do scumbags like this get the free houses and shit.

I mean, it just doesn’t make sense to me.

What a tool this guy is. I bet the new wife didn’t know about it either. That poor X hill thinks she is living with a hero, and all he is is a liar. Dam sad all around.


Should have said child. Stupid auto correct.


Turn off your autocorrect.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ain’t that auto-correct a real mother forklift joy to have sometimes? 😀

A Proud Infidel®™

It could be that said wife is just along for the free ride as well, I bet she’d divorce him as soon as she thought she found a better Sugar Daddy!


Bingo ^^^^^^^^

Green Thumb

Word has it that Chevy is available.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Chevy is ALWAYS available, IYKWIM


Green Thumb, you just grossed me out!


This entire story of a damnable liar fooling an entire city, not to mention victimizing a poor mother, drives me up the wall with contempt. When are we going to realize the opening act of this liar’s crowd pleasing story was in fact orchestrated by the V A ????????
They are in fact responsible for him getting this role. PERIOD!!!!! They obviously did NOT verify his stories; merely awarded him the disability check based on his line of bullshit. Wasn’t too many years back that a story had to be initiated by a claimant with vivid details to support a claim a disability justifying monthly compensation. No surprise to anyone posting on this site that records of combat are recorded on a daily basis (or at least used to be), detailing the events and members personally involved. In other words, proof was actually required and verified. Don’t give me the tired & worn out cliché about the V A being overworked and trying to extend “earned” disability checks to all who deserve. No, more a case of “Give out the checks, that way nobody will think we are anything less than compassionate and wanting to help all who deserve”. The asshole is a complete liar, while the V A is a total fraud enabler. They are no less guilty than the psycho who spins the yarn. Only difference is none at the at the V A will be held accountable for this regrettable event.

Silentium Est Aureum

I’d also like to know the “author” who is backing this bullshit.


Ask him he is the Author and a
legend in his own mind !

William C. Bradshaw

Under the Stolen Valor provisions, why couldn’t the appropriate groups (home donor, etc.) retrieve ill-gotten gains? I thought that whenever someone lies for profit………………… etc.


VA review his rating?
Give back the house and dog?

Fuck that!

“It felt real to me.” (From the Armytimes article)

If I could be in front of him at this very moment I would beat this mother fucker within an inch of his fucking excuse of a life. With my fists and my heels.

Not for the lies, but for the mental molestation he pushed onto a gold star Mom.

MSG Eric

Maybe we can do a vote to get him to be a roomie with Manning. Then he can be a “man” since Manning wants to be the woman.

William Shrum

All of these asshat lying scumbags should be hung by their nuts until Dead, Including my dear Brother!!