Sunday morning feel good stories

| September 6, 2015

Our first story this morning comes from Sullivan Valley, Indiana where an enterprising gentleman tried to turn his life around with the contents of someone’s medicine cabinet. He made such a ruckus that the homeowner was awakened by the noise and, gun in hand, confronted the fellow who immediately un-assed the AO at a high rate of speed, but not before the homeowner’s surveillance system got some pictures from every angle, so it’s only a matter of time before he’s a guest of the state.

In Vancouver, Washington some folks came home to find a burglar in their home, so they busted a cap in his direction which sent him squirting out the back door. Police rounded him up later from a description given by the victims and he was unharmed. Well, until he meets his new room mate, he was unharmed.

In Twin Falls, Idaho, Travis Wiersma fired a warning shot over the head of an intruder he found in his home and held him there until the police arrived.

Not many good news stories this weekend. Most of them are bad news. To find a DRT, I had to ride the search engines all the way to Johannesburg, South Africa where a resident shot an intruder in his home.

It’s not that home invasions and burglaries are fewer – there are hundreds in the news searches just in the last few days. I guess the criminals are getting better at picking their victims.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

No criminal “Shot where he stands” stories today? Could it be that the element is learning which homes to target? Like those with those nifty “Gun free zone” signs in front? Or the Prius with an Obama sticker in the driveway?


Perhaps word is getting around that homeowners actually do have guns and know how to use them… sort of.

B Woodman

Yeah, but do the bad guys want to take that chance on which homeowners have had range time, and which haven’t . . . sort of?


I suspected that a friend of a friend was ripping off medications from my cabinet. My friend who I love as a sister came up with a outrageous idea.
We went to buy bags of marbles. We took out the medications, put duct tape underneath and she filled the mirror to the top, closed and removed the tape.
I let my kids know that my cabinet was jiggy rigged. Few days later both come for homemade ice cream. She went to the bathroom and we stood outside the door. We heard her yell WTF. She came out, as I escorted her to the front door, I said “if I see you on the streets I’m kicking your ass. I would be doing it now, but the kids are home.
All meds are now kept in my gun safe.